Dec. 11, 2011, 8:10 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:10 a.m.
Blaine shot Kurt a look and sighed before answering. “My dad doesn’t…” Blaine faltered for words, “like who I am. He…doesn’t…approve of me being gay.”
“But he’s your father; he should love you no matter what.” Kurt was concerned, how would Blaine’s father react to him being there with Blaine?
“Well, he doesn’t. He likes my brother better.”
“You have a brother? Why doesn’t he go to McKinley?” Kurt asked, shocked at the new information.
Blaine looked down, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel. “He’s dead, car crash, two years ago. And here I am, left to fill his shoes. He was a Med School student for fuck’s sake! The perfect son. Then you have me, the fuck-up, the kid dad wished had died instead.” Blaine finished his rant, head hanging and Kurt was pretty sure he was the first person to ever hear the words Blaine had just uttered.
“That’s not true, they’re your parents, and they love you.” Kurt whispered, barely audible.
“Oh it’s true alright,” Blaine growled. “I’m the fucking black sheep of the family. I transferred from Dalton remember? Now move your ass, sweet cheeks, you’re going to experience dear old’ dad and the rest of the Anderson household first hand.”
Kurt watched as every one of Blaine’s barriers slid back into place as he braced himself to face his parents. Kurt grabbed his bag with trembling fingers, nervous-as-hell to even set foot in the house.
Kurt followed Blaine up the sidewalk and onto the large porch. A large lump formed in his throat as Blaine slid a key into the door and the lock clicked open.
“Welcome to the Anderson residence” Blaine smirked as he made a large sweeping gesture as the large oak door swung open.
Kurt almost gasped as he walked into the foyer. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling in the two-story high entrance way. The walls were painted a navy blue with cr�me colored paneling along the edges. The navy carpet beneath his feet sunk with every step he took. The whole house just screamed “undeniably wealthy” at Kurt.
“Mom! Kurt and I are here! We’re going to go practice in my room!” Blaine yelled down the hallway towards the back of the house.
“Mister Blaine what have I told you about the incessant screeching inside the house? You haven’t changed at all since you were born. All that yelling and kicking and flailing all the time. You did throw the most spectacular tantrums.” A voice spoke from above and Kurt looked up to see a grey-haired woman standing on the upstairs landing.
Blaine blushed and bent his head as an apology. “Sorry Mrs. Harking.”
The old woman nodded and turned to acknowledge Kurt. “And who is this fine young lad you’ve brought home with you?”
“Oh, this is Kurt; we’re working on a project for Glee together?”
“Oh, ok sonny. Your father’s home by the way. I’d avoid the study if I were you.”
Blaine smiled at the old lady and Kurt had a feeling that the two had been co-conspirators for a long time. “Will do Mrs. Harking. When will dinner be ready?”
“Six-thirty as usual. Now go get to work, you want to do well!”
Kurt followed Blaine upstairs and to the left, taking in the family portraits on the wall, scattered amongst the paintings. He saw smiling pictures of what had to be Mr. and Mrs. Anderson holding Blaine and his brother. The only difference Kurt could see between the two boys was Blaine’s hazel eyes in contrast to his brother’s clear blue ones. As time wore on in the photographs there were less and less of Blaine. In fact, the most recent one seemed to be a picture of Blaine and his brother at what seemed to be his brother’s high school graduation.
“Come along Hummel, stop gaping at my family.” Kurt started at the sound of Blaine’s voice and scuttled down the hallway to where Blaine stood. Blaine turned into the doorway on their left. “Well, this is my room” he said unceremoniously and swung the door open. Kurt was stunned at how different the room was from the boy who occupied it. There were trophies lining the bookshelf that sat against one wall and a large flat-screen TV that had three different gaming consoles attached to it. On the night table sat a pair of black rimmed glasses and a small photograph for what appeared to be a five-year old Blaine in a soccer uniform.
The thing that definitely caught Kurt’s attention was the walk in closet. Kurt stared into the open door, reaching out to brush his fingers against the clothes, designer labels flashing through his mind. “Is, is that a bowtie collection?” Kurt gasped as he came upon a shelf full of them in every color and pattern.
“Yeah” Blaine shrugged.
“But why don’t you ever wear these? I’d kill to have a collection like that.”
“Because that’s not who I am. Plus, I’d like my face to not be punched in.”
Kurt’s heart clenched at the flicker of pain that ran across Blaine’s features.
“Anyway,” Blaine sighed, “we need to get to work. Did you bring the music?”
Kurt nodded and sat his bag gingerly on the bed, pulling sheet music from it. He handed a set to Blaine who meandered into the closet, before returning with an acoustic guitar. Blaine set the sheet music on one end of the bed and began softly strumming.
Kurt smiled as he watched Blaine play, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out the chords. He realized he didn’t really know all that much about Blaine Anderson. He thought that coming to Blaine’s house might answer some of the questions he had, but it had only confused him even more. How had Blaine ended up in Dalton? The pictures he had seen had been a happy Blaine, a young boy with a good life. Blaine wasn’t just rich, he was also smart. The school trophies and awards told Kurt that much. There were so many questions Kurt wanted to ask, but he wouldn’t dare, not with Blaine as volatile as he was.
“You going to stare at the paper all day or are you going to sing Hummel?” Kurt looked up at Blaine and realized he hadn’t paid attention to anything Blaine had been saying.
“Sorry, lost in thought.”
“Get that pretty little head of yours out of the clouds and come back down to earth and practice.”
Kurt quirked his mouth up at Blaine and rolled his eyes. Blaine began to strum a bit and Kurt followed along, coming in at his part.
Kurt had to admit, he and Blaine meshed together well, and their voices complemented each other’s. He was having fun too. Blaine wasn’t really all that bad when all of his energy wasn’t being forced into maintaining the bad boy act.
Blaine stopped them around six fifteen and asked Kurt if he’d like to stay for dinner. “No, not really. I mean, I wouldn’t want you to have to deal with your father, and it would be awkward, and I really should get home to my dad.”
“Hummel, stop your rambling. I wouldn’t want to stay and dine with my father either. Come on, I’ll take you home.”
Kurt breathed a sigh of relief that Blaine hadn’t been offended by his quick escape. He followed Blaine out into the hallway but froze when a drawling voice hit his ears.
“Hello son, company?”
He watched in what seemed like slow motion that Blaine turned around to face his father. “Yeah, dad, this is Kurt, he and I are partners for a project.”
Kurt extended his hand to Mr. Anderson who gave it a brief shake. “Do all of your projects involve singing?”
“No. This is for Glee, Kurt and I are duet partners.”
Mr. Anderson stared down his son. “Glee? What pray tell is that class?”
“We,” Blaine faltered. “We sing in the class and we get to compete.”
Mr. Anderson’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying you’re in a show choir?” His voice had gone soft and threatening and
Kurt watched as the blood drained out of Blaine’s face.
“Yes; There are a lot of guys in there, actually.”
“Are they all as diseased as you are?” Mr. Anderson threw a look at Kurt, sizing him up before apparently deciding that yes, they were all just as queer as his son. “Never mind, don’t answer that. I believe you were taking Kurt here home? Good, I’ll see you when you get back at the dinner table. We have a lot to discuss.”
Kurt and Blaine took off down the staircase as Mr. Anderson turned and headed back into the study. They climbed into the car and Blaine sat there momentarily, hands shaking on the wheel. He couldn’t even look at Kurt. He was embarrassed, terrified, but most of all enraged. Why was his father such an ass? Couldn’t he see what he was doing to Blaine? Blaine finally got the courage to speak. “I-I’m sorry about that. I was really hoping you wouldn’t have to deal with him. God he’s an ass.”
Kurt rested a hand on top of Blaine’s. “Hey, it’s ok, you took it well, I just, I’m sorry you have to live with that.” Kurt was livid, what kind of father did Blaine’s dad think he was anyway? “Your father has no right to treat you, or anyone else for that matter, like that. He’s an ass and you deserve so much better than that.”
Blaine backed slowly out of the driveway, not trusting himself to speak. Instead, Kurt rambled on. “Its people like that; the people we expect to care about us that make our lives living hell. But you don’t deserve this Blaine. And don’t ever think you do ok? Because I’ve been there. For a while I thought I deserved going through hell, being called names and shoved into lockers. But I didn’t and neither do you. Just ignore him.”
Kurt spent the rest of the ride either in silence or muttering to himself about how parents are supposed to be loving and supportive and not asshats like Blaine’s dad.
Soon they were at the curb in front of the Hummel home and Blaine was staring at Kurt. “Thanks” he said quietly, eyes bright with tears he wouldn’t allow to fall until he was home, safely behind his locked door. “So yeah.” Suddenly Blaine was leaning forwards and pressing his lips to Kurt’s and Kurt just kissed back, the surprise of the action fleeing and hormones taking over. Suddenly Kurt was pushing Blaine backwards and shaking his head. “No, no we can’t, I can’t.”
“Why not?” Blaine asked gruffly, hurt written across his face.
“You’re vulnerable, you’re upset and that would be like me taking advantage of you, and I couldn’t.”
Blaine leaned back in, pulling Kurt’s face towards him with his left hand. “You can’t take advantage if I initiate it.” This kiss was rougher, needier and soon Kurt forgot all about why he had pulled away in the first place. The kiss was over too soon and Kurt’s eyes widened as he realized what had transpired. He grabbed his bag and fumbled with the car door. “I- I’ll see you tomorrow I guess.”
Kurt flew up the stairs and tossed his bag onto the floor as he heard Blaine pull away. Blaine had just kissed him, and he had kissed back. Kurt was confused, his body was telling him one thing but his heart another. The only advice his brain seemed to have was to wait it out. School tomorrow was going to be hell.
Kurt entered the halls of McKinley and looked around for a moment. He had no idea what he would say if he saw Blaine or even if Mercedes came to ask him how his night went. He wasn’t even sure how he felt about the whole ordeal.
Kurt didn’t have long to think before he felt someone standing next to him. Kurt didn’t bother to look over, didn’t need to, to know that Blaine was standing there. Kurt slammed the palm of his hand into his locker door and opened it, staring at the contents inside. “Kurt,” Blaine’s voice was low and his breath was skimming over Kurt’s neck and he really shouldn’t be this turned on at nine in the morning.
“Yes, Blaine?”
“We need to talk.” A hand settled on Kurt’s shoulder and suddenly he was being turned around.
“About what?” Kurt sighed, looking into Blaine’s eyes, trying to read the boy.
“Last night” Blaine looked at his feet avoiding Kurt’s gaze. Kurt realized that this was a first for Blaine, being out of control and not hiding it with the cocky attitude he gave everyone.
“What about it?” Kurt wasn’t sure where the conversation was going, wasn’t even sure where he wanted it to go.
“I, uh, I was just, you know what, never mind Hummel, it obviously meant nothing to you” Blaine turned on his heel and stormed off, motorcycle boots rapping against the linoleum.
“What was that about?” Mercedes asked watching Blaine storm off.
Kurt pressed his head against the locker to relive the headache that was coming on. “Blaine. We, uh, we sort of kissed last night, and when he came to talk about it I froze. He took it as meaning nothing so I imagine he’s pissed at me.”
“You did what? Kurt Hummel did you just say you kissed Blaine Anderson?”
Kurt felt the tips of his ears heat up. “Yes, when he dropped me off last night it just sort of happened. And now this and so now he’s upset.”
“Just go tell him that it meant something then.”
“I don’t know what it meant though. It just…happened. We ran into his father — how he deals with the man I don’t know – and when he brought me home we kissed a couple of times.”
“Do you care about him?”
“Well, yeah, I guess. I mean, he needs friends and support, he doesn’t get any at home.”
“Then be there for him. Let him know that you’re confused but you care about him.”
“Can you see him listening to that, ‘Cedes?” Kurt wasn’t sure how well a conversation like that would go with Blaine.
“It’s the least you can do. Invite him over to your house to practice. Let him meet Burt. You could be good for him.”
The bell rang, cutting off any other conversation, and the two started off towards their respective classrooms. Kurt took his usual seat in Calculus, directly in front of Blaine. He had tried talking to the curly haired boy before class began but Blaine was dead set on ignoring him.
After class let out Kurt cornered Blaine by his locker.
“Look Blaine, I need to talk to you.”
“Should’ve done that when you had the chance” Blaine mumbled, not looking towards Kurt.
“Look, I wasn’t, and still am not sure what last night was about, but I’m willing to try and figure it out but just don’t ignore me. I also thought maybe you’d like to come by my house to practice for the duet. You’re welcome to stay for dinner too if you’d like.”
Blaine eyed Kurt suspiciously. “Dinner at your house? I mean, I don’t know, maybe I’ll just come for a bit to practice.”
“Just be there at four then, ok? You know where I live.”
“That’s only because I watch you shower sweet cheeks.”
Kurt blushed a brilliant shade of scarlet but was able to roll his eyes at Blaine. “Riiiight. See you later Blaine.”
“So,” Mercedes smiled as she found Kurt at his locker.
“Did you talk to the boy?”
“For your information, yes I did. He’s coming to my house to practice and maybe stay for dinner.”
“Ooh la la, well get it,” Mercedes laughed.
Kurt rolled his eyes at his best friend. “One day I’m going to stop being your friend because all you do is torture me.”
“I do not, I merely speak the truth!”
“Don’t get so indignant, I was just joking.”
“Well, ha ha, it wasn’t funny.”
Kurt laughed at the angry face Mercedes was giving him. “Plus” he whispered conspiratorially, “who would I tell if anything happened?”
“Oooh boy you better tell me if he completely debauches you!”
“Hey,” Kurt said, offended, “who’s to say I’m not the one to be doing the debauching?”
“Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, you are the person to be voted least likely to ever debauch someone.”
“Fine,” Kurt huffed. “Whatever you say. But trust me, there will be no debauching.”
“Well, if you come in limping tomorrow, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“Mercedes!” Kurt’s face was scarlet and he hastened to pull the books he needed for homework out of his locker and made for the door.
Kurt was pacing the hall watching the clock. He had told his father he was having a friend over but now Kurt was worrying Blaine wouldn’t show.
At five after Kurt heard the sound of Blaine’s motorcycle rumble into the driveway. Kurt waited for a few seconds before opening the door, not wanting Blaine to know he had been pacing in front of it for the past fifteen minutes.
“Hey Blaine” Kurt smiled, trying to shove down the nervousness that kept bubbling up inside of him.
“Hummel” was all Blaine mumbled as he stepped through the door.
“I, I know it isn’t much, but um, welcome to the Hummel home.”
Blaine gave a crooked smile while following Kurt up to his room. Blaine looked around the house as they did so. It may have fit inside his house three times over, but this felt like a home. He was jealous that Kurt felt so at ease walking through the hallway, not scared that his father would walk out and ask him when he was going to straighten out his act, literally.
“So where’s your dad?” Blaine asked, terrified of meeting the man.
“In the shop. He said he’d be home by dinner and that you’re welcome to stay.”
“We’ll see.”
Kurt opened the door to his room and Blaine looked around.
“Why is everything so grey?”
Kurt shook his head in disbelief. “It’s the color palette I chose. It matches my skin tone” he huffed indignantly.
“There should be color in here, how do you stand it?”
Kurt raised a delicate eyebrow. “I like it and your opinion on the subject doesn’t matter, now, do you want to practice or not?”
Blaine stared at Kurt for a second and dropped his bag on the floor and opened up his guitar case. “You know we’re going to win right? I mean, who can beat us?”
“Well Rachel is dead set on winning so we have to be better than good.”
Blaine smiled and rolled his eyes. “Rachel Berry and her Pillsbury Doughboy of a boyfriend are going to get
“That they will” Kurt smirked as he and Blaine began their practice session.
Two hours later, Kurt and Blaine were perfecting their ending, when Burt’s voice drifted down the hallway. “Kurt, dinner time! Carole prepared meatloaf. And tell your friend that he’s welcome to stay for dinner too.”
Kurt saw Blaine freeze up at the sound of Burt’s voice.
“So Blaine, join us for dinner?” Kurt lifted the corner of his mouth, hoping Blaine would stay.
“Well, you see, I really need to get home and, you know.”
“I know what? Seriously though, dad won’t mind and you know Finn.”
“Yeah, but I mean-“
“Blaine, my father isn’t like…well, your dad, to be blunt.
He accepts me and he won’t care that you are too.”
Blaine looked down at the torn Converse on his feet. He was mentally telling himself that this was a very bad idea indeed, Kurt was a very bad idea indeed, but apparently his heart and mouth had other plans. “Fine Hummel, have it your way, I’ll stay for dinner.”
Blaine found himself between Kurt and Finn, and unfortunately also seated across the table from Mr. Hummel. Carole had told Burt to be on his best behavior and it seemed he was doing so although the lip ring Blaine had made him inwardly cringe.
“So Blaine, Kurt here says you transferred to McKinley, where’d you come from?”
Even though the question was seemingly innocent Kurt froze and stole a look at Blaine who was mashing his meatloaf with a fork. “Dalton,” was the only thing that came out of Blaine’s mouth and Kurt saw Burt’s eyes widen.
“Isn’t that the…” Burt trailed off as Blaine nodded, more interested in his mashed potatoes than ever. “Oh,” Burt supplied, obviously uncomfortable. “Well, I heard you and Kurt practicing earlier, you two have got this in the bag.”
Kurt saw Blaine’s head snap up at the change of subject. Kurt figured that Blaine wasn’t used to parents of friends not asking him five million questions about Dalton when they found out. That was one thing Kurt had always admired in Burt, the ability to not push people to answer things. Kurt wanted to know what landed Blaine in Dalton, but he knew that when he felt comfortable enough Blaine would tell him.
Kurt walked Blaine to the door, wondering if Blaine would kiss him again. Blaine turned on the porch and spoke. “That dinner wasn’t half bad Kurt, your dad isn’t half bad either, you’re lucky.”
“I know” Kurt softly said, a sad smile on his face.
“Oh don’t get all mushy and emotional on me Hummel,” Blaine groaned but kept his smile. Suddenly they locked eyes and before he knew what was happening Kurt was leaning towards Blaine, who was soon kissing him and a small voice in the back of Kurt’s mind told him that he didn’t mind at all.
loving this story! can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^
Fantastic! I can't wait for the next chapter! :D
ohmygod i love this, i kind of want to shoot blaine's dad though