Starting Over From the End
A Bud Starts to Form Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Starting Over From the End: A Bud Starts to Form

E - Words: 1,810 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
595 0 2 0 0

The alarm went off at 7AM sharp. Kurt rolled out of bed while rubbing his puffy eyes. Time to take out the hardcore moisturizers today, he decided. He looked at his reflection in the mirror and almost gasped. He seemed to be turning into the phantom. There were dark bags under his eyes and his complexion had turned somewhat sallow. His face seemed smaller, as if that were even impossible. He looked rough; he feared that no amount of cr�me would do the trick today.

He trudged to the theater, hoping Damon was feeling better so he wouldn't have to run lines with Blaine again. After his talk with Alyssa yesterday, he wasn't even sure what to expect when he got to the theater. What he definitely did not expect though, was to arrive to see Blaine and Alyssa whispering to each other in the hallway as if they were sharing a secret. Kurt cleared his throat loudly as he walked towards the dressing room door. Alyssa jumped away from Blaine and quickly ran to Kurt. Kurt looked over his shoulder at Blaine, who was standing there as if he were a three year old that had just gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar. Kurt turned his attention back to Alyssa. "So what important discussion were you having with Blaine?"

"Oh Kurt, we were simply just sharing stage secrets!" She emphasized with a flourish of her hand.

"Stage secrets huh? Like what?"

"You know, uh, like always wearing eyeliner to make your eyes pop!"

"Uh-huh… ok then don't tell me what you two were talking about," Kurt pouted. "If I find out you were trying to help him get my part in the show then I will just cut you off from my weekly 5th Avenue shopping sprees!"

"Kurt Kurt Kurt. I promise it was nothing of the sort. Just trying to be friendly with the new guy!"

"Even if the new guy broke one of your closest friend's heart?"

"Kurt, Blaine seems different, more mature maybe, than the one you described. Maybe you should give it another try?"

"Fat chance" Kurt snorted. "Mercedes asked me to try and befriend him. I shall attempt that. I don't even know if I can do that, after what he did to me, I can't trust him."
Kurt was walking towards the stage to practice, but was pulled into a storeroom by a pair of strong hands. "Kurt, we need to talk."

"Oh no we don't. You did plenty of talking before we graduated from Dalton. I'm pretty sure I made my opinion of the whole thing quite clear."

"Yes, yes you did" Blaine laughed, remembering the day quite well.

"No Blaine, I do NOT want to talk to you!" Kurt yelled, slamming the door in Blaine's face. "Just hear me out Kurt, I don't expect you to understand everything, but I do care about you." Kurt threw a book at the door. "Understand? UNDERSTAND? What's there to understand? You want to break up with me so that you can go screw every guy in Lima senseless while I work my ass off trying to make a living in New York!" Kurt knew he was wrong, but Blaine had really cut him. He felt that the world was falling in on him and he needed to leave Dalton. "Kurt," Blaine begged, "please don't do this. Please let me in so we can talk ok?" "No, Blaine, I'm done talking." Kurt opened the door slightly in order to throw Blaine's tee shirt at him. "Here, take this back, I don't need the scent of you on my pillow anymore." "Fine Kurt, you win, I'm leaving. If you ever want to talk, you have my number."

"Blaine, what are you doing here?" Kurt asked pointedly.

"What do you mean? I'm here working on my acting career. Seeing you again is just an added bonus."

"An added bonus?" Kurt spit the words out venomously. "Blaine, I did not ask for you here, nor do I want you here. I am here to do my job and continue my rise to fame."

"Kurt, can we just stop all the fighting? It's been five years. Please stop hating me and maybe try to be my friend. I've done my fair share of growing up, have you?" Blaine extended his hand hoping Kurt would shake it. Kurt blew air out of his mouth, exasperated.

"Fine Blaine, have it your way. We can attempt to become friends, but don't expect me to trust you or anything ok? Because it will not happen."

"Trust me I get your point loud and clear."

Kurt whirled around and stormed out of the storeroom. He took quick strides trying to put distance between the two of them. Blaine followed him dejectedly. He had been hoping that Kurt had let go of everything. Blaine wondered whether this had been the right idea. Granted, he hadn't actually known that Kurt was in this show, but he wasn't going to complain either. He was hoping that maybe if they spent enough time together he could at least patch up their friendship. Kurt had hurt him when they broke up, granted; he hurt Kurt a lot too. He just wanted to prove that he was different know and he should have remembered that getting Kurt to do anything he didn't want to do was next to impossible.
When they reached the stage Andrea was waiting for them. "Blaine, Damon is still sick so you'll be reading his lines. Kurt, are you ready?"

"I am always ready to put on a show," Kurt grinned at his stage manager.

"Huh, there's the old Kurt I used to know," Blaine whispered, barely audible to Kurt.

Kurt turned to face the curly haired boy. "Yes Blaine, I am still as much of a diva as I was back at Dalton." Dalton. There he had said the dreaded word, gotten it out in the open, weirdly, he felt relieved.

"Ok boys! Um, let's get to practicing shall we?"

The two headed to opposite sides of the stage to practice entrances and exits by cue lines and music. By the end of rehearsal everyone was ready to leave, including Andrea. "Good night everyone! No rehearsal tomorrow ok? You're all doing wonderfully!"
On the way back to the dressing room Alyssa grabbed Kurt's arm. "Shopping tomorrow? 5th Avenue?"

"Yes, Alyssa dear we can go shopping!"

"What about if I invite the lovely Blaine to go with us? Maybe I can straighten him out, if you catch my drift." Alyssa winked at him, Kurt slightly cringed.

"Um, well I don't know if he'd want to."

"Oh please, I know you at least don't hate him anymore. You didn't snarl at him today. Though I must say you look awful cute when you're mad."

"I always told him he looked like a wood nymph." Blaine interjected while walking up behind the pair. "Of course I'd love to accompany you to 5th Avenue, seeing as I just got here a week ago, it seems my wardrobe could use an update."

"Well, ok then." Kurt tried to keep his eyes focused on Blain long enough to talk to him. "Meet at my apartment at 9AM?"

"Um, Kurt, I don't exactly know where you live."

"Oh. Uh it's 224 Park Avenue. In the big apartment complex."

"Isn't that expensive?" Blaine knew Kurt liked nice things, but apartments in New York City were ridiculous.

"Yes, but that's the price I pay for luxury. See you at 9 AM?"

"Yeah, see you then. Bye Kurt, Alyssa."

"Bye Blaine!" Alyssa waved to him then turned back to Kurt. "See? That wasn't so bad now was it?"

"Well…no, I guess not. Still, it might be awkward, so I apologize in advance."

"Oh Kurt," she said playfully smacking his arm. "I believe it will be absolutely enjoyable!"
It was 9AM when the doorbell rang. Kurt half wanted to hide under his covers instead of opening the door. He knew it had to be Blaine, Alyssa was never on time. He trudged to the door, his apartment feeling as if it went on forever. Finally his hand closed over the doorknob and he slowly turned it. "Hey Blaine, right on time, come in."

The dark-skinned boy slid through the opening and took a seat on Kurt's couch. "What a swell apartment, I see you're doing fine by yourself." Blaine was attempting conversation, hoping that Kurt wouldn't lose his temper.

"Yeah, showbiz pays well at least," Kurt said grinning, sliding into a chair. He had to remind himself not to get too comfortable around Blaine. That's what got him into the mess at Dalton in the first place. "So, uh, why did you decide to come to New York of all places?" Kurt was being genuine and hoped that Blaine would take it that way.

Blaine slightly raised an eyebrow. "Well you know I love singing, and I'm passionate about acting, so I decided to come out here and give it a shot. I didn't expect to land as an understudy of a lead part in such a big musical."

Kurt tapped the tips of his fingers together while trying to figure out what to say next. "Well, uh, I guess the producers really liked you then? You're lucky. Everyone else normally does off Broadway shows that have about five attendees."

"Yeah," Blaine said, relaxing onto the couch. "I guess I am lucky. Hey, nice furniture by the way." He smoothed the leather of the couch he was sitting on. "I never would be able to keep white clean." Blaine mentally slapped himself. He was talking about Kurt's furniture for god's sake.

"Um, yeah well you know I like things clean." Kurt replied, one eyebrow rising slightly. "Plus, white goes well with my complexion."

Blaine and Kurt were saved from even more awkward conversation when the doorbell rang. Kurt hopped up out of the chair to get it. "Well this saves us from having to talk about the weather now." A small grin passed over his lips. He threw open the door. "Alyssa darling! So glad you could make it before noon!"

Alyssa grinned, "Oh hush you! I simply could not figure out what to wear!"

"So you chose jeans and a tee with a vest? Comfortable, yet a little stylish. I just hope they don't kick us out of Saks for thinking you're a hobo."

"That's no way to talk to a lady Kurt," Blaine laughed. "Alyssa I think you look gorgeous!"

"Well at least someone knows what it means to be a gentleman." She grinned and pecked Kurt on the cheek.

"Him, a gentleman?" Kurt laughed, "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!"

"Hey!" Blaine yelled, "I am very much a gentleman." He took a giggling Alyssa by the arm and swept her out the door. Kurt sighed at the sight of them. Blaine always knew how to make a girl, heck anyone, swoon, even if the feelings weren't returned. He pulled the door shut and locked it behind him. Today could go two ways, he thought. It could be a grand adventure or a drop into Hell.


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I'm a wee bit confused at this point. In chapter 1 you said Daniel was Raoul and his understudy was Damon. Then you said Damon was sick and Blaine was the understudy. So is Blaine the understudy's understudy or is their a mix up?

At some point in time I believe Daniel quit, and Damon was sick, making Blaine become Raoul (complicated I know) BUT I am going to go check this, and if I'm worng then I shall fix it. (thanks for telling me by the way)