Go The Distance
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Go The Distance: Chapter 10

T - Words: 1,866 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
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And now they were in the final countdown. There was only one more week left on the tour. The end was fast approaching

But Kurt and Blaine had decided to stop trying to figure out a way to be together after all of this ended and just enjoy the here and now. They just wanted to enjoy whatever time they had left together. So neither of them spared a single thought about what would happen when the tour ended. They figured that if an idea struck them on how to be together, it would just happen. Until then, they were just completely consumed with thoughts for one another.

Two days before the last show, Kurt and Blaine were walking around the downtown Memphis area, hand in hand.

They had the day off after Blaine's performance in Memphis the night before. They didn't have to travel again until the next day, where they would go to LA to finish off the tour with one final performance.

Kurt and Blaine wandered onto Beale street, following the sound of the music that they could hear pounding from a few blocks away, enjoying their day off in the warm sunshine. The jazz music surrounded them, as did the people and culture of Memphis, and they instantly fell in love with the city, not even knowing where to start first.

"Let's shop around a bit before we go to the park to listen to the music." Kurt suggested.

So the men spent the afternoon going into various shops, most of them filled with old jazz vinyls and pictures of Elvis. They took turns trying on crazy hats that they found in stores, taking pictures of one another on their cell phones, documenting their date.

The two men loved spending time together, regardless of what they were doing, but the thing they loved most was taking in each new city they traveled to. The company they found in one another was just an added bonus. And Memphis was no exception. They loved the vibe and the music and buildings and shops. Kurt was in paradise from all of the boutiques, and Blaine found at least ten vinyl records that he ended up buying. They wandered into a few museums and ate lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. They even got matching airbrush tattoos on their arms from a booth on the side of the street.

Before they knew it, the day was drawing to a close.

"I can't believe you actually bought those pink sunglasses." Kurt joked, as they made their way back to the tour bus.

"Hey now, you're one to talk. At least I didn't buy a chewbacca backpack." Blaine nudged Kurt in the side, both of them laughing.

"He's adorable! You can't blame me for wanting it." Kurt retorted

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. So, what next? Want to go listen to the live bands in the park, now?" Blaine asked Kurt, as they dropped off their purchases onto the tour bus.

"Only if you'll dance with me." Kurt replied, flirting with Blaine. Blaine smiled up at Kurt.

"As if I'd ever give up any excuse to hold you close to me."

They slowly made their way back to the park, Blaine's arm wrapped low around Kurt's back, both walking in silence, taking in the fresh night air.

"This summer has been so amazing." Kurt suddenly said, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Yeah. It really has been. I thought going on tour would be pretty great on its own. I was going to get to explore the country and sing for my adoring fans. But who knew that it all would have meant shit without you by my side. I never thought I would have found someone as amazing as you, too. How did I get so lucky?" Blaine questioned.

"You know... I was just wondering the same thing." Kurt replied, leaning down to give Blaine a short kiss on the lips as the men entered the park, greeted by the sound of live jazz music.

"You promised to dance with me." Kurt reminded Blaine.

But Kurt didn't need to remind Blaine, because as he was speaking, Blaine was grabbing Kurt's hands and pulling him close, beginning a waltz-like dance.

Kurt giggled as Blaine spun him away from him, then pulled him back in, dipping him backwards. Blaine began humming along to the song, swaying in time with the music.

"You're a natural." Kurt said.

"So are you."

Then Blaine pulled Kurt close, placing his hands on Kurt's hips. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, pulling him close, leaving no space between their bodies. Their foreheads rested against one another and their noses were touching. They could feel the air from each others breathing brush against their faces.

Blaine had never felt so close to someone in his entire life. Not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually. Kurt had become a part of him, and he never wanted to let go. He wanted Kurt by his side, forever and always. And he wanted people to know that this beautiful, talented, kind man that he was currently holding loved him back, because nothing had ever made him feel so special than the knowledge that someone as amazing as Kurt could love him.

"I want people to know about us." Blaine said out of the blue, speaking his mind out loud.

"Umm... Blaine. We're dancing together in the middle of a crowded park. I'm pretty sure people know that we're together." Kurt said, laughing at Blaine's silly remark.

"No, I mean, like, for real. Not just paparazzi shots and rumors. And not implied through us dancing together, either. I want to show you off to the world. Scream from the roof tops that I'm in love with Kurt Hummel! I want everyone to see how awesome my boyfriend is."


Blaine and Kurt had never discussed what they were. They were just together. That was always enough for them. So Kurt was surprised to hear Blaine refer to him as his boyfriend. Completely flattered, but still surprised.

"Ummm... shit. Sorry. I didn't mean boyfriend..." Blaine stammered, pulling away from Kurt in embarrassment.

"You didn't?"

"Well, I did. I just. I'm sorry I just assumed. I haven't even asked you..." Blaine started babbling, nervous that Kurt would reject him. He seriously hoped that he hadn't screwed everything up.

"So ask me." Kurt replied, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. Blaine was shocked.


"Ask me to be your boyfriend, Blaine. I promise that if you do I'll say yes." Kurt winked, pulling Blaine close again, resuming the slow, intimate dance that they had just been doing.

Blaine smiled brightly at this.

"Ok. Ummm, well... Kurt Hummel. I love you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met and I would love nothing more than for you to be my boyfriend."

"Yes, Blaine Anderson, I would love to be your boyfriend." Kurt responded, sealing the deal with a kiss.

"Mmm... I'm happy." Blaine stated, eventually pulling away from the kiss, continuing the slow dance with his boyfriend. His boyfriend. Yeah, he liked the sound of that.

"Me too." Kurt replied.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" Blaine asked

"We said that we would stay like this forever the other night when we were laying in bed, too. You can't have both. You'll have to pick one."

"Well that's no fair. I want it all." Blaine pouted.

"Well I already have it all."

"You do?"

"I have you, don't I? That's all I'll ever want." Kurt replied, smiling down at Blaine. Blaine spun Kurt again, but this time when he pulled him back, he placed a kiss on his forehead.

They continued to dance some more, content with silence. After a few minutes, Kurt questioned, jokingly.

"So... when do you start showing me off?"

Blaine pondered ideas silently for a minute, before finally replying with the one thing he had been dying to do again since that night almost a month ago.

"Sing with me?" Blaine asked Kurt.

"What, right now? I don't know this song." Kurt questioned, confused at Blaine's request.

Blaine laughed.

"No. At the show in LA. It's the last show, and I want you to sing with me. Not for the whole show, or anything. I think the fans might kill me if I did that. But sing at least one song with me."

"I would love to, Blaine. But we haven't even practiced anything together."

"We sing together all the time on the tour bus! And we sang that song together a month ago without any practice and it was perfect. Besides, we can always practice all day tomorrow. And from what I've heard you say about your old glee club, you guys would sometimes not come up with a number until about an hour before you performed. If you could do that and still beat the Warblers at competition, I'm pretty sure you can sing with two days notice."

"Oh, alright. Fine. But only for you. Because I love you."

"I love you, too"

"Let's not go back to the bus tonight." Kurt suggested suddenly, not wanting to leave his boyfriend's arms.

"What? Where do you suggest we go instead?"

"Nowhere. Let's just stay here. Let's just dance the night away. You said you wanted to stay here forever, right? Well, I can't give you forever, but I can give you the night."

"Not that I don't love this idea, but what about sleep? We need sleep."

"Coffee. There's a 24/7 coffee shop right down the street. When we get tired, we'll go get coffee. Until then, I'm currently running off of the adrenaline caused by being with you. So can you please just continue to hold me tight and dance with me?"

Blaine chuckled at his boyfriend's craziness, but couldn't refuse the dance with this beautiful man in his arms all night.

"Fine. But when you're dead tired tomorrow, don't blame me. We still have to practice that song at some point too, remember." Blaine responding, trying to be somewhat practical.

"It will all be worth it. And you said it yourself, I can prepare a song an hour before I have to perform and I'll do just fine. We'll have time to nap. Besides, it's a whole day's drive to get to LA. We'll have plenty of time to catch up on sleep. Don't worry. Trust me."

Trust me... that was something Blaine could surely do. He had never trusted anyone in his life more than he trusted Kurt Hummel. So he held on to Kurt even tighter and continued to dance with him until the early hours of morning.

On their way back to the bus, at around five in the morning, they decided to hit up that coffee shop. As they were waiting on their coffees to be made, Kurt said suddenly,

"You know, Blaine...I was reluctant to be with you. I didn't want to just throw myself around all for a summer romance. But this is so much more than that. I'm not throwing myself around with you. You matter to me. And you make me feel like I matter, too. I'm so happy that we're together. "

"Me too."

And Blaine meant that with all of his heart. He completely agreed with Kurt. This wasn't just some summer romance. He would be with Kurt no matter what, even if it meant rearranging his whole life-

But wait. There's a thought. Yeah... that might actually work. Oh boy. Blaine had some phone calls to make when he got back to LA.


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