Starting Over From the End
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Starting Over From the End: Safe and Sound

E - Words: 2,809 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Aug 04, 2011 - Updated: Dec 11, 2011
499 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes: Spoilers for 2x16 'Original Songs'
"Ok everyone," Andrea was saying to the group of people crowded around her, "tight security this time please! I don't care if you pee on yourself do not leave your post. Kurt was almost killed last night! Thankfully Alex was there to hit Ian with a bat, but we don't need any more encounters. And yes, Steven, we know you are sorry for abandoning your post because you had to pee, that's why we have walkie talkies tonight, but they are for bathroom emergencies only!" The blonde boy shrugged, embarrassed that he had been the reason Kurt had gotten hurt. "Seriously though guys, if he shows up within fifteen feet of this place, he can be arrested so detain him and call the police immediately."

Once the meeting was over, everyone meandered to their dressing rooms. Blaine and Kurt were in route to theirs when Alyssa and Alex stopped them. "Hey guys!" Alex smiled brightly, "Are you excited?"

Kurt smiled back "of course, we've done it once now, it'll be a walk in the park from here on out!"

"Easy for you to say," Blaine laughed. "Some of us still have a bit of stage fright!"

"Well you shouldn't, you were perfect last night."

"Please Kurt, spare me the lies. I was horribly flat in the middle of 'Think of Me'."

"You were a little off, but only a trained ear such as mine would have picked up on it."

Alyssa laughed at the two. "Would you two stop bickering like an old married couple and go get in costume?"

"Fine then miss priss," Blaine laughed and grabbed Kurt by the arm. "We wouldn't want to bother the star on her second night." Blaine and Kurt had disappeared, laughing, into their dressing room before Alyssa could come up with a retort.

Blaine let go of Kurt and walked over to the dressing table and sunk into the chair. Kurt looked over and saw that Blaine was shaking. "Blaine?" he asked softly, "are you ok?"

"Yeah why?" Blaine looked up at Kurt, uncertainty and worry clear on his face.

"Because you're shaking." Kurt placed his hand over Blaine's hoping to help calm him a little.

"I'm terrified. I feel like when I go out there with people like you and Alyssa, I look like I'm a loser. I haven't been out here, exposed to this, doing what you guys do for long, and yet I've got this huge role in a Broadway musical. I just feel like I'm letting everyone down."

Blaine's eyes shone with unshed tears and Kurt just wanted to wrap his arms around Blaine. Instead he knelt down in front of the other boy, grabbed his hands and began softly singing, you're so mean, when you talk, about yourself, you are wrong. Change those voices, in your head, make them like you instead. Pretty pretty, please, don't you ever, ever feel like you're less than, less than perfect. Pretty, pretty please if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing, you are perfect to me.

As Kurt's voice faded, he could feel, almost hear in fact, his heart beating against his ribcage. He had just sung to Blaine, and while doing so, had pretty much told him exactly how he felt about him. Blaine just sat there, as Kurt stood up and sunk onto the couch. This was what he was terrified of, he had let Blaine know how he felt and he was met in silence from the man sitting in the chair across from him, staring almost through him.

"Do you remember the first time we kissed?" Blaine asked Kurt, leaning back in the chair.

Kurt turned to look at him, not sure if he had heard Blaine correctly. "What?"

"I asked, do you remember the first time we kissed? You were in the Dalton common room making that casket for Pavarotti, and I kind of spilled out my feelings for you and then kissed you."

"Trust me Blaine, I remember. You caught me so off guard I couldn't remember to breathe."

Blaine stood and slowly walked towards Kurt. "It was kind of like this" he said motioning around the dressing room. "We were all alone, just the two of us, but at the time we were mourning the loss of someone dear."

Kurt's heart felt like it was being squeezed. "Please don't Blaine" he whispered, not sure why he was stopping the boy from what he was set on doing.

"I walked right up to you and sat down, so terrified that I would break my resolve and run away." He moved closer to Kurt and placed his warm hand over the more slender one that was lying on the couch. Blaine leaned in close and softly kissed Kurt, cupping the soft porcelain face with his hand. Kurt stiffened for a moment and then relaxed into the kiss, his hand clenching and unclenching until he reached up to touch Blaine's face. If you swapped their outrageous costumes for Dalton uniforms it would have been the picture of the first kiss these two people ever shared. This was no mere kiss, but a kiss of passion and romance long forgotten. Blaine pulled away flushed and turned his face away, smiling, "we-we should practice now."

Kurt grinned, remembering the first kiss they had shared, one of the happiest things he could remember. "But Blaine, I thought we already were."

Blaine smiled and pulled Kurt back to him, kissing him more hungrily this time. Kurt held on, clinging to Blaine, knowing he never wanted to let go. He may have been confused about how he felt for Blaine a few hours ago, but now he knew, just like how Blaine knew he loved Kurt the day Kurt sang 'Blackbird', Blaine was all he wanted and needed in life and nothing else could come between them. Their relationship had stood the test of time and they were back, stronger than ever. Blaine was happy, no, ecstatic. Kurt liked him, wanted him, maybe even loved him and that's all that mattered to him right now.

Kurt couldn't control his thoughts at the moment. Blaine was kissing him and it felt every kind of wonderful and right that he had ever known. He had forgotten how much he enjoyed being with Blaine, knowing Blaine wanted to be with him just as much. He also knew that Blaine had answered his unanswered question. Both of them felt the same way about each other and neither one wanted to let the other go. He melted into Blaine, deepening the kiss, opening his mouth slightly and relishing the feel of Blaine's tongue brushing against his own. He had missed the taste of Blaine, missed the way their mouths fit together perfectly.

Blaine sank onto the couch next to Kurt, pulling the boy closer to him. Blaine placed one hand on Kurt's jaw, pulling Kurt towards him while placing his other hand on Kurt's back. Kurt responded to the touch, and gave the slightest of moans that sent tingles through Blaine's body. Kurt placed his free hand on Blaine's knee to steady himself, not wanting to let the kiss end.

"Hey gu- oh!" Alyssa had walked into the room, just to make sure they were ready to go onstage. What she hadn't expected was to see the two of them making out on the couch. The two boys jumped backwards from each other, blushing while turning to Alyssa.

"Hey Alyssa" Kurt said while clearing his throat. "Uh, what did you need?"

"Oh nothing, just came to let you know we're about to start in five minutes. Or should I tell Alex and Marcus that you two are too preoccupied to go on tonight and that their understudy skills are needed?"

Kurt glanced over at Blaine and smiled. As much as he wanted to, Kurt knew that making out with Blaine was not an option, especially not with who was going to be there that night. "We're coming, we're coming!" Kurt laughed, pushing himself up of the couch.

Blaine stood as well and gave Kurt's hand a quick squeeze before whispering in his ear. "I believe we should probably talk about that kiss later on tonight."

Kurt reddened. "Yeah, I think we should."
Blaine scanned the crowd right before he went on and saw something unusual. In the center of the first few rows of seats were men in blazers that looked really familiar to Blaine. He gasped when he recognized the faces. Jeff, Wes, Logan, Bailey, Trent, everyone, all of the Warblers, they were there watching the play. But how, Blaine wondered before he realized: Kurt. Kurt had to have called them and gotten them out here. He had to have pulled some strings to get them center seats in the front too, but it being Kurt, he figured the task wasn't too hard.
Andrea smiled from stage left as she watched the show. From the whispering she heard in the halls, it was being said that Kurt and Blaine had finally patched things up between them. Andrea hadn't needed gossip to tell her that though, the way the boys were acting tonight told her everything. All of their lines were coming smoothly and not a single note strayed from perfect pitch. Love, she thought, truly is a many splendid thing. Broadway gossip columnists and reporters were eating Phantom up. They loved it and only had good things to say about the opening night. She couldn't wait to see the opinions on tonight's show. If there was a dry eye in the audience in the end then they must have a small emotional center. Kurt's agony as the phantom mixed with Blaine's portrayal as Alyssa's love was amazing, especially when the backstage glances showed everyone how much they were in love with each other.
As the cast went out to take a final bow, Jeff whispered to the guys, "when Blaine and Kurt come out, we're yelling at the top of our lungs and jumping up and down." This is exactly what they did. The crowd went insane along with the group of guys in the front of the theater. They went on for five minutes after the curtain went down, whooping and hollering. "Come on guys," Wes said over the din, "let's go see our boys."

They busted through the thick backstage security and found the two missing Warblers in their dressing room. "Hey guys, we're here!" Bailey yelled as the group stormed into the room. Kurt whirled around at the mirror and broke into a huge grin before being suffocated in a group of hugs. Blaine walked in on the madness with Alex and Alyssa. "Looks like they made it through security" Alex laughed, I'll bet trying to get through Marcus and Steven was fun."

The group of boys turned around and advanced on Blaine and clapped him on the shoulder and hugged him as well. After the slight pandemonium Blaine asked, "how exactly did you guys get here?"

"Well," Logan began, "Kurt there called us a few weeks ago saying that the two of you were in this musical together and that he wanted me to round up all of the Warblers and come support you guys."

"Mercedes lent us her private jet." Trent laughed. "She's something else."

"That she is" Blaine laughed. A few weeks ago he thought, looking at Kurt. He still hated me then, but he did this for me. He looked over at Kurt and smiled. Kurt returned it and gave a small wink.
After they had said their goodbyes and ushered the group out of the door, Blaine and Kurt turned to each other. Kurt sat in a chair and Blaine took a seat on the couch. "So," Blaine began, "about earlier. If I did something completely out of line, I'm sorry, but I just needed you to know exactly how I felt."

"Blaine, I thought I hated you for five years, I probably did those first couple of years, but then, the dreams started occurring, and looking back I think they were my sub consciousness' way of telling me that I missed you."

"So that leaves us with one question. Where do we go from here?"

"I'd like to try us again, if that's ok with you of course." Kurt looked at Blaine sheepishly, hoping and wanting Blaine to say yes.

"Of course! I didn't come out here for nothing." He smiled at his friend, no boyfriend and felt happier than he had for five years.

"Well then, I propose you move into my apartment. I can't have my boyfriend living in a step up from a slum."

"Hey my apartment isn't that bad!" Blaine pretended to be hurt by Kurt's words. "But if you want me to, I guess I could relocate to Park Avenue."

"You'll be sleeping on the couch of course." Kurt smiled, knowing there was plenty of room to put a bed in his apartment, but wanting to see Blaine's reaction.

"What? Is there not enough room in your bed?"

"No, Snoball takes up quite a bit of room. He likes his space." Kurt couldn't keep a straight face and began laughing hysterically.

"Well he's just going to have to get over it." Blaine said, his eyes shining as he stood up. "Because he's going to have to share that space with me eventually." Blaine crossed to Kurt and cupped his chin. "I'm not going anywhere this time, I promise." He placed a small kiss to Kurt's lips before turning back to change.

"I think I could get used to that" Kurt said lazily as he began to change also.

Suddenly the entire backstage broke out in yelling and scuffling. Kurt poked his head out the door to see what was going on. Steven and Marcus were wrestling someone to the floor while Alex stood by with a baseball bat. Alyssa ran out, talking excitedly on her cellphone. "Yes, 1522 Broadway. Yes, yes, he's here, Ian Browning, yes, yes, ok thank you." She hung up and ran down the hallway to Kurt. "Kurt, get back in the dressing room!" She shoved him in and followed him while pulling the door shut and locking it.

"Alyssa, what's going on?" Kurt asked.

"It's Ian; he tried to get in again. Marcus and Steven have him pinned down and Alex is standing by with his bat.

"He just doesn't give up does he?" Kurt asked, turning to Blaine.

"No, but I guess he learned that from me." Blaine answered with a sad smile.

"No, don't start with that Blaine" Kurt said crossly. "You did nothing wrong ok? He is doing this because he can't understand the word no." Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled the shorter boy to his side.

Alyssa peeked out into the hallway. "The police are here. I'm pretty sure that there are no more warnings for Ian; they're cuffing him as we speak. Good thing Andrea got that restraining order against him, I have a feeling that this proves the Alex was acting in defense for Kurt." She opened the door and walked out, followed by Blaine and Kurt. They stood off to the side watching as the police hauled Ian into the back of the police car. "Well," Blaine said softly, "I guess that means that we don't have to worry about him anymore."

"Yeah, I guess that means we're safe."

"So" Alyssa cut in, "when are you two going to go public? You can't hide for forever. Broadway's hottest two stars do get quite a bit of publicity."

Kurt froze. What if his relationship with Blaine was frowned upon and the show suffered because of that? Kurt gave a small laugh, who was he kidding? Broadway was one of the least homophobic places in America, he and Blaine had little to nothing to worry about. He turned back to Alyssa and answered, "well, I guess just whenever the time comes. If people ask then I'll tell them the truth, but I'm not going to yell it from the top of the Empire State Building or anything."

"Well, I am" Blaine laughed. "Heck, I'll yell it just about anywhere." He smiled and squeezed Kurt's hand. "I got you back, that's the best thing I can ever remember happening to me."

Alyssa smiled and turned away from the two boys. She couldn't keep from smiling. Just six weeks ago Kurt was ready to tear out Blaine's throat and now, there they were, standing in the hallway, staring into each other's eyes, so obviously in love.

Kurt yawned and Blaine laughed a little at him. "Tired?"

"Yeah, I really should be getting back home. It's this never ending cycle of going to bed, getting up, the show, going back home and repeating everything. I so cannot wait until Wednesday when we finally get a break."

"Um, on Wednesday, do you think maybe I could move some of my stuff to your apartment?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'll move some of my stuff around so you can have some drawers until we can get furniture moved and such." Kurt smiled. Blaine was moving in with him. He was in New York and Blaine was moving in with him.


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