Starting Over From the End
A Sunbeam Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Starting Over From the End: A Sunbeam

E - Words: 2,104 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
526 0 0 1 0

Kurt awoke to his alarm clock and quickly rolled out of bed. He brushed his teeth and went through his moisturizing routine. He ran a comb through his hair and added enough hairspray to kill the ozone completely. He walked into the living room and came to an abrupt stop. What the hell had happened in here? What was that awful orange stain in his carpet? All of a sudden the memories from the night before hit him. Kurt groaned. Today's practice was going to be utter hell. He placed a phone call to a reputable carpet cleaning service and walked out of the apartment.
Kurt arrived at the theater and briskly walked to the dressing room. He found it empty, which was no surprise to him because Alyssa seemed to like having ten minutes to get into full makeup and costume. He dropped his bag on the floor and picked up a rose off his chair. Intrigued, he opened the small card that was attached to the rose with black ribbon. The card simply states, "Kurt, please forgive me for yesterday. I acted irrationally. –Blaine." Kurt wasn't sure if he wanted to throw it away or not. He looked around the room and found himself placing it next to his mask on the table. He turned around as the door behind him opens. Alyssa popped her head in first and then proceeded into the room when she saw Kurt was fully clothed. "So," she began, "how were things after I left?"

"Well they started off fine, but as usual for us, ended in a fight."

"Kurt, you have to stop letting your temper take over."

"Alyssa he broke my heart. Then he just shows up here to let me know he wants to fix things?"

"Maybe you should give him another chance, maybe he's changed."

"Oh you're on his side now too?"

"No Kurt, I'm just saying that I think you too are good for each other. I see the way he looks at you when you're onstage. The man loves you; at least you can acknowledge that."

"So what if he loves me? I don't love him, at least, not anymore." With that he strode out of the room and headed for the stage.
"Gather round everyone, I have some good news and some bad news."

Kurt looked at Andrea worriedly. There were five days until the premiere of the show, three until his parents arrived. "Could you give us the bad news first?" He asked looking up at Andrea.

"Well, the bad news is Damon quit, he's quite ill and has decided to sit this one out. This means the good news is that I believe Blaine is fully ready to take on the part of Raoul, but since we have a mere five days until the premiere we will have a long rehearsal today!" The whole cast groaned at the idea of long rehearsal even though they knew it was needed. "Kurt, Alyssa, Blaine, places please, we're rehearsing the Phantom's lair scene where Raoul comes to save Christine from the Phantom, starting with the musical number.

Kurt wanted to strangle the stage manager. Why did she think it was necessary to make them rehearse this part first? Oh well he resigned, at least he got to fight with Blaine in this scene.
Go now! Go now! Leave me! Kurt's countertenor rang across the theater as he pointed a finger at Alyssa. Masquerade . Paper faces on parade . . . Masquerade . Hide your face so the world will never find you . . . Christine, I love you...

Alyssa, wrapped in Blaine's arms, staring at him as if he were the only person in the world, sang out, Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime .Say the word and I will follow you.

Kurt hated the way Blaine was staring at Alyssa as he sang his line loud and clear. Share each day with me.

Each night, each morning was Alyssa's next line.

Kurt was ready to get this scene over with; Alyssa was clinging onto Blaine a little too closely. Kurt sang his closing lines passionately. You alone, can make my song take flight, it is over, the music of the night!

Andrea walked onto the stage clapping. "Wonderful guys! I want to see it just like that on opening night. Kurt, that was great, your emotion was wonderful I hope to see it during the real show."

As long as he is here, Kurt thought to himself, that will be exactly how it goes. He glanced over at Alyssa and Blaine who were still holding onto each other, laughing now. He turned around disgusted and headed for the dressing room.

"You know…" the sound of Alyssa's voice made Kurt jump. "Someone might get the impression that you were a little jealous of me out there."

Kurt gave a most undignified snort. "Me? Jealous because you were clinging to Blaine? Please."

"Kurt I saw your face. You were practically green with envy. I was worried you might forget we were in rehearsal and come try to snatch me away from him."

Kurt laughed. "You can have him Alyssa. I most definitely do not want him."

"You keep telling yourself that, it seems to be working wonders." Alyssa's voice was dripping with sarcasm now. "You hate him so much, that's why you kept the rose." She gestured towards the flower lying on the dressing room table.

"It-it was a nice gesture. Why throw away a rose?"

"Humph. Fine Kurt, have it your way as usual" she sighed, sliding into a chair. "I just don't see why you won't give him a chance."


"Yes he broke your heart, I know. That still doesn't mean he hasn't changed. He came looking for you Kurt. He traveled over a thousand miles to find you. He obviously still loves you. Once you realize that and figure out what the rest of us already know, well let's just say it'd make it a lot easier on the rest of the cast."

"What do you mean what the rest of you know? Has Blaine said something?"

"Heavens no Kurt! It's something you have to figure out for yourself. If I tell you you're just going to tell me I'm wrong."

"Fine then, have it your way" Kurt pouted, reapplying a bit of eyeliner. He was trying to figure out what Alyssa meant. What did everyone else know that he didn't? A thought pushed its way into his mind but he quickly pushed it away, ignoring it. There was no way in hell that he was still in love with Blaine. He dismissed the absurd idea and turned to Alyssa. "If you all think that I am still in love with Blaine and that we're just going to kiss and make up then go on to live a happy life; well then, you're extremely mistaken." He swept out the door, his phantom cloak fluttering behind him.

"Oh Kurt" Alyssa sighed into the empty room. "You are in love with him, the only people who can't see it is the two involved. He loves you but thinks you hate him." She giggled to herself "and I thought women were supposed to be the confusing ones."

Kurt stepped into an empty wardrobe room. He covered his face with his hands and tried to keep himself together. He did not love Blaine. He repeated this mantra to himself until he had slid down the wall and was half sitting, half lying on the cold concrete floor. Well dammit he thought, I don't care if I love him or not. Last time I decided to love the idiot he left me. I can't trust him. So why is it that I want him back? No. He's going to have to prove himself, and I'm damn well not going to tell him I'm even thinking about considering trying to be with him. He's had five years to figure out what he wants. Maybe, maybe if he proves himself, maybe I'll think about letting him get close again. Kurt was tired, bone tired. He fell asleep propped up against the wall.

Suddenly Kurt felt himself being roughly shaken. "Kurt? Wake up!" A voice was yelling at him, but he just wanted to sleep. The voice was a bit quieter when it yelled "guys, he's in the wardrobe room, he must have fallen asleep!" Kurt felt himself being picked up by a strong pair of arms. He struggled to sit up but sleep still had a hold on him. The voice spoke again, quieter this time. "Alyssa let Andrea know I'm taking Kurt back to his dressing room, he seems to be sleeping and won't wake up. I think he needs a break." Kurt heard a swish of cloth and tried to let the arms around him relinquish their hold. "Stop squirming or I'm going to drop you. It doesn't help that you've added a few pounds since I last saw you." Kurt tried to say that he was all muscle than you very much but all he managed was an unintelligible grunt and instead nestled in the arms that were carrying him. Suddenly he was being lowered onto a soft couch. The whole experience reminded him of a time long ago at Dalton.

"Kurt, wake up." Blaine spoke softly as he pressed a kiss to Kurt's forehead. "Unf" Kurt muttered. "Just five more minutes?" He asked, slowly opening one eye. "No. You are going to wake up now because I say so." Blaine pressed a kiss to Kurt's nose, and then captured his lips. Kurt sighed, kissing Blaine back. "You know Blaine; if you weren't so damn cute I'd kick you out right now." "Kick me out of my own bed? That's low even for you Kurt." Kurt's eyes widened slightly. How did he get into Blaine's bed? What exactly had happened? Blaine laughed at the look on Kurt's face. "Don't worry love; I didn't steal your manhood while you were asleep or anything of the sort. You fell asleep in the hallway last night and the door to your room was locked so I carried you in here." Kurt relaxed instantly. "Oh, why didn't you just knock? Jordan would have let you in." "Well I didn't want to disturb him at 3AM." "Oh well thanks for taking care of me." Blaine smiled and kissed Kurt again. "Anything for you babe."
Kurt awoke with a start; he looked around and tried to place where he was. He finally realized that he was in the dressing room at the theater. He glanced to see someone else was in there with him. At first he thought it was Alyssa, but after rubbing his eyes he realized that his silent visitor was definitely male. "What are you doing here Blaine?" he groaned sitting up on the couch.

Blaine turned around in the chair, fiddling with the rose he had left for Kurt. "Well someone had to carry Sleeping Beauty to her throne" he grinned. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?"

Oh great, Kurt thought. "Um no, what did I say?"

"Oh you mainly mumbled, but I did catch you thanking me for taking care of you." Kurt stood up from the chair and walked towards Kurt. He stopped when he was about a foot away from the other man. "I'll always take care of you if you let me." Blaine placed a tanned hand on Kurt's shoulder and squeezed gently. "Just let me know when you're ready for me to do that." He turned and left the room. As he passed through the doorway he turned to Kurt and said, "Andrea's worried sick about you, go find her when you're ready, I think she wants to run more scenes with you in it."

Kurt groaned. Why did life have to be so hard? He sat on the couch wringing his hands; the shoulder Blaine touched was still slightly warm. Why was it that whenever Blaine was around he began to lose all common sense? He needed to clear his head. Somehow he had dozed off and ended up in Blaine's arms once again. He remembered one moment of lucidity he had where he had snuggled closer to Blaine as he carried him. God I'm pathetic, Kurt snorted. I go for five years without any type of sexual interaction and I'm already thinking about cuddling with Blaine again. Granted he and Blaine had never gone any further than some heavy petting, but five years without any interaction from a person close to him seemed a bit stupid in retrospect. Looking back Kurt couldn't help but to realize that he had pushed every guy that close to him away for fear of being hurt again. God Blaine had screwed him up.


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