Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
“Blaine? Are you ok?” Kurt’s words caught Blaine by surprise, causing him to jump a bit.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Er, actually I wanted to ask you something.”
“What is it?” Kurt asked, not looking up from his task at hand.
“Well, you see, I was wondering, hoping actually, that you would let me maybe, plan the reception.”
Kurt shot an eyebrow at his fianc�, the out of the blue request throwing him off a bit.
“Not like the cake or food or anything, just like the music and decorations.” Blaine added quickly, assuring Kurt that he would still get a say in how the night went.
Kurt smiled up at Blaine, amusement in his eyes. “Well, as long as I still get to choose the cake then, why not? You cannot do anything cheesy or Disney for our first dance or anything ok?” Kurt pointed an accusing finger at Blaine, wondering if ‘A Whole New World’ had been at the top of Blaine’s list.
“Don’t worry” Blaine reassured Kurt. “I already have the first dance song picked out and I swear a Scout’s Honor it isn’t Disney!”
“Were you ever actually a Boy Scout?”
“Yes, but I quit when I realized that it was only because my father thought me being in the wilderness with boys my age would straighten me out.”
“So you really do know the scout’s pledge?” Kurt asked, trying to pull the conversation away from Blaine’s dad and the hell he had given him.
“On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”
Kurt laughed as Blaine gave a mock salute after finishing the recitation. “You’re too adorable for your own good” he laughed as Blaine set on the edge of the bed.
“That’s my line” Blaine laughed, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the tip of Kurt’s nose. “Also, I’ll take it that’s a yes?”
Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine but told him yes, he could plan the reception but there would be hell to pay if it were atrocious.
“Kurt what about this one?” Rachel asked, holding up a navy dress to her small frame. “It reminds me of those gold dresses we wore for our first Regionals.”
Kurt looked at the dress in question and realized that it did remind him of those costumes. “I don’t know Rachel, it just doesn’t feel right, but put it on the ‘let’s think about it rack’.”
“You know” Mercedes piped up, “I actually like Rachel’s choice, that style looks good on everyone.”
“Yeah” Rachel grinned, “you wouldn’t want one of your five hundred unnecessary bridesmaids to look bad.”
“Hey, if you don’t want to be an unnecessary bridesmaid then feel free to walk on out of here!” Kurt put on a hurt face, joking with the brunette.
“Oh please, you know I’d never leave a chance to be in the spotlight!”
Kurt rolled his eyes but held his tongue as the remark about how it was his wedding came into his mind.
Kurt looked at the dress once more, realizing that he may never hear the end of it if he didn’t let the girls have some say in what they would be wearing. He turned to the lady who had been assisting them in the small boutique “Marissa, can we add silver bows around the waist to these?”
The lady nodded, “sure Mr. Hummel, I think we can arrange that for you sir.”
Kurt watched as the woman walked off to go find a pricing chart. He had chosen this boutique for the simple reason that though they apparently knew who he was, he was still out of the public eye for a bit. Of course, when he had to start ordering floral arrangements and the cake and all other sorts of those things word would get around, but for now he figured he was safe.
“It’s an extra forty dollars for the bow and sash to be added Mr. Hummel.” Marissa had returned and was looking at Kurt expectantly.
He pretended to be thinking hard about the decision before he let out a small sigh. “That’s fine Marissa, go ahead and take the measurements for these two” he gestured towards Rachel and Mercedes. “I’ll send the rest of the girls here as soon as possible.”
Mercedes and Rachel high-fived each other as they followed Marissa into the back to be fitted. Kurt sat in one of the plush white chairs that dotted the room and pulled out his to-do list. He scratched off ‘find bridesmaid dress’ and wrote ‘call the girls with directions to get fitted’ underneath. The list was still quite long and Kurt was dreading the insane amount of phone calls he would have to make soon.
He looked up and slid his list back into his pocket as Mercedes and Rachel came walking back out. Kurt stood from the chair and thanked Marissa for her help. “Also, can I procure a scrap of this color so that I can match the tuxes?”
“Sure, let me go find the Royal Navy squares and I’ll be right back.”
Marissa returned with the material and handed it to Kurt. “Will that be all for you Mr. Hummel?”
“Yes, once again, thank you for your help.”
“My pleasure sir. If I may, could I inquire about your bride? Normally she is the one to pick all of these items out.”
“My fianc� has asked me to make the arrangements, I’m better with the accessorizing apparently.”
Mercedes and Rachel tried to suppress their giggles as they turned to exit the boutique, Kurt in tow, grinning as soon as Marissa had turned around.
As soon as the trio was outside all three broke into a fit of laughter. “I’m better with the accessorizing” Rachel snorted. “Did she really not get that you’re gay or?”
“Apparently, I mean, we were looking at bridesmaid dresses. Though, if she knew me”
“She wouldn’t be surprised” Mercedes finished, grinning and taking Kurt’s arm in her own. “Come along Mr. Hummel, we need to get you home to your blushing bride before she thinks you’ve eloped to Vegas with another woman.”
Mercedes’ comment caused Rachel to clutch her midsection as she doubled over in laughter once again.
Kurt walked through the apartment door after having dropped Rachel at her apartment and Mercedes at her hotel.
Kurt had been surprised when Mercedes had phoned him, telling him that she was done with her show for a while and had turned down all offers in order to help him prepare for the wedding. Kurt appreciated her for that; she was the one who he had spilled his deepest wedding wishes to when they had their lady chats at McKinley.
Blaine held up a hand as Kurt walked in, motioning to the phone cradled against his ear. “Uh huh, yeah, correct, uh huh, five dozen, right, twenty, uh huh, yes, thanks.” He turned around on the stool he was seated on, smiling.
“What was that about?” Kurt asked, eyebrow raised.
“You’ll see” Blaine grinned, grabbing Kurt’s hands and tugging the taller boy towards him. “How was shopping with the girls?”
“Amusing. The lady at the boutique wanted to know why my ‘fianc�e’ wasn’t picking out her bridesmaid dresses. I told her that I was better at accessorizing.”
“You would. God, I love you.” Blaine pressed a soft kiss to Kurt’s lips and broke away smiling. “Wanna order out tonight? I’m sure you’re tired and don’t want to cook.”
“Sounds great, Chinese? I know you love the sweet and sour chicken from the little place around the corner.”
“Mhmm” Blaine mumbled, stretching and settling down onto the couch with whatever book he was reading that day.
Kurt poured a cup of coffee and absentmindedly buttered a slice of toast as he flipped through the morning paper. He scanned across the headlines, an eight car pile-up on the freeway, the stock market speculations and so on until a headline caught his eye. “Broadway star tying the knot?”
He set his cup on the counter as he read through the short article.
Kurt Hummel, leading male of the Broadway show, Phantom of the Opera was seen exiting a small boutique in Lower Manhattan yesterday. He had two girls in tow, Mercedes Jones, Vegas star and Rachel Berry, Broadway actress. The owner of the boutique was unable to answer most of our questions, only knowing that Mr. Hummel had secured bridesmaids dresses for ten women. No news has been received of who the lucky woman is to capture the attentions of Hummel.
Kurt closed the paper angrily. He knew he would eventually have to see these stories, but he didn’t think it would be so soon. Blaine was going to be seen out and about, shopping for reception supplies and so on. How long would it take for the paparazzi to figure out they were marrying each other? Another more sinister question began to slowly take form in Kurt’s mind, when the public did find out, what would that do for Phantom?
“Babe are you ok?” Blaine asked from the doorway.
“No. I am completely disgusted by the lack of privacy anyone has anymore.” He thrust the paper at Blaine, pointing to the article.
Blaine skimmed over the words, his brow furrowing slightly.
“Kurt, don’t let this get to you. If this is their big news then they’re obviously hard up for stories. No matter what the paper says, we’re going to have an amazing wedding, ok?” Blaine kissed Kurt slowly, wishing he could kiss all of Kurt’s anger and stress away.
“Don’t they have anything better to do with their time instead of bothering the public with nonsense like who I’m marrying?”
“It’s the price of fame. We get our privacy taken away so we can do what we love. It sucks, I know, but it’s life.”
Kurt rested his head upon Blaine’s shoulder for a moment before asking softly, “when they find out about us, what do you think it’s going to do to Phantom?”
“Absolutely nothing. If anyone protests against the show for our marriage after the show has ran this long then no one will pay attention.” Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt’s waist, stroking his lower back soothingly. “Plus, it isn’t like we’re the first gay actors to appear in a Broadway show.”
“I know. You know how I get sometimes. Thanks Blaine.”
“For what?”
“For always being there when I need you.”
“I’ll always be here, forever.”
“No sir, we don’t have a color called Royal Navy but if I could attract your attention to this swath we do have a color that matches the one in your hand. This one is called Midnight Skyline.”
Kurt stared at the two swatches of cloth, comparing them side-by-side. They looked the exact same, but he had to be sure. Holding them up to the light he turned to Alyssa and Mercedes. “Do these look the same to you?”
“Yes Kurt” they droned, tired of looking at swatches. “I can’t see any difference this time, I promise” Mercedes added, holding her hand over her heart.
Kurt examined the two pieces of cloth before handing the Midnight Skyline back to the salesman. “That’s perfect. I need ten of the style 2452 suits with matching Midnight Skyline cummerbunds and ties. I also will need two of the style 6419 suits, both with Sterling cummerbunds but one with a tie and one with a bowtie. The bowtie will go with my suit, which I can be fitted for today correct?”
“Yes Mr. Hummel.” The salesman gave a weary smile, tallying the price of the suits. “When will they need to be ready?”
“Can I get them ready for pick-up October 18th? That’s two days before the wedding. The men will be here for fittings sometime between tomorrow and September 8th.”
“That’s fine sir. Just tell them to let whoever is working that they are here for the Hummel wedding party.”
“Thank you.”
The salesman led Kurt back to the tailor shop for measurements.
“What do you think is going to happen when Blaine comes in for the other silver suit?”
Mercedes looked nervously at Alyssa before answering. “You know, though I’m a little worried about it, I’d be surprised if they could put two and two together.”
“So true. They probably won’t figure it out until the two are exchanging their vows.”
“Figure out what?” came Kurt’s voice from behind them.
“Oh nothing” Alyssa answered innocently, batting her eyelashes at him. “Just that you’ll be so handsome at your wedding.”
Blaine stood in the middle of the florist shop, wanting nothing more to pull out his hair. He stared at what seemed to be a hundred different flowers. There were roses, daisies, chrysanthemums and lilies lying on the counter in varying shades of cr�me and white. Blaine picked up one after the other, trying to figure out what exactly, was the difference between Cotton Field and Cloud Nine white. Who exactly named these colors anyway, he wondered, they’re so clich�.
He was sure that Kurt probably could have pointed out ten differences in the two colors, but Blaine was on his own on this one. He had discarded the lilies and daisies finally settling on a small rose that was apparently colored Purity. Give that guy a fucking medal for simplicity Blaine chuckled to himself.
He motioned to the florist that he had made a decision finally and added the rose to the small pile of flowers on the left side of the mahogany counter. “I think this is the last of the flowers that I need Jameson.”
“Well Mr. Anderson, if that’s all I just need to know how many of each you need and will you need bouquets?”
Blaine blanched for a second before regaining his composure and launched into his prepared speech. “No, my fianc� will contact you about the bouquets for the bridesmaids and so on, I’m just taking care of the flowers for the reception.”
“Very well then, what do you need?”
Blaine placed his order with Jameson, smiling as he explained how each flower was going to be used in the displays.
“Will that be all for you Mr. Anderson?”
“Well, I was wondering if you dealt with trees at all.”
“Yeah, like small decorative ones.”
“No sir, we don’t, but I can give you the number to a small garden shop that will have what you’re looking for.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Blaine flopped onto the couch after he entered the apartment. “I hate this.”
“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked, sitting next to Blaine on the edge of the couch.
“Do you have any idea how many different versions of white there is in the world?”
“Probably just as many as they have of navy. I had to go to three different tux shops in order to match the blue of my tuxes to those of the dresses.”
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“Years of practice babe. I made lasagna for dinner though; it’s warming in the oven.”
“You’re a godsend, you really are.”
“Ok, look, I need at least two vegan plates, how hard is that to understand?” Kurt was getting angry with the caterer now who was refusing to allow him this one concession.
“Sir, we can only prepare ten at the least.”
“You can’t prepare two plates? Wouldn’t it be more cost efficient for you to make just the two?’
“Whether it is or not isn’t up to me sir, I just know that the smallest amount of certain plates we can fix are ten.”
“Fine then” Kurt said exasperatedly, resting his head on the kitchen table, his phone on speaker next to him. “I’ll need twenty-five of the chicken plates and ten vegan ones then.”
“What was the date for this and also, the wedding party name?”
“October 19th and the name is Hummel.”
“As in Kurt Hummel?”
“Yes” Kurt sighed, rolling his eyes at the phone.
“Well Mr. Hummel, we appreciate you using Gregory and Son’s Catering Services for your wedding, we will be in contact if any problem arises and if you need anything please do not hesitate to call.”
“Thank you Fred.”
Kurt hung up the phone and rested his head on his arms. Wedding planning was tiring, that musch he had found out. He found his resolve once again and picked up the phone to call another catering service that specialized in buffets.
Blaine looked from on tree to another in the small garden shop. “Which one would you recommend Paul? I’m stuck between the Miniature Cherry and the Dogwood.”
The attendant looked for a moment between the two trees before speaking. “The Minature Cherry is used more as an ornamental tree, but the Dogwood is a bit stronger, the branches are less likely to break with any added weight.”
Blaine thought for a moment, his eyes stopping first on tree then the other. “Paul, would it be possible for me to order twelve of the Dogwoods and have them arrive before October 19th?”
“Yes sir, we can arrange that, it’s still a few months away.”
“Do you by chance deliver ?”
“For you sir, I believe we could.”
“Well then, I will call you with the address as soon as I finalize the place.”
“Yes sir, you said twelve Dogwoods correct?”
Blaine woke before Kurt for once which was in itself a miracle. He rolled out of bed and padded softly into the kitchen, turning on the coffee pot and was greeted by the soft mewling of Snoball. “Hey there buddy” he smiled, picking up the kitten and scratching it behind the ears. Snoball let out a soft purring before settling into Blaine’s chest.
Blaine carried the cat with him as he walked to the front door and picked up the paper that was resting on the doormat.
He set the kitten on the floor and poured it a bowl of milk after he added a bit to the coffee he had poured for himself. He sat on a barstool at the counter, crossing a foot over the other as he opened the paper.
The paper had yet to say anything about him out planning for a wedding but as today paper showed, the time of peace was over. A small article was buried between other events in the entertainment section.
Another leading Phantom member tying the knot.
Sources tell us that Blaine Anderson was seen leaving Antonio’s Flower Shoppe Tuesday afternoon. According to the florist Mr. Anderson was purchasing flowers for his wedding reception. He bought a batch of white roses and inquired about some trees. Is Anderson trying to take the spotlight from Kurt Hummel who was also seen making dress and tux purchases for his own wedding? Or, is there something else at play here, something no one else has thought of yet?
Blaine snorted and threw the paper away, not caring if Kurt had wanted to see it or not. Blaine was tired of the insinuations already. If he and Kurt had wanted everyone to know they were getting married they would have told them. He was surprised that the media hadn’t figured out they were dating yet, instead believing them close friends and roommates.
“What’s wrong babe?” Kurt yawned at Blaine from the doorway, his blue eyes shining sleepily.
“Nothing” Blaine murmured, “just the media.”
Kurt crossed the room and slid his arms around Blaine’s waist. “Another article? What was it this time?”
“Oh, they finally figured out why I was at the florists a few days ago. Now they’re trying to figure out if I’m trying to steal your spotlight or if we’re fucking each other.”
“Damn it, I’m sick of this. I know we signed up for it being on Broadway, but we can’t even plan our wedding without them sticking their nose into it.”
Blaine nuzzled back into Kurt’s embrace, the warmth of Kurt’s body soothing him. “We’re going to get through this, we’ve been through worse. We’ve got this.”
Kurt smiled in spite of everything else. “We have each other and that’s enough for me.”
Kurt checked his list over once more. The invitations had been sent, the cake ordered and everyone had either come in for a fitting or had a tailor fax over their dimensions. He had set up the buffet for the reception, though he had had to give Blaine the number so he could tell them where to set up. They had been very careful about how that conversation went so that more rumors wouldn’t be spread. Blaine had simply pretended to be ‘Mr. Hummel’s assistant.’
The hard thing had been when Blaine had been fitted for his tux. The tailor had come to his own conclusion that Blaine must be the best man and proceeded to try and drag answers about the ‘lucky woman’ Kurt was marrying. Blaine had found himself so incensed with the man that he longed to grab the man by the shoulders, give him a good shake and yell ‘he likes men you idiot!’ Instead he gritted his teeth and insisted that as one of Kurt’s closest companions he couldn’t give the man any more information.
The invitations were the hardest part of all though. Ordering items that actually held the words Kurt, Blaine and wedding all together were bound to set someone talking. Kurt had chosen the lady who worked out of her home in hopes of finding someone who didn’t know who they were. Unfortunately, as soon as Kurt told her his name she told him how much she loved him in Phantom. In the end he offered her twice the given price in order for her secrecy. Kurt was slightly worried that she might refuse when she found out he was marrying Blaine, but she surprised him in wishing them the very best and promising to attend any other shows they were in.
Kurt had secured a small chapel that would hold the few people that would attend. He had invited all of his friends from New Directions, the Warblers, family members, people he knew on Broadway and Blaine’s mother. Blaine didn’t know Kurt had invited her, nor had he asked. Carole and Burt were coming a week early to help decorate and get everything together since Kurt and Blaine still had to perform in Phantom until the end of September. Mercedes was going back to Vegas in the middle of September for a week in order to negotiate her contract with the MGM Grand but would be back in time to help Kurt and Blaine with everything.
Kurt kicked his feet up onto the couch, going over his list a final time. Cake? Check. Flowers? Check. A final scan showed that he had done everything, called everyone and ordered everything. A quick peek into the kitchen told him that Blaine was still working on his list. Kurt watched as Blaine threw his hands around animatedly, apparently upset with the person on the other end of the phone. Kurt watched him for a moment before opening the day’s paper. He gasped out loud as he opened to the second page where a picture of him and Blaine entering their apartment together greeted him. Stars In Love was the headline and Kurt cringed as he read on.
Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson, both actors in the Broadway play Phantom of the Opera were seen entering their shared apartment late last night. Rumors have been circulating for a while about their secret marriages that no one seems privy to but the men. The reason for this is obvious once you hear it, they’re marrying each other. Anderson was seen coming out of the tailor shop where Hummel placed the order for his tuxes. The tailor seemed to think that Anderson was Hummel’s best man, but was put off slightly by the fact that Hummel and Anderson were wearing matching suit colors. So there it is, two of the most eligible bachelors in New York City are being taken off the market by each other.
Kurt rolled his eyes, the article not bothering him as much as the first few did. It was just a newspaper, he had his friends and family and Blaine and that’s all that mattered in the end.
love this! (: can't wait for the wedding.
I can't wait to see how the wedding goes!!