The New Kid In Town
It All Begins Next Chapter Story
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The New Kid In Town: It All Begins

E - Words: 1,384 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Aug 14, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
737 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Ok, so I fell in love with Reform!Blaine and I hope you enjoy my attempt at it!
Kurt heard the rumble of an engine and the churning of gravel before he saw the motorcycle come flying into the McKinley High parking lot. He merely rolled his eyes and turned back to Mercedes who was standing next to him by his Navigator. “As I was saying, I don’t understand why Mr. Schue won’t let us do more Britney songs. The pep rally has been long forgotten about I’m sure.”

“Holy sweet hell” Mercedes said softly and Kurt saw that instead of paying attention to him her eyes were over his shoulder.

“What? Mercedes, are you even listening?”

Instead of answering, Mercedes grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. Getting off the motorcycle was a leather jacket clad boy. Kurt watched as the guy removed his black helmet and shook his curls loose while stepping off the black motorcycle beneath him. Kurt couldn’t help but to notice the way the guy’s jeans clung to his thighs, pulling tightly across them.

Kurt watched as a group of Cheerios, headed by Santana, strutted over to the newcomer who had just lit a cigarette. He watched as Santana ran an arm suggestively down the guy’s arm and Kurt felt a strange jolt of jealousy in his stomach. Not jealousy for Santana’s touch of course, but jealous that Santana got to touch the boy.

“Ok Kurt, let’s get you inside before you hurt someone, or yourself” Mercedes laughed, pulling Kurt along with him.

“Who is that?” Kurt was looking at Mercedes pointedly yet stealing glances at the stranger behind him.

“Do I look like I have all the answers? It’s the first day of school; we always get new kids the first day. What is wrong with you?”

Besides having this odd urge to grab the guy by the curls and kiss him senseless? Kurt thought before simply saying, “Nothing, not every day a guy pulls up on a motorcycle, that’s all.”

“Kurt Hummel, I know that nothing, we are best friends you know.” Mercedes kept walking towards the lockers, before stopping abruptly and turning to face Kurt. “You have the hots for this boy don’t you? You, Kurt Hummel, who never does anything rash, wants to get in the pants of a guy and you don’t even know his name!”

“Mercedes” Kurt warned, “that is not what I was thinking ok? Just, just drop it for now, please?”

“For now, but you aren’t getting off that easy. Oh I hope he’s in classes with us!”

“I hate you sometimes.”

“You keep saying that but you still spend time with me.”

Kurt rolled his eyes at her before attempting to fight with his locker. He swore every year they gave him a broken one. He had the lock unlocked and open, combinations were easy, but the locker door itself seemed to be stuck.

Suddenly a hand came flying out of nowhere, close enough to Kurt’s face that he could feel the air from it as it collided into the locker. “Try hitting it; that usually works for me.”

The deep voice caught Kurt off guard and he spun to see who it was. A quick glance down the hallway found a leather jacket wearing person walking away from him. Kurt turned back to face his locker and found that it did swing open easily this time.

“Prince Charming save your ass from being late to homeroom?” Mercedes grinned, laughing as Kurt shot her his best ‘bitch, please’ look.

“I could have gotten it” Kurt answered indignantly. “I get the sucky lockers every year.”

“Then why are you still staring down the hallway?”

Kurt turned to face her, blush heating up his face. “I, uh, I wasn’t!”

“Mhmm, come one, let’s get to homeroom before Carter tries to count us tardy on the first day.”
Kurt and Mercedes entered Mr. Carter’s classroom and glanced around. “Watch out Kurt” Mercedes hissed in his ear, “your new friend is here.”

Kurt flushed again and dragged her to find seats. He almost groaned as he realized that the only two open seats next to each other were right in front of leather jacket boy. Mercedes grinned at Kurt while raising her eyebrows at him as they took their seats.

“Settle down class!” Mr. Carter had entered the classroom and was looking at them warily. “Now, I know that after today we will barely see each other throughout the year, unless of course you happen to be one of my AP Chemistry students. Now, let’s get started with the roll so you can find your way to your first classes. Adams, Elizabeth?”

A slender red head raised her hand and let out a quiet ‘here’.

“Anderson, Blaine?”

“Here” said the same rough voice Kurt had heard that morning.

Mr. Carter read through the roll slowly, marking each name off as the student proved their existence.

“Hummel, Kurt?”

Kurt let out a quiet ‘here’ and raised his hand enough that Mr. Carter could see.

Mr. Carter finished calling the roll, Mercedes raising her hand excitedly at ‘Jones, Mercedes’. He gave a few announcements before sending the students off to their first classes of the year.
Kurt walked into Calculus and quickly scanned the room. He took a seat in the middle of the room that was almost completely empty.

He was quickly brought out of his thoughts as books slammed on a desk near his. He almost groaned out loud as he realized that Blaine was seated in a seat in the back of the row he was in.

There were a few moments of silence before Kurt heard a low “Hummel” that he thought might have been imagined. It came a second time, a little louder than before, causing Kurt to turn around in his seat.

“Yes? Blaine, right?”

“Yeah that’s me. Look, I just transferred here from Dalton and I need to know how it works around here.”

“Dalton? Isn’t that-“

“The reform school? Yeah, I just finished a term there, definitely not how it seemed on the brochures. Listen, I need to know, how strict are the teachers and shit? I don’t have time to waste in school.”

Kurt rolled his eyes; Blaine seemed to be more of a cocky asshole than even Puck used to be. “What are you going to do without school then? No college plans?”

“Please, do I look like college material to you? No, I’m going to stick with my punk band thanks. So, you gonna help me or?”

Kurt took in Blaine, from the black Converse on his feet to the, oh god, lip ring he kept flicking his tongue over. “Look Blaine, I’m not going to pretend like we’re going to be friends or anything, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. Rickman, Heller and Conley are your best bets at skipping class but if you have any AP classes with any of them, kiss that idea goodbye.”

Blaine swore under his breath and narrowed his eyes. “So AP classes are out?”

“Yeah, but you don’t have to worry about that do you Mr. I-don’t-do-college.”

“Ok, look Hummel-“

“Kurt, you can call me Kurt.”

“Kurt then. Since you told me about the teachers, I’ll let you in on a little secret of mine. Just because I’m a badass doesn’t mean I’m smart. I was top of the class in Dalton.”

“Hey Anderson, what are you doing talking to Kurt?” Santana’s voice drawled as she stepped into the classroom, followed by Puck. She gave a small smile to show Kurt she was joking.

“Annoying him, that’s all.”

“That’s my job” Puck grinned, clapping Kurt on the shoulder. “We got Glee after?”

Kurt nodded into his calculus book as he tried not to laugh. He’d bet his new Alexander McQueen jacket that Blaine wasn’t used to the jocks talking to the oh-so-obviously gay guys.

“What’s Glee” asked Blaine, looking at them.

“Just a place where we go to sing sexually charged songs and get away with it” Santana purred, perching on Blaine’s desk.

“Wait, you have a class where you sing?”

“Yeah, Glee club, we made it to Nationals last year.”

“Where do I sign up?” Blaine asked, his interest showing on his face.

“You have to audition” Puck answered. “It’s after classes end in the music room.”

“Can you sing?” Santana asked, running her hands through Blaine’s hair and a stab of jealousy ran through Kurt again.

“Yeah” Blaine answered, pressing his head up into her hand.

“Can we hear something?” Puck asked, silently challenging Blaine with his eyes.

“Nah” Blaine grinned lazily. “You’ll just have to wait ‘til Glee.”

End Notes: Reviews will make Blaine be more badass!Also, I'm looking for a Beta if anyone is interested!


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Moar PLEASU. LIKE NAO XD I love this already, and usually I don't go for incomplete stories when I'm browsing fics.

welp. you must continue this omg. I have a thing for Badboy!Blaine. sfchcbsjdkgwglgfgddssdghh yes. that is all.