Aug. 8, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 8, 2014, 7 p.m.
Creamy white skin molded onto muscles that didnt consume the body nor were too lacking that they were hard to find. Nipples that just begged to be flicked with his tongue, and, god, that slightly sinister laugh that was meant to be flirty. When Blaine came to this party he hardly expected to be greeted with the sight of Kurt shirtless and laying back on a table - but there he was for the world, and Blaine, to see.
A jab from insanely long fingernails under the ribs brought Blaines attention back to the world beyond Kurt. "He is the enemy." Santana hissed at him as Blaine cringed and turned his body back to face her. "Do not start getting ideas."
Blaine rubbed his side, knowing that hed get a bruise. Santana always left bruises and he hated to think of what she did to her lovers the way she was rough with her friends. "I wasnt getting any ideas…"
"Oh no?" One perfectly sculpted eyebrow rose up while Santana shot her hand back out, prompting Blaine to cover his side instinctively. He didnt anticipate that shed be poking at his crotch though and made a Hrk! in surprise as he backed off a step. "Explain that."
Blaine glanced down at himself, a blush rising quickly in his cheeks. So maybe Kurt being shirtless did have a certain effect on him if the tenting in his slacks was any indication. He turned towards the wall a little more to hide the state his arousal and groaned. "I cant believe you…"
"Well I cant believe you. Honestly Blaine? Kurt? Of all the people you spring a stiffy over?"
He sighed, taking a sip of the beer getting warm in his cup. Blaine wasnt a big drinker, but tonight might be the exception if it took his mind off the faux pas he just made. "No kidding. Anyhow… hormones aside, theres another guy Ive kind of got my eye on."
Santanas other eyebrow jumped up to join the other one. "Oh really Mr. "I-dont-have-time-to-sleep-let-alone-screw". Whos that?"
Blaine pointed across the room, Santanas eyes following. The man he was checking out had been just as cursed with hair as curly as his own and had a pretty angular face that was distinct in a room of stereotypically rectangle head shaped jocks.
"Jeremiah? Really Blaine? Here I thought Kurt was bad."
"What? Why? Hes a nice guy…. hes gay too… and hes on that pet charity…."
Santana snickered beside him. "Oh come on. For starters - golf team. We do not date the golf team. They are invited to athletic events out of pity."
"Nothing wrong with golf…" Blaine murmured. Honestly he didnt know the sport. His dad had played back when they had been a part of the country club but Blaine didnt get the point of hitting a ball, walking after it, and then hitting it again.
"No. Perfectly fine if youre a retired sales guy who enjoys wearing polyester pants up to his nipples."
Blaine just rolled his eyes. Santana was nothing if not opinionated.
"Secondly - pet charities turn you on? Really? That has to be the lamest reason to be interested in anyone. Youre not into beastiality too are you Blaine?"
"Finally, that boy youre checking out has been making eyes at the same guy every gay guy, and half the straight girls for that matter, have been looking at all night."
"Whos that?" Blaine asked, eyes jumping around the crowd to find the casanova in question.
"Same guy you just popped a boner for dumbass."
Blaine blinked and glanced at Jeremiah, who was looking across the room at… Kurt. Fuck.
"What the hell?"
"Yeah. I dont get it either. Granted I like more tit than that boy has and hes sporting way too much junk in the front of his trunk for me too."
Blaine looked back at Santana, just shaking his head in disbelief. "Figures… Besides… I was right when I said I was too busy for a relationship. Wouldve just been nice to get some positive attention I guess. Certainly never got any in high school. Thought college might be different."
"Its been two months rookie. Give it a chance. Besides, youre staying on campus during Thanksgiving anyway right?"
Blaine nodded. "I thought it wasnt a choice… we have to cheer for the football games after all."
She shrugged, "Theres always the odd exception to that rule so long as you have Coach Washingtons permission. Anyhow, relax. Everyone hooks up Thanksgiving weekend. Youll get some ass… or give it… you know Ive never really asked if youre a top or a bottom…."
With Santana peering at him expecting an answer, Blaine let his eyes roll so that she could see his annoyance. "God woman. You and stereotypes. Few gay guys are power tops or bottoms… I swear that shit was made up by women who fag hag over gay fictional couples because the only place that ever seems to show up is in fanfiction."
"So…. you…."
Clearly she wasnt satisfied with his answer so Blaine let out a sigh and said plainly, "Switch."
"Mmm… and here I had you pegged as a bottom only."
"Only in a pyramid baby." He winked, taking another sip of beer and enjoying that the comment gave her reason to chuckle.
His eyes went back to surveying the crowd. Kurt had moved from the table and was now held tight in a corner by some guy in a letterman jacket. The pair were swapping spit for everyone to see and Kurt had a leg held up and hooked over the guys hip.
"Should I be worried that youre going to be jealous?" Santana cooed.
Blaine shook his head, but kept his eyes on the strangely erotic scene. He was vaguely aware that his body mirrored the position of the jock, whose face he couldnt see, as he ground up against Kurt. His breath quickened as Blaine watched the way Kurt curled his fingers against the back of the guys neck, and Blaine was sure the beer he was drinking was responsible for the warmth flooding over his body and the hair rising on his arms.
"Youve been caught."
Blaine blinked, confused by Santanas statement until his eyes travelled just a bit higher and connected with Kurts. If he wasnt red already, he certainly would be now. Blue eyes had latched themselves onto Blaine despite the rest of Kurt being busy with the random letterman jacket guy, and instead of looking away, like he probably should have, Blaine just maintained the connection.
Kurts head was tipped back against the wall now as his partner was working on making out with his alabaster neck. Positive now that the alcohol in his system was making the nerves in his body tingle, he let his eyes linger. Kurt never looked away from Blaine in turn, licking his own lips over for Blaine to see as his pupils filled up the sea of blue with darkness.
"Fuck off Fabray!"
The yell forced Blaine to look away and towards Kitty at the other end of the room. Toe to toe with the A-team blonde sidekick of Kurt, Kitty looked like her namesake - ready to pounce.
"Quinn accidentally spilled her drink over the top of Kittys head." Santana murmured to Blaine.
That was as much information as Blaine got before Quinn and Kitty went at each other. It was the most cliched of girl fights - slapping, clawing, shoving, hair pulling, and squealing. If it had been a couple guys a few punches would have been thrown and it would have been over fast. With girls though, they drew out the fight as long as possible without it being able to be classified as cruel and unusual punishment. At least most girls. Blaine had been at SCU long enough to see Santana in action and she didnt waste time on petty little actions like Quinn and Kitty were.
"Oh my fucking god! Quinn! Get the hell up!" Kurt roared as he advanced through the crowd which parted for him so he could get to Quinn and pull her back. "Youre a Siren for fucks sake! Act like one!"
Kitty was pulled back in turn by a couple of nearby Spartans. Both her and Quinn had their hair all out of sorts and tears in their skimpy dresses. Blaine was sure hookers were probably better put together than either of them were at the moment.
"She started it!" Quinn yelled towards Kitty, flashing her teeth as if that was any kind of threat.
"End it! Come on. Were done here!" Kurt huffed, keeping a firm grip on Quinns wrist and tugging her back so he could retrieve his still absent shirt and then lead the way for them to go, Quinn not having a chance to get another word in.
The rest of the Sirens, and even some of the members of other teams, followed after them, prompting Santana to apologize to one of the Lamda Beta Phi guys named Sam for "cheerleader drama" causing a ruckus.
"Are you kidding?" Sam responded "Girl on girl fight makes this one of the hottest parties of the year so far!"
Blaine just rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that night. Apparently high school drama didnt just end in high school.
Trouble in the hen house? Or cheer house should I say? Sirens leave the Lamda Beta Phi party in a huff after an altercation with Spartan cheerleaders! Read more on my blog!
#SCUSirens #SCUSpartans #JBIatSCU
That party was completely lame anyhow. We tried to liven it up but Lamda Beta Phis need to work on their guest lists.
#SCUSirens #SpartansSuck
Right. Because stripping down and having random guys lick the lint out of your bellybutton qualifies as "livening up a party". Get real Fabray.
#SCUSpartans #SirensSuck
Didnt see any Spartans doing anything to make the place less dull. Theres a reason Sirens have the most pep. We know how to bring the action.
#SCUSirens #SpartansSuck
This is absolute insanity. Do you even hear yourself? You sound like a preteen having a tantrum. How the hell did you ever get into college?
#SCUSpartans #SirensSuck
Well, unlike some people, it was grades and not affirmative action policies.
#SCUSirens #SpartansSuck
Oh it is on now Fabray.