Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
Aug. 4, 2011, 8:25 p.m.
"So, what do you want to do today? We're stuck on the tour bus till we make it to LA tomorrow morning. And then I have to start setting up for the show. Sorry I won't have time to show you around." Blaine said
"Oh, no worries. I'll see it when I come to visit you."
Blaine smiled at this.
"How about we watch a Disney movie?" Blaine suggested
Kurt was tempted to say 'again?' but refrained, not wanting Blaine to think that he didn't love every second he spent with him, even if a lot of that time was spent watching Disney movies. Kurt found it endearing. He loved that Blaine still had that childish side left in him. And, while Kurt preferred musicals such as The Sound of Music or My Fair Lady, he still loved Disney, and he loved seeing Blaine so happy. So, instead, he said,
"Sounds great. Mulan or The Little Mermaid?"
"You know me so well. How about both? Then we can practice that duet." Blaine replied, getting up to grab the movies and place one into the dvd player.
"Perfect. I'll go get the popcorn."
Kurt left the room and headed to the kitchen. It might sound strange, but he was going to miss this tour bus. It had started to feel like home to him, as crazy as that was. But then again, maybe it was just Blaine who made it feel like home. Kurt was sure that no matter where he was, if Blaine was by his side, he would feel at home.
Blaine appeared to have been thinking the same thing, because the instant Kurt came back with the popcorn, Blaine pulled him down onto the couch and snuggled close to him, wrapping his arms around him and laying his head on Kurt's shoulder.
When the movies ended, Blaine went and grabbed his guitar so that they could practice their duet.
"Any ideas of what we should sing?" Kurt asked.
"Not a clue. Something happy. Something that fits into our lives. Every song I've sung for you so far describes exactly how I felt about you. I don't want this one to be any different."
"You know what... I've actually got the perfect song, then." Kurt said, remembering a song by one of his favorite artists. Oh yeah... this song couldn't be more perfect for them.
After hours of practicing the song together, and then a night of deep sleep, they were finally in LA. Blaine was back in his home town. It felt strange to be coming back here after everything that had happened to him this summer. It no longer felt familiar. Kurt was what felt familiar.
Blaine set off to start warming up for the show. Kurt hung back and chatted with various members of the security team. He had grown close to them over the summer. They warmed up to him immediately after that first day that Blaine brought him backstage with him. During the time that Blaine would be doing meet-and-greets, or warming up, or meeting with reporters after the show, Kurt would spend time with the security guards. Kurt had almost become a part of the team. He cared for Blaine even more than they did, so they knew they could trust Kurt with his safety.
"It's been fun, boys." Kurt said to the team.
"We've enjoyed having you along for the ride, Kurt. Take care of our boy, okay?" One of the men said to Kurt. Kurt nodded.
And then it was time for the show to start. Kurt took his position backstage, where he always stood, and enjoyed listening to his boyfriend sing. It was crazy how much he loved hearing Blaine sing now. If Kurt thought he had loved Blaine's voice at the beginning of the summer, well, he practically worshiped it now.
Blaine did his usual medley of pop, acoustic, and Disney songs. The crowd ate it up. This had to be the biggest crowd of the entire tour, with it being in LA and the last show of the tour. And Kurt would be singing in front of this crowd soon. Wow. And he thought he had been nervous at Nationals with his old glee club.
And then, suddenly, Blaine was talking about him. Well, that was his cue. It was time to sing.
"You guys may have seen the pictures all over the internet and in magazines and stuff, so I thought I would clear up any and all rumors and tell you guys the truth myself. Some of you may not have even known that I'm gay. Well, I am. And I'm proud of it. So I would like for you to meet my boyfriend, Kurt Hummel, who I am totally and completely in love with. I've asked him to come out here tonight and sing with me. So if you would all give him a warm welcome."
Kurt walked onto the stage, butterflies going crazy in his stomach, waving to the crowd who was cheering for him. Wow. A sold out crowd in LA was cheering for him, Kurt Hummel, as he walked onto a stage to meet his boyfriend, Blaine Anderson.
Holy shit. He had to be dreaming. Kurt subtly pinched himself before sitting down on the stool that had been brought out and placed next to Blaine, where he was currently sitting on his own stool, holding his guitar. Ouch. That hurt! Yep, he was definitely awake. This was actually happening.
Again... holy shit.
Kurt looked over at Blaine, smiled and nodded at him, and then Blaine began playing the opening to the song. Kurt started off the song, singing the first few verses.
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am home again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am whole again
Kurt stopped singing at this point and Blaine took over.
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am young again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am fun again
Then both of the men sang together, their voices harmonizing and sounding like the most natural thing in the world. Blaine could never get over how great his and Kurt's voices sounded together. It was like they were born to do this. They finished the rest of the song singing together.
However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am free again
Whenever I'm alone with you
You make me feel like I am clean again
However far away I will always love you
However long I stay I will always love you
Whatever words I say I will always love you
I will always love you
When they finished, Blaine put down his guitar and pulled Kurt into a tight hug, kissing him straight on the mouth. In front of a sold out show in LA. Where everyone could see them. A gay couple. Kissing. And he didn't even care. But neither did Kurt. They were both completely proud of who they were.
Just as they had anticipated, paparazzi and fans bombarded them backstage after the show.
Even Kurt gave out a few autographs, which was pretty surprising for him. Blaine, though, wasn't surprised. Kurt was gorgeous. And he had a beautiful voice. Put the two together and he was total superstar material.
Kurt and Blaine posed for a few pictures, Kurt making sure they got his best side, and then answered as many questions as they could that the paparazzi asked them,
"Yes, we are definitely together."
"We met this summer. It's a long story..."
"Yes, we're both gay. Not bi-sexual."
"Yes, I really love Blaine. No, I'm not using him to get famous."
"No, he's not putting out an album. But he will be a famous fashion designer one day. Maybe he could design outfits for my next tour."
And then, finally, the crowd had cleared and the two men were alone together again.
"Well, that was kind of amazing." Kurt said, exhausted from the excited energy of all the people who met him after the show.
"Just kind of?"
"Ok, that was completely mind-blowing. I'm still in shock. You'll have to excuse my inarticulacy."
Blaine laughed, and pulled Kurt into a tight hug. They stood wrapped up in each other until the car that Blaine's manager had called to take them back to Blaine's apartment arrived.
"We can sleep at my apartment tonight, if you want. Then I'll drop you off at the airport tomorrow so you can fly back to New York in time for class on Monday."
Kurt just nodded, suddenly overcome with sadness. This was really all ending. It would be over tomorrow. The best summer of his life. The best thing that had ever happened to him- done.
"Hey now, don't be sad. Stop thinking sad things. Just live in the here and now. We've still got tonight together." Blaine said, seeing the sad look on Kurt's face.
And with that, they got in the car and made their way to Blaine's apartment.
"Ummm... woah. You live here? This place is all kinds of amazing." Kurt said as they entered Blaine's apartment. Apartment didn't seem like the right word though, because the place was massive.
"Thanks. It's a bit big for just me... but oh well. I didn't even pick it out. My agent got it for me. But I'm glad you like it."
"So what should we do?" Blaine asked while following Kurt around the apartment, who was taking in the lavishness of it all.
"Anything but sleep. No sleep for us. If we sleep, it will be tomorrow faster."
"I completely agree. No movies either." Blaine added.
Kurt nodded his agreement.
"Can we just stay up and talk?" Kurt asked, wanting to spend every last precious second just being with Blaine.
"I think that sounds lovely. I'll go get us some cookies and coffee from the kitchen. My room is to the right."
Kurt wandered into Blaine's room. It was simple, but still magnificent. There was a giant king sized bed in the middle of the room, a bookshelf that was practically overflowing with books and CDs of all kinds, and a record player sat off to the corner, with vinyls surrounding the floor around it. There was also a couch off to the side, but Kurt completely ignored that and went straight for the bed, making himself comfortable.
"Non fat mocha latte, just the way you like it." Blaine said, upon entering the room, handing Kurt his coffee.
"Thank you."
"So, you excited to see your friends again?"
"I'm definitely excited to see Mercedes. She'll never believe what happened to me this summer. I might have to find some of those magazines that have pictures of us in them in order for her to believe me. You know, you can thank her for us meeting. I almost didn't go through with going backstage to meet you. I was a nervous wreck."
Blaine laughed.
"Is that so? Well, I'll have to write her a thank you note or something. Maybe dedicate a song to her on my next album."
"When do you start working on your next album, anyway? Your tour is done now. Time to move on to the next step."
"I have to write the songs first. But I doubt I'll have any trouble coming up with inspiration for songs after this summer... I'm pretty sure my fans will be sick of all the love songs that will be headed their way soon."
Kurt giggled.
"Well, just so long as they don't start throwing tomatoes or something at you at your shows. I can't be having my beautiful clothing designs getting ruined over your mushiness."
"So, we're on the same page then. I was hoping you would want to design some outfits for me. In case you haven't noticed this summer, my fashion sense is pretty much non-existent."
"Oh, trust me. I noticed. It's adorable, though. But yes, I will definitely be designing your clothes from now on."
And their conversation went on like that for the rest of the night, both men talking about anything and everything, planning their future, getting to know one another better, taking frequent breaks from conversation to just kiss and explore one another, taking each other in, memorizing the other, hoping to take just a bit of the other with them when the went their separate ways in the morning.
"Hey, do you mind if I use your shower really quick before we have to go to the airport?" Kurt asked when he noticed the sun starting to peak through the curtains.
"Sure thing. I'll be in the kitchen making us breakfast." Blaine said, giving Kurt a quick peck on the lips and leaving the bedroom.
Once Blaine made some eggs, bacon, and toast, he figured he had a few more minutes before Kurt would be out of the shower, so he decided that now would be the opportune time to make some phone calls to his agent and landlord.
"Hey," Blaine said through the phone to his agent.
"Could you do me a few favors?"