Go The Distance
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Go The Distance: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,818 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
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The next five shows of the tour went flawlessly for Blaine, and Kurt enjoyed every minute of it.

Kurt made sure to stand front and center at every show now, and Blaine started to become shameless about singing right to Kurt. The two friends would hang out between shows in each new city, getting coffee, taking walks and talking about anything and everything, jamming out to their favorite Broadway songs together, people-watching in malls- judging passerby's outfits, and looking through Vogue magazines.

They were completely inseparable, and they found out that they had most everything in common. Needless to say, the two men quickly became best friends.

Blaine felt something stronger for his new friend, though, but he couldn't have any distractions right now. He was on tour. He needed to focus on his job. And even though Kurt was no longer just a fan, but a friend- a beautiful, funny, talented, kind, awesome friend, he was still scared to trust the man completely. Blaine had been betrayed far too many times in his life to let his guard down completely.

Blaine was now halfway through his tour and had been traveling around for about a month. Starting after Blaine's sixth show, sometimes Kurt would hook his phone up to his car and he and Blaine would talk for hours while driving from city to city.

At Blaine's tenth show, he decided to sing to Kurt again, hoping to express his feelings to Kurt. He was halfway through the tour and was hoping to show Kurt that he really did care about him and valued their close friendship, even if he was too scared to ask for more.

Not only did Blaine guard his heart, but he also was dealing with all the normal anxieties of asking out your best friend, too. What if it blew up in his face? What if Kurt didn't feel the same way? What if Kurt freaked out and stopped coming to his shows, blocking Blaine's phone number on his phone? And surely Kurt didn't want to date a celebrity. Dating a celebrity brought so much stress and attention, and it wouldn't be fair of Blaine to drag Kurt into all of that.

But still, Blaine felt strongly for Kurt, and wanted to express it in the best way he knew how- song.

So in the middle of his show, Blaine made an announcement that he was changing up the set again.

"This song goes out to my new best friend. I met you a month ago, and my life has been so much better since you entered it." Blaine announced.

Well I tasted love so sweet
Played around but not for keeps
I'd never been knocked off my feet until you came along
In the room surrounding me are angels I cannot see
I know they come to carry me to where I belong

Closer to you, closer to you
I'm singing like a sailor strutting up your avenue
Like a clown in a costume shop wearing nothing but my birthday suit
Getting closer to you

All the knocks upon your door
Footsteps falling on your floor
All the shipwrecks on your shore
Mean nothing to me
All the crooks on Capitol Hill
Criminals on the dollar bills
All the money on Wall Street still
Couldn't keep me from getting

Closer to you. Closer to you
Like a priest on a pulpit preaching to an empty room
Like a drunk in a dive bar in the early afternoon
Closer to you.

Poets could not pronounce your name
Gamblers couldn't play the game
Matchstick statues set to flame

Couldn't hold a candle to you
Swindlers on the Sunset strip
Hypnotists and hypocrites
Ventriloquists and Pickpockets
Wish that they could get

Well I've tasted love so sweet
Played around but not for keeps
I never been knocked off my feet till you came along

I sit through the trickery
The jealousy and vanity
The potency of your prophesy
Because I long to be

Closer to you. Closer to you
Like a hound dog in a junkyard honey
I'm howling at the moon
Like a Pirate in a pawnshop with a pocket full of jewels

Closer to you

I'll get through
Oh baby I'll get through
Closer to you

Blaine ended the song, smiling down at Kurt, who was staring back up at him, a large smile on his face and tears in his eyes. Then Blaine continued the rest of his show on cloud nine, giving, what Kurt thought was, the best performance of the whole tour.

When the show ended, Kurt went around the back doors, smiling at the security guard who knew him by name at this point, meeting Blaine, just like they had done at every other show.

"Thank you for that song. That was beautiful." Kurt said, pulling Blaine into a tight hug.

"I'm glad you liked it. I meant every word of it." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear.

Kurt reluctantly pulled back, looking into Blaine's eyes, faces close together.

"I think we should talk, Blaine."

Blaine nodded his agreement, but, hesitantly said,

"I wish we could right now. But we have the longest drive yet ahead of us, and the manager wants me to head out right now so we'll make it to the next city on time. And I'd rather us talk face to face rather than on the phone. Talk in the next city?"

Kurt nodded. Pulling Blaine in for another quick hug before parting ways.

"I'll call you from the road when I get bored." Blaine said, smiling, turning to get on the tour bus.

"See you tomorrow." Kurt called out, then walked back to his car, a flurry of thoughts running wild in his mind.

What had just happened? Was it possible that Blaine Anderson liked him? Him. Kurt Hummel. There was no way. Kurt couldn't deny that they had hit it off almost instantly and were now inseparable. Kurt loved spending time with Blaine and Blaine seemed to enjoy it just as much. And they had only known each other for a month. He could only imagine how close they could be by the end of the tour. And they were only halfway through.

Kurt was sorting through all of his thoughts on the road, driving to the next city, when suddenly, his car began to make a loud noise and come to a stop. Kurt had managed to pull his car off to the side of the road before it broke down completely, but it appeared that he was now stranded. Great.

Kurt grabbed his phone and quickly Googled the closest car repair shop. Kurt hopped out of his car and tried to survey the damage, able to locate the source of the problem due to years of working in the shop with his dad. His radiator had burst. Well shit. That would be expensive to fix.

Kurt called the repair shop and explained to them what happened. Sure enough, the cost to fix the car would take all of his money that he had left, leaving him with just enough to pay for gas to get back to New York City. It looked like this tour was over for him. Blaine was over for him. He wouldn't get to talk to Blaine about what was going on between them. Blaine would move on and never think about him again, end up falling in love with some other awesome celebrity, and Kurt would be forgotten.

Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Kurt decided to call Blaine after calling a tow truck to take his car away to the nearest car shop, where he would find a hotel for the night and then set back to the New York City in the morning.

Blaine answered almost immediately.

"Hey there. Bored already? We've only been gone for a few hours. I was just practicing for the next show. It's gonna be a good one! I can tell already! I'm so excited! I'm thinking of swapping up a few numbers. What do you think of replacing-"

But Kurt cut Blaine off.

"Blaine, I won't be there."


"Did you hear me Blaine? I won't be there."

"But why not? You said you would be at all of my shows. I thought when you left tonight that you were heading to the next city."

Blaine was panicking. What if he had crossed the line tonight by singing that song to Kurt. He had scared him off, just as he feared. And now he would never see Kurt again. Blaine's heart was breaking.

"I was headed there. But then the radiator in my car burst and it's going to take all of my money to fix it, so I'll need to go back to New York City tomorrow once they fix my car. It's been fun, but-"

This time it was Blaine who cut him off.

"I'll come get you. Where are you?"

"Blaine, don't be stupid. You have a show to perform. I'll be fine." Kurt lied about the last part. He was anything but fine right now. He was completely heart broken.

"Well then I'll perform the show and turn back around and come get you. I have an extra day off after this show so my voice could take a break before I had to perform again. So I can come get you and still make it to my next show on time."

"Well what would you do after you came to get me?"

"You would ride with me. On the tour bus. I mean, we're already spending all of our time when I'm not traveling together. And even when I'm traveling we talk on the phone. I'm seriously bored out of my mind on this bus, so I would love the company. Please say you'll ride with me!" Blaine was desperate at this point. He wasn't ready to say goodbye to Kurt yet.

Kurt was torn. He wanted so desperately to spend the rest of the summer riding around the tour bus with Blaine, but he didn't want to intrude.

"Are you sure it won't be too much trouble?"

"NO!" Blaine responded instantly, finality in his voice.

"It's settled. I'll come to get you tomorrow night. Just, stay put till then. And stay safe. I'll be there as soon as possible."

Kurt told Blaine the name of the hotel he would be staying at, then stayed up the rest of the night talking to Blaine about random things, just enjoying talking to him.

Kurt couldn't be more excited about the rest of the summer. He would be riding in a tour bus with Blaine, the man he was in love with.

Wait... in love with? What the hell?

Blaine performed the show that night as quickly as possible, eliminating a few of his songs and not even considering an encore, not that people were asking for one. His show had been a bit off. What in the world was going on? He never played an off show in his life. Apparently, Kurt not being there got to him a lot more than he'd like to think. This was bad. But so, so good at the same time.

As soon as the show ended, Blaine practically ran to the tour bus, not bothering to meet his fans. He felt bad about it, but the man he was in love with needed him.

Wait... in love with? What the hell?

End Notes: Song is Closer to You by Brett Dennen


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