Take My Hand, Take My Whole World Too
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Take My Hand, Take My Whole World Too: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,683 - Last Updated: Aug 04, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Aug 04, 2011
301 0 0 0 0

Kurt looked out of the window of the plane, watching the shadow of the plane crossing over the clouds. He let out a small sigh, leaning back against the seat, the realization that he would be in New York City in a few hours slowly sinking in. Soon he would be able to walk down Broadway, through Central Park, down Fifth Avenue, and in Times Square. He gave a small sigh, wishing more than anything that Blaine could share this experience with him. He closed his eyes and pictured them shopping together on Fifth Avenue, strolling down a path in Central Park; it would have been perfect.

Kurt slept for a bit and awoke to a cramped neck and a poke in the ribs. "Look Kurt!" Mercedes exclaimed, "It's New York! We're really here!" He high fived his best friend as the plane began its descent. He felt a small adrenaline rush as the plane dipped lower and lower, the skyline of New York City coming into view as they prepared to land at LaGuardia. The captain came over the loudspeaker, asking the passengers to turn off all electronic devices and to fasten seatbelts. Kurt glanced at his cellphone, sad and a little worried that he hadn't heard from Blaine all day. He powered off the device and put it in his pocket as he pulled the seatbelt across his lap.

"What's wrong?" Mercedes asked, shutting off her cellphone.

"Oh nothing," Kurt sighed, leaning his hand on his face. "It's stupid really, it's nothing."

"Kurt honey, what's wrong? You can tell me."

"Ugh I just feel so stupid. I guess I'm just a little jealous of you that's all."

"Jealous of what?" Mercedes asked, her brow furrowing slightly.

"You've been texting people all day and yet I haven't had a single text from Blaine. I know that's childish, but I miss him, I was really hoping he'd come say goodbye to me at the airport but the last I heard from him was when he called me last night."

Mercedes smiled and covered Kurt's hand with her own. "Kurt, maybe he's just busy, he'll call you tonight I bet."

"I know. It's just weird to go all day without hearing something from him."
The group had finally gotten their luggage and made their way to their hotel in a fleet of taxis. Kurt stood there on the sidewalk, being bustled inside the doors of the hotel by the rest of the glee club. Mr. Shue and Rachel were leading everyone, as usual and Kurt just stared at the sights around him. New York was a much different place than Lima, even the air had a different quality to it, seemingly buzzing with excitement and energy.

The group made its way into the hotel lobby, Kurt taking in the plush couches and crystal chandelier. "Well Kurt," Mercedes whispered to him, "looks like we're not in Lima anymore."

Kurt grinned at her and whispered back, "I know Mercedes; we're in New York, where stars are made!"

They turned to pay attention to Mr. Shue who was handing out key cards and pairing people up. Brittany went with Santana, Quinn with Rachel and Mercedes with Lauren. Mercedes gave Kurt a quick squeeze of the hand before she went towards the elevators with the girls. "Don't worry Kurt, he'll call you, I'm sure."

Puck and Artie were paired off along with Mike and Sam, leaving Kurt with Finn. They headed towards the elevators, squeezing in with their luggage. After the doors slid shut, Finn handed the key card over to Kurt saying, "hey, I'm going to chill with Puck and Artie while you unpack, I know how you like your space."

"Uh thanks," Kurt replied, looking at Finn oddly. "Aren't you going to put your suitcase in the room though?"

"No, it's cool; I'll just let it sit in their room for the time being."

Kurt knew something was up, he just hadn't figured out what it was yet. He knew that Finn wasn't uncomfortable because he liked boys, hello; they lived in the same house. Kurt shrugged it off as the doors opened on the seventh floor and everyone scrambled out of the elevator, shoving one another and suitcases banging into the walls. Kurt stopped in front of room 718 as the rest of the boys pushed one another down the hall to their rooms.

He slid the key card in the door, watched as the light turned green and slowly pushed the door open. He let out a small gasp as he saw a vase of roses sitting on the table next to the door, candles were lit on every available space in the small room, and sitting there on one of the twin beds, was none other than Blaine Anderson. "Blaine?" Kurt stuttered, dropping his suitcase on the floor. "What are you doing here?"

Blaine smiled warmly and stood up from the bed, smoothing down his jeans. "I came here to see you perform at Regionals of course! I also thought maybe you'd like a personal tour of the city while we were here." He walked towards Kurt, clasping his hand around Kurt's slender fingers.

"But, how did you get here?"

Blaine flushed slightly and lowered his head before responding. "Well you see, when I said my parents were able to afford me attending Dalton, what that, uh, really meant was that we're kind of loaded."

"How loaded?" Kurt asked, the words jumping off his tongue before he could stop them. "Um, that wow, um not that I care, I mean it doesn't make any difference to me…"

Blaine held up a finger to Kurt's lips, smiling up at him. "Let's just say we're loaded enough where we have a private jet, and that Kurt, is how I got here."

Kurt's mind was reeling. A private jet. Blaine flew to New York on a private jet. By himself, to see him. "Blaine, you shouldn't have."

"Why not? I'm here to support you; I'm your boyfriend Kurt."

"Yes, well even so, how many boyfriends fly out to New York just to see their boyfriends perform at a competition for glee clubs?"

"The dirty rich ones" Blaine laughed, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and hugging him.

Kurt pulled back and looked down at Blaine momentarily. "Is this why you haven't talked to me all day?"

"Yeah, I've been texting Mercedes all day, trying to plan out how to best use your free time."

"That's why she wouldn't let me see her phone! This also explains why Finn hightailed it to Puck's room. Does everyone know but me?"

"Yeah pretty much" Finn answered from the door.

Kurt spun around to see everyone standing there. "All of you kept this a secret from me? That's actually quite surprising and a bit endearing actually."

Finn walked in and set his suitcase on the bed. He turned to the couple standing next to him. "Blaine, Shue knows you're here and of your plans. He just said that Kurt needs to be at rehearsals and on time for the competition. You two be careful, New York City is a crazy place." With those last words of warning Finn left with the rest of New Directions who were going off to eat dinner together.

Kurt tuned back to Blaine. "So what are your plans for tonight?"

"You'll see," Blaine grinned, turning towards the balcony window. "Just, dress up a little, that's all I can tell you."

Kurt looked at the back of Blaine's head, trying to figure out what was going on in his mind. He was dating a guy who was filthy rich, not that that mattered to Kurt, but it meant that the night could turn out extremely surprising. He dug out a black suit, white button down and slim black tie from his bag and grabbed his Jimmy Choo shoes. He dressed quickly and reapplied a bit of hairspray before declaring to Blaine that he was ready.
Blaine led Kurt into the restaurant. Kurt took in a gasp of air as he looked around the room. He was glad Blaine had told him to dress up, every woman was wearing a cocktail dress and every man was wearing a suit or tux. The ma�tre d led them to a table in the center of the room underneath the enormous chandelier suspended from the high ceiling.

Kurt spread the linen napkin in his lap as the waiter set menus in front of them and poured water into the crystal goblets in front of them. Kurt glanced down at the menu and almost spat out his water at the prices of the meals. It was outrageous what a simple salad cost. Kurt felt Blaine's hand cover his, wrapping it in warmth. "Kurt," he whispered, "don't look at the prices, order whatever you want."

"But Blaine, these prices are ridiculous."

"They aren't as bad as some of the places I've been to. Seriously, whatever you want, it's all on me."
Kurt and Blaine finished their meal, enjoying each other's company and the atmosphere in the restaurant. Although it was a high end establishment, most of the patrons were chatting amongst themselves, creating a quiet buzz. Blaine paid for the meal and generously tipped their waiter then led Kurt out the door. Blaine hailed a taxi gracefully as if it were second nature to him.

They slid into the taxi, but instead of giving the driver the address of the hotel Blaine simply told him, "Central Park, east entrance."

Kurt glanced at him questioningly. "Blaine, why are we going to Central Park at night? Isn't that dangerous?"

"You'll see," was all Blaine said, linking his fingers through Kurt's as they advanced through traffic.

Kurt watched as the city rolled by. He saw the bright lights leading into Times Square, the marquees down Broadway, and the top of the Empire State Building. He pressed his nose against the glass, drinking it all in. He, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, was in New York City with his boyfriend, getting ready to compete for a National Show Choir title.

He turned slightly and studied Blaine's profile. Blaine, the boy he had been in love with since pretty much the first day he had met him. Sure, it had taken a while for everything to work out, but it did in the end. They were great for each other he thought, each bringing out the best in the other. He noticed that Blaine had used less hair gel than usual, something he was very thankful for, and a few of his curls were coming loose.

Kurt leaned over and softly let one curl around his finger. He hoped one day to see Blaine's curls set free, no more hair gel holding them down.

Blaine made a small humming sound as he turned towards Kurt. "You really should not use hair gel" Kurt said, pressing a small kiss to Blaine's nose.

"If I did that then no one would ever take me seriously."

"I would."

"Yeah, well you're supposed to say that" Blaine laughed, squeezing Kurt's hand. "Oh look we're here!"

The cab slowed to a stop by the sidewalk and Blaine began pushing Kurt out of the door excitedly while handing some cash up to the driver. As Blaine steered him in the direction of Central Park, Kurt understood why Blaine wasn't worried about being in there after dark. Waiting for them was a horse-drawn carriage. As the approached, the driver hopped down from his seat. "Anderson?" he inquired of the two boys, opening the door of the carriage.

"Yes sir" Blaine answered as he ushered Kurt up and into the carriage. They rode in silence, Kurt leaning into Blaine who had placed an arm around his shoulders. "Blaine, I can't thank you enough, this has been the most perfect night of my life."

"I'm glad you've enjoyed it," Blaine smiled down at Kurt, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I couldn't think of a better place. Blaine began humming a song, one Kurt knew well. It was an old Elvis tune that would have anyone swooning. Kurt sat up and turned a bit towards Blaine as he began to softly sing.

Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you.

Kurt closed his eyes, Blaine's voice and words rushing over him, filling him with warmth and happiness.

Shall I stay, would it be a sin? If I can't help, falling in love with you.

Kurt's eyes fluttered open when Blaine laid a hand on his knee, leaning in slightly closer to Kurt.

Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes, some things are meant to be.

Blaine grasped onto Kurt's hand with his free one, his thumb making lazy circles on Kurt's wrist.

Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help, falling in love with you.

Kurt felt his eyes filling with tears of happiness, love flowing freely between him and Blaine.

Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help, falling in love with you. For I can't help, falling in love with you.

Once the last word left Blaine's mouth and wrapped itself around Kurt, Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt. He slid a hand around Kurt's back, sliding him gently forward. Kurt leaned into the kiss, finding Blaine's tongue with his own. He let a hand wander into Blaine's curls, pulling the boy into the kiss even more.

They broke away a few moments later, both of them missing the warmth of their bodies pressed close and their mouths on each other. Kurt sighed contentedly and snuggled into Blaine's side, enjoying the warmth of his body. He looked up when Blaine softly whispered his name, wondering at first if maybe he had imagined it. "I love you." Kurt almost forgot how to breathe; neither of them had said they loved each other yet. He knew he loved Blaine, but he had yet to speak it, letting Blaine do things at his own tempo.

"I love you too Blaine. You are my world, you mean everything to me."

Blaine intertwined his fingers with Kurt's pulling the slender hand to his mouth and pressing a kiss to it. "You are my whole life Kurt; I mean it when I say that, you mean more to me than anyone else." He pressed a soft kiss to Kurt's forehead, relishing the moment.

Neither of them wanted to move when the carriage came to a rest where they boarded, but they reluctantly climbed down. Blaine hailed another taxi, keeping his arm around Kurt possessively.

They arrived back at the hotel and Kurt paused outside his door to say goodbye to Blaine. He pressed a small kiss to the corner of Blaine's mouth, lingering there momentarily. When he pulled away he asked the question that had been on his mind since they exited the elevator. "Where are you staying? I thought they had this hotel reserved for all the competing show choirs?"

"They allowed me to take one of the rooms that hadn't been filled. I'm actually at the end of the hall." Blaine gave Kurt a small hug, not wanting to let him go. "Goodnight Kurt, I'll see you tomorrow."

Kurt had unlocked the door but paused with his hand on the doorknob. "I have rehearsal tomorrow."

Blaine gave a devilish smile. "Yes, in the morning. After that we're going to Fifth Avenue." With that he turned and walked towards his room, unlocking the door and stepping inside.

Kurt on the other hand, almost fell through the door. No. There was no way he was allowing Blaine to take him on a shopping spree down Fifth Avenue that was taking it a bit too far. He walked into the room to see Finn sitting on the bed watching basketball on the television. "Hey Kurt!" he exclaimed. "How was your evening with Blaine?"

Kurt flopped on his bed, his heart swelling with love. "Perfect. More than perfect, everything a person could ask for in fact."

"Well that's good. I'm glad he makes you happy. I haven't seen you this happy in a long, long time."

"Thanks Finn, I appreciate it, it means a lot to me." He dragged himself of the bed and gathered his things to get ready for bed. Kurt slipped under the covers of his bed, falling almost instantly asleep. He was smiling as he slept, dreaming of horse drawn carriages and golden chandeliers.


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