June 5, 2012, 1:28 p.m.
June 5, 2012, 1:28 p.m.
The drive to London wasn’t nearly as bad as Blaine had thought it was going to be, the twins had tired themselves out and slept most of the way, so that was a relief.
They all trundled into George’s halls of residence, and then all trundled back out again, bar George, with a teary-eyed Kurt in tow. Their first stop was the London eye.
The large ferris wheel like structure towered above them and Blaine couldn’t help but feel as excited as the twins at the prospect of seeing London in its entirety stretched out in front of his eyes, the view would be a perfect opportunity for an art idea he was thinking up in his head. He clutched his Canon 5D and gripped the handle of Charlie’s pram as they moved forward in the short queue towards the pods.
It was only ten minutes or so before they were in the glass pods slowly moving upwards towards the sky. The queue had been short as it was a Sunday, and other Londoners had taken pity on Kurt and Blaine when the twins started shrieking, and they had managed to bag a pod to themselves.
Although Kurt and Blaine had lived in London for a short while and been on the London eye many times, Kurt was never not amazed by how quiet yet frantically busy London looked from 100’s of metres up. It was still only mid-morning but the hustle and bustle of London swept through the beautiful city like it was the busiest day of the year. From up there in the pod Kurt could really appreciate why they had made the move to England in the first place. It had been hard leaving everyone especially his dad, but it was what Kurt had always really wanted, he now knew that he couldn’t wish for anything more.
The pod seemed to reach back to solid earth too quickly. Blaine had managed to take some impressive shots; the twins had sat quietly with faces pressed up against the glass, Haley had done a quick sketch, and Kai had sat headphones in his ears not taking in anything apart from the heavy explicit rapping drumming into his eardrums.
It was beautifully sunny as they walked through Covent Gardens, admiring the moving statues. Archie and Martha kept badgering Blaine to give them money to get the statues moving, when he finally gave in it was to a big disappointment as all the statue man did was wave at them.
‘That was not worth £1’ Blaine said jokily as he leaned over to Kurt and gave him a light peck on his cheek. A large, red-faced, very English looking man had been watching them with a deep scowl set in his ugly face. At the sight of one man showing affection to another, his face grew even redder and he waddled over to the large family, growing more and more agitated by the second.
‘Why don’t you scum take yourselves somewhere else, so I don’t have to watch your disgusting little displays, you big faggots. You disgust me.’ He spat out his words loudly into Blaine and Kurt’s faces. Blaine rose above the man, which was quite hard as Blaine was nearly hobbit sized and this man was huge, and put his face so close to the mans that they were nearly touching.
‘Say that again,’ Blaine’s voice was low and angry, but still calm, ‘say that again but this time say it louder so everyone can hear what a massive homophobe you are.’ The man looked shocked as he had clearly not expected this comeback, he stayed quiet.
‘That’s right you won’t,’ Blaine was holding Charlie and he shifted him so he was more comfortable in his grip,’ now I came to London to have an enjoyable day with my children and my husband,’ he emphasised the word husband, as if trying the man’s patience, ’and I don’t want to have to swear in front of my son, so would you mind backing off and letting us enjoy what would have been a lovely day until you came and ruined it?’ his tone was full on mock-politeness and confidence as he stared the man down. The man mumbled something illiterate in return then waddled off, angrily cursing at himself.
Blaine blew out a huge sigh of relief and looked to Kurt who was staring, stunned at the place where the fat man had disappeared off to. He turned his head to look at Blaine and smiled,’ You were brilliant babe, thank you.’
The day got a lot better from then on. They visited little boutiques for Kurt, a food market, the modern art gallery and a trip to St James Park for a relaxing afternoon. By the time 6 o’clock came around everyone was shattered and the decision was made to head home. Again they all piled into the mini van, but this time with a lot more leg room. Charlie fell asleep first, then Haley, Kurt wasn’t sure if Kai was sleep but his eyes were closed, how anyone could fall asleep with that racket banging away in their ears Kurt didn’t know, and Blaine soon followed, his head pressed up against the window. The twins were the last to go, as they quietly chatted to each other about the dinosaur man they had met in to park, Blaine had been quick to chivvy them away because he looked a bit ‘dodgy’.
They got stuck in the rush hour traffic for ages on the way back, so didn’t arrive home until 9 o’clock. Kurt nudged Blaine, who gasped a little as he jolted awake, then smiled. ‘Home again, home again jiggity jig,’ he chanted quietly, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. One by one each child was carried into the three story house, until only Kai was left curled in the back seat, mouth open, music still blaring out of his headphones.
‘Hey buddy, wake up, we’re home.’ Blaine shook Kia arms gently, waking him from his deep sleep.
‘Home again, home again jiggity jig’ Kai mumbled the little chant that had been said on any journey long or short since George had been a baby. Blaine smiled at himself; happy that this little bit of childhood remained in the ever growing up teenager. They walked into the house together