April 20, 2015, 7 p.m.
April 20, 2015, 7 p.m.
There were a lot of boys out tonight, and really, they were boys by their looks. It was the boys who made the best livings in street walking, and once they got too old they were relegated to less travelled streets by their pimps, used up, beat up, and taking whatever they could get.
The problem was, as Kurt saw it though, was that none of the boys advertising their services on this particular night were doing anything for him. He had never been this picky before, and even had a few favorites that he had said no to when they walked up to the cadillac he was driving solo in that evening. Really, to let off the kind of steam he needed to get rid of, any willing hole should have done, but he didn't want just any hole and that was the cause of his problems. All he could think about was how Blaine was wearing a pair of particularly tight pants when he had spoken to Kurt earlier, and how Blaine would press and plump his lips together whenever he paused to think.
Kurt's phone buzzed, alerting him to an increase in noise levels in the apartment. He used to check each of those alerts, snapping to camera view, but these days the noise came more from Blaine practicing on his instruments and it was embarrassing how much Kurt wanted to hum along with the show tunes he played. So Kurt had stopped paying attention, knowing that if Blaine tried to escape he would get a proximity breach alert anyhow.
Kurt had thought things were better after he had taken a day to spend with Blaine. Blaine had begun to ask him for things, which Kurt presumed was a good sign. It meant Blaine was settling in, feeling more comfortable, and trying to make himself feel more at home. Then, as abruptly as that behaviour seemed to start up it stopped and Blaine was once again moody and fussy - just in time for Kurt's clients to be the same.
They wanted him to take sides. The deal was going sour despite all of Kurt's work and attention. If they hadn't invested money already it would have been something they could have all just walked away from, but they had, and now it was a matter of trying to work around their demands - both wanting more money back then they had put in, and each accusing Kurt of siding with the opposite side when he tried to explain the conflict.
He should have never agreed to such a risky venture.
So it was that work was stressful, and home was no better. When he could manage a moment to sit down, those damned kittens would try to attack him. If Blaine wasn't so damned adorably domestic when he played and cuddled with them then Kurt would have kicked them to the curb a long time ago.
Not that getting the damned creatures seemed to be working in his favour anyhow.
Begrudgingly, Kurt drew away from slowly driving down the same corners he had been circling around the past hour. As much as he needed a good orgasm, it was clear that he wasn't in a mood to settle so he may as well jerk himself off in the bathroom at home and call it a night instead of wasting more gas.
Of course, that was before he stepped into the apartment and the first thing he heard was a low, choked out moan.
Kurt crept towards the source of the noise, and damn near dropped his jacket from his arm at the sight before him. Legs spread apart on the cushions, completely naked, with one hand around his cock and the other working a finger in and out of his ass was Blaine. It was certainly the last thing Kurt expected to see, and what came next was even more shocking to him.
Blaine hadn't yet seen Kurt, or if he had he was certainly playing coy, because his head tipped back and he groaned out “..Yeah…Kurt…”
Kurt's pants rapidly became too tight as he had the fastest growing erection of his life, and then he really did let his jacket drop as he reached up to loosen his tie and strode across the room. It all became clear. Blaine had pulled away because Kurt hadn't picked up on cues that Blaine wanted more, and what clues Blaine might have dropped, Kurt didn't know, nor did he focus on working out at that particular moment because his brain short circuited and left his other head in charge.
“God you've always been so gorgeous…” Kurt murmured, crouching down before Blaine who then, and only then, noticed Kurt with his blacked out eyes. Blush took over his face from his cheeks right to the tips of his ears, and a shaky breath was let out as Blaine averted his eyes shamefully.
“Did you…?”
See it? Yes. Kurt thought first, how could he have missed seeing Blaine like that, but then realized Blaine was asking something else entirely and Kurt shook his head. “No. None would do.”
If Blaine intended to say anything in response to that, he didn't manage to get it out before Kurt dropped his lips hungrily over the head of the the reddened cock before his head, and pulled Blaine's hand away from it so he could fill his mouth with the entirety of his heavy flesh. The half-sob, half-gasp above him, and the way Blaine's hands dropped to his sides let Kurt know that what he was doing was wanted, needed even, and so he drew his tongue and lips up and down, over and around Blaine's dick to familiarize himself with each vein and each patch of skin.
Kurt knew Blaine was clean from the records that had come with him, and so Kurt let himself enjoy the novel flavor that came from burying his nose in the tightly coiled black hairs of Blaine's crotch, and drank up the taste of Blaine's precum was such delight that his stomach growled for more. However, Kurt couldn't push the image of Blaine fingering himself out of his mind and with a lewd pop, he pulled himself off Blaine'd cock right before the man came in it and wrapped his arms around Blaine's back and legs to pick him up.
“What…?” Blaine heaved out among heavy breaths, and Kurt looked him over in fascination, wondering how many sides to Blaine there was as he carried him up the stairs and to the bedroom. There was the kind, sweet Blaine from his memories that surfaced in the way he cared for his pets, and in how he tended to the apartment. There was the fierce Blaine that fought for his freedom and smashed plates. There was the side of Blaine that made him act without thinking, drinking to excess and running up to animals at the zoo like a child. Now there was this Blaine - seductive, lustful, and needy.
Kurt definitely liked this side.
Blaine's mind finally seemed to catch up with what Kurt's intentions were when Kurt set him on the bed and went about peeling his own clothing off in haste. Once again he spread out his legs, on full display to Kurt like an offering and no less flushed than he had been the instant he noticed Kurt downstairs. If he had just been some whore off the street, Kurt wouldn't even have to wait to take him since most of the guys Kurt had hired had prepped and kept plugs in to keep themselves ready for this customers.
But Blaine was definitely no whore. His body was unused, well fed, and toned. He didn't have to wear provocative outfits to catch Kurt's attention, and the tiny wink of a hole that he presented was clenched firmly together as if his finger hadn't even been in there.
Kurt grabbed the lube and condom out of the pants he had discarded, originally to be used for someone else, and climbed up on the bed between Blaine's legs. Either from nerves or fear, Blaine tensed up then, but didn't pull away, instead resting his head back on the pillow and closing his eyes. Perhaps he had had bad sexual experiences in the past and was preparing for the worst. Kurt had experienced that back in his first few sexual encounters, resulting in him now topping all of the time. Guys didn't seem to know the first thing about proper preparation, or just didn't care.
He wouldn't do that to Blaine though.
For so long this had been a fantasy of Kurt's, and as he lubed up his fingers and rubbed them over Blaine's rosy pucker, he bent down to kiss the insides of Blaine's thighs, silently worshipping the boy that allowed him to smile once, and that he now had the opportunity to thank.
Kurt was purposely slow, pushing his finger in against the hard ridge of muscle that did not want him to enter, and also fighting against the tension in Blaine's body, tension he could see in the way Blaine snapped his eyes shut hard and gritted his teeth as well as in how tightly his finger was gripped by the walls of Blaine's hole. He worked that finger in and out just as slowly, dribbling lube onto his finger whenever it exposed itself to push back into Blaine. Eventually, Blaine's breathing evened out, and his body relaxed enough for Kurt to add a second finger alongside the first.
“Oh… Oh….”
Kurt watched as Blaine tensed back up again with addition, his caterpillar eyebrows furrowing together. Yet, as was the case with the first finger, Blaine's body did give after a series of slow thrusts and Kurt began to scissor the fingers out inside of Blaine, looking for the sweet spot he had only on occasion found within himself.
Blaine's was much less of a hidden treasure, and within a minute Kurt had Blaine yelping and crying out all at once. “Yes!” and “God!” were interchanged with each bump over the bundle of tightly packed nerves on Blaine's prostate, and he didn't even flinch when a third finger was finally inserted.
Managing with surgeon like skill to tear the condom wrapped open and roll it over himself, Kurt able to get himself ready with one hand while working the other in and out of Blaine to the point where he had his head thrown backwards and he was swearing up at the ceiling in jubilant ecstasy, so close to coming based on how precum dripped down over his throbbing cock.
When Kurt removed his fingers, Blaine gasped and squeezed the blanket under him with his knuckles, already white from keeping a firm grip on said blanket throughout the prepping process. His hand went to hold the inside of Blaine's right thigh while the other held down his left thigh, and Kurt pressed his cock into the waiting hole, dripping with lubricant, and groaning embarrassingly loudly as he pushed his way inside.
Blaine's cries for god were now prefixed by ‘Oh!', and Kurt was mindful to keep himself from just slamming in and out as quickly as he could, as was normal with the streetwalkers he knew, in favour of savouring this moment that he only thought would ever be a dream, and ensuring he didn't break Blaine under him with just how ferociously he wanted him.
The one thing Kurt hadn't done yet was kiss Blaine, but now, in that position, he let his head fall forwards and kissed the corners of Blaine's mouth as he bottomed out, and then kissed over the pinched together lips as he slid back. Those rosy lips matched the color of the cock trapped between their bodies, and tasted just as sweet, and Kurt slid his tongue aggressively between them as he began rolling his hips back and forth. He wanted nothing more than to be inside of Blaine as much as he could, and when Blaine's lips yielded to him, he focused on letting his tongue map out the inside of Blaine's mouth just as much as his cock was mapping out the inside of Blaine himself.
The one thing Kurt didn't want to have happen was for him to come too quickly, a feat that was becoming difficult to manage as each push in brought him close to the edge. His stomach was fluttering, his fingers buzzing, and his toes were curling though, and any part of him that managed to have any iota of willpower shrivelled up the instant Blaine whimpered softly, tears pressing out of the corners of his eyes, and then came without even being touched - leaving ropes of white come on Kurt's chest and his own with a final cry of “Oh! God! Yes!”.
That was it for Kurt, an invitation for him to unravel - which he did, bucking his hips up one final time and locking himself in position as he filled his condom up with his own spunk, teeth grinding down on each other as he held back from yelling whatever it was his mind would come up with, and then collapsing on top of Blaine's already boneless body to find his breath.
“That was… that was okay…” Blaine murmured drowsily after a moment of shared huffing and panting from them both, Kurt rolling himself off of Blaine and sitting up on the edge of the bed to tie off the condom and grab his shirt from the ground to wipe himself off with.
“Just okay?” Kurt said, smirking a little despite what could have been taken as a slight against his sexual prowess.
“Well… I mean… I remember hearing guys saying it would hurt and be awful.”
“What?” Kurt looked back at Blaine, who hadn't moved at all yet.
“Anal sex. They said their first times were horrible and it would take a few times for it to feel good.”
Shit. Kurt lost his voice for a moment as he realized that not only had Blaine given himself to him, but he had given that traditionally sacred first time to Kurt. He hadn't even considered that Blaine wouldn't have had that experience yet given how good looking Blaine was and how he was in a college program where the number of gay men was well above average - giving them ample opportunity to hook up.
“But it didn't hurt… so… yeah… it was good.” Blaine continued, eyes sleepily settling on Kurt before closing again.
Kurt frowned to himself, standing on jelly-like legs to amble into the bathroom and wet a hand towel which he brought back to the bedroom and wiped Blaine, who was already fast asleep, off with. His mind whirled with worries and reflections on what he had just done, not sure if he had done everything right, and wondering if he could have made it special somehow. His own first times were nothing worth remembering - done for the sake of getting it over with in the backrooms of bars and clubs, and nothing since then had compared to the intimacy he had just experienced.
But he hoped it was enough.
With Blaine cleaned, Kurt lifted the blanket up and over him and then crawled in beside him, tentatively wrapping an arm over Blaine's waist and snuggling up. This was new, and something he remembered always wanting when he was younger. Having someone to hold and cuddle with - back when he thought that was as sexy as things could ever be. If the sex was good, the ability to be able to be close and snuggle Blaine was phenomenal.
The best part was - it wasn't a dream anymore.