Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Dec. 11, 2011, 8:22 a.m.
Kurt began to worry about his boyfriend when he received no answer inside the apartment. He was about to pick up the phone to try and call Blaine when he saw the note tacked to the refrigerator. 'Kurt, I'm going out for a run, I'll be back soon. Love, Blaine."
Since when did Blaine go running, Kurt thought, wondering if he had been sleeping through these runs. Usually he was a light sleeper, last night had been an exception, Phantom had had some unforeseen issues including a cast member not showing up and a very nervous understudy, and Kurt had gone to bed exhausted. Kurt thought that had Blaine been doing any morning running, he would have woken simply from the missing presence of Blaine.
Maybe Blaine felt like he needed to lose weight or bulk up. Kurt thought he looked perfect, but he knew how Blaine got sometimes, down on himself, the mentality that he wasn't good enough had basically been beaten into Blaine by his father. Kurt was thankful for having a supportive family that he could go to with any problem he had.
Kurt made a mental note to call home later that day, just to check in with his family who he missed so much.
Kurt grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen counter and made his way to the couch, folding his legs beneath him as he picked his laptop up off the coffee table. He checked his email, opening the one from Michael Key, his editor and longtime friend.
Kurt, I was glad to see an email from you, telling me that you had finally completed the screenplay. I'm excited to look over it and send it to a few producers I know, I'm sure someone will love to shoot it. You're becoming a talked about person Kurt, you'll soon be an A-list celebrity. Promise me you won't forget me when you make it big. – Michael
P.S. I saw you're co-starring in Phantom with a Blaine Anderson...is it him?
Kurt smiled at Michael's words. They had both attended college together, and gone on to become close friends. Michael was one of the few people who had known what had happened to Kurt, mainly because when Michael told Kurt he had feelings for Kurt, he had to politely decline the offer. Michael had never pressed Kurt about it, chalking it up to Kurt just wanting to be friends. One day though, Kurt had awoken from a particularly bad dream and Michael had sat there with Kurt, wiping away tears and holding him as he recounted the story of his junior and senior years of high school.
Michael had sat there, listening intently to Kurt's story, simply being a shoulder to lean on. Kurt had appreciated Michael being there for him, a rock in the tempest so to speak. Michael never asked Kurt about Blaine, but was there for Kurt through the long nights and nightmares.
They had gone their separate ways, Kurt quit college to go off to Broadway and Michael graduated and went into the editing world, but they never had lost touch. Michael had told Kurt that if he never needed an editor that he'd love to take on Kurt's work, so here he was, revising Kurt's first screenplay.
Kurt opened a new email and quickly typed a response to his friend.
Michael, thanks for taking the time to revise this for me, I really appreciate it. If anyone decides to pick it up just let me know. Also, yeah, that's Blaine. He sort of came to find me here in New York to patch things up. It took a while, but we're back together. It's nice, you know how messed up it left me. Sometimes I wake up and I just sit there and wait for it all to be some weird dream. Let me know whenever you're in the area so we can catch up over coffee. Sincerely, Kurt.
Kurt closed his laptop and walked into the kitchen, making himself a cup of hot tea. He leaned against the counter while he waited for the kettle to go off, closing his eyes and thinking about everything that had happened in the past few months.
He had landed a major role in a Broadway show, he had made so many new friends, and he got Blaine back. He realized that the small empty feeling he used to have inside him was filled again. He had never really realized the hole was there, but now that Blaine was back he realized how badly he had missed him.
The tea kettle began to whistle and Kurt took it off the stove and poured the steaming water over a bag of Earl Grey. He wrapped his hand around the mug and watched as a pigeon perched on the windowsill. Kurt thought back to Pavarotti, the warbler he had been assigned to take care of. He was still hit by a pang of sadness whenever he thought about the bird who had become his companion and confidante. True, Pavarotti's death had somehow caused Blaine to realize his feelings for Kurt, but Kurt missed the songbird and often thought about buying one for himself.
Kurt sat on a stool in the kitchen, bare toes curling around the lower rung as he inhaled the steam drifting up from his cup before bringing it to his lips and taking a sip. He sat there, content in the silence, picking up the newspaper to read. He was halfway through an article about problems in Iraq when he heard a key rattling in the door.
Blaine walked in and it took everything Kurt had to stifle a laugh at his boyfriend. Blaine's curls were plastered to his forehead with sweat and his face was bright red. Kurt sucked in a sharp breath though when his eyes roamed to Blaine's damp tee shirt that was clinging to his muscles. "How was your run?"
Blaine smiled, "good, I feel a lot better. Ugh, I need to go take a shower though, I feel nasty."
"I bet you smell pretty gross too." Kurt grinned, letting out a laugh when Blaine pouted.
"Well, thanks you're so kind" Blaine said, rolling his eyes at Kurt. "I'll see you in a few minutes when I'm more presentable for you Mr. Hummel."
Kurt just smiled and returned to his tea and newspaper as Blaine headed towards the shower.
Kurt was reading the editorials when a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. "You look really good in sweatpants you know that?" Blaine breathed down his neck, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Kurt's head.
Kurt laughed as he tilted his head back to press a quick kiss to Blaine's lips, Blaine's damp curls pressing against his forehead. "Even though I beg to differ, I appreciate the sentiment."
Blaine let go of Kurt and walked to the fridge, pouring himself a glass of orange juice and sitting at the island across from Kurt. "So what are you doing today?"
"Since we have the day off I'm just planning on lounging around, you know, cleaning, laundry."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Blaine asked, his face scrunching up.
"That means that maybe you could come learn how to use the washing machine."
"Kurt. You really want me to wash clothes? Knowing me I'd put a shirt of yours in there and it'll be dry clean only and I'll ruin it."
"True. Well fine. Do whatever you do on free days then." Kurt shook his head as Blaine smiled and rubbed his hands together like a child. "No climbing on the couch though. You almost tore the upholstery last time!"
"Fine" Blaine pouted. "Fun ruiner."
"I am not a fun ruiner. I just like to keep things nice."
Kurt was on the third load of laundry when he heard Blaine singing in the living room.
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test; to train them is my cause.
Kurt couldn't believe what he was hearing. Blaine was singing the Pok�mon theme song. He walked down the hallway from the laundry room and poked his head around the door. Blaine was standing there, Game Boy in hand and dancing around the living room.
I will travel across the land, searching far and wide, each Pok�mon to understand, the power that's inside. Pok�mon, it's you and me, I know it's my destiny. Pok�mon. Oh you're my best friend, in a world we must defend. Pok�mon, a heart so true, our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you. Pok�mon! Gotta catch 'em all! Every challenge alone the way, with courage I will face. I will battle every day, to claim my rightful place. Come with me, the time is right, there's no better team. On and on, we'll win the fight; it's always been our dream! Pok�mon, it's you and me, I know it's my destiny. Pok�mon. Oh you're my best friend, in a world we must defend. Pok�mon, a heart so true, our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you. Pok�mon! Gotta catch 'em all!
Blaine fell to the couch at the end of the song and Kurt accidentally let out a small laugh. Blaine whipped around on the couch, looking like a small child that had gotten caught stealing from the cookie jar.
"Oh my god Kurt, how much of that did you see?"
Kurt grinned at Blaine, raising an eyebrow slightly. "Oh, just enough to know you can dance like a fool if you try." He walked over to the couch and set next to Blaine. "You're so cute when you get excited about things, even if they're super dorky. Honestly Blaine, who plays Pok�mon anymore?"
"I do!" Blaine huffed, looking a bit hurt. "I know! You're like the Pikachu to my Ash!"
"Blaine, first off, you're not using Pok�mon as a metaphor for our relationship. Ever. Secondly, as I recall, Ash was Pikachu's trainer and I'm pretty sure they weren't attracted to each other."
"Well, no, but they were best friends! Did you see the episode where Pikachu goes off with the other Pikachus and Ash is all sad?"
"No Blaine, guess I missed that one. And all the other ones while we're at it."
"Wait, you really didn't like Pok�mon?"
"No Blaine, I didn't. I liked Disney Princesses, tea parties and tiaras."
"Oh. Well you should play Pok�mon with me sometime. It's fun!"
"We'll see. Blaine, what do you wanna do for dinner tonight? I was thinking we could go out to eat and maybe watch a movie here afterwards."
"Sounds perfect. What movie were you thinking about?"
"When Harry Met Sally."
"Really Kurt? You still plan on being Meg Ryan?"
"Until the day I die."
They sat in a somewhat secluded booth in O'Hara's, an Irish pub they had both grown to love. Kurt enjoyed the different salads they had while Blaine went for his favorite thing on the menu, Irish stew served in a bread bowl.
"So have you heard anything more about your screenplay?" Blaine asked while shoveling food in his mouth.
"Blaine, I just sent it off two days ago! But Michael said he likes it so far and he thinks it'll go places. And Blaine, do you have to talk with your mouthful?" Kurt shook his head at his boyfriend; Blaine really hadn't changed a bit.
Blaine swallowed before saying, "well that's good right? You know that he likes it?"
"Yes Blaine, it's a good thing."
Kurt sat on the couch, feet tucked beneath him and head leaning on Blaine. The movie was playing but Kurt wasn't really paying attention to it; he knew it by heart anyway. He was thinking about how warm Blaine was against him, how it was nice to just sit next to him and watch a movie. Kurt didn't know what he'd do without Blaine now. He smiled slightly as he thought about the future. He loved Blaine and didn't want to go anywhere without him. "Blaine," he spoke softly leaning his head up to look at the other boy.
"When you think about the future, what do you see?"
Kurt thought Blaine blanched for a second and a scared feeling came into his body.
Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand and turned to face him, the movie forgotten. "Kurt, when I think about the future, I think about how no matter what I want to be with you. No matter where we go or what we do, I want us to be together."
"Oh." Kurt felt relieved immediately. "That's what I want too Blaine, I never want us to be apart."
Blaine smiled and pressed a sweet kiss to Kurt's cheek before turning back to the movie. That was a close one Blaine, you've got to keep your wits about you if you're going to pull this off correctly you dummy. Oh great, now his inner voice even thought he was an idiot. Oh well, he knew what he had to do, and he knew he had to do it soon.