Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
And it was official. After his date with Kurt, he could not get the boy off his mind. This was bad. It went against all of Blaine's rules about dating fans. But Kurt seemed different. There was something honest and sincere about the young man. He seemed to really want to get to know Blaine. No one had ever taken the time to really get to know him before. Blaine was completely stricken by the man.
Which influenced his decision to mix up his music set that night. He would add a song, directed at Kurt.
It took the whole ride to the next city the day after his date with Kurt for him to decide which song to sing to Kurt. He didn't necessarily want a relationship with him, even though his heart begged to differ. But, I mean, he was still on tour and everything. And he had only known the guy for two weeks. But he knew that he definitely wanted to spend more time with him. And the best way he could think of getting that point across was by serenading him. He finally found a song that conveyed everything he felt at the moment, and he felt confident that Kurt would be happy.
Blaine hoped that Kurt decided to stand up at the front so he could make sure that Kurt understood that the song was for him.
And he was in luck. Kurt stood front and center at his show that night. As Blaine walked out onto stage and greeted the crowd with his rehearsed speech, he glanced down at the beautiful man right in front of him and gave him a smile, waving inconspicuously at him.
He opened with his usual song, a fast upbeat pop number that he wrote back in high school, then he transitioned to a Disney cover, then on to a musical theater song. Then another pop song. This was the part in the night when he would usually cover another, slower Disney song, but this is where he decided to sing to Kurt.
"Okay, everybody. I hope you're all having a good time tonight! Normally I would cover another Disney song at this point, but I'm changing it up a bit tonight. I hope you don't mind!"
Blaine paused, looking down at Kurt, making sure he had his full attention. Kurt was looking up at him with a curious expression on his face. Blaine smiled down at him.
"I made a new friend, recently. And he's here tonight. And I'd like to dedicate this song to him. I hope you like it. It's called We Could Be Friends, by Freelance Whales. So here it goes..."
With that, Blaine began to sing his heart out, never once taking his eyes off of Kurt.
I am convinced
that we could be friends
We have several interests in common
In common
And I am convinced
that we have been friends
Were you a Tahitian
grain of sand
In a past life?
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
I am convinced
that we should be friends
We compare our hearts
to things that fly
But cannot land
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
Please don't put your fresh into your ways
we could be friends
Please don't put your face into your hands
we could be friends
I can count the ways on my two hands
We could be friends
The crowd applauded, but Blaine barely registered it, keeping his eyes on Kurt, who was smiling up at him, blushing, nodding his head in approval. Kurt mouthed the word "yes" to Blaine, consenting that he wanted to be friends with him, and Blaine's smile brightened.
Blaine continued on with his regular set after that, making sure to pay attention to other people in the crowd- not just Kurt. But it was so hard to with Kurt right there in front of him, just being his beautiful self. Kurt... his new friend Kurt. Blaine was friends with this man right in front of him. He couldn't be happier. Well, he could... but he wasn't ready for that step yet.
Blaine ended his show to a more applause than normal, and he distinctly heard Kurt's cheers from backstage. And then, to his surprise, he started hearing people chanting,
"Encore! Encore!"
Well, that was a first. Blaine was completely taken aback. He had already sung all of the songs that he had prepared for the tour. Of course, he could always wing it, but he didn't know what to sing. Well, he supposed he could always ask for requests. Blaine hurried back to the stage, waving graciously to his fans, smiling at their loud cheers.
"Thank you guys so much! I don't have anything else prepared, but do you guys have any requests?"
"I've Got This Friend, by The Civil Wars!" Someone in the crowd called out almost instantly.
Blaine smiled, brightly.
"I've Got This Friend? I love that song! Good choice! Only one problem... that song is sung as a duet..."
But then Blaine stopped himself mid-sentence. The song was sung as a duet. Kurt was there. In the front row. This was too perfect.
"So I'm gonna need a little help singing this. Kurt? Think you can help me out?" Blaine asked, looking down at the boy who was staring up at him in shock.
Kurt looked absolutely terrified at the thought of singing in front of a sold-out crowd, but everyone started cheering for Kurt, urging him up onto the stage, so Kurt reached up and took hold of Blaine's outstretched hand, and made his way onto the stage, grabbing a microphone that was being handed to him from a stage hand.
"Everybody, this is my friend, Kurt. Please give him a warm welcome!"
Blaine paused, allowing the crowd to cheer for his friend for a minute before asking,
"Do you know this song, Kurt?"
Kurt nodded, still unable to speak in his stage fright.
Blaine smiled at him, then leaned over and whispered in his ear,
"You'll be great! Don't worry!"
And with that, Blaine started playing the opening to the song on his guitar, taking the first part of the song- the lower part. He figured that if Kurt sang countertenor, he could sing the part that was normally sung by a girl.
I've got this friend
I don't think you know him
He's not much for words
He's hid in his hardened way
Oh I've got this friend
A loveless romantic
All that he really wants
Is someone to want him back
Kurt joined in on the chorus.
Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, If the right one came, along
And now it was Kurt's turn to sing. It took all Blaine had to continue playing the guitar when Kurt opened his mouth to sing. It was the most beautiful, pure, angelic voice he had ever heard in his life. It was even better than he had expected. I mean, wow. Blaine was barely able to come in on the chorus. He almost didn't want to, for fear of missing hearing Kurt's voice.
I've got this friend
I don't think you know him
He sings a simple song
It sounds a lot like his
Oh I've got this friend
Holding onto his heart
Like it's a little secret
Like it's all he's got to give
Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, if the right one came, along
It'd be such a shame
(If they never meet)
He sounds lovely
(He sounds right out of a dream)
If only
(If only)
If only
Ohh, if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, (I've got this friend) if the right one came
If the right one came along
Ohh, (I've got this friend)
If the right one came, along
Kurt and Blaine received a standing ovation to this song, but neither of them even noticed. They were both staring at one another, completely enthralled in one another. The world around them might as well have not existed anymore. For all they knew, it was just them in that moment.
"Meet me backstage in five minutes." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear after the song. "I'll tell security to let you back."
Kurt almost didn't register what Blaine had said to him, still in shock over the moment they had just shared, not to mention that the beautiful song Blaine had sung to him earlier that night was still replaying in his head. Oh boy. Kurt was practically swooning. But he managed to nod his head and climb off the stage, receiving pats on the back from people in the audience surrounding him, congratulating him on a job well done.
After five minutes passed, Kurt made his way backstage, security nodding at him as he walked past. Blaine spotted him immediately and ran over, wrapping Kurt up into a tight hug, spinning him around.
"Wow. Just wow. I mean, I figured you were a good singer when you said you were part of New Directions... but wow. That was incredible. That was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard! I can't believe that you think I'm the talented one, because that was just... wow." Blaine said, fan-boying a bit over how talented this man was
Kurt laughed, feeling high off of the performance and the feeling of Blaine hugging him.
"Thanks. It felt good to sing again. And that was a great song! I had a lot of fun. Thanks for letting me sing with you!"
The men were quiet for a few seconds, before Blaine realized that he was still holding Kurt close in a hug, and let go quickly, backing away to give Kurt his space. Kurt immediately missed the close contact.
Kurt cleared his throat.
"Umm... so, why did you want to see me?" Kurt asked, trying to get rid of the awkwardness.
"Oh yeah!" Blaine said, perking up immediately.
"I was wondering if I could get your number. I mean, it gets pretty lonely on the tour bus, waiting for the next show. So I was wondering if you would like to hang out in each city before I have to set up for the show. I usually have an hour or two to sight-see or just chill before they need me at the arena. I've been pretty bored so far, with the exception of our date the other night, so I would love some company."
Kurt was beyond excited, but he tried not to show it, replying calmly,
"Yeah, sure. Ok. I would like that."
So the two men swapped numbers, and Kurt said goodbye to Blaine until his next show. Or at least, that's what he thought. But Kurt had barely made it to his car when his phone vibrated with a text message.
I'm bored already and we're not leaving this city until tomorrow morning. Want to catch a movie with me? -Blaine
Kurt was a little reluctant. He only had enough spending money for food and gas and in case of emergencies. He didn't really have enough to spend on things like movies. But he didn't need to worry, because Blaine quickly texted him again.
I'm buying. Meet me at the tour bus. -Blaine
Kurt smiled as he turned away from his car and started toward the tour bus. This summer had already been fantastic, and Kurt could tell it would only get better from here.