Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
“Shut up guys, it’s my wedding I’m allowed to be nervous!”
“It’s not like your groom is going to get cold feet and run away.” Rachel rolled her eyes from the corner as she tucked a curl behind her ear.
Kurt shook his head at her, only Rachel could say things like that and get away with it. He adjusted his bowtie once more, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
He smiled as a flash of navy caught his eye and he saw Brittany twirling around in her dress. Why was he nervous? He was essentially marrying his high school sweetheart and nothing could really go wrong. Blaine wasn’t going to leave him at the altar that much he could be sure of.
Kurt heard the opening strains of the processional, ‘Ode to Joy’ as he had chosen begin, and the girls began to walk down the aisle. He felt a hand close over his and the scent of Blaine’s cologne wafted towards him. “You look stunning” Blaine whispered in his ear and Kurt felt a small chill of excitement run down his spine. In a few moments time they would be standing there, pronounced husband and husband and he would be forever Blaine’s and Blaine would be his. The Hummel-Andersons. Kurt had practiced saying that to people when Blaine wasn’t around. Hello, you’ve reached the Hummel-Anderson residence, we can’t come to the phone right now but if you leave a message we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. The thought made Kurt beam, he hadn’t been this happy in a long time.
‘Canon in D’ began playing as Kurt and Blaine moved forward, clutching on to the other’s hand. Carole and Burt sat in the front row along with Blaine’s mother and a few of the Warblers. There were people from each of the groom’s extended families along with other friends and somehow a press person or two. Kurt rolled his eyes but continued on, the publicity of their marriage was now old news.
Kurt and Blaine stood together in the front of the small chapel, expertly decorated by Kurt himself. Beaming friends stood on either side of them and in the seats. Kurt couldn’t help but keep his eyes on Blaine, the most perfect man in the world.
Kurt felt a tear run down his cheek as the vows were said. He was surrounded by people who loved him and he was marrying the man he loved. He watched in awe as Blaine slid the silver hand onto his ring finger. Shaking, he slid a matching band onto Blaine’s tan finger, completing their vows. They kissed to cheering and catcalling, the
later mostly thanks to the Warblers in attendance.
Kurt and Blaine walked out of the chapel hand in hand, now two-in-one, the newly wedded Hummel-Andersons. Smiling guests stood in two lines and threw birdseed laced with glitter over the heads of the grooms.
Kurt stopped short as they reached the curb. There, waiting for them in the street was a horse-drawn carriage. Kurt felt a tear roll down his cheek as he clenched tighter to Blaine’s hand. “You did this?” he whispered, looking down at Blaine. Blaine simply smiled and opened the carriage door, holding out a hand to help Kurt up.
After they were seated on the red plush bench Rachel yelled for them to smile as she began taking a multitude of pictures of the boys in the white carriage with a ‘Just Married’ banner hung on the back. The entire carriage was decorated. The black wooden wheels had silver roses attached to the middle and each of the white horses had navy ribbons braided into their manes.
“Well sirs, are we ready?” the driver asked with a tip of his hat.
Blaine nodded a yes as the driver grabbed the reins and started them forwards. Blaine slid an arm around Kurt as the sounds of the city were softened by the sound of hooves on the road and the creaking of the turning wheels.
Kurt leaned into Blaine and let out a contented sigh as he stared up at the stars above them. “This is perfect Blaine” he said quietly, twining his fingers into Blaine’s.
The wedded couple stood in front of the Plaza Hotel, Kurt’s mouth gaping open. “Blaine, you didn’t.”
Instead of replying, Blaine merely grasped Kurt’s hand and led him through the doors.
“But” Kurt sputtered “it’s near impossible to get a room for a reception here!”
“I wanted you to have everything you dreamed of. I happen to know you’ve wanted a reception here since you were five.”
“How did you know that?”
“Mercedes. She happily revealed any and all secrets of yours pertaining your childhood wedding dreams for the occasion.”
Kurt’s eyes widened as he realized what Blaine had just said. “I could kill you both.”
Kurt and Blaine walked into the reception hall and Kurt let out a small gasp as he took in the decorations. Tables around the room were covered in navy tablecloths with pale green vases holding white roses and cr�me colored lilies. In the center of the room was a simple white gazebo where the cake Kurt had ordered sat. Making a small path to the gazebo itself were two lines of trees covered in white twinkling lights that matched those that lit the gazebo.
Blaine led Kurt to a long table in the front where their closest friends and family sat, taking the center seats. Kurt leaned into Blaine as the sound of metal hitting glass was heard across the room.
Wes, Blaine’s best man, stood as he cleared his throat loudly. “Friends and family of the grooms, welcome. Blaine requested that I be his best man, much to the dismay of many of the Warblers in the room. They, of course, are under the impression that I am prepared to make a long winded speech about the sacredness of marriage and the importance of fidelity. But alas, I am not. In fact, I am going to tell a story. A story about a boy who came to us broken and bruised and the angel that saved him from himself.
"Blaine showed up on the steps of Dalton one chilly September morning, lost and scared. He had been dumped at our door by his parents, sporting a black eye with a shoulder bag, suitcase and guitar to his name.”
Kurt glanced over at Blaine, reaching for his hand for support.
“He quickly became the favorite of the Warblers, we all felt like he was our little brother, someone we would protect no matter what. Soon enough he regained his strength and showed us what he really had inside, soaring to lead soloist of our little group. He was still missing something though; something neither the Warblers nor Dalton could give him.
"Then it happened. One day Blaine met a boy very much like him on the stairs of our school. This boy immediately grabbed Blaine’s attention, trust me, he reenacted their meeting over a thousand times.”
Kurt stole a quick glance at Blaine whose cheeks were heating up.
“Then Kurt told Blaine his story and Blaine assumed the role of Kurt’s protector. Most of us know this story, how Blaine confronted Kurt’s fears in an attempt to conquer his own. But let me in on a few secrets. First, Kurt I want to tell you, that horribly gone wrong GAP Attack? None of us saw it coming. We all swore up and down that Blaine had finally realized his feelings for you. So when we found out about Jeremiah, we wanted to hang him by his toenails from the school flagpole.
“Finally, finally Blaine the dense, as we dubbed him at secret Warbler meetings held for the sole purpose of trying to get you two together, figured it all out. And yes, that time Nick and Jeff told you about the emergency rehearsal, you were supposed to find and empty room and use it for god’s sake! We threw ourselves a congratulatory party the night before Regionals while you two were off making out or whatever it was after you two got together.”
It was Kurt’s turn to squirm as he felt his father look at him from down the table. He had ‘forgotten’ to mention any and all physical aspects of his and Blaine’s relationship to his father.
Blaine was wondering whether Burt had a shotgun hidden under the table. He looked at Wes with widened eyes, begging him to keep his mouth shut.
“Of course, then came Winter Formal and everyone had to pay up to me because I mean hey, we all know what happens at Winter Formal.”
That was it, Blaine felt all the blood drain out of his face and slumped onto the table, head buried in his arms.
Kurt would have been shocked and terrified if not for two reasons. One, he figured Wes was going to do his best to embarrass them, he was a Warbler after all and two, Burt was looking at Nick dangerously because hey, Nick was supposed to keep an eye on Kurt and Blaine that night.
“As long as we skip the awful fight that everyone knows about and push forward then we end up here, guests at the wonderful Hummel-Anderson wedding. I have seen the process of these two men on their path together, and to allow me a moment to be mushy, I know they’re meant to be here, to share forever, together.”
Wes set down to thunderous applause from the Warblers and members of New Directions, a dangerous look from Blaine and a few raised eyebrows from other adults in attendance.
The scraping of a chair was heard as Finn stood to his feet. He cleared his throat nervously before beginning. “Family and friends gathered here today, I want to thank you all for attending. Most of what I was going to say has been said, but as requested by a few of the boys in blue-" Raucous yelling emanated from the tables holding the Warblers. “-I am going to tell you a bit of the same story with a different spin on it.
“We all know about Kurt being bullied, about how McKinley, including me personally, either bullied him or watched as others wronged him. We all know about the events that led up to Kurt’s transfer to Dalton. But the one thing that a lot of people didn’t notice right away was how drastically Kurt changed. Not in a bad way, but in a very good way. He was a lot happier than I had ever seen him. Right away I knew Dalton was good for him.
“Of course, I heard second hand all of the stories about Blaine, sometimes I’d get texts from Kurt about him, but I think Kurt was smart enough to realize I wasn’t good with relationship advice. What I was good at though was noticing how happy Kurt was when Blaine finally figured it all out and they started dating. If I had thought Kurt was happy performing in Glee it was nothing compared to how happy he was when he was with Blaine. Of course, as Kurt’s big brother, it was up to me to keep an eye on them and even though it seemed like I was being unfair, hey, I had to protect him right?”
Kurt thought about the bazillion and one times Finn had interrupted one of his and Blaine’s make out sessions in order to ask a question about this or that. Finn had just thought he was being a good big brother.
“So of course, I’m really proud to be standing here telling all of you this, because I’m really proud of both of them. If they aren’t proof that there are people out in the world that are meant for each other than I don’t know if it’s possible. They put behind him one of the worse things to happen and they realized that they couldn’t live without each other, that their love truly could conquer all.”
Finn sat with a small tear forming in the corner of his eye. In fact, Kurt noticed as he glanced around the room, there was barely a dry eye in the room; even his father’s eyes were a bit misty.
Mercedes cleared her throat as she stood, holding up a glass of champagne. “As the maid of honor Kurt asked me to give a speech, but I believe everything that needs to be said has, so I’d like to give a short toast to the happy couple before they do their first dance.
“To Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson, may all your years be filled with love and happiness; you two are too perfect together for anything less. Don’t forget your friends when you make it big. Oh, and have lots of fun on your honeymoon darlings!”
Mercedes toasted the couple amidst laughing and clapping before everyone picked up their glasses and drank to the happy couple.
Blaine led Kurt to the dance floor, unable to keep his eyes off his new husband. He was slightly nervous, hoping that Kurt would like the song he chose for their first dance. The lights danced across Kurt’s features, making him so beautiful, not that he wasn’t usually, but so much more so now.
Kurt looked at Blaine, noticing the way the lights reflected in his hazel eyes, sparkling with love and a hint of nervousness. He grabbed Blaine’s hand as they reached the center of the dance floor, everyone surrounding them on the edge. He watched as the Warblers, who had shed their tux jackets for the old familiar Dalton ones, lined up. Jeff stepped to the front of the group. “When Blaine called an impromptu emergency meeting of the Warblers, we were intrigued to hear the song he had for the first dance. As we were practicing though, we realized how perfect this song was for them. If you had been a Warbler, or Finn in this case, you’d know this.”
With that the Warblers minus Jeff started out with soft bum bum bum bums. Jeff soon added his voice to the group. “There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired lonely place. Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you.”
“Taylor Swift?” Kurt questioned, a soft smile forming on his face.
“It’s so us though. You took me by surprise. When I turned around to you on the staircase you took my breath away Kurt.”
Nick continued on in the background as the two boys danced slowly on together. “Your eyes whispered ‘have we met’, ‘cross the room your silhouette starts to make its way to me. The playful conversation starts, counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy. And it was enchanting to meet you. All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you. This night is sparkling, don’t you let it go, I’m wonderstruck, blushing’ all the way home. I spent forever wondering’ if you knew I was enchanted to meet you.”
“It’s true.” Blaine whispered, his eyes locked onto Kurt’s. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you that night. I thought about everything you had told me that day, but most of all your face kept haunting me in the dark. I was so scared that I’d never see you again.”
“I told Carole all about you when I got home you know. I just sat there and cried in her arms. For once in my life I felt like I wasn’t alone in the world, I felt like everything was going to be ok.”
The song continued on in the background. “The lingering question kept me up; two AM who do you love? I wonder ‘til I’m wide awake. Now I’m pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door. I’d open it and you would say, hey, it was enchanting to meet you. I was enchanted to meet you. This night is sparkling don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home. I spent forever wondering if you knew.”
Blaine looked up at Kurt who was trying not to cry. “I wondered how you felt about me. Although I did some stupid, stupid things I wanted you to like me more than I have ever wanted anything in the world. I was so scared of hurting you though, so in my attempt to remain your knight in shining armor, I ended up doing the one thing I was trying to keep myself from doing. I’m so so sorry Kurt. I wish, I wish I could go back, erase the stupid thing with Jeremiah and my drunken kiss with Rachel. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize the only thing missing in my life was you.”
“I literally spent hours awake that night, trying to figure out if you had someone or not. I tried to tell myself that my feelings for you were simply from the fact that you cared and I wasn’t used to that. But the more time we spent together the more I realized that I was oh so in love with you Blaine Anderson. I’ll let you in on a little secret though; you were totally worth the wait.”
The voices of his friends from New Directions blended in with the Warblers as they sang the next chorus of the song. “This night is flawless, don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck, dancing round all alone. I spent forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you. This is me praying that, this was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again; these are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you.”
Quinn’s soft voice broke out in a chorus of, “please don’t be in love with someone else, please don’t have somebody waiting on you.”
The two groups came back together once again. “This night is sparkling don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck blushing all the way home. I spent forever wondering if you knew. This night is flawless, don’t you let it go. I’m wonderstruck, dancing round all alone. I spent forever wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you.”
The voices quieted as Kurt and Blaine slowly finished waltzing around the floor, eyes locked on one another. A small tear ran down Kurt’s cheek as they stilled. Blaine ran his thumb up Kurt’s jawline before wiping the tear away and pulling Kurt into a kiss. Blaine’s lips found Kurt’s and it felt as if they were kissing for the very first time once again. A small shock ran down Blaine’s spine as Kurt’s fingers grasped the hairs at the base of Blaine’s neck, pulling them even closer together. Blaine ran a tongue into Kurt’s mouth, softly touching Kurt’s tongue with his own.
Blaine wasn’t sure how long they stood in the embrace, neither willing to let go of the other at the moment. Finally they reluctantly pulled away and were met with cheering and whistling from most in attendance. Kurt wiped a few more tears from his eyes as the DJ started up the Cha-Cha Slide and the dance floor was flooded.
Kurt and Blaine stood in the gazebo, smiling as Carole and Rachel snapped what felt like the ten millionth picture of the night. The five tiered cake was decorated with silver and while flowers connected by pale green stems. Kurt was a bit shocked to see that the normal cake topper he had purchased had been replaced with two different figures, one a bit taller than the other, both wearing navy and red. Kurt noticed that his figure was wearing a sweater while Blaine’s was dressed in his blazer. Kurt gave a small laugh as he realized that the two articles of clothing were in fact, hanging side by side in the closet he and Blaine shared.
After Rachel had finally finished blinding them with her flash Kurt cut two pieces of cake, sliding them onto napkins. He picked one up, as Blaine mirrored him. They linked arms and as Kurt was holding his piece up for Blaine he suddenly found himself with icing being smushed onto his nose. “Blaine!” he gasped before pressing his own piece into the side of Blaine’s face.
“No fair!” Blaine exclaimed, trying to turn his face away managing to only get a blue streak across his nose. Kurt grinned wickedly before leaning in and licking the tip of Blaine’s nose with the tip of his tongue, tasting the sweet icing mixed with the taste of Blaine’s skin.
“Hey now, save it for the honeymoon!” Trent yelled out and was followed by “wanky” from Santana.
Blaine wiped the icing off of Kurt’s face and laughed as Kurt tried to hide a smile. He picked up the matching champagne flutes, both crystal with their names and the date engraved on them, and handed one to Kurt. The looped their arms once again and drank, the clicking of cameras steadily going. Kurt set his glass back down on the table and whispered “we’ll have enough pictures of our wedding to fill five scrapbooks when they’re done” into Blaine’s ear.
“At least they’re not coming on our honeymoon” Blaine grinned.
“Oh god, I would throw myself off the tallest building of wherever we’re going.” Kurt was still a bit sore that Blaine wouldn’t tell him where he had booked their honeymoon for. Tomorrow when they boarded the plane he’d find out, but it still irked him.
“I wouldn’t let you.”
The night was drawing to a close; the few hours Blaine had booked the room for were slowly coming to an end. Kurt was seated at a table, nursing a flute of champagne while Blaine was off preparing for some surprise. Kurt didn’t know how to feel about this. He never really was one for surprises and especially not with it being his wedding night.
A flurry of movement caught his eye as the DJ slowly lowered the volume of the music and picked up his microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, can you please vacate the dance floor as the Dalton Academy Warblers perform a number for us.” Everyone grinned as they moved off the square of floor and the Warblers slowly filled in. Kurt still had no clue what was going on and Blaine was still missing, but before he could question anyone the Warblers broke out into a harmony he knew way to well.
A soft dum dum dum dum dum dum dum started and Kurt would have rolled his eyes if it weren’t for the tears forming in them. The group of Warblers swaying to their harmony, split as Blaine walked between them, blazer and all. Kurt took in the grey pants that pulled a bit more in the thighs, the starched white shirt that stretched just a bit more across the shoulders, the blazer and tie Blaine had worn the first time they’d had sex in their apartment, and, oh sweet lord, Blaine had even gelled his hair as he used to at Dalton.
Blaine took over his position in front of the Warblers as he began to sing. “You think I’m pretty without any makeup on. You think I’m funny when I tell the punch line wrong. I know you get me so I let my walls come down, down. Before you met me I was alright but things were kind of heavy, you brought me to life. Now every February you’ll be my valentine. Valentine. Let’s go all, the way tonight, no regrets, just love. We can dance until we die you and I we’ll be young forever. You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can’t sleep, let’s run away and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back. My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch, now baby I believe, this is real so take a chance and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.”
Blaine danced around in front of the Warblers, remembering every step of the dance, but his eyes never leaving Kurt.
“We drove to Cali and got drunk on the beach. Got a motel and built a fort out of sheets. I finally found you, my missing puzzle piece, I’m complete. Let’s go all, the way tonight, no regrets, just love. We can dance until we die, you and I we’ll be young forever. You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can’t sleep, let’s run away and don’ ever look back, don’t ever look back. My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch, now baby I believe this is real so take a chance and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.”
Blaine smirked before settling himself right in front of Kurt before delivering the next line, swaying his hips in what he hoped was a really good Elvis impersonation.
“I’m a get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight, let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight. You make me feel like I’m living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can’t sleep, let’s run away and don’ ever look back, don’t ever look back. My heart stops when you look at me. Just one touch, now baby I believe this is real so take a chance and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.”
All Kurt knew as he watched Blaine try to seduce him was that if they didn’t get out of the reception hall soon and get to their hotel suite then everyone in attendance were going to get to see Kurt put his hands on Blaine and show him a better reason to thrust his hips. He thanked anyone listening that the number was over and sent an angry look in his husband’s direction.
Blaine smirked as he watched Kurt glare at him while simultaneously attempting to hide how much Blaine had just turned him on, no pun intended. He had hoped that Kurt would like the new and improved ‘Teenage Dream’ performance and judging by the awkward way Kurt was trying to cross his legs, Kurt really enjoyed it.
Nick high-fived Jeff as they entered the changing room, all of the Warblers laughing at how well the performance had turned out. “Blaine definitely got his point across” Thad laughed as he slung his blazer across a chair.
“Yeah, I’ll bet Kurt won’t be able to stand up for the next twenty minutes” Wes grinned at his friends.
They all applauded as Blaine entered the room, grinning, his blazer thrown haphazardly across his shoulder. He sank into a chair “well?”
There was a small commotion as almost all of the guys tried to talk at once. Finally the tumult calmed and Blaine was able to speak again. “So you think he got it?”
“Blaine, he’s actually pretty smart, I think the only person not to get it was Finn, and even then, I’m pretty sure his hanging jaw proved that even he caught on. So go, on, get out there, say your last few words and take him to the honeymoon suite I know you booked three weeks ago.” To accentuate his words, Wes pulled Blaine to his feet and pushed him out the door.
Kurt was sitting in the seat across from Finn who was berating him with questions about their honeymoon. “For the thousandth time Finn, I know as much as you do. He won’t tell me anything and you of all people should know how much I hate that.”
“So you’re just going to get on a plane and go wherever he has planned? What if it’s like Oklahoma or something?”
Kurt really wanted to smack Finn sometimes. “Finn, I’m ninety nine point nine percent positive Blaine is not taking me to Oklahoma for our honeymoon, but if he is he can kiss his balls goodbye.”
“I swear on my guitar I’m not taking you to Oklahoma.” Blaine said as he walked up, resting a hand on Kurt’s shoulder. “It’s time to head out babe, ready to say our goodbyes?”
“Yeah. Carole promised to gather all the wedding gifts and keep them away from Finn until we get back from wherever.”
They gathered their friends and family, thanking them all for coming and wishing them a safe night. Kurt was promising to call Carole and get her a gift from wherever they ended up. He turned and saw Blaine hugging his mom, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“Thanks for being here mom, I- I didn’t expect you to come.”
She pulled her son into her embrace. “Blaine, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I bet your father would be proud of you.”
Blaine’s eyes darkened at the mention of his father. “No he wouldn’t” Blaine spat. “He would have sat there and told me how much of a disgrace to the Anderson name I was. You know what he said to me, even when he was dying.”
Blaine felt an arm rest on his and turned to see Kurt. “I love you mom, I do, and I’m glad you came, I’m glad you shared this with me. Now I’m going to go take my wonderful husband on the honeymoon of a lifetime.” He hugged his mother once more before grasping Kurt’s arm and leading him out the door.
I honestly ADORE this story! Truly, it's lovely, and creative, and bravo to you for thinking of it and creating it.