Go The Distance
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Go The Distance: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,824 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
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After much deliberation, Kurt decided to spend the largest sum of money on his ticket for the NYC show to see Blaine. All of the shows were general admission, so he didn't have to worry about buying the best seat. He just had to get there early to guarantee that he got close to the front each night.

But for the NYC show, Kurt decided that he wanted to buy a backstage pass, in order to guarantee meeting Blaine.

Of course, Kurt was extremely nervous about this. I mean, this was his idol. His hero. And, he was pretty sure, his soul mate. What if he screwed up royally and embarrassed himself when he met him? What if he got over-excited and yelled in his face? What if he fell over? What if he forgot how to talk?

All of these questions weighed in Kurt's mind, but the idea of meeting Blaine Anderson overruled them all. Kurt had made up his mind. He would meet Blaine, and he was sure it would be magical.

And that was that. Kurt bought tickets to all twenty of Blaine's shows across the country, checked that he had enough money saved up to buy gas and food along the way, picked out his most fabulous outfits, and he was set.

And before he knew it, it was the night of the first show in New York City. Mercedes had decided to go with him to that one because she wasn't due back in Ohio for another week, so she thought it would be best to support her best friend and give him courage to actually go backstage and meet Blaine when the time came.

As for the actual show... it was amazing. Since Kurt lived in NYC, he and Mercedes arrived at the front doors of the club hours before they even opened. They were first in line, and managed to stand front and center, mere feet away from where Blaine would be performing.

And then, the lights dimmed. Everyone started screaming, Kurt the loudest, and then... there he was. Blaine freaking Anderson was right in front of Kurt Hummel, smiling out at the crowd, waving- all while wearing a freaking bowtie. Kurt thought he would die right on the spot.

"Hey everyone! Thanks for coming out here tonight for my first stop on the tour! Crazy world we're living in that a small-town guy like me is playing a sold-out gig in New York City! I'm so thankful to be here tonight and I hope you guys have fun!"

And with that, Blaine began to sing. And it was even better than Kurt had ever dreamed it would be. Blaine's voice was even more breathtaking when live, right in front of him, and Kurt could have sworn that Blaine's eyes had wandered to him at least a few times throughout the show. It took everything Kurt had to not freak out like a fan-boy and scream right in Blaine's face.

But Kurt stayed calm throughout the whole show, swaying lightly to the music, listening intently with a smile on his face, never once screaming loudly or attacking the singer on the short stage right in front of him. And way, way too soon, the show was over.

Thank god Kurt would be going to 19 more, because there was no way in hell that one show would suffice.

But wait. The show was over, which meant...

"Come on, white boy. You've got the man of your dreams waiting for you." Mercedes said sarcastically, grabbing Kurt by the arms and pushing him around to the back doors.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. I can't do this. I can't- No. I'm not ready. I can't do this! Oh my god!" Kurt exclaimed repeatedly, fighting to get Mercedes to let go of him.

But Mercedes wasn't having any of that.

"Kurt. You're going to 19 more of his shows. Shouldn't you at least meet the poor boy before stalking him around the country?"

"It's not stalking, Mercedes! It's not like I'm following him down the street or finding out where he lives. He is playing shows around the country, and I just happen to want to see th-"

But Kurt was cut off as Mercedes pushed him through the back doors, flashing the security guard his ticket while Kurt was too distracted defending himself to realize what she was doing. And then, there was no going back. Damn that Mercedes for tricking him into going through with this.

"I'll be out where when you're done! Take your time! And have fun!" Mercedes called from the other side of the door.

And then the door shut. And Kurt was alone. And he was about to meet Blaine freaking Anderson.

But before Kurt had time to panic, the star himself came walking around the corner, a smile on his face.

And oh! He was shorter than Kurt. Kurt had never realized that from seeing pictures of the man or even from seeing him perform on stage that night. He just had such a large amount of talent that it seemed to make the man appear larger than life- height included. But Kurt didn't mind the height difference. Because Blaine was also much more gorgeous than any of the pictures ever made him out to be.

And Kurt found himself gravitating towards the young performer, holding out his hand in greeting. Blaine just blindly smiled down at him, not really taking him in, ready to give him his rehearsed warm greeting that he gave to all of his fans.

But as Blaine placed his hand in Kurt's, shaking his hand, about to give him a kind "thank you for coming" and then move on to the next fan who had bought backstage tickets, he really saw Kurt standing in front of him, and WOW. This boy was beautiful. Like, the most beautiful man Blaine had ever seen. In fact, he thought he was looking at an angel. And wow... just WOW.

Kurt was looking at Blaine expectantly, wondering why the singer hadn't said anything yet. He was just holding Kurt's hand, staring into his eyes. It was a bit off-putting, and a little more than terrifying.

"Ummm..." Kurt started to say, but Blaine interrupted, finally coming to his senses.

"I'm Blaine! Blaine Anderson. It's wonderful to meet you. What's your name?" Blaine said hurriedly, practically rushing all of his words together in his eagerness to learn more about the man holding his hand.

Oh, right! He was still holding his hand. He should probably let go before he creeped his fan out. Blaine reluctantly let go, missing the contact immediately.

"My name's Kurt Hummel. It's nice to meet you too. That was a great show. I just wanted to tell you that none of the other new artists have talent. Only you."

YES! Kurt had managed to deliver his speech that he had practiced over and over again flawlessly. Kurt made to turn and leave, excited that he had said what he wanted to say without messing up, eager to get out of there before he did something that would ruin the moment, but he was caught off guard by Blaine placing a hand on his shoulder, turning him back around to face him.

"Thank you! That's so... that's so great of you to say. I'm glad you think so, even though it's so not true. I mean, Katy Perry is fucking awesome." Blaine said, staring into the beautiful eyes of the young man in front of him. What color were his eyes? Blue? Green? Gray? He couldn't tell. But he wanted to find out.

Kurt didn't know what to say to this, so he just laughed politely, making to turn again before he realized that he couldn't, because Blaine still had his hand on his shoulder. And oh wow. Blaine Anderson had his hand on his shoulder. Okay... freak-out fan-boy time.

But then Blaine spoke again.

"I think I saw you tonight. You were standing front and center with a girl. Is she your girlfriend?"

Kurt was shocked. He thought he screamed gay all over... but apparently Blaine was completely oblivious.

Kurt laughed again, this time sincerely, as he replied,

"Hell no. That's Mercedes. She my best friend, but not my girlfriend. I'm 100% gay."

Blaine's smile lit up at this knowledge.

"You're gay? That's cool! Me too!"

Kurt was about to reply when a security guard came up behind Blaine, telling him that he had other fans that were waiting to see him. Blaine shrugged him off, telling him he would make his way around in a minute.

Kurt smiled to himself, excited that Blaine was paying so much attention to him.

"You're gay? I actually never would have guessed that." Kurt said, in complete honestly. Blaine seemed so masculine all the time, and he had a deep, rough voice that just gave off a straight vibe. Kurt couldn't believe that he would so lucky that his celebrity crush would end up being gay.

"Seriously? I thought all the Disney covers I did tonight would be dead give-aways. Plus, I'm pretty open about supporting gay/lesbian rights. And then, if you got to know me, you would realize that I'm super obsessed with musical theatre, vogue, and, most importantly, MEN."

Blaine chuckled, and Kurt laughed right along with him, currently on cloud nine at the information that the man of his dreams was gay. He just could not believe his luck. This was crazy.

"Sooo, I should probably let you get along to your other fans. I hate to have taken up so much of your time. But I just wanted to let you know that I have tickets to all of your shows this summer. I decided I needed a break from school and thought I'd drive around the country for a while."

"Woah. Seriously? You'll be at all of my shows? That's insane! But totally awesome! I look forward to seeing more of you, then, Kurt. I guess I'll be talking to you soon." Blaine replied, then winked before turning away to greet his other fans.

Kurt was speechless. Blaine Anderson just winked at him. And talked to him for like, 5 minutes. Kurt couldn't have been more excited at what just happened, and literally ran from the room so he could spill all the juicy details to Mercedes.

Little did Kurt know that Blaine was just as excited at the idea of seeing him every night at his shows. He had immediately hit it off with the young man, and it didn't hurt that Kurt just happened to be the most beautiful man he had ever set eyes on. Blaine found himself looking back over to the spot where Kurt had just been standing, but he was already gone. Blaine felt something in his stomach lurch, and, were those... oh no, those couldn't be butterflies in his stomach...

But Blaine just tried to ignore the feeling he was getting in his stomach and went back to casually saying hi to all of his other fans, looking forward to getting back to the bus to get some rest before his next performance in two nights.


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