Starting Over From the End
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Starting Over From the End: Caught In the Act

E - Words: 3,521 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
505 0 2 1 0

Author's Notes: Warning:Some smut ahead.
The beginning of the week flew by in a jumbled mess of lines, music and stage lights. Kurt woke up on Wednesday with a headache and couldn't think of anything besides wanting to roll back over and go to sleep. Instead, he rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock. He jumped out of bed when he saw that it was noon and Blaine was going to be there in an hour to move a few things in. Blaine, Kurt smiled to himself, his boyfriend. He began his moisturizing routine and mentally began planning out his outfit. Kurt Hummel, outfit planner extraordinaire, was stumped. He needed something comfortable that showed of his newly gained muscle at the same time. There were piles of clothes strewn across the bed. Kurt stood, holding his head in his hands. Finally he chose his favorite pair of white skinny jeans, a dark blue Armani V-neck and his favorite pair of Coach sneakers. He chose the sneakers only because he didn't want to mess up his better shoes, plus comfort was the key for today.

The doorbell rang around 1:15 and he ran to the door and opened it. There on his doorstep was Blaine Anderson holding a box of his belongings and looking sexy as usual. Kurt kept himself from drooling, trying to figure out how Blaine could take a pair of jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and a pair of Converse and turn them into an outfit that showed his body off perfectly. Blaine smiled, "hey Kurt, you look nice. Wait, are you wearing sneakers? Be still my beating heart!" He laughed and gave Kurt one of his heart-melting smiles.

"Well I see you're still wearing the same old outfit you wore five years ago!" Kurt joked, motioning for Blaine to come in. He led Blaine to his bedroom where he had somehow managed to move some of his things out of the dresser.

"Two whole drawers to myself? Where did you find the room to put your stuff? Are you sure this is ok? I don't want to be a bother." Blaine started rambling, his face turning slightly pink.

"Blaine. Shush. It is fine; I simply moved them to my closet." He opened the box Blaine put on his bed and inspected the clothing inside the box. He grimaced as he pulled out three black tee shirts in a row. "Don't you have anything a bit more fashionable?"

"Kurt, those are my pajama shirts! Give a guy a break will ya?" Blaine laughed, pulling boxers out of the other box he had brought up.

Kurt gave a small gasp as he looked further into the box. "Blaine…is this…it is." Kurt sat there staring at the Dalton coat he held in his hands. "Why did you bring this with you?"

"It was my way of reminding myself of why exactly I was here. Can I keep it in the closet please?"

Kurt nodded and flung the door to the closet open. This time it was Blaine's turn to let out a strange gurgling sound. "Is that your Cheerios uniform?" Blaine's eyes looked as if his eyes were going to bulge out of his head as about a billion undapper thoughts flew through his mind.

"Yeah, what about it? I thought it might come in handy one day. Who knows?" He looked over at Blaine who seemed to be struggling to speak. "Blaine, are you ok?"

Blaine regained his composure and nodded, "yeah I'm fine, just didn't expect to see a cheerleading uniform in your closet."

"Well it still fits, actually it's a little tighter in the chest and thighs but I think that makes it look better on me."

Blaine knew he was staring, his mouth most likely hanging open as he stood there, holding a pair of jeans in his hand. He attempted to speak, but only made a gurgle as his mind raced through images of Kurt in a cheerleading outfit. His mouth was dry and he attempted to wet it before he spoke. "Oh really?" He asked, not quite sure what he should say, or if he should say anything at all.

"Blaine, why are you blushing?" Kurt was staring at him with one eyebrow raised.

"What? I'm not blushing!" Blaine quickly turned back to the closet and grabbed a hanger to put his blazer on. As he hung it up, he glanced at the Cheerios uniform again, thinking about how he could get Kurt into it.

"Blaine do you own anything that isn't jeans and tee shirts?" Kurt was rifling through the two boxes sitting on his bed. "You are not planning on putting this up on my wall are you?" Kurt looked at Blaine incredulously holding up the poster.

"What? You have to admit it's a boss Zefron poster!" Blaine smiled up at Kurt. "If it offends you that badly though then I'll put it into storage."

Kurt wanted nothing to do with the poster but Blaine looked so sad with those puppy eyes that he couldn't say no. "Fine" he sighed. "We can put it up over the couch, where you shall be sleeping."

"What? I thought you were joking about that! I'm not going to sleep on the couch!"

"Blaine I didn't say forever, just until we can get a bed for the spare room which is being used as storage as of now. I'm going to have to put some of my belongings in storage if you plan on actually living here."

Blaine's eyes brightened and he asked "but why can't I sleep in your bed?"

"Blaine that is extremely inappropriate! We haven't even been dating for a week yet!"

Blaine threw up his hands in surrender. "Fine, fine, but it isn't like we haven't shared a bed before." His eyes glinted dangerously as he gave a smile.

Kurt let out an exasperated breath. "Blaine, you know you can really get to a guy."

"I try." Blaine turned and began to walk out the door. "Could you possibly finish unpacking those last few items while I bring a couple more boxes in?"

"No problem." Kurt began digging in the boxes again as Blaine walked out the apartment door. Kurt unpacked more jeans and tee shirts and put them into drawers. He was going to have to take Blaine shopping, this was ridiculous, and the boy needed better clothes. He stopped for a moment as he pulled out a picture. It was a young boy standing with what appeared to be his parents. Little Blaine and his parents, they looked so happy together, but Kurt knew what happened in the end. He quickly dropped the picture back into the box when he heard the door open.

"I'm back!" Blaine sang into the apartment. He walked into the bedroom and plopped two more boxes onto the bed.

"I swear Blaine; if these are more tee shirts I'm going to burn them!"

"They aren't I swear! This is my shoe collection and other random things!"

"Moccasins, really Blaine? Moccasins?"

"Hey I like those shoes! Not everyone walks around in Jimmy Choo all day long!"

"The Converse are…acceptable, but did you really need a pair in every color?"

"Kurt, there's five pair in there, calm down. Plus, did you miss the Versace dress shoes?"

"They're from last year's line."

Blaine threw up his hand exasperated. "Does nothing please you oh great fashion god?"

Kurt looked up at Blaine, seeing a bit of hurt in the older boys eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean-I was just-I'm sorry ok?" He sat on the edge of the bed hoping Blaine wasn't too mad at him.

Blaine smiled and ruffled Kurt's hair "its ok, I just, well you know, fashion isn't that important to me."

"Obviously" Kurt said with a small grin, motioning to the clothes in the drawer. "But that's ok because somehow you seem to make everything look good on you."

Blaine smiled and pressed a small kiss to Kurt's lips. "You're amazing you know that right? You go from making fun of my clothes to complementing me about them."

"I try" Kurt smiled as he pulled Blaine to him, kissing him softly. "It isn't my fault you're so damn sexy."

"I'm definitely taking that as a compliment coming from you." Blaine smiled as he pulled the last pair of Converse from the box and placed them in the closet. "I think that's everything finally" he said stretching. "Oh one last thing, hold on let me run to my car."

Kurt sat on the bed perplexed. What on earth was Blaine up to now? He heard strumming and smiled as he realized Blaine had brought his guitar from the car. "Now I can serenade you all day" Blaine grinned as he leaned in close to Kurt. "Any requests? As long as it isn't Katy Perry."

Kurt thought for a moment, trying to come up with a song that Blaine might be stumped with. Should he go with an oldies song or some obscure indie band? "How about 'Keep On Loving You'?" Kurt grinned.

"REO Speedwagon it is" Blaine smiled as he began strumming. You should have seen by the look in my eyes baby, there was something missin'. You should have known by the tone of my voice, maybe, but you didn't listen. Blaine paused for a moment then began strumming faster and broke into the chorus. and I'm gonna keep on loving you, 'cause it's the only thing I wanna do. I don't wanna sleep, I just wanna keep on lovin' you.

Kurt was blushing slightly and he didn't know why. "I didn't know you liked REO Speedwagon."

"Classic rock has my name written all over it Kurt. Music today just isn't what it used to be." Blaine looked up and grinned before breaking out into Poppin bottles in the ice, like a blizzard. When we drink we do it right gettin slizzard. Sippin sizzurp in my ride, like Three 6. Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6. Like a G6, Like a G6. Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6.

"Oh god" Kurt moaned, putting his hands up to his ears. "Promise me you will never try to rap. Ever again."

"As long as I can belt out "Any Way You Want It" whenever I want, you have a deal.

Kurt rolled his eyes. "If you wore vests it would be like I was living with Mr. Schue."

"Hey that's mean! Just because New Directions had to sing every Journey song doesn't mean they weren't an amazing band!"

"I didn't say that, just Journey reminds me of the time New Directions lost at Regionals."

Blaine smiled at Kurt "you always hated losing."

Kurt stood up from the bed. He began walking out of the room and asked Blaine over his shoulder, "would you like some lunch?"

"Mmm yes please, I'm starving!"

Kurt walked into the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients to make sandwiches. Blaine was moving into his apartment. He gave a small laugh, five years after he asked Blaine to move in and it was finally happening. He grabbed four pieces of bread and spread mustard on two slices and mayo on the others. He finished slapping the sandwiches together and returned to the bedroom, plates in hand where Blaine was sitting on the bed, strumming his guitar. Blaine looked up at him and started singing tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly. Just a little change, small to say the least. Just a little scared, neither one prepared, Beauty and the Beast. He stopped singing and smiled. "This song fits our relationship so well."

"Just because you're quite hairy doesn't make you a beast." Kurt laughed watching a scandalized look come across Blaine's face.

"Geeze thanks. I was meaning because we didn't quite start off on the right foot and everything."

"Blaine, I was joking. I understood what you were saying. Plus, you aren't that hairy."

"You little… can I just eat my sandwich please?"

Kurt laughed and handed Blaine his plate. Blaine took a bite and began talking. "So about me living here, do I get to decorate or can I bring my music stuff here or…"

"Blaine, you are not redecorating my apartment. I spent forever getting this color scheme together!"

"But Kurt, everything is white or grey! That's not a color scheme for anything but a funeral!"

"Well it goes great with my complexion! I mean just because it washes you out doesn't mean I should have to change my apartment."

"Our apartment you mean? Remember I'm going to be helping you pay rent from now on. I'm not some sort of charity case. I want some blues in here, maybe some red. If I'm going to be living here I want to be a part of the apartment, not a stranger sleeping on the couch."

Kurt stopped for a moment. He wondered if he could be any more selfish. Blaine was paying on the apartment now. They were living together and he needed to let Blaine an opinion too. "Sorry, I know, you just, it's well, it's me. But um, blue and red aren't bad. At least you weren't thinking lime green or hot pink or something."

"Oh how well you know me!" Blaine laughed pulling Kurt close to him and wrapping his arms around the taller boy's waist. He leaned in and kissed him, softly first until Kurt responded and his hormones jumped to life. He pressed Kurt back against the dresser and bit lightly on Kurt's bottom lip.

Kurt let out a small moan and pressed closer to Blaine, arching his back. Blaine seized his chance and touched the soft skin that showed as Kurt's shirt rode up. Kurt gasped into Blaine's mouth at the sudden contact of hot fingers against warm skin.

"God I've missed this." Blaine murmured around Kurt's mouth, his arousal rubbing roughly against his jeans. Instead of replying Kurt simply opened his mouth and captured Blaine's tongue, sucking on it erotically. Blaine moaned and pulled Kurt as close to him as he could, feeling Kurt's erection through his jeans. Blaine cupped Kurt through his pants, gently massaging him.

Kurt moaned in appreciation and peppered Blaine's neck with small kisses. Blaine slid his hands up under Kurt's shirt and broke away from him only long enough to pull the shirt completely off. Kurt stood there awkwardly for a moment as Blaine's eyes hungrily took in his body. "Damn you look good." Blaine pulled Kurt back to him, kissing the taller boy's neck, making his way down to his shoulder where he softly sucked on the sweet skin.

Blaine was even more aroused than he thought was ever possible, listening to the little noises Kurt was making. Blaine moved further down, kissing soft pale skin, then capturing one of Kurt's nipples in his mouth. Kurt's back arched involuntarily as he gripped the countertop, Blaine's hot wet mouth clamped down on him. Pleasure spread throughout his body and he wasn't sure how much longer he could stay standing before he collapsed to the floor in sheer pleasure. "No fair" he grunted. "Your shirt needs to be off."

He grasped the bottom of Blaine's shirt, ready to pull it off him when Blaine smiled up wickedly at him, then scraped his teeth across Kurt's other nipple. Kurt almost forgot where he was for a moment as pleasure seared through his body. Kurt jerked and attempted to pull Blaine's shirt off once again. This time Blaine was happy to oblige, letting his shirt join Kurt's on the floor.

Kurt looked hungrily at Blaine's tanned torso. His eyes roamed from the boy's strong, broad shoulders, sexy abs and that wonderfully teasing trail of hair that led down into his jeans. Kurt slowly touched Blaine's stomach, splaying his hands across his abs. He pulled Blaine to him, the skin on skin contact almost too much to bear.

Blaine pressed into Kurt, kissing him deeply, his hands moving slowly down from Kurt's hips to his thighs, resting on the zipper to his pants. "Blaine" Kurt somehow managed to talk. "We are not fooling around in the kitchen. I have to eat in here."

Blaine grinned, "fine, bedroom then?" "Yes. Let's go. Now." They were a tangle of arms and didn't stop kissing the entire time they walked the short distance to the bedroom. Blaine shoved Kurt on the bed and straddled him, tugging on the zipper of Kurt's pants. "Did you really have to wear these damn things?" Blaine grunted struggling to pull the skinny jeans off Kurt's hips.

"I look good in them!" Kurt huffed. "Well I think you'll look much better out of them." Blaine's voice had taken on a husky tone and his eyes had darkened with want for the other boy. Blaine groaned as the pants slipped down Kurt's legs and the pale skin was exposed. He leaned down and kissed a pale white hip, breathing in the light scent of Kurt's skin. God it was fabulous, his skin was soft and smooth and Blaine couldn't keep himself from licking it.

Kurt felt a shiver run down his spine as Blaine's warm breath washed over his skin. Then, oh hell, Blaine was licking his hip, kissing and sucking on it, so close to other parts of his body that Kurt wanted to scream. "Blaine" he moaned, unable to control himself. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"No Kurt, I am trying to pleasure you but you pick the most god awful outfits for me to attempt to get into." Blaine finally had Kurt's jeans down to his knees and was satisfied enough to continue. He planted another kiss to Kurt's lip, brushing Kurt's bottom lip sensually with his tongue. He reached a hand down between them and touched Kurt, holding his firmness in his hand. Blaine reached underneath the elastic of Kurt's boxers and began slowly stroking the other boy.

Then there was a knock in the door. "Fuck." Kurt was pissed. Who was at the door and what was so important that they needed to come to his apartment? Blaine nuzzled Kurt's neck. "We could just pretend like no one's home." "Mmm I like that idea" Kurt sighed.

The knock came again, louder this time, along with a muffled voice. "Come on you guys, I know you're in there!"

"Alyssa" Kurt grunted while rolling his eyes. "Come on, get up I have to answer it."

"But, can't we just ignore her" Blaine whined, pressing a chaste kiss to Kurt's lips.

"No, trust me, she isn't going away."

As if to accentuate Kurt's statement, Alyssa pounded on the door once again and her voice could clearly be heard through the door. "Kurt effing Hummel get your ass over here and open this door!"

Blaine groaned and rolled off of Kurt. "Let me at her so I can tell her what a cockblocker she is."

Kurt placed a hand on Blaine's chest while he zipped up his pants. "No you are not talking to her about this…or anyone for that matter."

Kurt opened the door and was almost hit in the face by Alyssa who was about knock on the door once again. "I knew you were here!" She smiled, walking into the room. She stared for a moment at the two disheveled boys in the living room. She took in Kurt's inside out shirt, red lips and messed up hair then looked over at Blaine who was shirtless and standing there with a semi-angry look on his face. "Oh, um sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"No" Kurt said quickly, shooting a glance at Blaine.

"Actually," Blaine said, unfolding his arms and walking towards Alyssa. "You did interrupt. I was moving in with my boyfriend and when you came calling we were quite intertwined in each other."

Kurt was bright red and was hoping that his carpet would turn into quicksand and eat him alive. "Blaine," he hissed, "what did I tell you?"

Alyssa stuttered 'well, um would you like me to go?"

"No" Kurt said, feeling bad the way Alyssa was standing there awkwardly. "Blaine, stop being rude."

"I'm not being rude. We get one day off in forever and I would like to spend it ravaging you."

"What if I don't want to be ravaged?"

"That's not what you were saying five minutes ago."

"Well that was then and this is now. Alyssa is here, she's our guest and we should respect her!"

Alyssa cleared her throat loudly. "Well um, this moment is awkward enough so I'm going to leave. See you tomorrow!" She ran out the door and let it slam behind her.

Kurt turned to Blaine, "what was that about?"

"What? I was just speaking the truth."

"Well now you've pissed me off and I'm going to go practice my lines."

Blaine watched as the taller boy walked into the study and closed the door. Oh Kurt, he thought, I missed you and your sassiness. With that Blaine went back to the bedroom to finish unpacking the last few items in the box. I'm going to get you back for this, leaving me all hot and bothered.

Kurt was pacing the study, thinking to himself. Damn you Blaine Anderson! Ugh, Alyssa, couldn't you have waited ten more minutes? Maybe it was better this way, he thought. He was still a virgin and he was terrified of actually going all the way with Blaine who apparently had a lot more experience than he did. Kurt slumped against the wall and held his head in his hands. Damn you Blaine Anderson and everything you do to me.


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Caught the AVPS reference :) love it!!!

Dang it kurt! Get over yourself and quit worrying about what others think! (loved the chapter!)