Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
"Kurt darling, it's probably nothing."
"He's never done this. He won't answer his phone, he avoids my questions. 'Cedes, what if he's cheating on me?"
"Why would he get back with you just to cheat on you?"
"I don't know. It's just weird. Like he just decided to start taking these morning runs and they've progressively gotten longer. What am I supposed to think?"
Mercedes paused on the other end of the phone and breathed in deeply. "I don't know what to tell you. Maybe he's having problems with something. Just let it play out. I know it's hard Kurt, but maybe he just needs space."
Kurt sighed and leaned against the wall. "I guess you're right, I'm just worried that's all."
"I know, it'll be ok, I'm sure of it."
"I wish I was as confident in this as you are 'Cedes."
"I'll be confident for the both of us."
Blaine finally returned to the apartment around five in the evening. Kurt glanced up from the couch where he was absorbed in a book and gave a quiet hello. Blaine was dressed in jeans and a dress shirt and Kurt didn't even have the energy to ask where his running clothes were.
"Hey Kurt, I'm home." Blaine walked over to the couch and pressed a soft kiss to Kurt's head.
"Hey Blaine" Kurt mumbled, keeping his eyes on his book.
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt but pulled back when Kurt tensed in the embrace. Blaine walked around and sat next to Kurt on the couch. "Babe, what's wrong?"
"Nothing" Kurt answered, never glancing up from his book.
Blaine placed a hand over Kurt's and the latter pulled his away quickly. Kurt closed his book loudly and turned towards Blaine who was staring at him with hurt in his eyes.
"Do you really want to know what's wrong? Like you can't figure out why I won't talk to you! I-I can barely look at you anymore Blaine!"
"Kurt, what's going on? I don't understand why you're so upset. Please, just talk to me."
"Blaine are you really that fucking stupid?" Kurt's words spat venom at a reeling Blaine. Kurt rarely cursed, much less used the word fuck.
"Kurt, I really don't understand what's going on. Is it the runs? Is that what this is about? I told you that I just wanted to get into shape."
"Yes, Blaine" Kurt said, eyes narrowing. "It's the runs. If you think that I'm just going to sit here and play housewife all day long while you go out doing whatever the hell it is you're doing then you're sorely confused."
"Kurt, I told you I was going out to lose weight, so many of the other actors are-"
"Yes I know what you said, but Blaine, darling," Kurt drew out the last word in a mocking tone, pausing before continuing to rail on Blaine. "The thing you seem to be forgetting is that most people don't run for hours and hours."
"I told you I ran into my friend-"
"Actually Blaine, you told me nothing. Whenever I ask you where you've been you conveniently ignore me."
Blaine stood there, rooted to the spot as he tried to think of what to say next. "Kurt, I-"
"Just leave your excuses in your head. I don't care anymore. I'm going out with Alyssa for dinner. Sadly I can't kick you out since you pay for the apartment but I'd really appreciate it if you'd vacate yourself from my bedroom until you get your shit together. I don't know what's going on or who you're seeing" he held up a hand here to stop Blaine from speaking. "I don't want to hear your excuses Blaine. If you still want to talk later maybe we can. Maybe."
Kurt walked out the door and shut it heavily before sinking to the floor in the hallway. He let the tears slide silently down his face as he held his head in his hands. He should have known better. There was always a catch. He should have realized that it was too good to be true that Blaine and he would get back together and live happily. Kurt let his head rest on the door momentarily as he thought about how he had thought he had found his ever after. Apparently they really were just for Disney movies.
Blaine sank onto the couch, eyes tearing up and hands shaking. How had everything gone so wrong? He thought he had been careful, though Kurt really hadn't noticed that he had been spending more and more time out and he swore he had told Kurt he had ran into an old friend and they had started going out for coffee. Or wait, maybe he hadn't told that to Kurt because he was afraid that something like this would happen.
Blaine knew his time was almost up and that he was going to have to figure out what to do soon. First though, he needed to talk to Kurt and straighten things out.
"He didn't even have running clothes on Alyssa. He showed up at home in jeans and a button down. He had that stupid Dalton bag slung over his shoulder and whether there were clothes in it or not, well to be honest I don't really care."
"Maybe he ran into someone he knew?"
"And he just happened to have extra clothes with him?"
"Maybe he was meeting a friend for coffee."
"Yes, a friend alright."
"Kurt, you don't honestly think he's cheating on you do you?"
"What else am I supposed to think Alyssa? He's running around behind my back and when I ask him where he's been he either gives me these weird cryptic answers or he just pretends I haven't said anything at all."
Alyssa sat at the table quietly before raising the same question Mercedes had asked earlier. "What I don't get though is why Blaine would go through all the trouble to get back with you to only go cheat on you. It doesn't add up."
"I know. On one hand I feel bad because I flew off the handle at him today, but on the other hand I want to kick him to the street for being such an ass."
"Well you did say he wanted to talk it out. Remember how your lack of talking to each other was the reason you guys broke up all those years ago."
Kurt sighed, "I know, that's the problem, I feel like it is senior year all over again."
Kurt was about to unlock the door to the apartment when he heard muffled voices from inside. He quickly pressed his ear to the door. He could hear Blaine's voice and another male inside the living room.
"I know, I know" Kurt heard Blaine say. "We just can't let Kurt find out."
"He won't" the other voice said, and Kurt felt the anger bubble up inside him and he began to see red. Kurt thrust the key into the lock and turned the knob before throwing open the door.
A very surprised Blaine, Nick and Jeff were seated in the living room and were staring at Kurt who seemed to be almost foaming at the mouth.
Kurt stood silently in the doorway. Nick and Jeff. What were Nick and Jeff doing here? "Um hey guys" he said sheepishly, almost not believing that he had just made an idiot of himself.
"Hey Kurt!" Jeff smiled, standing up to hug his old friend. "Nick and I ran into Blaine today and he invited us over."
"Oh" was all Kurt could say. He was really hoping that this was all a bad dream or that if it wasn't the floor would turn to quicksand and swallow him whole. "I, uh, I was out at dinner with my friend Alyssa."
"Yeah, that's what Blaine was telling us." Nick said, shaking friends with his old Warbler buddy. "Nice place you guys have got here."
Blaine laughed before he spoke. "Kurt had it before I got here, he just allowed me to move in and put a few of my touches to it."
"He helps pay the rent; I felt it was the proper thing to do."
Jeff held his hand over his heart and fell to the sofa. "I think I'm having a heart attack! Kurt let someone help him decorate! He must really love you Blaine."
"That or Blaine's just really persuasive" Nick interjected before looking at Jeff and mumbling "in bed of course" quietly under his breath before breaking out into a huge grin as Jeff burst into loud peals of laughter.
"Oh my god, that is enough from the both of you!" Kurt exclaimed, turning slightly pink. He glanced towards Blaine who was smirking with a playful glint in his eye.
'Oh no you don't' thought Kurt while shooting a warning glance at Blaine.
Blaine, of course, ignored Kurt and grinned as he replied to the laughing boys. "If you really must know, I am quite persuasive in the bed, especially when it comes to that spot on Kurt's neck right below the ear."
Kurt blushed as both of the boys fell silent, looked between Kurt and Blaine and then at each other before busting out into another series of loud guffaws. "Oh. My. God. Blaine!" Jeff said between laughs. "Kurt is so going to kill you when we leave."
"That's ok" Nick exclaimed, clapping Jeff on the shoulder. "Blaine will just suck on that special spot and all will be ok!"
"That is if Blaine isn't on the couch tonight!" Jeff said, pointing towards the anger that was shining on Kurt's face.
The laughter of the two boys died down as Jeff realized how mad Kurt really seemed to be. "Well Nick, I think this is our cue to leave these two to settle whatever is between them."
They gathered their coats and walked to the door, pausing before crossing the threshold. "Blaine, good luck, with um, everything." With that they were out the door and disappearing towards the elevator.
Blaine steeled himself as Kurt turned towards him, the door clicking ominously behind him. "Kurt, I-"
"Not now Blaine. I'm going to change into my pajamas and then come back out here and if you want to discuss this and everything else then be seated on the couch when I get back."
Kurt walked back out into the living room dressed in grey sweatpants and an old tee shirt of Blaine's. He had no idea why he put it on, other than it was on the top when he opened his drawer.
Blaine glanced up and saw that Kurt was wearing one of his tee shirts. That was a good sign right? Or maybe Kurt didn't remember it was his, but then again Kurt would never buy a shirt like that.
Kurt sat in to oversized chair across from Blaine who was seated on the couch. "Ok Blaine, first off, we're going to ignore your comment earlier tonight because I'm pretty sure Nick and Jeff were the biggest cockblockers at Dalton and they deserved every bit of that comment tonight. Now, about my outburst today, I apologize for yelling and all, but I feel like I had and still have a good reason to be suspicious. SO, here's how it is. Where have you been going when you said you were going running?"
Blaine took a deep breath before beginning. "At first, when the runs were only an hour or so, I really was just running. Then they progressively got longer after I added in a bit of weight training at the Y and then they got really long when Alyssa asked me for help."
"Help with what?"
"Alex's surprise birthday party."
"Why couldn't you tell me about that?"
"Well, um, Alyssa knows how excited you get when things are being planned, and um, she really wanted to plan it by herself."
Kurt was a little hurt, his best friend didn't want him helping with the party, hadn't even mentioned it to him that night at dinner. "But you could still have told me."
"I know babe, but I wanted to make sure everything was set before I told you, that's why I was so secretive. I'm really sorry about that. I'd never even think of cheating on you babe."
Kurt stood and crossed slowly to the couch, folding himself against Blaine, a small tear escaping his eye and rolling down his cheek. "I just, I was scared Blaine. We have a history of not telling each other things. I was so worried that I was going to lose you again."
Blaine wiped away the tear with the pad of his thumb. "Kurt, I would never cheat on you. When you said that to me today, it felt as if my heart were breaking in two. You are my world, what happened those years ago, that almost killed me too."
"Blaine, I spent the past five years of my life trying to erase Lima and Westerville from my life. I went to college for two semesters before I quit and packed for New York. Burt and Carole were so upset; I think dad was upset that I didn't get a degree. I lived in the cheapest apartment that I could without having my skin crawl. I worked my ass off and because of that I hardly called home. It was my excuse not to get in touch with Lima, most times mom and dad and Mercedes called me. Actually, everyone who wasn't dad and Carole called me. Then one day it hit me; I wasn't running from Lima, I was running from myself. No matter what, Blaine, I had to come to the realization that I missed you." Kurt finished, a bit out of breath, and leaned back against the couch.
"I-I ran too Kurt. Remember when we first met and I told you that I ran from my old school? Kurt, all I was ever good at was running. After we graduated I ran away to college, I hid amongst my classmates and the people I boarded with. I never forgot you, I'd never forget you. You know I dated Ian, but other than that I lived alone with myself and the memory of you. It got to the point that I knew I had to find you, to tell you the truth. You had changed your number so I tried finding out where you had gone from your dad but as soon as I said my name he hung up on me. I had a similar response from Finn. Finally I got in touch with Mercedes, thankfully her number hadn't changed. After a long explanation and a bit of chewing out she told me that all you had told her was that you had moved to New York and had auditioned for a part in Phantom."
"She told you all that?"
"Yeah, after about two hours of my groveling and begging and saying sorry. Then I came out here to find you. I was lucky that they were holding auditions. I honestly didn't expect to be hired, I was just hoping for a glimpse of you. Now, here we are, in the midst of a huge argument and hopefully we're going to make it through because I really do love you Kurt."
"I love you too Blaine. I'm sorry that I freaked out."
"You had the right to. I was being secretive and wasn't answering your questions."
"I do have one more question. When I came home tonight you were telling Jeff and Nick not to tell me about something, was that about the party?"
"Yeah, I wanted to be the one to tell you about it."
"Oh, ok" Kurt leaned against Blaine, snuggling into his shoulder. He tilted his head upwards and pressed a kiss to Blaine's lips. "I promise not to freak out anymore without trying to talk to you first."
Blaine kissed Kurt back while placing an arm around Kurt's shoulder. "And I promise to tell you what I'm doing, even if I'm supposed to keep you in the dark."
"So when's the party supposed to be?"
"The next free day we have, next Wednesday. They're going to have the party at Alyssa's parent's villa."
"That was nice of them to lend that for a party. Will they be in attendance?"
"Why of course! They simply cannot wait to meet you. "
"Wait, you've met the Carson's?"
"Yeah, party stuff, you know."
"Oh, yeah." Kurt yawned and pressed closer into Blaine before drifting off. Blaine smiled down at Kurt's sleeping form before picking him up and carrying him to the bedroom.