Starting Over From the End
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Starting Over From the End: Surprise

E - Words: 2,183 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
418 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: We are coming to a close now, two or three chapters from the end. I love every single one of you who have stayed with me 'til the end. I do hope you join me on other adventures with our beloved characters! Well, here we go!
"You could have at least said something!" Kurt exclaimed, looking at Alyssa pointedly.

"Kurt, I'm sorry! I told you to talk to him at least! I told you it would all be ok!"

"If I didn't love you so much…"

"I know, I know!" Alyssa laughed, throwing her hands up in the air. "Come on Kurt; let's finish up lunch so you can go get ready for the party!"

"Yes, mom." Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes at his friend.
Kurt unlocked the door to the apartment and was greeted by darkness and the flicker of half a dozen candles set around the kitchen. "Blaine?" he called out softly, wondering what the hell was going on.

Kurt stumbled into the living room, taking a quick step back when he realized Blaine was sitting on the couch, guitar in hand.

As soon as Blaine saw Kurt he began quietly strumming, his hands shaking slightly as he stared at Kurt and began to sing. Forever could never be long enough for me, to feel like I've had long enough with you. Forget the world now, we won't let them see, but there's one thing left to do. Now that the weight has lifted, love has surely shifted my way. Marry me, today and every day. Marry me, if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this caf�, say you will.

Kurt felt his heart skip a beat, his bag falling to the floor with a soft thump on the carpet. Blaine was singing to him. A proposal. Blaine was proposing to him. Kurt felt a tear began to slide down his cheek, watching Blaine close his eyes as he continued to sing.

Together could never be close enough for me, to feel like I am close enough to you. You'll wear white and I'll wear out the words 'I love you', and 'you're beautiful'. Now that the wait is over, love has finally shown him my way. Marry me, today and every day. Marry me, if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this caf�.

Blaine glanced up at Kurt, his heart clenching in his chest as he watched a single tear escape Kurt's eye and roll down his cheek. Blaine was pouring every bit of love for Kurt into the song, needing Kurt to see that Kurt was all he needed to be happy in life. As long as he was with Kurt then everything was right in the world.

Promise me, you'll always be, happy by my side. I promise to, sing to you, when all the music dies. Marry me, today and every day. Marry me, if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this caf�, say you will. Mmmhhmmm say you will. Marry me.

Kurt watched as Blaine's fingers stilled on the guitar, the last chord dying off into the silence of the room. Blaine slid the guitar next to him as he stood, then knelt in front of Kurt on one knee. He slid a box out of his pocket, fumbling with it for a moment before opening it to reveal a platinum band. "Kurt," he said, clearing his throat before he continued. "Kurt, you are the most perfect person I could ever ask for. I love you more than any other person or thing in the world and I want to spend eternity with you. We've had our share of problems, but I want to put everything behind us and I know that no matter what happens next, I want to be there with you. I love you Kurt, so what I really want to know, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, is will you marry me?"

Kurt stood there in a shocked silence, his heart beating against his ribcage so hard that he thought he might fracture a rib or two. Suddenly he was throwing his arms around Blaine, hugging him tightly and kissing him, whispering "yes, of course I'll marry you!" against Blaine's lips. Blaine pulled back from the embrace, pausing only to slip the band out and slide it on Kurt's right hand, smiling as tears streamed down his face.

"I love you" Blaine whispered against Kurt's neck. "I love you."

Kurt pulled away from Blaine after a while, still grasping onto Blaine's hands. "Is this why you've been so secretive? Has this been your plan all along?"

Blaine gave a sheepish smile as he mumbled a yes.

"Blaine Anderson, I should strangle you here and now! But damn, I love you too much. So is the birthday party real or?"

Blaine grinned wickedly as he looked up at Kurt. "I guess we'll just have to go look and see."
Kurt stared up at the large villa where Alyssa's parents lived. The Carson's villa was a rambling two story located in a spot of country about an hour and a half from the city. Kurt's wide eyes took in the stucco walls and wraparound porch. "This place is beautiful" he whispered, intertwining his fingers with Blaine's.

"Not as beautiful as you" Blaine whispered, smiling that crooked smile of his.

"Blaine" Kurt groaned, "come on, don't get all mushy on me now or I might give you this ring back."

Blaine faked a look of indignation, releasing Kurt's hand to press his own to his chest. "You wouldn't!"

Kurt shook his head at his boyfriend, no fianc�, as they parked the car behind a few others in the driveway.

Blaine opened the door for Kurt, taking his hand and leading him up to the front door. They waited momentarily as Alyssa, dressed in a red cocktail dress, opened the door, smiling widely. "Come on in boys, we're just getting started!" She stole a quick glance at Blaine who tilted his head slightly then quickly lead them into a large living room.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" thundered from the mouths of everyone there, from Finn and Kurt's parents to most of the Warblers. Kurt stood there in shock as he took in all the faces, along with the large banner reading 'Congrats on Your Engagement!' Kurt turned to Blaine, slightly embarrassed. "So this is what the party is really for?"

"Yeah," Blaine grinned. "Now do you see why I had to be so secretive about everything? I was so scared I was going to slip up."

"I feel like I should be really mad at you, but I can't." Kurt grinned as Mercedes, Rachel and Brittany stepped up, hugging him in turn.

"Finally!" a voice from over Kurt's right shoulder exclaimed before he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug. "Thought you two would never see this day!" Kurt rolled his eyes at Nick who was still hugging his waist, squeezing the air out of him.

"Nick, you speak the truth! I swear, if Kurt hadn't had said yes…"

"We'd never hear the end of it." Nick echoed with Jeff, both of them now latched onto Kurt.

"Ok, ok enough! I said yes, you can let me go now."

"Can't! This is the last time we'll get to hug you as a free man!" Nick said, eyes going wide as if he thought marriage were a curse.

"Yeah!" Jeff exclaimed. "Next time we see you they'll be shackling you to Blaine!"

"Hey, maybe Kurt likes being handcuffed" Nick suggested, poking Jeff in the ribs.

"Ok, that is enough" Kurt said, wrenching himself from the grasp of the two boys.

"I'll take that as a yes." Kurt jumped as a low voice spoke in his ear and he turned his head slightly to see Blaine standing there, a wicked grin on his face.

"You are not helping."
The party was in full swing when Kurt was crushed in what seemed like the hundredth hug of the day. What he didn't expect were the words he heard next. "Congratulations son, we're really proud of you."

Kurt spun around and came face to face with Burt, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "Dad! What are you doing here?"

Burt moved to the side and Carole slipped around him, hugging Kurt also. "Mercedes called us. Kurt, we're so happy for you."

"Yeah bro, I mean, you deserve it." Kurt was surprised to find out that he had missed Finn slip in and hugged his brother as well.

"You mean to tell me, you knew all along about this?"

Finn blanched a little under Kurt's withering stare but managed to say "yeah, it was important. That's also why I always had to cut our phone conversations short, I was so nervous I'd say something and screw it all up."

Kurt was stopped from giving his family the third degree when Blaine stepped up behind him, placing a hand on Kurt's arm. "Mr. and Mrs. Hummel, Finn, I'm glad to see you could make it."

"We wouldn't miss it for the world Blaine" Carole said, hugging the brown haired boy.
Mercedes, Kurt, Rachel, Blaine and Finn sat around on the couch discussing wedding dates. "November! I'm telling you, fall colors are better!" Mercedes exclaimed, pointing a finger at Kurt.

"But it's easier for everybody in the summer, I'm on break then" Finn whined, pouting his bottom lip out slightly.

"Hey guys" Blaine said, trying to catch everyone's attention. "Guys. GUYS!" he finally yelled, effectively shutting everyone up. "Why don't we let Kurt decide? He's the wedding planner extraordinaire. I've seen pictures from Burt and Carole's wedding, I'm sure he'll do wonderful at ours."

Kurt's heart clenched in the best way possible just thinking about the fact that he and Blaine were getting married.

"Yeah! The wedding and reception was amazing-looking Kurt!"

"Well thanks Finn" Kurt grinned, the compliment warming him.

"I'm sure Kurt will do a great job, but I'm going to step back and let him do it, Kurt and party planning are two things you never wanna get between." Blaine laughed when Kurt playfully hit him on the arm, replying by squeezing the arm thrown around Kurt's shoulders a bit tighter.

"Well," Kurt said quietly, looking at the faces around him, "I've always dreamed of a fall wedding, the colors silver and navy have always stuck with me."

Mercedes clapped her hands excitedly. "Yes! Fall wedding, I was right."

"Kurt, Kurt you have to let me and Mercedes go shopping with you!" Rachel exclaimed, her eyes lighting up at the thought.

Kurt rolled his eyes and gave a small laugh at Rachel's antics. "Well since Mercedes is going to be the maid of honor-"

"Wait, you're going to have one of those? But you're both dudes" Finn interrupted, looking confusedly at Kurt.

"Yes, Finn, and we're going to have bridesmaids. I have too many friends that are female not to."

Blaine gave a small chuckle as Finn tried to figure out how it was going to work. "Just think of Kurt as the bride" he joked.

Finn let out a small 'oh' as Kurt jabbed Blaine in the ribs, glaring at him angrily.

Blaine put up a hand in mock surrender as Mercedes and Rachel broke out laughing. "Oh my god Blaine, you're so gonna get it when you get home!" Rachel laughed.

"I hope so" Blaine grinned, winking at the girl sitting across from him.

"Oh. My. God. Blaine, that is my brother ok, I don't wanna and plus Carole and Burt are staying at your house and-"

"Finn, calm down, I was joking!" Blaine was trying hard not to laugh because Kurt was giving him the scariest stare he'd seen in a while and he didn't want to get hurt tonight.
Kurt, Blaine, Carole and Burt were seated around the kitchen table, sipping coffee and tea and discussing the wedding. "October and November are the best months for fall weddings, still not too cold outside, less chance of bad weather, especially snow or ice."

Burt would be the one that would think of things technically, Kurt smiled to himself before bristling.

Blaine glanced over at Kurt when he felt him stiffen against his arm. He snuck a glance over to see that Kurt's ears were turning red and his breathing was shallow. Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand and looked at him questioningly. Kurt shook his head slightly and mouthed the word 'later' before calming himself down and immersing himself back into the conversation.

"I was thinking about October 25th, it's a Saturday. I figured that would give everyone time to ask off of work and get reservations and so on."

"Well, if you need anything, just let us know, I'll come out if you need shopping help!" Carole smiled at Kurt, hoping she would be able to bond some with her stepson.

"I will mom!"
Blaine was lying in bed, glasses on and book in hand when Kurt slipped between the sheets next to him. "So what was your breakdown tonight when your parents were in the kitchen?" Blaine asked, setting the book on the night table.

"Oh god" Kurt groaned, flushing and rubbing a hand across his face. "We were sitting there and I realized dad was sitting in that chair."

"What chair?"

"Come on Blaine, you know, that chair. The one that I told you I'd never forget."

"You mean the one where we did dirty things at breakfast?"

"Yes Blaine, that chair. And we let dad sit in it!"

"Kurt, he was none the wiser. It's ok."

Kurt groaned and hid his head in Blaine's shoulder. "I'm scarred for life. Scarred I tell you!"

Blaine simply shook his head and pulled the covers over them, pressing a soft kiss to Kurt's forehead. "It'll be ok babe, they'll never know.

End Notes: Reviews make my heart go whee! Like super whee!


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Amazing! I loved it! I truly wish there was more. :)

I'm working on the last chapter and epilogue now! :D