Dec. 11, 2011, 8:10 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:10 a.m.
Somehow Kurt felt worse at this conclusion than he thought he should. Blaine Anderson was something new and oddly refreshing in the bland halls of McKinley and Kurt was attracted to that, right?
Kurt stood by his locker, tugging on the door once again as Mercedes rambled on about how one of her teachers had already given homework. Kurt would have replied that he had already been given two project assignments and had three chapters to read for AP Government, but he was a bit preoccupied by the fact that the stupid locker door wouldn’t open.
“God Hummel, how many times do I have to tell you to hit it?” Blaine’s fist came flying close to the tip of Kurt’s nose once again, before slamming into the locker. Kurt popped open the door, hoping Blaine would simply walk away. Of course, Kurt had no such luck. “So, Hummel, this Glee club, where’s it at?”
Kurt sent a sideways glance to Mercedes to keep her from opening her mouth before turning to answer Blaine. “Just follow us; we’re getting ready to head there now.”
“Good, that means I can watch your pretty little ass sashay down the hallway.”
Kurt glanced over and saw Mercedes had her head stuck in her locker, no doubt attempting to hide her laughter. He faced Blaine and pointed a slender finger at him. “Look here Anderson, though you might find my pretty ass appealing, you might as well forget about getting a piece of it.” Kurt whirled around, slamming his locker door hard enough that the sound reverberated off the walls. He grabbed Mercedes by the arm and dragged her down the hallway, not caring to look and see if Blaine was following.
“Ok guys, quiet down!” Mr. Schuester was attempting to quiet the group down on their first day back in Glee club. “Look, we have a new student who wants to audition for Glee his name is-“
“Blaine Anderson” Santana finished for him, smirking at everyone as she did so.
“Who does she think she is?” Mercedes whispered to Kurt. “Huh, if she only knew what Blaine said to you in the hallway a few minutes ago.”
“No, we are not talking about Blaine and his apparent issues.”
“What issues? I thought you’d jump at the chance seeing as you wanted him earlier.”
“I never said I wanted him.”
“Well that blush heating up your neck tells me differently.”
Their conversation was cut short as Rachel came bursting into the room. “Sorry I’m late! It’s ok, we can start now!”
Her announcement was met by rolling eyes and continued conversations. Mr. Schue tried once again to get the class to settle down. “Hey guys! Come on, we have a student who wants to try out! Come on in Blaine.”
Kurt looked to the doorway where Blaine was sauntering through, acting as if he owned the place. He flashed the group a smile before scooping up an acoustic guitar and strumming it lightly. Great, Kurt thought, he can play the guitar too.
Blaine smirked up at Kurt before strumming lightly and beginning to sing. “I gave a letter to the postman; he put it in his sack. Bright and early next mornin’ he brought my letter back. She wrote upon it, return to sender, address unknown. No such number, no such zone. We had a quarrel, a lover’s spat. I write I’m sorry but my letter keeps coming back. So when I dropped it in the mailbox, and sent it specialty, bright and early next morning it came right back to me. She wrote upon it, return to sender, address unknown. No such number, no such zone. This time I’m gonna take it myself and put it right in her hand and if it comes back the next day then I’ll understand, the writing on it. Return to sender, address unknown, no such number, no such zone.”
The class sat there in awed silence after Blaine had finished before bursting out into applause.
Holy sweet hell that was Elvis, Kurt realized. And damn, he’s good, really good.
Mr. Schue was apparently impressed as well because he stood there dazed for a moment before telling Blaine that he would love for Blaine to join them and to take any available seat.
Santana grinned wickedly and patted the seat next to her, motioning for Blaine to join her. Instead, Blaine surprised them all by sliding into the unoccupied seat next to Kurt. Once Mr. Schue had started in on preparing early for Sectionals, Kurt felt Blaine lean towards him. “You know Hummel; it’s hard to watch your pretty ass when you’re running away from me. Do I scare you?”
Blaine growled low in Kurt’s ear and for some reason that voice unsettled him and turned him on at the same time. “I’m not a piece of meat Blaine and I’m not interested in you, so please, go flirt with Santana or something.”
Kurt was staring at Mr. Schue, trying to ignore the heat radiating off the body next to him. He missed the look of hurt that flickered in Blaine’s eyes before being replaced by anger. “You know what Hummel, you’ve just proved to be a new challenge for me, and I’ll tell you something, I never give up and I never fail.”
Kurt was shocked at the tone of warning in Blaine’s voice and had a sudden urge to move as far away from the other boy as he could. “Keep your dirty paws to yourself Anderson; I want nothing to do with you.”
Or did he? Kurt couldn’t help but to feel that he did indeed want Blaine.
Kurt threw his book bag down onto his bed and flung himself next to it. He buried his face into his pillow and let out a long scream, his infuriation with himself and one Blaine Anderson finally being let out.
He heard a soft knock at his door and Carole’s voice called out his name. “Kurt honey, are you ok?”
He sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes. “Yeah, but, um, could I talk to you for a minute?’
The door swung open and Carole stepped in, taking in the disheveled appearance of Kurt. “What’s wrong? Was the first day disastrous?”
“Yes and no. I mean, I already have homework which I knew would happen, especially since I’m in so many AP classes, but there’s this guy…” Kurt trailed off, trying to figure out how exactly to explain Blaine to Carole.
Carole smiled and raised an eyebrow slightly at Kurt. “A boy? Is he new?”
“Yeah, he transferred from Dalton.”
“Isn’t that the reform school?” Her grin turned into a look of apprehension.
“Yeah, but the thing is, he’s really smart, but odd. I mean, he helped me unstick my locker today but then…” He trailed off once again, not really sure whether he should tell his stepmom that the new boy was hitting on him.
“Then what?” she asked, waiting for Kurt to continue.
“Well, he kinda hit on me, but I’m not even sure because he was soaking up Santana’s attention in calculus.”
“He hit on you? Like how?”
“He said something about watching my pretty ass walk down the hallway.” God this was uncomfortable, he couldn’t believe he was telling Carole all this.
“He did what?! He’s probably trying to rile you; no good kid comes out of Dalton. Anyway Kurt, I gotta get back to dinner, if this Blaine kid bothers you anymore, just let us know ok?”
“Sure Carole, I’ll do that.”
As soon as she closed the door behind her Kurt flopped back against the pillows, replaying the day’s events in his head. Why was Blaine bothering him of all people? Was it because he was the only out kid in McKinley so the new badass had to terrorize someone?
“So guys, how was school today?” Burt asked at dinner that night.
“It was great! I don’t even have homework!” Finn exclaimed through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.
“Kurt, what about you?”
Kurt stared at his plate momentarily, pushing his peas around on his plate. “Fine, I had a lot of homework, I just have reading left though.”
“I’m so glad I don’t have AP classes” Finn said, chewing his chicken loudly.
“Finn, keep your mouth closed while eating please.” Carole smiled at Kurt, trying to reassure him. “I’m sure you’ll be fine, just don’t let anything else bother you.”
“I won’t.” Kurt smiled at his plate when Carole gave him a small wink.
Kurt glanced around the parking lot as he stepped away from the Navigator. Good, there was no motorcycle in sight. He proceeded to his locker where, after hitting it hard, he got it open without the help of anyone.
“Kurt, are you ok? You look upset.”
“Since when did you care about my feelings Puck?”
“Yo dude, come on, it’s me, Puckerman!”
Kurt took a second to put himself into check. Just because Blaine was an ass didn’t mean Puck was.
“Sorry, I’m just, upset with someone.”
“You know who I’m upset with?” Puck rambled on, forgetting Kurt’s issues.
“Who?” Kurt just smiled to himself, used to the way Puck was.
“This Blaine kid. He just shows up on his motorcycle with his leather jacket and lip ring and everyone goes on and on about how badass he is! I’m the badass. Just because I’ve kept my ass out of reform school doesn’t make me less of a badass than him! Why does everyone think he’s awesome?”
Kurt let Puck sit there for a second before answering; making sure the other boy had finished his rant. “It’s because he’s new. His shininess will wear off and then you’ll be the king once again. Don’t let him get to you.”
“Easy for you to say, he’s not trying to take your place!”
Apparently he is trying to get in my pants Kurt thought, mentally rolling his eyes. “He’s not going to take your place. You can out-sing him any day.”
“You saw everyone’s reactions to him in Glee!”
“Like I said, he’s new; when everyone realizes how much of an ass he is they’ll drop him.”
“So you say.” With that Puck turned and sulked off down the hallway, shoving a couple of freshmen to the side.
Kurt smiled and shook his head as he watched Puck terrorize a kid who had been trying to get his books out of his locker.
“So you do have a preference for bad boys.” Kurt tensed at the voice hitting his ear. “I was getting worried I wasn’t your type Hummel.”
“You aren’t my type Anderson. I don’t go for assholes whose egos are bigger than their dicks.” Kurt started for his class, only to realize that Blaine was following him closely. We have class together, dammit. Kurt was seriously thinking about skipping Calculus, but he knew that would just put him behind. He hoped for a full classroom and two desks as far apart as possible.
What greeted him was an empty classroom devoid of all people including Mrs. Hedley. Kurt continued to ignore the boy following him into the room, intent on settling into his desk and ignoring Blaine the entire time.
“So Hummel, what do I have to do to get you on your knees?”
Kurt opened his text book and stared at the complicated problems for the day’s lesson, ignoring the remark. He also tried to keep his mind from wandering to an image he very much did not want to think of at the moment. The image of Blaine and that god damn lip ring going down on him instead was in the forefront of his mind and his pants were growing uncomfortably tight. Fuck, fuck, fuck stop it Kurt! He berated himself, forcing the image out of his mind and replacing it with the equations in front of him.
“Hummel” Blaine growled, leaning forward Kurt judged by the rustle of leather behind him.
Kurt continued to ignore the one person seemingly hell-bent on making his life miserable.
“Hummel” Blaine said again, this time prodding Kurt on the shoulder with a finger.
“What Blaine?” Kurt snarled, his anger getting the best of him.
“I asked a question, I’m waiting for an answer.”
“First of all, I don’t go for your type, secondly you seemed oh so straight yesterday when Santana was hanging all over you. Thirdly, I would never, ever even begin to think about getting near you or your microscopic dick so shut the hell up and leave me alone.”
Kurt thought that he had said what he needed to so he turned back around, happy to see a look of astonishment on Blaine’s face.
“It’s not microscopic, it’s quite big thank you very much.” Blaine’s smugness was dripping from his voice and Kurt merely rolled his eyes.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” The words were out of Kurt’s mouth before he could stop them.
“We can arrange that doll face. My place after Glee? I’ll even take you on my bike.”
Kurt turned back around to face the tan skinned boy. “No Blaine, I do NOT want to go to your house, nor do I want to see it or you ok? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
Blaine looked into the eyes that were sparkling with anger. “Because, Kurt” Blaine leaned even closer, bringing his face within inches of Kurt’s. “I never give up on what I want, especially when I want it this much.” He raked his eyes along Kurt’s body, his smug smile settling back onto his face. “You’ll come around. One night with me and you’ll be begging for more.”
Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine and turned back around in his desk. “I highly doubt that. One night with you would only give me some kind of ungodly disease.” And a lifetime of heartbreak I definitely don’t need he thought to himself.
Ah yes! I read this on FF.net :) It's even better the second time though :D