Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
As they were walking back to the dressing room Blaine grabbed Kurt by the arm and held him back. "Kurt, hey I hope I'm not stepping over any boundaries, but I was hoping that maybe we could get together tonight and talk."
"Blaine, as much as I'm dreading this talk, but seeing as you're hell-bent on having it, I would say yes." Kurt held up a hand to stop Blaine from talking. "But, Carole and Dad are staying with me for the next few days and I figure they probably would not want to sit through that."
"Yeah, I understand." Blaine looked at Kurt sadly. "Let them know I say hi and miss them ok?"
"Sure." Kurt smiled warmly at Blaine. "I'll tell them. I bet they'll be surprised to know you ended up here too."
Blaine blushed, figuring Burt and Carole probably hated him for what he did to Kurt. Hopefully they could forgive him. They were the parents he had never had. "Oh, uh, yeah, well see you tomorrow then, I gotta run."
"Bye Blaine, see you tomorrow." Kurt walked away from the other boy and almost ran headfirst into Alyssa. "What are you still doing out here?" he glared at her.
"Just waiting on you" she smiled "so you two are actually going to sit down and have the talk?"
"Yes" Kurt answered irritatedly. "So you were spying on what Blaine and I were doing?
"Just a little. I had to make sure you weren't going to try and kill him or something, but I can see that you two have learned to keep your tempers in check some."
Kurt sighed at his friend and opened the door to the dressing room. He scanned the room and stopped dead in his tracks. Alyssa tried to push him in but the boy was non responsive. "Kurt! What is going on?" Alyssa peered around his shoulder and broke into a fit of laughter. "Ohmygoodness that is the cutest thing ever!" Kurt strode into the room to inspect the object sitting in his dressing chair. He poked the white ball of fluffy something and jumped back when it mewled.
"Is that a kitten?" Kurt was staring at the cat with his eyes wide and mouth hanging open. The kitten was curled up, sleeping in a silver tiara. Kurt couldn't figure out what was going on. "Alyssa, why in god's name are you laughing?" He twirled around to look at her. Her face had turned completely red and she was clutching her stomach with her hands. She pointed at the chair and managed to speak between laughs. "There's a…hahahahaha…note…hahaha…next to the kitten!" She erupted back into large guffaws.
Kurt slid the piece of paper out from under the ball of fluff and opened it.
Dear Kurt, I hope you like Snoball. I saw him at the shelter and he reminded me of you. I thought you might like the company of another living creature. He's white so if he sheds it won't be noticeable. If you don't like him I'll find him a new home. Your Friend, Blaine. P.S. The tiara is for you so you never forget to be a drama queen.
Kurt stared at the kitten, Snoball, and slowly started to smile. He picked the little creature up and stroked its head. "Why hello there Snoball. I'm Kurt, I hope you like New York apartments because that's where you're going to be living with me."
Alyssa stared silently from the doorway. Blaine Anderson, she thought, you are a genius. A kitten of all things! "So who's it from?" Alyssa asked Kurt, feigning innocence.
Kurt turned around with a smile on his face. "Alyssa, meet Snoball, he's a gift from Blaine."
"A gift from Blaine? That was nice of him. What about the tiara?"
"It's so I don't forget to be a drama queen." Kurt snorted, "like that would ever happen." Blaine looked at Alyssa thoughtfully. "Though I'm not quite sure how he knew about my tiara collection. I've only told two people, Mercedes and…you. You told him didn't you?" Kurt pointed an accusing finger at Alyssa.
"I did no such thing!" Alyssa replied. "You probably told him yourself and just forgot!"
"Trust me, my tiara collection is an off limit subject for anyone, especially my boyfriend. I can't believe you told him!" If Kurt hadn't been holding Snoball he would have lunged at Alyssa. Instead he sat on the couch petting the kitten and loving the purring sound it was making.
"Kurt, you like it, the cat and the tiara, just admit it. He would have found out if you two had moved up here together. It would have taken both of you plus some to get the collection out the door."
"Oh hush, I don't have that many!" Kurt placed the kitten on the couch where it stood and looked up at him. He reached over and picked up the tiara. "This one is so gorgeous. It's delicately designed and look, there are little rhinestones in the inlay!" Kurt held the tiara up for Alyssa to see.
Alyssa's eyes lit up and she swallowed before asking Kurt, "um, Kurt, isn't that the tiara Tatiana wore when she played the Swan Princess?" She thought Kurt's eyes were going to bulge out of his head when she said that.
Kurt looked at the tiara closely. "No, it can't be" he whispered, mainly to himself. "How, where could he have gotten this? It's a piece of Broadway history!" He looked up pleadingly at Alyssa. "Tell me, please tell me that you know this is just a rendition of it. Please. Even if it is though, for someone to go through the trouble of doing this… no, I have to give it back."
"Kurt, wait. He wanted you to have it. It would hurt him if you gave it back." She watched as a flash of anger shot through Kurt's eyes but spoke before he had the chance. "Let me guess, that's what he deserves after what he put you through? Kurt your opinion is going to change when you hear his side of the story. How do I know? He told me. Trust me Kurt, that hurt him just as much as it hurt you."
"But Alyssa-"
"No buts Kurt. Accept the gift and for goodness sake stop pushing the boy away. If the way you are smothering that poor kitten is any indication, then you miss Blaine more than you're letting anyone else onto, including yourself."
Kurt looked down and realized he was petting the poor kitten to death. He sighed and looked up at Alyssa. "I guess you're right. Maybe I could take down a wall or two and try and see him in a new light. It's going to be hard, but after this, well he deserves it." Kurt gave a small smile. "Plus, if there's one thing I know about Blaine Anderson, it's that he doesn't give up easily, especially when he really wants something."
Alyssa smiled knowingly. "Sounds like someone else I know. Well Kurt darling, I better get going, I know you have to get back to your parents too."
"Yeah, see you for rehearsal tomorrow." Kurt tucked the note into his jacket pocket, put the tiara carefully in his bag and set the kitten on the counter while he changed and wiped the makeup off his face. He finished and slung his bag over his shoulder, ready to get home. He tucked the kitten carefully in his arm and started home. He softly hummed "Defying Gravity", reminiscing about New Directions while walking home. He was so wrapped up in the feelings and memories running through him that he didn't notice the person following him.
Kurt felt awkward knocking on his own door but he didn't want to disturb the slumbering kitten in his arms by trying to get his key out of his satchel. "Mom, Dad!" he yelled through the door while knocking on it with his free hand. "It's me! Kurt!" The door finally swung open and he saw Carole beaming up at him. "Kurt darling, did you walk all the way home? In the dark?"
"Yes mom. I do it all the time; it's only a few blocks from here to Broadway." He smiled while closing the door behind him. He placed the kitten down on the sofa and placed his bag on the floor. "Where's dad?" he asked while glancing around.
"In the shower. What's that?" Carole asked pointing at Kurt's newly acquired ball of fluff.
"Oh that's Snoball. He was a gift from someone else on the cast." Kurt wasn't sure why he wasn't telling his step-mother that it was Blaine. He was almost afraid of her reaction though if she found out through the playbill Wednesday night.
"Is it a boy?" Carole asked, an eyebrow raised.
"Is he a good looking boy?"
"Yes." Kurt smiled, thinking that it was an extremely handsome, tan, curly-haired, hobbit-height boy.
"Is he, well, you know?"
"Yes." Kurt had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. Yes Blaine was gay, he knew that quite well.
"Blaine we have got to stop this." "Stop what?" Blaine asked, pinning Kurt to his bed. Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's curls, pulling Blaine to his mouth. "This" he mumbled, kissing Blaine deeply. Both boys had already shrugged out of their Dalton jackets that now lay on the floor in a heap. Blaine's tie was becoming looser by the minute. Kurt's shirt was untucked and Blaine's hot hands were touching warm, soft skin. Kurt let out a small moan and fumbled with the buttons on Blaine's shirt.
"Want….touch….you….now." Kurt knew his words were barely coherent but he didn't care. All he knew is that Blaine was touching him and he wanted to touch Blaine back. Kurt gave up with the buttons and yanked Blaine's shirt from his trousers. Kurt slowly touched his fingertips to Blaine's exposed skin. Blaine was warm and inviting.
Kurt pulled him closer, running his hands along Blaine's sides while nipping at his neck. Blaine pressed himself to Kurt, bucking up into him as Kurt nipped at that special spot on his neck. "Kurt…we should….stop" Blaine tried to pull away from Kurt but knew it was no use; he wanted it just as much as Kurt did. Blaine's fingers trailed from Kurt's back to his hips and down to his thighs. He was so close to touching Kurt that it almost hurt.
Kurt barely noticed what Blaine was doing, instead focusing on the feel and taste of Blaine. His hands worked over Blaine's back , sides and abs, his hands wanting to cover as much skin as possible. Kurt kept kissing Blaine, pulling his tongue into his mouth and sucking on it. His hands wandered and he grabbed Blaine's ass in an attempt to pull Blaine closer to him. Blaine couldn't control himself after this and slid his hand over the bulge in Kurt's trousers. Kurt moaned and pushed himself up into Blaine's hand. Kurt thought he was going to die from the friction in his pants. Blaine was touching him. All Kurt could think of was that he wanted more and he wanted more now. Kurt slid a hand between them in an attempt to remove the clothing barrier. Blaine pushed Kurt's hand away.
"I….want…to" Blaine murmured into Kurt's mouth. Kurt slid his hand up Blaine's thigh, wondering if he could turn Blaine as incoherent as he was right now. Blaine was too busy undoing Kurt's trousers to realize that Kurt was doing the same, until Kurt was touching him, oh god, stroking him. Blaine captured Kurt into his hand and released a small groan. How could Kurt be so damn perfect? He slid his hand up and down, taking in the feeling of Kurt, noticing that the taller boy was shuddering under him.
It took everything Blaine had to keep himself from tearing Kurt's clothes off and just taking him there on the bed. Somewhere in Blaine's sex-starved brain though he reasoned that this was not how Blaine wanted their first time to go. He wanted both of them to be ready and not just caught up in the heat of passion. Kurt thought he was going to die of pleasure. Blaine was touching him, stroking him, with just the right amount of tenderness and pressure. He knew he wasn't going to last long and hoped that Blaine was like that too. He mimicked Blaine's strokes, feeling Blaine tremble over top of him. He snuck a look at Blaine and was happy to see a look of complete ecstasy on his face. Kurt felt himself tighten and realized that he was about to release.
"Blaine…I" before he could finish his sentence Blaine was shuddering in his hand releasing cum all over Kurt. Kurt could care less at the moment because he was doing the same, moaning Blaine's name as he fell back onto the pillow. Blaine collapsed onto Kurt and kissed the pale boy softly. "God Kurt, that was amazing." Kurt smiled and focused his bright blue eyes on Blaine's brown ones. "Yes, amazing is definitely the word."
"Kurt honey, are you ok?" Carole's voice sounded worried and far away.
"Huh?" Kurt asked turning to look at her.
"I thought you were having a spell or something. You were standing there and you went away in your head. You turned red and your mouth was hanging open."
"Sorry mom. I just…I'm tired. Long day at practice, you know."
"Yeah, I understand. You still haven't answered my question."
Kurt searched his brain but had no idea what Carole had asked him. "Sorry, but what question?"
"I asked you who gave you the gift. I should know what man has eyes for my son." She smiled at him, glad to see that Kurt was looking happier than she had seen him in a while. What she didn't expect was the answer Kurt gave.
"Oh, it was Blaine, he gave it to me."
"Oh that's a nic- Blaine? As in Blaine Anderson? From Dalton? That Blaine?"
"Do I know any other Blaine?"
"Do I need to have a talk with someone?" Burt's voice sounded from down the hallway.
Kurt wished the floor would just open up and eat him. "No dad, its ok. Blaine's in Phantom with me. He's playing Raoul."
Carole wrapped her arms around Kurt. "Oh baby, I'm sorry, is he treating you ok?"
Kurt pulled away from her embrace and turned to face the two of them. "Yeah, he gave me a kitten. But also, he's…changed somehow. We're becoming…friends again." Kurt paused then continued in a slightly hushed voice. "He said he came to New York to find me. He said he wanted me to give him another chance."
"That boy tries to lay a hand on you and I'm going to get my shotgun."
"Dad no, it's ok, really. We've talked some. Apparently there's more to his side of the story than I, uh, allowed him to tell." Kurt was blushing by this point, embarrassed that he never tried to let Blaine explain.
"Well we don't want him to hurt you again." Carole said, placing an arm on Kurt's shoulder. "I couldn't stand to think about you going through all that hurt again."
"Don't worry about it. We have a long way to go before I would ever trust him enough to let him get that close again."
"You really are growing up Kurt, I'm really proud of you son." Burt clapped Kurt on the shoulder. "You're making a name for yourself Kurt Hummel, any father would be extremely proud."
"That's true Kurt honey. We love you very much and no matter where you go, you'll always be our son and that's what matters." Carole started tearing up and hugged Kurt closely. "We have a surprise for you" she sniffed.
"Ooooooh a surprise? For me? What is it?"
"You'll see Wednesday night!"
"Awwww no fair!" Kurt fake pouted and hugged both of his parents tightly. "Thanks for being here. I wouldn't be where I was if I didn't have great parents to support me!"
Kurt pulled himself out of a deep slumber at 9AM. There was a slight pressure on his chest and his back was in slight pain. He opened his eyes and realized that Snoball was curled on his chest and he had slept on the couch. He picked the fur ball up and placed him on the couch while he sat up and stretched. He quickly dressed and made breakfast. He chewed on a piece of toast while reading the New York Times that had been left at his door. A piece of paper fluttered out of it and lay on the table. Snoball poked his nose at it and meowed for Kurt's attention. "What do you have there Snoball?" Kurt picked up the piece of paper and read it, gasping at what he saw. All the blood drained out of his face and the paper fluttered to the floor as Carole walked in the door. She took one look at her step-son and almost rant to the table. She picked up the paper on the table and read it. In letters cut from a magazine, someone had written, Kurt, if you think you can just take Blaine from me this easy you are sorely mistaken. Leave him alone or suffer the consequences.
Carole wrapped her arms and tried to calm Kurt. "It's probably just a cruel joke."
"If it was a joke," Kurt choked out, "they wouldn't have used Blaine's name. We're not even together! This is stupid!"
"Honey calm down. Do you think maybe it was one of the people in your production? Maybe someone who's homophobic?"
"If you are a homophobe, you should not work one Broadway" Kurt hissed. "This is stupid. I am not going to worry about this. The show is tomorrow! I am not letting a stupid letter that looks like someone has read too many Nancy Drew books stop me from performing with my friend."
"Ok honey, but take a cab or something tonight please. I don't want you putting yourself in danger."
"Ok, but I still think it's stupid. I live in a highly populated area; no one could touch me without there being a witness."
Kurt finally calmed himself right before he entered the building. He could not let that note get to him. He walked into the dressing room and saw Alyssa sitting at her table. "Hey 'Lyssa, ready for today?"
She yawned and then answered, "no. I just want to go back to bed and wake up after this show is done."
Kurt laughed "that's what you get for being the Prima Donna of the show my dear!" He turned to his table and gasped. A vase of red roses sat there with a little card propped against the bottom of the vase. Dear Kurt, these reminded me of you because they're beautiful. Your Friend, Blaine A.
"He has got to stop doing this!" Kurt sighed.
"Oh please," Alyssa giggled, "you know you like it. Everyone likes romance!"
"That's not the point! I said we could be friends, not 'hey Blaine try courting me'!"
"Well good for him. He's showing you that he's willing to go the extra mile for you."
"That's Blaine for you. Even when you ask for nothing for your birthday you wake up to a room full of rose petals and a candlelit dinner for two in the dorm kitchen."
"And you two broke up because?" Alyssa wanted to smack herself as soon as the words left her mouth. "I'm sorry Kurt I didn't mean-"
Kurt cut her off "Alyssa, it's ok; I know you didn't mean to. Let it go, I'm not upset. How could I be when I have an awesome friend like you?" Kurt smile at her. "Plus," he added, "there's a dozen roses on my desk and like you said, who wouldn't like that?"
Alyssa giggled and grabbed Kurt by the arm. "Come on Kurt, let's go get this dreadful practice over with. Plus, you can stare at Blaine and think of all the dirty things you want to do with him." She flashed a wicked smile at her now blushing friend.
"Alyssa! Stop that!" Kurt grinned swatting his friend on the arm. "I do not think dirty things about Blaine!"
"You don't?" A voice behind the two caused the pair to turn around. Kurt blushed as he saw Blaine sauntering after them. Blaine grinned and sidled up and flung an arm around Kurt. He looked at the taller boy square in the face and told him "because I'm pretty sure I don't sleep at night because my dreams of you keep me awake." He winked at Alyssa as Kurt flushed an even darker shade of crimson. Kurt's mouth open and closed as if he were attempting to speak and Blaine laughed at him. "Oh come now Kurt, I was only joking."
"I know that." Kurt playfully pushed Blaine. Kurt realized what he was doing suddenly, but surprisingly realized he had missed it. The playful banter, the joking, everything Blaine had basically brought to his life since that first day that he met him on the stairs at Dalton. Kurt wanted to hit himself but yet wanted to hug Blaine at the same time.
"Hey now!" Blaine yelled while pushing Kurt back, "watch the costume! Don't I look so dashing?" Blaine tipped his hat towards Alyssa.
"Please Blaine, you look more like a hobbit in period clothing!" Kurt snorted.
"Hey that's mean! Well at least I don't look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame!"
Alyssa finally controlled her laughter enough to break into the conversation. "Should I leave you two here with each other while the rest of us practice so you can kiss and make up or?"
Both boys turned to look at her so fast that Alyssa was sure Kurt was going to fall over. "What? No we're coming." Kurt was blood red to the roots of his hair. Blaine thought he was adorable.
As the group continued towards the stage Blaine leaned over and whispered "so Kurt, how's Snoball?"
"He's fine, Carole and dad are taking care of him. Also, did you know you forgot the 'w'?"
"No I didn't, Snoball? Like the Hostess treat?"
Kurt sighed "only you would name an animal after the food."
"Now who's being mean?" Blaine made his 'look-at-me-I'm-pretending-to-be-hurt' face. Kurt just laughed at him
"Ok you two! Let's go try and rehearse before you two sneak off and forget all about us?" Alyssa smile sweetly as Kurt shot her one of his 'let-me-kill-you-now' looks.
"Oh don't worry about that Alyssa," Blaine laughed, "Kurt wouldn't let me near those perfect lips of his even if I begged him."
"Um hello? I'm right here you know?" Kurt glared at Alyssa wondering if he wanted to strangle her or just push her off the stage.
"Yes Kurt, we see you, you haven't turned invisible yet."
The trio headed towards the stage continuing to tease each other. No one saw the person standing at the end of the hallway; silently slipping into the dressing room.
I. LOVE. YOU. And your story. Def my favorite so far! I haven't finished yet, but believe me I'm about to! Last night I started it and you were only on Chapter 7, and I was like nooo! I have to know! Aha. Amazing job keep it up!