Starting Over From the End
A Perfectly Performed Plan Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Starting Over From the End: A Perfectly Performed Plan

E - Words: 2,373 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
552 0 1 0 0

Kurt finally left the dressing room to go in search of Andrea. He heard people on the stage so he headed in that direction. Alyssa's strong soprano voice was belting out the words to "Think of Me". Kurt softly touched Andrea's arm to let her know he was there. "Kurt" she said in a whisper, "are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, sorry about that, getting to sleep has been awful rough lately."

"Hmm, the life of a Broadway star is often filled with sleepless nights. Try and get some good sleep in the next few days so you're ready for the show!"

Kurt laughed to himself, if only it were that easy he thought. He stood in the shadows of the backdrop watching Blaine rehearse his lines. Blaine was a natural actor; he remembered his lines easily and his emotions shone on his face.
Kurt crawled into bed late that night. He was exhausted and worn out, but he had asked for all of this. He was a star on Broadway now and therefore he better get used to late night rehearsals. Kurt turned on his side and felt the coolness of the pillow on his cheek. Blaine's words from earlier in the days drifted back into his mind. "I'll always take care of you if you let me." Kurt snorted in disgust. So letting someone go off to New York and then waiting five years to come and find them was taking care of them? Nice joke Blaine, real funny. Kurt turned on his back in an attempt to get more comfortable and slowly fell asleep.

Blaine placed an arm around Kurt as they sat on the steps looking up at the stars. "I'll always be here for you," he whispered. Blaine's warm breath on his neck sent chills down Kurt's spine. "I know" he murmured, attempting to scoot closer to Blaine. Blaine took Kurt's hand in his. "I mean it. If you ever need anything, I'm right here." Kurt thought about telling him then about his plans to go to New York but the peaceful look on Blaine's face made him forget it. Kurt clasped Blaine's hand in his and kissed Blaine on the neck. He slowly made his way up until he kissed his lips. Blaine turned towards Kurt, pulling him into the embrace. Kurt slid his hand up Blaine's thigh trying to get even closer to him while teasing Blaine's lips with his tongue. Blaine moaned softly into Kurt's mouth and practically pulled Kurt into his lap. Suddenly there was a loud bang as the front door was pulled open. "Kurt? What's going on here?" Burt was standing at the door with a look Kurt had never seen before on his face. The two boys jumped apart and Kurt smoothed down his trousers. "Uh, nothing dad, Blaine and I were just looking at the stars." "Oh is that all you were doing then? Come on in boys, I think it's about time for the three of us to have a talk." Kurt swallowed and caught the look of sheer terror on Blaine's face. He reached out and lightly squeezed his hand.

Blaine sat straight up in bed. The memories of the dream he was having still lingered in his mind. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and thought about what he would give to be a teenager again; happy and in love. Now here he was, twenty-three, miserable, yet still in love. He shook his head. He knew he had to get Kurt to trust him again and he knew that was going to be extremely hard. He had made it this far though he told himself. It almost seemed as if fate was giving him an extra chance to be with Kurt and he was gladly going to take it. He thought back to that night underneath the stars and how awkward the conversation with Burt was. From what Blaine gathered Kurt and Burt had had a row and now Blaine was caught in the middle of a whole lot of awkward. Burt had sat them down on the couch and explained that he had in fact- researched what exactly went down in the tent and felt that he had schooled himself enough in the subject of gay sex. Blaine had sat there in undignified silence as Burt explained to him that if Blaine as much as hurt one hair on Kurt's head then there would be dire consequences to pay. Blaine laughed at this memory now. Burt had had nothing to fear. As much as Blaine wanted to show his love for Kurt, Kurt was too shy or reserved or something to ever let them go that far.
Kurt was awakened but the doorbell. He struggle to sit up, wondering who on earth was trying to come in at such a god forsaken time in the morning. It was then that he rolled over and looked at the clock which read 11:25AM. Kurt couldn't remember ever sleeping that late, but he knew he needed it. The doorbell rang again and he jumped out of bed and briskly walked into the living room. He looked through the peephole in the door and immediately gasped. How could he have forgotten that his parents were coming today? He quickly unlocked and opened the door to let Burt and Carole in. Carole took one look at Kurt's disheveled clothes and asked, "did we wake you honey?"

"Yeah, but that's ok because I slept a lot longer than I should have. Long rehearsals you know."

Carole looked at him intently taking in the dark circles under his eyes and faint lines around his mouth. "Is everything ok? You look worn out."

Kurt gave her a small smile. "I'm fine I promise, just ready to get this show over with. The….cast…is a bit to handle." Kurt glanced out the window hoping he hadn't revealed too much. He was unsure of why he didn't want to tell his parents that Blaine was here. In the end he decided to chalk it up to unnecessary drama. "I'm glad you're here though." He said while hugging both of them. "Let me go get ready and you two settle in, then maybe I could take you sightseeing!"

Burt looked at him excitedly. "Don't you have practice though?" he asked, his smile leaving his face.

"Oh that isn't until six! Now sit, make yourselves at home while I go make myself look somewhat decent!" He pointed them to the couch while he reentered his bedroom.

An hour later, which was fast by his standards, Kurt was bustling Carole and Burt out the apartment door. "Where shall we go?"

"How about the Empire State Building?" Burt interjected.

"I was hoping to take you there at night actually," Kurt answered, "the view from the eighty-ninth floor is so much lovelier at night." Carole then suggested they go to Fifth Avenue, but Burt groaned at that idea. Eventually they decided on visiting Times Square, Kurt insisted that it would be at least a little less crowded in the day time.

They walked around Times Square marveling at all the stores. From Hershey's to Virgin Records, there were so many things to take in. Carole and Kurt walked arm in arm chatting about all the different places and attempted to decide where to go first. It was nearly four by the time the trio was headed home. All three of them were laden with shopping bags, most items a courtesy of Kurt. They arrived back at Kurt's apartment around four thirty and he promptly began to make dinner. He cooked a stir fry with chicken and assorted vegetables. Kurt felt bad that he scarfed down his food, but he was almost late to practice and Kurt Hummel was never late to anything.
Kurt was flushed and out of breath by the time that he reached the dressing room of the theater. He burst in there but immediately stopped as he saw the scene in front of him. Alyssa was sitting at her dressing table applying makeup and laughing at the two people sitting on the couch. First there was Blaine sitting there with his arm draped around another form, a male form Kurt noticed, his temperature slowly rising. As Kurt stood in the doorway, his hand gripping the doorknob intensely, he took in the unknown boy. Straight brown hair, light complexion, blue eyes, Kurt was pretty sure his mouth had dropped open. Blaine was running a hand through the hair of a boy that reminded Kurt too much of himself to be comfortable. Blaine turned around after what seemed an eternity to Kurt. Blaine blushed, quickly removing his hand from the other boys head and scooting away a little. "Um hey Kurt," Blaine spoke softly, embarrassment ripe in his voice. "This is James, my…" he seemed to search for the words.

This James character stood up, holding his hand out to Kurt, answering for Blaine, "I'm his ex, but also his friend. It's very nice to meet you Kurt, I've heard all about you." Blaine blushed an even darker shade of scarlet as Kurt shook the other guy's hand. Kurt glanced over at Alyssa who was trying in vain to conceal the peals of laughter emitting from her. "Well, uh I better go get ready for rehearsal," Blaine stuttered while pushing the Kurt look alike out the door. "I'll see you onstage Kurt."

Kurt turned to Alyssa. "What the hell was that about?" Kurt was fuming and he wasn't exactly sure why. If he didn't have feelings for Blaine then why did seeing him with another guy, especially one that so closely resembled him, cause his blood to boil? Alyssa put her most sickly sweet smile on and turned to face her friend. "Whatever do you mean Kurt dear? Blaine wanted me to meet his friend James. You know Kurt, James certainly looks a lot like you; perhaps Blaine really couldn't get you out of his head no matter what."

"Idon'treallycare" Kurt murmured and sunk into his chair. "He's free to date whomever he chooses. Just because the guy had some of the same features as me doesn't mean it was because Blaine couldn't stop thinking about me or whatever."

"Kurt, are you really that dense? Do I need to spell this out to you? Blaine, you know, the tan, curly-haired boy that constantly stalks our dressing room? Yeah well news flash, he's in love with you!"

"Well isn't that grand? Too bad he left me with a broken heart and I don't care anymore because I don't love him? Why can't you two understand that?"

"Kurt. Shut up." Alyssa sighed, scooting her chair closer to Kurt's and resting a hand on his arm. "Kurt, darling, you did not see your face when you walked in that door, but I did. I thought you were going to rip that kid to shreds. You had the scariest look on your face, someone who didn't know you could have mistaken you for a serial killer by the look of hatred in your eyes."

"What do you want from me?" Kurt was holding back the tears, willing them not to fall. "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel ok? I loved him, loved him Alyssa and then that horrible breakup, and now he's back and I don't know how I'm supposed to react! Part of me wants to strangle him and the other part wants to hug him and make him promise that he'll never let me go!"

Alyssa hugged him. "Oh Kurt, you're making progress! At least you're admitting to having feelings for him still. I just want you to know that I think you two make the cutest couple ever!"

"Alyssa, nowhere in that statement did I say that me and Blaine are getting back together!" He sighed, waving his hands in an exasperated manner. "Why isn't enough for me to admit that I obviously have some type of feeling for the dumb hobbit?"

"Because I'm not going to rest until you two do something about this. Have you tried talking about it?"

"Yes and that ended with me having to get my carpet cleaned because I smashed carry out into my carpet."

"Have you tried not getting angry with him and letting him tell you his full side of the story? From what I hear you tended to cut him off every time he tried to explain."

Kurt felt a blush creeping onto his cheeks. "Well, uh maybe, but I was eighteen! How many teenage boys take something like that easily?"

"I know Kurt, I know he hurt you, but he really wants a second chance, just talk to him soon ok?" Alyssa pressed a friendly kiss to his cheek. "Now hurry and get ready before Andrea goes on the war path again."

"Yes ma'am" Kurt mock saluted her as she left the room. Kurt looked in the mirror and wondered how he had gotten here. Oh yes, he thought, Blaine came looking for me. Kurt began his makeup routine while trying to figure out how to start what was going to definitely be the most awkward situation of his life.
Alyssa closed the door to the dressing room and turned to the two boys standing there. "Well Mr. Anderson, our plan seems to have worked." She then turned to the slightly taller boy and addressed him. "James thanks for helping us, you're a great actor; you should try out for Broadway."

James simply laughed. "I think I'll stick with stocks and bonds. Well Alyssa, Blaine, I better get going, I have a date with my girlfriend and she'll kill me if I'm late again."

Blaine stuck his hand out to James. "Thank you so much for helping me. If he doesn't like me anymore I don't know what I'll do."

James laughed, "if the look on his face was any indication, once you two have that dreaded talk, you should be right where you want him to be. I seriously thought I might be murdered in that dressing room."

Alyssa just smiled and hugged Blaine as James left. "Well Blaine, it seems you're winning him over to your side little by little. Though I must say, you must love him a lot to put up with him and all his diva-ness."

Blaine just smiled, his eyes going a bit starry. "I love him more than anything else in the world."


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Oh my god! I so was not expecting that little twist at the end. Completely blindsided. Good job.