Starting Over From the End
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Starting Over From the End: A Lesson In Love

E - Words: 3,267 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
532 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Smutty smut smut within.
Kurt sat against the wall for about an hour contemplating his options. He could either push Blaine away every time they went too far for his comfort, or he could man up and go through with it. He was twenty three for god's sake, not sixteen. He didn't know why he felt so uncomfortable about it, but he was and he was not having a conversation about his non-existent sex life with Blaine. He groaned and stood up walking over to his desk. He picked up his worn script when he heard a soft knock on the door. "Kurt? Please come out, I need your help with something." Kurt could almost see the lazy grin on Blaine's face. He knew exactly what Blaine wanted but knew that now wasn't the time, especially when he was fighting himself over the same exact thing. "Kurt, come on, don't leave me like this." Kurt felt bad leaving Blaine out there aroused when he knew he could walk out there and help him. "Kurt please I'm begging you." Kurt opened the door and poked his head out. "Blaine, I know that I left you aroused and all, but I need to rehearse and, and yeah. Also, last time I checked I was mad at you."

"I'm sorry" Blaine whined. "But she deserved it."

"Blaine, she was only meaning well. She probably came by to see if we needed any help. I just didn't appreciate you telling her what we were doing." Kurt was blushing, he could feel it, he just hoped Blaine wouldn't notice.

"Kurt, you mean to tell me that you are embarrassed for your best friend to know that you were having sex?" he grinned, raising one eyebrow.

"We were not having sex" Kurt hissed, trying to shut the door on Blaine.

Blaine stood there holding the door open looking strangely at Kurt. "Ummm then please explain to me what exactly was going on because last time I checked I was straddling you on your bed with every intention of fucking you."

"Blaine can we please not have this discussion right now? I really would like to go over my lines; I think I keep leaving a word out in scene two." He pleaded to Blaine with his eyes hoping the boy would let it drop. Unfortunately he didn't.

Instead, Blaine pushed open the door and stepped into the study. "Kurt you and I both know damn well that you are flawless in your performance, you've known the lines since the first week I'm sure. Why are you so averse to talking about us having sex?" Blaine paused, noting the scared look on his boyfriend's face. "Wait, Kurt are you still…?"

Kurt nodded his head, his face flushing. "Go ahead and laugh at me, I know you want to."

"Kurt," Blaine said, laying a hand on Kurt's arm, "I'm not going to laugh at you. I think, well I think that's great."

"How is that great?" Kurt stared at Blaine, mentally willing the boy to stop talking to him. "I'm Mr. Virginal over here and you just stand there, sex god extraordinaire."

Blaine laughed "wait, you think?" He couldn't keep himself from laughing more. "You think that I'm a sex god? Kurt I've slept with one person in my life and realized that it was one of the biggest mistakes in my life. I'm basically a virgin ok? Is that what all this was really about? You were scared that I was going to laugh at you?" He pulled Kurt to him, pressing him to his chest. "Kurt, I would never pressure into anything. I love you and that's what matters. When you're ready, you're ready. Just let me know when you're ready though ok, because trust me, I will be waiting." Blaine grinned against Kurt's neck pressing a small kiss there.

Kurt couldn't help but to smile. Blaine had said everything he needed to hear, talked away all of his insecurities, made him feel perfect. He kissed Blaine, one of his hands tangling in the dark curls on Blaine's head, the other one trailing down Blaine's chest. Blaine backed Kurt into the oak desk until his legs were flush with the side. He kissed Kurt deeply, one hand softly tugging on the silky strands of Kurt's hair, the other one making hot, lazy circles on Kurt's lower back. "Kurt, just let me know if you want to stop, I meant it when I said I wasn't going to pressure you." "Blaine, shut up and kiss me." Blaine took Kurt's tongue into his mouth sucking on it and nibbling softly on his bottom lip.

Then the doorbell rang. "Oh my effing god not again. I swear to god that if it is Alyssa you can yell at her all you want ok?" Kurt was furious as he pulled away from Blaine for the second time that day. He stalked over to the door and flung it open with an angry "what do you want?" He reeled when he saw Alex standing there with a giggling Alyssa behind him.

Alex held up a platter of cupcakes. "We brought you guys a housewarming gift. I mean, technically you've been living here for a long time, but we wanted to do something special for Blaine."

"Unless those are chocolate, then you may take them back and leave unharmed."

"They're double chocolate." Alex said, smiling up at Kurt.

Alyssa was standing there holding a small box. "If you would let us in, you get to open my present" she said cheerfully.

Kurt stepped back and allowed them in. He turned around to see that Blaine had thrown a shirt on and was leaning against the wall. He graciously took the box and cupcakes from them and placed them on the table. Kurt sat on the couch next to Blaine as Alex and Alyssa took the chairs opposite of the two boys. Kurt grabbed the box off the table and opened it. "Champagne and cupcakes? You brought us champagne and cupcakes as a housewarming gift? How classy." Kurt was grinning and rolling his eyes at his two friends as he leaned back into Blaine.

"The champagne was to make up for earlier" Alyssa explained blushing, receiving a questioning look from Alex.

"Well then I forgive you" Kurt said, standing up. "Let me go get some glasses." Kurt walked into the kitchen, still a bit mad that he and Blaine kept being interrupted. He grabbed four flutes and walked back into the living room. Blaine uncorked the champagne and poured each of them a glass. They sat and talked for a bit about the show, Alyssa gushing over the different celebrities she had met so far. "But really though, I cannot believe Johnny Depp was there! I almost died."

Alex laughed "Alyssa, you didn't almost die, you made sure that every line was perfect and almost missed a cue swooning over him."

Alyssa leaned back in her chair smiling, sipping on her third glass. Kurt was sprawled on Blaine, half sitting, half laying, nursing his second glass. "Well I'm hungry and I think I'm going to fix dinner. Alyssa, Alex, would you like to stay?" Alex opened his mouth but before he could respond Alyssa was on her feet, pulling him up. "No it's ok, we should probably get going, we've imposed on you enough today, just wanted to stop and say hello."

"Well ok then, I guess we'll see you tomorrow" Kurt said, walking to the kitchen.

Blaine led Alyssa and Alex out the door then joined Kurt in the kitchen. He stopped in the doorway watching Kurt prepare dinner with grace and ease. He laughed at the pink apron Kurt had on. He walked up behind the slender boy and wrapped his arms around him, whispering in his ear "now that we're alone let's hurry up and eat because I really would like to finish what we started twice today."

Kurt shivered as Blaine's warm breath danced across his neck. "Dinner first, then dessert." He turned and planted a kiss on Blaine's lips. "Now get out of the way or else the chicken will burn." Blaine laughed but released Kurt and sat at the kitchen table.
Kurt put the finishing touches on the Alfredo and sat a bowl of salad on the table. "Dinner is served."

Blaine laughed and started singing, be our guest, be our guest, put our service to the test.

"No singing at the table!"

"Fine then. Wow this smells good." Blaine took his fork and dug into the chicken Alfredo. "This is delicious!"

"Blaine, must you speak with your mouth full? That is gross."

He swallowed and then spoke. "Sorry, it's just that the food is delicious and I'm hungry and I just really want to finish dinner." Blaine had a ravenous look in his eyes but Kurt had an idea that it wasn't for the chicken sitting on his plate. He swallowed and looked at Blaine across the table. His face flickered in the candlelight and he looked handsome as usual.
About ten minutes later of silence and chewing the dinner had been finished and the plates were in the sink. Kurt tried to wash them but had been pulled away by Blaine. "The dishes can wait; there are more important things to do." Blaine lovingly pulled Kurt to the bedroom and turned one of the lamps on. "I have a small question slash request." Blaine was blushing and Kurt raised an eyebrow at him.

"What is it?" He asked, fiddling with the comforter on the bed.

"Well, um, you see, I was, uh wondering" Blaine was stammering and for some reason this side of Blaine really turned Kurt on. He grabbed Blaine by the waist and pulled the boy to him. "What is it Blaine? Spit it out."

"Well you see I was wondering, hoping really that you would, uh, put on your Cheerios uniform and model it for me." Blaine wanted to run and hide. In the low light he was unable to decipher the look on Kurt's face at the moment.

"You want me to put on my Cheerios uniform? Have you been thinking about this all day since you saw I had it?"

"Maybe." Blaine said with a slight grin.

"Well I'll tell you what; I'll put on the Cheerios uniform if you put on the Dalton jacket."

"Kurt Hummel, are you telling me that deep down inside that angelic fa�ade you have, there is secretly a very kinky person inside?"

"You're the one who requested I get in my old high school cheer uniform. I was merely going on with it."

"Then go get in the damn thing already!"

Kurt laughed and grabbed the uniform from the closet before heading into the bathroom to change. "When I come out you better be in that jacket, I'd prefer you put on a tie too." Kurt grinned as he closed the door. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He was about to lose his v card to his boyfriend while roleplaying in a really weird way. Guys dreamed of things like this, so why was he so nervous? He shrugged out of his clothes and pulled the uniform on. The pants were a little tighter in the hips and the shirt a little tighter in the shoulders, but damn did he look good. He took a couple breaths to calm his jittery nerves.

He opened the bathroom door and stopped in his tracks. There, sitting on the edge of his bed was Blaine Anderson. Of course it was Blaine, but it was gelled hair, dapper Blaine sitting there. He was wearing grey slacks, a white button down shirt, his Dalton jacket and one of those horrible red ties with the blue piping. Blaine's eyes raked over Kurt. He stood and crossed the floor to the taller boy and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a kiss. "And here I was thinking that you couldn't get any sexier and you go and prove me wrong." He attacked Kurt's body with his hands, touching the exposed skin showing when Kurt raised his arms to touch Blaine's gelled hair. "My god I always hated this hair. Your curls should be left free." He kissed Blaine deeply, holding his face in his hands. Blaine backed them to the bed and slowly lowered Kurt down onto the bed. "I was serious when I said I wouldn't pressure you Kurt."

"Blaine I swear you are the densest person I know" he said lovingly. "Do you honestly think I would be in my Cheerios uniform if I didn't want to?"

"Hey, I'm not being dense! I was attempting to be chivalrous."

"While you're straddling me? Chivalry does not become you." Kurt said, grinning as he laid a hand on Blaine's leg. "Now shut up and kiss me before I die of boredom."

Blaine leaned over and captured Kurt's bottom lip gently in his teeth, sucking softly on it. Kurt grabbed Blaine's tie and pulled him closer, kissing him, opening his mouth slightly, welcoming the taste and feel of Blaine's tongue against his own. Blaine gripped Kurt's sides and ran a hand over his stomach and chest. Kurt arched into the touch, Blaine's calloused fingers rough on his soft skin. He almost lost it completely when Blaine brushed a thumb across his nipple.

Kurt pulled Blaine's jacket off and started unbuttoning his shirt, tugging it out of his slacks. Blaine pulled away from Kurt long enough to drag the uniform top off Kurt and then began peppering his chest and stomach with kisses. Kurt gave up struggling with the buttons on Blaine's shirt and ripped the last few off. He pushed it down Blaine's shoulders, feeling the muscles in his arms. Kurt loosened the tie and pulled it over Blaine's head and tossed it to the floor. Blaine kissed Kurt again, working his way from his lips to his neck, placing small bites where Kurt's neck met his chest. Kurt couldn't help but to let out a small whimper as pleasure spread through him. Blaine pressed into Kurt, his hard on pressing into Kurt's thigh. His hands slid down until his fingertips brushed the top of the elastic of the uniform pants. He grasped the material and slowly slid them down. He felt Kurt tense and relax underneath him as he pulled them off the boy's legs.

Kurt fumbled with the button and zipper to Blaine's slacks, eventually getting them undone and slipped them down the boy's thighs. "Off. Now." Blaine smiled and stood up, dropping the pants and what was left of his shirt to the floor. He slid back on top of Kurt, only two layers of cotton separating them now. He pressed himself to Kurt, welcoming the feel of the soft, hot skin touching his. Kurt ran one of his hands down the line of fine hair leading into Blaine's boxers. Blaine gazed at him, his usually hazel eyes dark and heavy lidded, his lips dark red. Blaine felt his way down Kurt's body, from his chest to his thigh. He slowly moved his hand up and cupped Kurt through his boxers. Kurt let out a small moan and pressed upward into Blaine's hand. Kurt gave Blaine a devilish grin as he slipped a hand into Blaine's boxers and slipped his hand around Blaine's cock. Blaine moaned and buried his face in Kurt's neck. Kurt began stroking Blaine as Blaine slowly pulled off Kurt's boxers. Kurt lifted up and allowed them to be removed. Blaine stared down at the Kurt, naked beneath him. "You're so damn good looking" he growled, his hunger filled eyes ravenously taking in Kurt's body. Blaine didn't even wait for Kurt, but instead pulled off his boxers and threw them to the floor, impatient and wanting to be pressed to Kurt with nothing between them. Kurt licked his lips and stared approvingly at the boy straddling him. Blaine had always been good looking, but naked and vulnerable like this, he was sexy. Kurt pulled Blaine down on top of him, kissing him and pressing them together. "Kurt" Blaine moaned "I am going to die if we don't do something soon." Kurt's eyes were dark and he raised his hips off the bed, offering himself to Blaine. Blaine kissed Kurt, long and deep while splaying a hand on Kurt's ass and pulling the boy towards him.

Blaine paused a minute and asked "are you sure?"

Kurt looked at him stormily and answered in a deep voice "if you don't start fucking me soon then I am going to kill you. Does that answer your question?"

Blaine grabbed Kurt's hips, pulling him closer and slowly and evocatively licked one of his fingers. He leaned over and pulled out a bottle of lube from the drawer, slicking his fingers up before continuing. "This may be uncomfortable at first" he murmured, sliding his finger to the edge of Kurt's entrance. He slowly slid one finger in. Kurt tensed, but relaxed and a small whimper of pleasure escaped his lips. Blaine slowly slid another finger in and Kurt began squirming beneath him. "Blaine, you are torturing me." Blaine simply grinned and slid another finger in. Kurt was whimpering beneath him and it took everything he had not to plunge into him. Kurt grabbed the sheets on the bed and let out a small moan as Blaine removed his fingers. Blaine fumbled around for the bottle of lube and poured a good amount into the palm of his hand before rubbing it onto his cock.

"Kurt" Blaine said, looking down at the boy, "if it hurts or anything, just say the word and I'll stop." Kurt barely managed a nod, just wanting Blaine to be inside him. Blaine grasped Kurt's hips, angling him so Kurt could get the most pleasure. Blaine slowly slid inside of him, Kurt enveloping his cock.

Pain seared through Kurt and he almost cried out until, oh god, Blaine hit a spot that sent the most explosive pleasure he had ever felt through his body. Blaine watched Kurt's face as he went from pain to pleasure and slowly started sliding in and out of him. Kurt was gripping the sheets with white knuckles, bucking up into Blaine, moaning and humming. Blaine started going faster and faster, knowing he wouldn't last long. He slid a hand around Kurt's erection and his hand matched the pace of his thrusts.

Kurt felt the pressure building up and softly called out to Blaine. "I'm not going to last…" His voice trailed off as Blaine looked at him knowingly, going faster, both of them hovering on the edge of release. Kurt came first, calling Blaine's name, his come splattering Blaine's hand and stomach, but Blaine didn't care, he kept on thrusting until he was coming too, collapsing on top of Kurt, speaking his name, as the last waves of his orgasm ebbed off. "Damn" was all Kurt could utter, Blaine laying on him. "Mmmm, yes damn pretty much sums it up" Blaine laughed rolling to the side and wrapping an arm around Kurt. "So can I sleep in the bed now?"

"You are horrible at romance, you know that?" Kurt said playfully smacking Blaine's chest. "But yes, I think you can be allowed to sleep in the bed."

Blaine pressed a small sweet kiss to Kurt's lips as sleep washed over him. "Good, because I wasn't planning on leaving…ever."

"Oh great, I'm stuck with you." Kurt jokingly groaned. "I'm never going to sleep ever again am I?"

"Maybe…maybe not." Blaine slowly slipped off to sleep as Kurt brushed back the curls that had lost the hold of the gel.

"I'm not going to complain, you leaving is the last thing I want." He kissed the sleeping boy and rolled over, happier than he had ever been and slowly fell asleep, snuggled close to the man he loved.


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