Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
"Wow Blaine, aren't you just the picture of the modern housewife?" Kurt laughed. He stood up and stretched, his shirt slightly riding up. He blushed slightly as he felt Blaine's eyes glance over the exposed pale skin. Kurt cleared his throat and picked up the purring kitten off the floor.
"Geeze Kurt, you sure do know how to make a man feel good about himself!" Blaine laughed and turned back to the stove. Bacon was popping in the pan and he was mixing eggs in a bowl. "I wanted to save your mom the trouble of cooking since you all were so kind to let me stay the night."
"It's really not a problem Blaine." Kurt said, looking at the other boy with a strange look on his face. "I mean, I would feel horrible if you left and Ian was out there somewhere."
"I can handle him. I've done it before." Blaine had a sad look in his eyes and Kurt wanted to hug him but stopped himself. He still wasn't sure what he felt for the shorter boy. He had tossed and turned on the couch almost all night because he couldn't stop thinking about what Blaine could be thinking of while sleeping. The dark haired boy had had a grin on his face every time Kurt had looked over at him. Kurt knew he still had feelings for Blaine but he was scared to admit it. He didn't want to get hurt again, even though Blaine had explained what had happened Kurt knew he was still scared of getting his heart broken again.
"Yeah, but you shouldn't have to. Look, I'll understand completely if you want to part ways now, I don't want him coming after you." Kurt braced himself for the goodbye, but hoped that Blaine would say he didn't care about Ian. Kurt was so confused. Half the time he wanted to accept Blaine and start over on a new foot. The other half of the time he wanted to push Blaine out the door and never let him in again.
Blaine grasped Kurt's hands and looked the taller boy squarely in the eye. "Kurt," he started, "I do NOT care about Ian being here. I want to be-be you're friend first and foremost. If you allow me to be more than that then I will gladly take it." He held up a hand to shush Kurt. "I know I know, I can't just waltz back in here and expect to be forgiven. I know that much, but I really do hope that you'll see I truly am sorry. I didn't come here and sit down with your parents to explain myself and just up and leave. If I had my way then I'd be with you forever." Blaine blushed; he had not meant to reveal all of that and now he was terrified. Kurt was looking at him with eyes wide and mouth slightly hanging open. "Oh god, I'm sorry Kurt. I over stepped didn't I? I open my mouth and stupidity spills out."
"Blaine. BLAINE!" Kurt has to yell to keep Blaine from rambling on. Blaine looked up at him and Kurt could see the fear in his eyes. "Blaine, I don't know what I want right now. I know that I really like having our friendship back but I don't know if I'm ready to try a relationship with you again. I'm sorry Blaine, but can you just give me time to figure out me?" Kurt released Blaine's hands and stepped back. He was terrified. There were so many emotions and unspoken words in the air at the moment. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until Blaine spoke.
"That's ok with me. I'll give you all the time you need. I can leave or stay away from you if you want me to."
"Then how will I decide if I want you back or not?" Kurt playfully retorted a small smile on his face. "I said we were friends Blaine; that means I want to spend time with you."
Blaine smiled back, happier than he had been in a long time. "Well, ok then! I hate to be a downer but what are we going to do about Ian?" Blaine turned back to the stove and started sliding food onto plates.
"I guess all we can do is just hope he lease us alone, or that the police will be around the next time he decides to try and mess with me."
"I'll pull a shotgun on him before he lays a hand on you Kurt." Burt spoke, startling both Blaine and Kurt. He walked into the kitchen followed by Carole.
"That smells good Blaine" Carole smiled at him, sitting at the table. "You didn't have to do this."
"I figured I could at least do something to give back to you guys for your hospitality." Blaine dished out the plates while Kurt grabbed orange juice and milk from the refrigerator.
Kurt sat down between Burt and Blaine and bit into a piece of bacon. "Mmmm, this is really good Blaine." He quickly started shoveling food into his mouth. "Here Snoball, try a piece of Blaine's bacon." He leaned down and placed a small piece of bacon on the floor in front of the kitten at his feet. He laughed as the kitten started chewing on it. "Blaine, Snoball appreciates your cooking too!"
"Kurt is it good for him to eat bacon?" Blaine asked laughing at how much Kurt loved the cat.
"Yes! He is a carnivore Blaine."
"So boys," Carole cut in, "are you excited about tonight?"
Kurt laughed, "of course mom, I was born for this!"
"Well you may be ready but I'm terrified." Blaine looked nervous.
"Don't worry about it Blaine, you'll do wonderful! You know all your lines and hit every note."
"Well coming from you Kurt Hummel, that is a major compliment."
They were interrupted by a knock at the door. Kurt and Blaine froze, both of them thinking it was Ian. Carole and Burt exchanged looks and small smiles. "Kurt honey," Carole said, "why don't you go open the door?"
Kurt pushed his chair away from the table and slowly walked to the door. He glanced out the peephole and was surprised to see flowers outside the door. He slowly opened it and smiled when he saw the person on the other side. "Finn! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be on the other side of the United States!"
"Well hello to you too." Finn laughed and handed the bouquet of chrysanthemums to Kurt. He hugged his step-brother and walked in the door. "I took a few days off to come out here and see you. I can't miss my little bro in his big debut!" Finn stopped abruptly when he saw Blaine laughing at the table with Carole and Burt. "Kurt" he hissed, "what is he doing here?"
"Finn, be nice. We kind of sorted things out. We've done a lot of talking since he got here. He's in the show with me. He-he came here to find me."
"What? And you thought it would be a good idea to let him hang out?"
"Finn! Come sit with us! Blaine fixed breakfast." Carole was smiling hoping Finn wouldn't start anything with Blaine, especially now that they had fixed things with him and Kurt.
"Finn" Blaine stood up holding out his hand. "How have you been? It's been a long time."
Fin fixed Blaine with a steely look. "Yes, five years I believe."
"Finn." Burt warned and looked at his stepson squarely. "Before you say anything, Blaine has come and explained a few things to us that change the story a bit. We have squared away some things that don't need to be brought up again."
"He broke Kurt's heart and I'm supposed to just sit here and believe he changed? Do you not remember over the summer when we had to listen to 'Candles' and 'Misery' on repeat?" Finn was angry. How could Blaine just show up after five years and expect Kurt to forgive him?
"Finn, I can understand where you're coming from. I left for five years and then I showed back up here. Well I explained to Kurt, Carole, and Burt that I pushed Kurt away back then because my father was dying of cancer. I don't expect sympathy; I just came here to try and get Kurt to forgive me and hopefully give me another chance."
"Another chance?" Finn was shouting, how dare Blaine do this? "Kurt is a star now and you just happen to show up here to win over his affections?"
"Finn, please stop" Kurt asked quietly. "I don't expect you to understand, but Blaine and I have put aside what happened, we were both in the wrong. We're friends again. Please don't do this, not today."
Finn quieted down and sat at the table between his parents. He didn't trust Blaine, but apparently Kurt did so he would just have to deal with it. He was planning on getting Blaine alone at some point in time this weekend and asking about his intentions with Kurt.
Kurt and Blaine arrived at the theater without any incident. They walked in the door and were greeted by Alyssa and Alex. "Hey Kurt, Blaine!"
"Hey Alex" Blaine greeted his understudy. "Sorry for you, but I'm here and ready to go on!"
"Oh that's ok! Kurt are you excited?"
"Yeah, thanks for asking." Kurt turned to the dressing room door and noticed something different. "Alex, Alyssa? Why is Alex's name on my door and where's my name?"
"Oh we moved you in with Blaine. I didn't think you would mind." Alyssa grinned at her friend. "You know, since everything had to be replaced we figured we might as well room you two together."
Kurt sighed "well since we can be trusted not to kill each other, I guess its ok." He walked down the hall and opened the door to the dressing room.
"SURPRISE!" Kurt almost fell backwards as a group of people yelled at him. Kurt almost began crying. Everyone from New Directions was there. Rachel, Sam, Quinn, Puck, Mercedes, Mike, Artie, Santana, Brittany, Ashley and Mr. Schue were all piled into the small room. "You guys…how did you get here?"
"Well," Rachel began, "it all started when Blaine called-"
"Me." Mercedes finished. "He asked me to round up everyone; he wanted us to be here for you. So as soon as I got off the phone with him I called Rachel and the phone chain went from there."
"Wait, so you knew Blaine was coming here?" Kurt was trying to figure out what was going on.
"Actually, we didn't know until a few days ago. Mercedes flew us all out here in her private jet." Puck was staring at Mercedes who was acting like this was nothing.
"We just wanted to cheer you on; this is a big moment for you!" Mr. Schuester hugged Kurt tightly. "All of us are extremely proud of you!"
Kurt had tears in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Blaine had done something like this for him. Maybe Blaine really did still love him. He had done this and Kurt would be extremely grateful forever. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. "How do you like your new dressing room?"
"Blaine, I can't believe that you did this for me, I can't even-"
"Shh don't say anything. Just catch up with everyone, I'll go get dressed in Alex's room."
"No no" interrupted Santana. "We have to go get to our seats; we don't want someone trying to take them." Everyone stared at her but she just looked at them pointedly and began to drag Brittany out of the room. The rest of them got the hint finally and left the two boys alone.
"Kurt, seriously not another word about it." Blaine had seen Kurt open his mouth to say something so he quickly talked before Kurt got the chance. "I wanted to do it so I did, now hush." Kurt abruptly shut his mouth and went to get dressed. He pulled his shirt over his head and felt a slight tingle of discomfort. He knew Blaine was looking; he was looking at Blaine too. As Blaine stripped off his sweater Kurt took in the tanned skin that was stretched taut over Blaine's ab muscles. Kurt noticed that Blaine had put on a little more muscle since he last saw him.
Blaine tried to keep calm as he pulled off his shirt. There was Kurt, shirtless, in the same room as him. He took an appreciative glance at the porcelain skinned boy. He noticed that Kurt had gained some muscle in his arms and, oh, was that a six pack he saw? He tried to peel his eyes away but he just watched entranced as Kurt began to button his white shirt. Blaine finally tore his eyes away and continued to dress. After ten uncomfortable minutes the two boys were in costume and sitting at their dressing tables. "Are you nervous at all Kurt?"
"To be honest, I am, but just a little though."
"Well that makes me feel a little better, I'm quite terrified."
"Really Blaine, you shouldn't be, you are a good actor and a great singer. The crowd will love you."
"Thanks Kurt. You really are a good friend."
"You're one to talk, you got all of New Directions to fly out here and see me!"
"It was all Mercedes. Of course I was chewed up and spat out before hand, but she finally agreed to help me."
Kurt laughed, "You're lucky that's all she did. But really, thanks, it was really nice of you."
Blaine and Kurt were standing behind the curtain, waiting for the play to begin. "You know," Kurt began, "this reminds me a lot of my first Regionals at Dalton. I thought I was going to die of fright."
"Yeah, I remember that. All of us Warblers were standing there watching New Directions and I thought you were going to pass out."
"But I didn't, and I think 'Candles' was one of the best performances the Warblers ever did."
"You're just saying that because it was when they all realized that you were an amazing singer and finally gave you the coveted solo you wanted so badly."
"Well, the reign of Blaine Anderson had to come to an end sometime" Kurt joked, fake punching his friend on the arm. "Plus, I'm not that scared now. We aren't competing for anything tonight, we're just going to go out there and have fun."
"I know, and I think we'll both do great, and Alyssa, she's the star of the show" Blaine said grinning.
"Oh whatever, it's called the Phantom of the Opera, not Christine of the opera!"
"Kurt, I was joking. But you have to give credit where it's due; Christine is a great actress."
"She is, and she's a good friend. Everyone on this cast is amazing, we all work well together."
The two boys quieted as the stage lights went dark and the overture began playing. Blaine gave Kurt's hand a quick squeeze and walked to the other side of the stage where he would be entering. In the dark light he wasn't sure, but he believed there was a smile on Kurt's face. Progress, he thought to himself. I believe I am finally making progress.
The crowd loved the show. Kurt, Blaine and Alyssa were flawless in both their lines and songs. Kurt was in his zone, the Broadway stage was right where he belonged. Alyssa's soprano countered with Blaine's tenor voice made sure there were almost no dry eyes in the theater. Kurt's passionate portrayal of the Phantom was wonderful, you wanted to feel bad for him all while wanting to grab your pitchfork and track him down with the rest of the cast. The curtains fell for the last time and the crowd began cheering. The cast hugged each other and made quick congratulations before it was time to take their bows. Kurt was the last to come out and stood there with wide eyes at the fact that they had garnered a standing ovation from a crowd that included some of Hollywood's finest stars. He joined hands with Blaine and Alyssa as the cast took a final bow and the curtain dropped for the final time that night. Alyssa turned and hugged her two friends. "Can you believe it? We did it!"
Kurt hugged her back laughing, "I told you we would be awesome! You were spectacular Alyssa."
"Hey what about me?" Blaine joked.
"You too Blaine, you make a great Raoul."
They walked backstage laughing amongst themselves until Blaine came to an abrupt stop. "Ian" he hissed steeling himself towards the boy.
Kurt's eyes flashed with anger as he sized up the boy in front of him. Ian was about the same height at him, black hair and had a sallow pallor to his skin. Green eyes looked back at Kurt from behind black framed glasses. The boy was slender and graceful, but the expression on his face was one close to murder.
"Well hello there Blaine. I've been expecting you."
"I would imagine so" Blaine retorted anger hanging onto every word. "You've been stalking me and now apparently you've been stalking my friend Kurt."
"Oh come off it Blaine, we all know that you and Kurt have history and we all know you want him back. That's why I'm here; to make sure you don't make that mistake."
"Mistake?" Blaine's voice was rising now. "You think that dating Kurt was…is, whatever a mistake? The only mistake I made is letting him go and deciding to date you! Why can't you just see that I don't want you Ian? I never really did."
Ian's eyes shone with absolute hatred for Kurt. "Kurt, don't listen to him. He wanted me, oh how he wanted me. Trust me, he told me almost every night." Ian's lips curled into a grin that looked more like a snarl. "He told me exactly how much he wanted me without ever having to speak a word."
"Ian. That. Is. Enough." Blaine was red and looked as if her were about to choke the black haired boy. "That was a stupid moment in my life that I have moved past, but apparently you cannot move on."
"Oh I see how it is. You get hurt by the little lady then date a real man and somehow still think that Kurt is the one you're in love with?" Ian snarled, taking a step towards Blaine. "Well isn't this priceless? Looks like you've found him again, but I don't think he wants you anymore, what a pity. You always were a little bitch that no one cared about Blaine. Even your father couldn't stand you."
Blaine stared at Ian, his eyes full of raw hurt. Kurt lunged for the green eyed boy. There was no way he was going to stand there and let this guy talk to Blaine like that. He grabbed Ian by the hair and kicked him in the shin, taking the boy down and landing on top of him. Ian swung and smashed Kurt in the nose, making him see stars. Kurt's nose was throbbing and bleeding but he didn't care; he was mad as hell and was going to make Ian pay for what he had just done.
"Kurt, no he isn't worth it!" Blaine was attempting to pull Kurt off Ian but Kurt was latched on too tight.
"Blaine" Kurt growled, "he just stepped over the line and I am not letting him get away with it." Kurt took another swing at the boy squirming beneath him and grinned when his fist connected with the side of Ian's face.
Blaine was about to try and get in the middle of the two boys again when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't try and get in the middle of this, you'll make Kurt think you think he's weak and you will never hear the end of that." Blaine turned to see Finn standing there.
"Finn what are you talking about?"
"I tried to help him move furniture in his room once and since then he regularly asks me why I think he's not strong enough to take care of his own problems. Let him do this, but if that boy gets the upper hand, well throw a kick or two to his ribs."
At that moment, the two boys heard a sharp intake of breath. Alyssa had turned deathly white and started shaking. They turned back to the fight to see that Ian was on top of Kurt, holing a pocket knife to Kurt's throat. Blaine stood paralyzed with fear; he couldn't lose Kurt, not now, and sure as hell not like this. The moment was broken when a yell sounded and a hollow thunk was heard. Alex had swung and hit Ian in the head with an aluminum baseball bat. Alex was now helping a shaking Kurt up, while Ian was sprawled unconscious on the floor. "My god what just happened?" Kurt was in shock and was white and trembling. Blaine stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Kurt.
"Hey, it's ok now. You're safe. Alex, go call the police."
Finn had gotten Carole and Burt who were now taking Kurt from Blaine. "Kurt baby are you ok?" Carole was holding onto Kurt and rubbing his hair. Kurt was sobbing into her shoulder and clinging to her arm.
Burt turned to Blaine. "Could you please explain what the hell just happened here?"
Blaine blushed. "Well sir, the short story is this is Ian, my crazy ex-boyfriend who apparently has come to New York to make sure Kurt doesn't lay a hand on me. We got into a heated argument and Ian insulted me which is when Kurt decided to fight him."
"Blaine, must you always make trouble for my son?"
Blaine's eyes began tearing up. "I'm really sorry Mr. Hummel. I came here to try and fix things between me and Kurt, but as usual I just made things worse."
"You didn't do this Blaine" Kurt spoke surprising them all. "I chose to attack him, I wasn't thinking." Kurt wiped his eyes and touched his sore nose tenderly. "The good news is that I don't think my nose is broken." He gave a slight smile and walked back over to Blaine. "Good thing Alex had that baseball bat handy. Where did he get that thing anyway?"
Blaine laughed. "Apparently it was a gift from his brother before he left Virginia to come up here. He keeps it in his dressing room for good luck.
"Well it was good luck that he had it or else..." Kurt shuddered and Blaine grabbed his hand.
"Don't worry the police are on their way." Alex said walking back down the hallway.
"Alex thanks for that. I well; I just might not be in this good a shape if you hadn't hit him."
"Oh it was no problem," Alex said smiling. "Anything to keep you safe Kurt.
Blaine raised a triangular eyebrow at Alex who blushed deeply. "Yes, Alex, thank you for saving Kurt."
Alyssa smiled at the display in front of her. Poor Kurt was oblivious to the fact that Blaine was, in his own way, marking Kurt as his territory and making sure that Alex knew that Kurt was off the market as far as he was concerned. Boys, Alyssa thought, they can't ever just speak how they feel, they skirt around it with sidelong glances and hidden looks.
"So you lunged at him and kicked him in the shin?" Officer Maxwell was asking Kurt.
"Yes sir, but he provoked me."
"How so?"
"He called Blaine a bitch and made a rude remark about his home life."
"So you grabbed him and wrestled him to the floor?"
"Yes sir." Kurt was blushing and couldn't look the officer in the eye.
On the other side of the room Blaine and Finn were being grilled by Officer White. "Why didn't you boys try and stop the tussle?"
"Well sir," Finn began, "Kurt gets angry when you try and stop him from doing just about anything."
"We didn't know he had a knife, sir." Blaine added sheepishly.
"You let Kurt get in a fight with your mentally unstable ex thinking he wasn't armed?"
"Yes sir. I-I wasn't thinking straight."
"So who is the Alex kid who hit Ian in the head with a bat?" Officer White asked, reading through the preliminary notes.
"He's one of the cast, he's Kurt's understudy." Blaine answered. "I think he should get a medal for saving Kurt."
"Well I'm sure Mr. Browning's lawyer will see things differently. I'm sure that he will argue that Mr. James was wrong in his attack of Mr. Browning."
"He deserved being hit with a bat for pulling a knife on my brother!" Finn was getting tired of everyone acting like Kurt was the bad guy here.
"Well boys, that's all of the questions I have, we'll let you know if any charges will be brought against anyone."
"That's it?" Kurt asked. "Ian just gets to go free?"
"As of now Mr. Hummel, yes. We cannot prove that Mr. Browning came here with the express purpose to harm anyone."
Kurt was angry. He was clenching hard to Blaine's hand and was slightly seeing red. How could they just let Ian go? He had almost been killed by the maniac.
"All we can tell you is that it would be a good idea if both you and Mr. Anderson get restraining orders against Mr. Browning."
"Come on Kurt, let's go get you cleaned up, then we can go to the Empire State Building like we planned today at breakfast." Blaine tugged on Kurt's had trying to get him to follow him. Kurt was still dumbstruck by the turn of events of tonight but he slowly made his way to the dressing room with Blaine.
"I can't believe I missed seeing everyone because the stupid police took forever" Kurt sighed.
"When the show is over why don't you take a break? Visit everyone who's still stuck in Lima. Go to Vegas and see Mercedes. Check out UCLA with Finn."
"What are you going to do when the show is over?"
"I don't know yet. I'll probably try out for more shows, I really like acting." What Blaine didn't say though is that if Kurt asked him, he would drop everything and go with Kurt to China if it meant being able to spend time with him.
"Oh. Vegas does sound nice though." He wanted to ask Blaine to join him, but he didn't want to be rejected again. Blaine seemed to really like New York; he didn't want to uproot him now that he was just getting settled.
"Yeah, definitely, I'm sure you'd have a lot of fun out there."
"Yeah, well are you ready? I've lived here five years and I've still never been to the top of the Empire State Building!"
"Me either, but I've been here a lot shorter amount of time than you have. How did you get them to let us go up there so late?"
"Let's just say that having a friend who is a Vegas show star has its perks." Kurt smiled and grabbed Blaine's hand. Come on; let's go round up everyone else."
The group stepped off the elevator and walked out onto the observation deck. "It's so beautiful up here at night." Alyssa's eyes were wide, taking in the city at night.
"That it is" Kurt smiled. "I don't know why I never come up here at night."
"Too many tourists." Burt joked. "Although I guess I am a tourist myself."
"I don't know, but I really like it up here." Finn was the last to get off the elevator and was now standing by the edge, peering through the chain link that kept people from falling off.
Carole and Burt were standing off by themselves, Burt had his arm around Carole as they stood looking at the cars driving by on the street far below. "They've come a long way." Carole said, leaning into her husband's embrace. "I think Kurt has almost mended. Blaine cut him open, but he's also healing him. I really do hope they both realize they're madly in love with each other before the show is done. I don't want to see Kurt get hurt again."
Over on the other side of the building Alyssa was dragging Kurt away from Blaine. "Kurrrrrt I need to talk to you about fashion advice." Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine who just laughed and waved to Kurt.
When Alyssa had gotten Kurt far away enough from anyone listening she began talking. "I swear to god Kurt that if you stand here and continue to try and tell me that you still don't know how you feel about Blaine I am going to slap you."
"Hey now, physical violence is not needed. I know I love him, that's clear enough to me, but I don't really know how he feels. He says he loves me, but I've heard that before too. I know that last time there was a lot of stuff going on, but I just don't know. We were talking today and he told me that since I missed everyone so much I should take a short break to visit with everyone from Lima. Like go see Mercedes in Vegas try and see Rachel in Hollywood, that kind of thing."
"And the problem is?"
"When I asked him what his plans were for after the show he said he figured he would stay on Broadway. I don't want to uproot him, last time, well you know what happened."
"Honestly Kurt, I think you should just talk to him. Ask him how he feels. That was the problem last time, you two didn't talk about it, you just assumed he'd be up for it and he just acted like an idiot."
"I know I know, but I'm terrified Alyssa. I 'm so scared he's going to reject me again and I don't know if I can handle that."
"I have a feeling he'll be up to it. He came out here to find you; I don't think he's ready to give up on you."
While Alyssa and Kurt were having their heart to heart, Blaine was getting the shakedown from Finn. "Look Blaine," he said walking up to the much shorter boy. "I don't know what your intentions are with my brother, but if you hurt him again, well I'm going to break your nose…or worse."
Blaine took a step back; Finn could be scary when he tried. "Finn, I honestly came out here to fix things with Kurt. I didn't expect him to forgive me or anything; I just wanted to set things straight, I didn't expect him to forgive me like he did."
"Well if there's one thing I know, it's that Kurt forgives easily, too easily sometimes I think. I also see how you treat him, and I know you care about him. He cares about you, loves you even I think, but I swear Blaine if you even think about doing what you did to him five years ago, I'm borrowing Burt's shotgun and using you for practice myself. Are we clear?"
"Yes Finn, we're clear. But listen, I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen. I put the idea in his head of him traveling to spend time with his friends after the show is over and he didn't invite me. I'm scared, I don't know if he trusts me enough to let me in again."
"No offense Blaine, but you kind of did that to yourself. Let me ask you this, what are you true intentions with Kurt? If he asked you to be part of his life again, what does that entail?"
Blaine looked up at Finn and answered "if he let me back, I would graciously accept the chance and never let him go again. I would marry that man if he would let me."
Finn was taken aback. Blaine had just said Kurt and marry in the same sentence. He looked at Blaine in awe, remembering the young boy that Kurt had become enraptured with those many years ago. The Blaine he knew then was scared and hid the fact that he was gay from a lot of people. From what Kurt had told him though, a lot of that had to do with the way Blaine's father treated him. Finn now had a little more respect for Blaine. He knew if Kurt wanted Blaine back, Blaine would take care of Kurt. "Well Blaine, then I guess who have my…blessing…of sorts." Finn laughed at what he was saying. "You two need to talk it out when mom, Burt and I leave. Oh, and tell Kurt to call me more often, you two, let me know how everything goes."
Finn smiled and walked away from Blaine. Blaine knew what he had to do. It was going to be the scariest thing he had done since up and moving to New York, but he was going to do it, because he was that close to winning Kurt back. The only thing that stood between them now, Blaine realized with a chill was Ian. Until he was behind bars they were going to have to be very careful.