The New Kid In Town
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The New Kid In Town: Learning

E - Words: 2,881 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Aug 14, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
389 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: This has been up on and I apologize for the amount of time it has taken me to get it here!
Kurt wasn’t really that surprised to see Blaine standing next to his locker but that didn’t make him any happier to see the boy.

“Hey Hummel” Blaine drawled, leaning against the lockers.

“Blaine. What do you want?”

“I want to take you on a date. Tonight at six sound good?”

Kurt looked at Blaine incredulously. “You want us to go on a date? Where in the world did you get the idea that I would say yes to this?”

“Because you’re a nice guy? Because you secretly have the hots for me and want to make sweet, sweet love to me?”

“You’re impossible” Kurt groaned, slamming his locker shut. “And no Blaine, I am not going to go on a date with you tonight.” Kurt slung his messenger bag over his shoulder and walked down the hallway, leaving Blaine by the lockers.


“I don’t know why you didn’t say yes! He’s hot!”

“He’s an ass Mercedes. He isn’t my type and we have nothing in common.” Kurt slid his tray down the lunch line, placing a few items on it as he talked. “There was no way I was going to spend time alone with him!”

“You never know Kurt. You should give him a chance.”

“Why are you so hell-bent on getting me with him? I don’t understand you sometimes.”

“I just think you should give the guy a shot.”

Kurt rolled his eyes at Mercedes before slipping into his seat next to Rachel.

“Hey Kurt, Mercedes” Rachel said as they took their seats, “you guys wanna go shopping and then out to dinner tonight?”

“Of course Rachel, you know I can never say no to a trip to the mall.” And to try and fix your hideous wardrobe Kurt tacked on in his head.

“Yeah I’d like to go too Rachel” Mercedes smiled.

“Great! Let’s just head out after Glee then!”


“Alright guys,” Mr. Schuester said as everyone took their seats, “it’s time to continue with one of our favorite traditions, the sing-off! Everyone will get a partner and the team that wins will get a gift certificate to Breadstix!”

Cheering broke out across the room as everyone began chatting. Kurt looked over when he felt a push against his leg and saw Blaine’s foot resting against his chair.
Blaine raised an eyebrow and Kurt glared at the dark haired boy.

“Come on” Blaine growled quietly. “You know we’d beat all of them.”

Kurt knew Blaine was right, their voices would be great together, but that would mean practicing alone with Blaine and that downright scared him. “Blaine I-“

Kurt was cut off as Mr. Schuester began talking about Sectionals. “This is going to be our best year ever guys!”


Kurt stood by the door of the chorus room, waiting for Rachel to finish chatting with Finn. Mercedes had vacated the area for the moment leaving Kurt alone in the room with Blaine.

“So Hummel, do you wanna pair up for the sing-off? I’m telling you we would win.” Blaine grinned at Kurt, throwing his best sex eyes at Kurt.

“Keep looking at me like that Anderson and you’ll get a swift kick to the balls.”

“You’re so hot when you talk like that.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Give me a day to think on it. Also, if I say yes could you at least try to not be a complete ass to me?”

“I’m not making promises I can’t keep.”

“You’re hopeless” Kurt moaned as Blaine passed him, heading for the doors.

“But you find me extremely attractive.” Blaine winked as he pushed open the door and threw his helmet onto his mess of curls. “See you later sweet cheeks.”

Kurt groaned and turned to see Mercedes grinning behind him. “Just say yes to him, we all know you want to.”

“I don’t want to!” Kurt yelled indignantly. “I want him as far away from me as possible.”

“Okay Kurt, whatever you say. But I still think you should duet with him, your voices would work so well together.”

“We’ll see.” Kurt glanced over Mercedes’ shoulder and was relieved to see Rachel walking towards them.

“Ready to head out?” Rachel asked, grinning and pulling Kurt and Mercedes with her.


Rachel and Mercedes slid into the booth opposite of Kurt, giggling over their purchases. “I love the dress you picked out, Kurt” Rachel smiled, reaching for a menu.

“I would hope so, it looked awesome on you.”

The trio ordered their drinks and discussed who was going to get what for dinner when Mercedes broke out into a huge grin. “Hey Kurt” she whispered from behind her menu. “You’re favorite person in the world is here. Should I invite him over?”

“No” Kurt hissed, his cheeks heating up as he felt a blush creep across his face.

Mercedes lifted her hand in the air and waved. “Blaine” she called across the room, “why don’t you come join us? We have room for one more.”

“No we don’t.” Kurt’s voice was turning murderous and if he found out that Mercedes and Rachel had set this up he was going to personally rip out their vocal cords. Kurt stared at the tabletop until he felt the bench sink in as Blaine sat next to him, sliding in close.

“Well hey there sweet cheeks” Blaine grinned, resting a hand on Kurt’s leg.

Kurt shifted away from the brunet. “My name is Kurt and don’t touch me.”

“No need to get angry, just trying to be friendly.” Blaine winked at the two girls across the table and Kurt groaned in exasperation as they broke into a fit of giggles. “See” Blaine nudged Kurt in the arm, “they like me.”

Kurt tried to come up with a comment that wouldn’t offend his two friends and failed, settling on “that’s because they don’t know you.”

“Neither do you sweet cheeks, all you know is that I can sing, I transferred from Dalton and I’m sexy as hell.”

“Ok then” Kurt challenged, turning slightly to look at Blaine. “Tell me one thing about you that I’d never figure out.”

“I’m filthy rich.”

“Motorcycle kind of gave it away. That and the fact that I know exactly how much those jeans cost and they weren’t cheap.”

Kurt had known Blaine had money, although his clothes were a bit rough for wear they were still expensive and Kurt had often wondered what he would do to have money like that. The girls obviously didn’t have the same eye as him due to the fact that they were staring at Blaine as if he had just grown two heads.

“Ok, you got me on that one. Hmm let’s see. My favorite color is blue, Johnny Cash is my idol, I own a guitar named Lucas, I have three scars, none of which I got in Dalton by the way. Also, the reason I was in Dalton is a lot different than you’d think. I was top of my class at every school I’ve attended. My father works for the Army. I have a sister that lives in Nebraska with our grandparents. Anything else you need to know before you act like you know me?”

Kurt felt guilty for acting like he knew exactly who Blaine was. Wasn’t that one thing they had in common? People judged them by how they looked. Kurt got bullied for being gay and Blaine got left alone because everyone thought he was a bully released onto their school to terrorize them. “I- how’d you get the scars?” The words popped out of Kurt’s mouth and he fiddled nervously with his menu while waiting to see how Blaine would respond.

“Well, the one above my left ear was from a run in with a tree branch. As in I fell out of a tree and caught my head on the branch as I went down. Took twelve stitches to seal it back up. There’s one on the bottom of my right foot where I slid on the deck and had a nail embedded in the sole, dad sued the deck company for that one.” Blaine paused momentarily to roll his eyes and order. After taking a gulp of his water he continued on. “Then there’s the one on my lower back and honestly I’d rather not talk about that one.”

Kurt saw the discomfort in hurt in Blaine’s eyes and felt the boy stiffen next to him. In that moment Kurt wanted nothing more than to turn to Blaine and comfort him. Blaine had been through hell and back, Kurt could see that now, knew the anguish that flickered deep in Blaine’s hazel eyes before he regained composure of his emotions.
“Anyway” Blaine cleared his throat. “I’ve been trying to convince sweet cheeks here to duet with me for the competition.” Blaine directed the statement at Mercedes while his cocky smile slid back into place.

“Kurt, you should do it! Your voices would work together great.”

“You would have the best chance at beating Finn and I” Rachel smiled.

“I might just say yes just to wipe the smile off Rachel’s face when we win.” Kurt grinned at his friend who tossed a piece of ice at his head.

“So, Hummel, wanna give it a go? I might even let you pick the song.” Blaine nudged Kurt in the ribs again and Kurt knew he’d have a bruise come tomorrow.

“Fine Anderson I guess I’ll partner with you for the sing-off, but don’t get any ideas.”

“Whatever do you mean Kurt?” Blaine asked innocently, batting his eyelashes in Kurt’s direction.

“That means that if you dare touch me in any way I do not want I will personally rip out the nipple ring you seem to like hiding from everyone.”

Blaine’s eyes widened as Mercedes and Rachel broke out into a fit of giggles. Kurt simply smirked in Blaine’s direction, turning towards his food.


Kurt was sitting in his bedroom when he vaguely heard a phone ringing. He ignored it until Finn’s voice was yelling down the hallway for him. Kurt shuffled over to the cordless phone sitting next to his bed and grumbled a hello into the receiver.

“Hey Kurt its Blaine.”

Kurt almost dropped the phone in shock. “How did you get my number?” He hissed into the phone.

“Phone book. There’s only one Burt Hummel listed. Look, I wasn’t going to bother you but I thought maybe you’d like to discuss ideas for our duet.”

“Can’t we wait until tomorrow Blaine? We have classes and Glee together.”

“I mean, I just thought, oh never mind.”

The disappointment in Blaine’s voice was clear and Kurt softened for a moment. “I mean, well, I have some free time now. What were you thinking?” Kurt cradled the phone between his chin and shoulder as he sat cross-legged on the bed.

“Well my first idea was ‘S&M’ by Rihanna but I figured you wouldn’t go for that.”

“Yeah, no.”

“So then I was thinking maybe some Foreigner. ‘Feels Like The First Time’ is one of my favorites.”

Kurt had to smile since he knew Blaine couldn’t see. “Blaine, as much as I secretly like Foreigner I don’t think that’s appropriate either.”

“Why do you secretly like Foreigner, they’re great!”

“Because if Finn and my dad knew I listened to classic rock on my own then they’d never shut up about it.”

“Hey, classic rock is awesome! Ok then, ummm how about something a bit more up your alley? I got it! ‘If I Had You’ by Adam lambert?” Blaine was pleading with whoever was listening that Kurt would say yes to an idea.

“Hmm…it’s not, raunchy or anything like that, I-I kind of like it.”

“Oh thank god” Blaine sighed, finally having picked something Kurt approved of. “Next time I get to choose.”

“Who said there’s going to be a next time Blaine?”

Was Kurt flirting with him over the phone Blaine wondered.

Did I just flirt with Blaine Anderson, asshole extraordinaire over the telephone? I’m going insane. “Um, but yeah, I uh have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow, bye Kurt.” Blaine heard the line close and stared at the screen of his cell phone for a good minute. What are you doing Blaine? Kurt is Kurt, he’s not interested in some washed up scumbag. Get over yourself; he’s doing this to be nice to you, not because he likes you. Blaine shoved his father’s voice out of his head and walked up the porch steps into the house. His mother’s Escalade was parked in the driveway which meant dad was out for the weekend, something Blaine was really thankful for. He steeled himself for the inevitable and walked through the front door.


Kurt sat in the middle of his bed, clinging to his crimson colored comforter and repeating his new mantra. ‘I do not like Blaine Anderson. He is a jerk and will break my heart. I do not like Blaine Anderson; this is merely a school project. I do not like Blaine Anderson…

A knock on his door startled Kurt. “Come in!”
Kurt watched as Burt poked his head through the doorway. “Who was on the phone?”

“Oh, a new kid from school. He and I are partners for the sing-off in Glee Club.”

“Oh, Finn said it was some new kid at school that seems to be nothing but trouble.”

“Well, he transferred here from Dalton and I’m not sure why or anything.”

Burt sat on the edge of Kurt’s bed. “Just be careful son, I know you’re old enough to think for yourself, but if this kid is bad trouble I don’t want you getting caught in the crossfire.”

“Thanks dad, I promise to take care of myself.”

“Alright. Now get to bed, you need some sleep.”


Kurt felt a piece of paper smack him in the back of the head. He smoothed down his hair and bent over to retrieve the folded note. Hey, my house for practice after Glee? My mom said she’d make us dinner. Kurt stared at the piece of paper, not sure how to respond. Blaine wanted him to come over. But what if Blaine was lying, what if his mom wasn’t going to be home at all and he’d be stuck all alone with Blaine? Kurt wrestled with himself for a bit before finally deciding to give Blaine the benefit of the doubt. He quickly scrawled ‘sure’ back and sent it flying smack into Blaine’s forehead.

The rest of the day flew by in a blur of Kurt trying to focus on school work but instead letting his mind wander to going to Blaine’s house that evening. He had called Carole on his lunch and she had said it was fine with her and she’d let Burt know where he’d be. Kurt wondered if he’d meet Blaine’s dad and what his family was like. He tried to envision Blaine’s house, they were filthy rich Blaine had said.

Finally the final bell rang and Kurt hurried towards the rehearsal room, running smack dab into someone in the process. Kurt let out a small oof as he stumbled backwards, his bag flying out of his hands.

“Watch where you’re going Hummel, people might think you want me on my back.”

Kurt looked up into the bright hazel eyes of one Blaine Anderson who was surprisingly holding out a hand for Kurt to pull himself up with. “Of all the people”

“Yeah yeah, just come on, unless you want to be late and walk in with me.”

Kurt rolled his eyes but picked up his bag and walked briskly down the hallway.

“Ok guys, so do you all have your partners and songs ready?” Mr. Schuester asked as everyone settled down. “I want you to come up and write down your partner and song choice and then we’ll practice our new song for Sectionals!”


Kurt’s jaw dropped open as Blaine led him towards what appeared to be a brand new Corvette. “Don’t” was all Blaine said as he saw Kurt open his mouth to speak.

“Sixteenth birthday present. I prefer the bike but I thought I’d bring you home in style.”

“Sixteenth birthday present” Kurt muttered to himself as he sat on the plush leather seats. He slowly slid a hand over the interior, realizing the car still had the new car smell to it. “You never drive this do you?”

“Easier to stay out of trouble when I’m not rolling around in a car like this. I thought you’d appreciate it though.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Kurt was awestruck, barely speaking as they drove past middle class houses and into Lima Pointe, one of the two gated communities Lima offered.

“Identification” the guard drawled, obviously bored.
Blaine handed his driver’s license and Lima Pointe card over to the man and drummed the steering wheel impatiently as he waited for verification.

“Welcome back Blaine, missed seeing you around.” Coffey, as the tag on the man’s uniform read, handed Blaine’s cards back and opened the gate for Blaine to drive through.

Kurt’s jaw dropped as he saw houses he could only ever dream of living in. He watched as two stories rolled past giving way to three story houses in every imaginable color scheme and design. Finally Blaine rolled into the driveway of a three story brick house, bay window in front and three-car garage in the back. Kurt new he was staring, but never had he imagined that Blaine would live in a house like this.

“Home sweet home” Blaine grumbled which was followed by a soft “fuck” as the garage door opened.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked when he noticed Blaine’s fingers turning white on the steering wheel.

“Dad’s home. That’s going to make this about ten times more awkward.


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