Feb. 1, 2013, 3:30 p.m.
The Grasshopper Brigade: 29-Oct
T - Words: 1,878 - Last Updated: Feb 01, 2013 Story: Complete - Chapters: 49/49 - Created: Nov 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2022 1,739 0 6 0 0
Well Mr President, what's new for the Grasshopper Brigade?
Ah, goodmorning. The President is considering the fact that he probably shouldhave evacuated yesterday evening.
Also, I guess it'safternoon now.
Oh really? Thatbad, huh?
You didn't die justnow, did you?
Actually I mighthave. It's really windy.
I hate wind. Ruins my hair
I don't have thatproblem. It would take a lot of wind to ruin my hair.
Not much hair? Or hairspray? Oh god you don't gel your hair, do you?
What's wrong withhair gel?
Nothing. ForgetI said anything. Maniac, remember
Grasshopper, right
With a bow tie.
Ugh, I just saw theworst fashion victim
Oh yeah? Hairgel?
Socks with sandals
Ugh. I'm gladit wasn't hair gel. I just braved the winds to run to my coffee shop, andI was afraid you might have seen me.
No, I saw a guywearing socks with sandals. Could barely resist running over and shoutingat him to fix it
Well, that definitelywasn't me.
What were you doingout, anyway? Shouldn't you be bunkered down?
I may have had to goto my coffee shop. But I don't see anyone with hair gel and a phone out
so you're safe for now
Well, even if youdid, it wouldn't be me. I left a few minutes ago.
Ah, I see. Interesting. The wind was horrible to my hair but I think I fixed it
Good! Cant goaround with messy hair. You should try gel.
Ew. No, I gowith hairspray
Hey, don't knock ittill you try it.
I did try it
I don't like it
Holy wind, Batman.
It is quite strong,isn't it?
Also, I'm not goingto lie, I walked back to the coffee shop.
I don't see anyonewith hairgel
I didn't go inside.
I see you're not trying tostalk me are you?
I don't think I'vetold you anything about my appearance
I chickened out ofstalking you.
But telling who youwere would be easy.
How so?
All I have to do ittext you a hilarious joke. You'll laugh out loud and I'll know who youare.
But I'm not going todo that.
Well then
Now I know not tolaugh in public when you text me something funny
I just gave away allof my trade secrets.
Yes, you did
I know /why/ we'restill texting, but why are we still texting?
and why are wetalking about how we'll know each other if we actually see each other?
I have no idea. You have a good point. But we're texting because I went home.
I see
Well, I'm planning onstaying here for a while
Don't tease me.
I'll spend my entireday coming and going from my house in the hurricane.
Why would you do thatto yourself?
I can be indecisivesometimes.
Something to add tomy list of things I know about you
Besides, we don'teven know if we're talking about the same coffee shop.
That much is true
Also, how do you endup knowing so much about me, and I know hardly anything about you. Aside from you hate hair gel.
I can be a very privateperson
Comes from beingbullied so much in high school
Well, I know aboutthat firsthand.
Oh really?
Yeah. Ithappened because of something stupid, a school dance. That night wasn't afun night at all. Ended up transferring to a school with a no-violencepolicy.
Oh you poor thing
Meh. Thingshappen.
I'm a firm believe inwhat doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
And that the thingsthat happen to you shape you into who you are.
That's reallyinspiring
Well, I wouldn't bewho I am if those kids hadn't beaten the crap out of me.
Er. Forget Isaid that.
Word vomit. *dies*
Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it
Oh god did you reallydie?
No, Blaine, come back!
President Blaine
Okay, I didn'tactually die.
These grasshoppersrevived me.
thank goodness
I need more coffeenow.
Really now?
After that, yeah.
Well, don't golooking for me
I'm currently cursingat the wind, trying to make my way home with my hair intact
Good. Because Idon't think I could look at you right now anyway. My face is too red.
Oh, so now you'vedecided to be private
I honestly can'tbelieve I told you what I did. I don't tell people that.
Oh, so you're nottelling me things because you've already told me things
Now how does thatmake you feel?
You do realize I'monly joking, right. Too much Dr Phil
No, it wasfunny. I had my phone in my pocket while I walked down to the coffeeshop.
I've never beenembarrassed via text message before.
Okay, I thought youhad died again
Honestly, it's okay
it's not like I canspread dirt on you to all your friends
considering I don'tknow any of your friends
or do I?
ooooo deeeeep
that was weird
We could have mutualfriends. And that is scary
I mean, we might evenfrequent the same coffee shop.
That is really scary
Okay. Coffeegotten, and out into the storm I go. Here's to hoping I don't die again.
Good luck!
Text me when you'resafe
[20 minutes go by]
[considers texting tocheck, but decides that would be considered clingy and weird]
[20 more minutes goby]
Oh, hey.
Oh, hey yourself
what took you so long
Well, I've been backfor about a half hour, but I was soaked and freezing. So, I'm cocooned inabout six blankets right now.
Ahh, you poor thing
is all the gel washedout of your hair then :D
Not funny. Whengel gets wet, it runs down your face. Ew. I had to get a shower.
Now I'm sufferingfrom lack of hair gel.
I'm sure it doesn'tlook that bad
You don't even know.
hairspray worksperfectly for me~
There isn't enoughhairspray on this continent to hold my hair to a decent shape.
ooo well maybe it'stime for a change in hair?
Now you're making menervous
I'm just making asuggestion
not saying I have tobe the one who does it, because that would be weird
Yeah, we're not closeenough to be changing each other's fonts yet.
[20 minutes pass]
[checks phone every(what he feels like is 5 minutes) 45 seconds]
So, yeah.... I'm aconversation killer.
ohmigosh I'm so sorry
my roommate was havinga crisis
Oooh, I see, theroommate-crisis excuse. ; )
and when my roommatehas a crisis, I'm not allowed to look at my phone at all
it's true!
Haha, you're notallowed to look at your phone during roommate crises?
My roommate getscatty if I ignore her during a crisis
Drama queen?
Well that soundsfun. I don't have to deal with drama queens.
Lucky you
I guess so. Living alone makes you lonely.
ack, roommate isdemanding my attention again
No pityparties. Text me when you're free.
[20 minutes pass]
What do you thinkyou're doing? Your girlfriend just spent the past 45 minutes screechingat me about you and I'm getting a headache, so you just need to sort it outwith her before she drives me nuts
I'd probably believeyou, but I don't have a girlfriend. Wrong number, Grasshopper. ; )
Oh, shoot, sorryabout that. Roommate was adamant about me texting her boyfriend for her,and I tried to resist and she screeched at me, so I tried to be quick about it
obviously I wasn'tpaying attention
Well, it sounds likeyour roommate's boyfriend needs to get his stuff together. And you cannot pay attention in my direction any time. That was amusing.
Yeah, I'd say that,except it's a really petty reason, why she's upset. And shut up. You were the last person I texted
At least I know youdon't have any other Random-guys-that-texted-you on the side.
how do you know Idon't?
I just said you werethe last one I texted
Well then.
I see how it is.
Do you have anotherrandom-guy-that-texted-you?
No, I don't
do you?
In fact, aside frommy friend Wes's comment about Frankenstorm, you're the only person I've textedin the past two days.
I'm honoured
How sad would it beif I'd gotten the number for the red cross right and this never happened?
That would be verysad
The grasshopperbrigade wouldn't exist
OH did you evermanage to donate to Red Cross?
You know, it's afunny story.
I actuallydidn't. I gave up on it.
Yeah, every time Iattempted the number, I got a text from you.
And, don't feelbad. I had more fun texting you than I would have donating money.
Well, I'm glad tohear it
So, breaking news, acrane just snapped in half and is about to crash into carnige hall.
Oh dear
And now I made themistake of telling my roommate that
and she's freaking out
Sorry about that
No, it's okay
Between you and me,it's kinda funny
not whathappened. her reaction
Haha, is she like,really into buildings or something?
More into what shecould be doing inside the building
she's a performer
Ah, I see. Areyou also a performer then?
Not prying, justcurious.
I wanted to be
but something elsecame up
Okay, I gotcha. Nothing wrong with that. I would love to do things like that.
I stick to karaoke,mostly.
We're both reallyinto Broadway
but I know she would loveto perform in Carnegie Hall one day
but karaoke is cooltoo
Have you ever heardof the bar, Callbacks?
Yeah, I have
I've been stakingthat place out to sing. It seems like a pretty popular place to go.
It is. Popular,I mean
I wonder if they'reopen during the storm... I'm getting antsy with all the wind.
I don't know, but ifit were open, my roommate would probably be there. Of course, with thecurrent situation between her and her boyfriend, it's hard to know why sheisn't going out
Well, if they'reopen, I might go. I've got a song I want to get off my chest.
Oh, now you're makingme want to go hide in a corner at Callbacks
but I feel like thatwould ruin whatever odd friendship we've established
I won't look foryou. In fact, I'm going to pretend that I haven't sort-of met you.
Ha ha
oh, update from theroommate. Callbacks isn't open tonight
Oh, boo. Well,I'll just have to sing it all by myself then.
Have fun with that
I'll make a Youtubevideo.
I may or may notwatch it
I kinda sorta maybe almostwant to keep the mystery about who you are
Wouldn't it be weirdif we sorta knew each other?
I didn't say I wouldbe in the video.
Ah, I see
I killed theconversation
Or you died
Nah, I was justreally snuggled in. Almost dozed off. Daydreaming
If you want I couldstop texting you so you could relax
Nope. What kindof boring afternoon would that be?
Alrighty then
So, Kurt, private,coffee-liking Kurt. Let's play a game.
Alright. ShouldI be scared?
Lol, nah. Well,maybe.
Truth or Dare, withoutthe dare.
I think
Don't be sonervous. I'll go easy on you.
What's your favoritecolor?
What's yours?
See, that wasn't sobad.
Yeah, yeah
You can go again.
Where would you liketo travel to?
I kind of want to seethe world. But, mostly Italy. And France. And England.
How do you feel aboutbow ties?
I think, usedcorrectly, they can be a nice way to tie together an outfit
Good answer.
haha why?
Oh, nothing.
Or, was that yourquestion for me?
It wasn't my question
Hm... if money was noobject, what would you buy?
Ooh, good one. Probably a baby grand.
ooh, interesting
I like beinginteresting.
You know what, samequestion to you.
Touche. A brandnew wardrobe
Hmm. Alsointeresting.
You're not the onlyone who likes to be interesting
Let's see... my turnto ask a question. What's your coffee order?
Medium Drip. *boring*
Still interesting
What's yours?
Grandenonfat mocha
Alsointeresting. You like chocolate.
Favourite type ofmusic?
Really, I likeeverything. I'm not lying.
Nice copout :P
Hey. Notfair. I think if I had to pick a favorite genre, it would be jazz. Like the singer stuff, not just the music. Like, Sinatra, and big bandstuff.
Oooh, cool
It's not boring
and I believe it'syour turn to ask a questions
Are you a student?
Not right now, atleast. I'm reapplying
Are you a student?
Yes and no. Mostly online stuff. I don't know if that counts.
It counts
How old are you?
We never did pick asafe word, did we?
Isn't there always asafe word for these sorts of games
I guess so, whatshould the safe word be?
Interesting choice.
So, you're not goingto tell me how old you are then?
You may ask anotherquestion, though
If you could beanywhere right now, where would it be?
Ahhh, the city of ...what is it? Love?
Love, yes. Andfashion
Ah hah. Yousome kind of designer?
Sorry, that doesn'tcount as my question, does it?
I've lost track
Uh, what are youstudying?
Music. Composition.
Minor (hopefully intheater)
Oh, cool
What's your greatestfear?
Well. Howabout... Favorite food?
Aside from anythingmusic related, what was your favourite subject in high school?
ProbablyHistory. Maybe French class. I can't tell if I just liked theteacher, or if I liked the class.
Listen, I just got acall, and I'm gonna attempt to head to my friend's house. Hopefully Idon't die on the way there.
Alright, my roommatewants to rant to me again, so you picked a good time. Good luck and staysafe
Thanks, Grasshopper.
You too.
Ah, goodmorning. The President is considering the fact that he probably shouldhave evacuated yesterday evening.
Also, I guess it'safternoon now.
Oh really? Thatbad, huh?
You didn't die justnow, did you?
Actually I mighthave. It's really windy.
I hate wind. Ruins my hair
I don't have thatproblem. It would take a lot of wind to ruin my hair.
Not much hair? Or hairspray? Oh god you don't gel your hair, do you?
What's wrong withhair gel?
Nothing. ForgetI said anything. Maniac, remember
Grasshopper, right
With a bow tie.
Ugh, I just saw theworst fashion victim
Oh yeah? Hairgel?
Socks with sandals
Ugh. I'm gladit wasn't hair gel. I just braved the winds to run to my coffee shop, andI was afraid you might have seen me.
No, I saw a guywearing socks with sandals. Could barely resist running over and shoutingat him to fix it
Well, that definitelywasn't me.
What were you doingout, anyway? Shouldn't you be bunkered down?
I may have had to goto my coffee shop. But I don't see anyone with hair gel and a phone out
so you're safe for now
Well, even if youdid, it wouldn't be me. I left a few minutes ago.
Ah, I see. Interesting. The wind was horrible to my hair but I think I fixed it
Good! Cant goaround with messy hair. You should try gel.
Ew. No, I gowith hairspray
Hey, don't knock ittill you try it.
I did try it
I don't like it
Holy wind, Batman.
It is quite strong,isn't it?
Also, I'm not goingto lie, I walked back to the coffee shop.
I don't see anyonewith hairgel
I didn't go inside.
I see you're not trying tostalk me are you?
I don't think I'vetold you anything about my appearance
I chickened out ofstalking you.
But telling who youwere would be easy.
How so?
All I have to do ittext you a hilarious joke. You'll laugh out loud and I'll know who youare.
But I'm not going todo that.
Well then
Now I know not tolaugh in public when you text me something funny
I just gave away allof my trade secrets.
Yes, you did
I know /why/ we'restill texting, but why are we still texting?
and why are wetalking about how we'll know each other if we actually see each other?
I have no idea. You have a good point. But we're texting because I went home.
I see
Well, I'm planning onstaying here for a while
Don't tease me.
I'll spend my entireday coming and going from my house in the hurricane.
Why would you do thatto yourself?
I can be indecisivesometimes.
Something to add tomy list of things I know about you
Besides, we don'teven know if we're talking about the same coffee shop.
That much is true
Also, how do you endup knowing so much about me, and I know hardly anything about you. Aside from you hate hair gel.
I can be a very privateperson
Comes from beingbullied so much in high school
Well, I know aboutthat firsthand.
Oh really?
Yeah. Ithappened because of something stupid, a school dance. That night wasn't afun night at all. Ended up transferring to a school with a no-violencepolicy.
Oh you poor thing
Meh. Thingshappen.
I'm a firm believe inwhat doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
And that the thingsthat happen to you shape you into who you are.
That's reallyinspiring
Well, I wouldn't bewho I am if those kids hadn't beaten the crap out of me.
Er. Forget Isaid that.
Word vomit. *dies*
Hey, it's okay. Don't worry about it
Oh god did you reallydie?
No, Blaine, come back!
President Blaine
Okay, I didn'tactually die.
These grasshoppersrevived me.
thank goodness
I need more coffeenow.
Really now?
After that, yeah.
Well, don't golooking for me
I'm currently cursingat the wind, trying to make my way home with my hair intact
Good. Because Idon't think I could look at you right now anyway. My face is too red.
Oh, so now you'vedecided to be private
I honestly can'tbelieve I told you what I did. I don't tell people that.
Oh, so you're nottelling me things because you've already told me things
Now how does thatmake you feel?
You do realize I'monly joking, right. Too much Dr Phil
No, it wasfunny. I had my phone in my pocket while I walked down to the coffeeshop.
I've never beenembarrassed via text message before.
Okay, I thought youhad died again
Honestly, it's okay
it's not like I canspread dirt on you to all your friends
considering I don'tknow any of your friends
or do I?
ooooo deeeeep
that was weird
We could have mutualfriends. And that is scary
I mean, we might evenfrequent the same coffee shop.
That is really scary
Okay. Coffeegotten, and out into the storm I go. Here's to hoping I don't die again.
Good luck!
Text me when you'resafe
[20 minutes go by]
[considers texting tocheck, but decides that would be considered clingy and weird]
[20 more minutes goby]
Oh, hey.
Oh, hey yourself
what took you so long
Well, I've been backfor about a half hour, but I was soaked and freezing. So, I'm cocooned inabout six blankets right now.
Ahh, you poor thing
is all the gel washedout of your hair then :D
Not funny. Whengel gets wet, it runs down your face. Ew. I had to get a shower.
Now I'm sufferingfrom lack of hair gel.
I'm sure it doesn'tlook that bad
You don't even know.
hairspray worksperfectly for me~
There isn't enoughhairspray on this continent to hold my hair to a decent shape.
ooo well maybe it'stime for a change in hair?
Now you're making menervous
I'm just making asuggestion
not saying I have tobe the one who does it, because that would be weird
Yeah, we're not closeenough to be changing each other's fonts yet.
[20 minutes pass]
[checks phone every(what he feels like is 5 minutes) 45 seconds]
So, yeah.... I'm aconversation killer.
ohmigosh I'm so sorry
my roommate was havinga crisis
Oooh, I see, theroommate-crisis excuse. ; )
and when my roommatehas a crisis, I'm not allowed to look at my phone at all
it's true!
Haha, you're notallowed to look at your phone during roommate crises?
My roommate getscatty if I ignore her during a crisis
Drama queen?
Well that soundsfun. I don't have to deal with drama queens.
Lucky you
I guess so. Living alone makes you lonely.
ack, roommate isdemanding my attention again
No pityparties. Text me when you're free.
[20 minutes pass]
What do you thinkyou're doing? Your girlfriend just spent the past 45 minutes screechingat me about you and I'm getting a headache, so you just need to sort it outwith her before she drives me nuts
I'd probably believeyou, but I don't have a girlfriend. Wrong number, Grasshopper. ; )
Oh, shoot, sorryabout that. Roommate was adamant about me texting her boyfriend for her,and I tried to resist and she screeched at me, so I tried to be quick about it
obviously I wasn'tpaying attention
Well, it sounds likeyour roommate's boyfriend needs to get his stuff together. And you cannot pay attention in my direction any time. That was amusing.
Yeah, I'd say that,except it's a really petty reason, why she's upset. And shut up. You were the last person I texted
At least I know youdon't have any other Random-guys-that-texted-you on the side.
how do you know Idon't?
I just said you werethe last one I texted
Well then.
I see how it is.
Do you have anotherrandom-guy-that-texted-you?
No, I don't
do you?
In fact, aside frommy friend Wes's comment about Frankenstorm, you're the only person I've textedin the past two days.
I'm honoured
How sad would it beif I'd gotten the number for the red cross right and this never happened?
That would be verysad
The grasshopperbrigade wouldn't exist
OH did you evermanage to donate to Red Cross?
You know, it's afunny story.
I actuallydidn't. I gave up on it.
Yeah, every time Iattempted the number, I got a text from you.
And, don't feelbad. I had more fun texting you than I would have donating money.
Well, I'm glad tohear it
So, breaking news, acrane just snapped in half and is about to crash into carnige hall.
Oh dear
And now I made themistake of telling my roommate that
and she's freaking out
Sorry about that
No, it's okay
Between you and me,it's kinda funny
not whathappened. her reaction
Haha, is she like,really into buildings or something?
More into what shecould be doing inside the building
she's a performer
Ah, I see. Areyou also a performer then?
Not prying, justcurious.
I wanted to be
but something elsecame up
Okay, I gotcha. Nothing wrong with that. I would love to do things like that.
I stick to karaoke,mostly.
We're both reallyinto Broadway
but I know she would loveto perform in Carnegie Hall one day
but karaoke is cooltoo
Have you ever heardof the bar, Callbacks?
Yeah, I have
I've been stakingthat place out to sing. It seems like a pretty popular place to go.
It is. Popular,I mean
I wonder if they'reopen during the storm... I'm getting antsy with all the wind.
I don't know, but ifit were open, my roommate would probably be there. Of course, with thecurrent situation between her and her boyfriend, it's hard to know why sheisn't going out
Well, if they'reopen, I might go. I've got a song I want to get off my chest.
Oh, now you're makingme want to go hide in a corner at Callbacks
but I feel like thatwould ruin whatever odd friendship we've established
I won't look foryou. In fact, I'm going to pretend that I haven't sort-of met you.
Ha ha
oh, update from theroommate. Callbacks isn't open tonight
Oh, boo. Well,I'll just have to sing it all by myself then.
Have fun with that
I'll make a Youtubevideo.
I may or may notwatch it
I kinda sorta maybe almostwant to keep the mystery about who you are
Wouldn't it be weirdif we sorta knew each other?
I didn't say I wouldbe in the video.
Ah, I see
I killed theconversation
Or you died
Nah, I was justreally snuggled in. Almost dozed off. Daydreaming
If you want I couldstop texting you so you could relax
Nope. What kindof boring afternoon would that be?
Alrighty then
So, Kurt, private,coffee-liking Kurt. Let's play a game.
Alright. ShouldI be scared?
Lol, nah. Well,maybe.
Truth or Dare, withoutthe dare.
I think
Don't be sonervous. I'll go easy on you.
What's your favoritecolor?
What's yours?
See, that wasn't sobad.
Yeah, yeah
You can go again.
Where would you liketo travel to?
I kind of want to seethe world. But, mostly Italy. And France. And England.
How do you feel aboutbow ties?
I think, usedcorrectly, they can be a nice way to tie together an outfit
Good answer.
haha why?
Oh, nothing.
Or, was that yourquestion for me?
It wasn't my question
Hm... if money was noobject, what would you buy?
Ooh, good one. Probably a baby grand.
ooh, interesting
I like beinginteresting.
You know what, samequestion to you.
Touche. A brandnew wardrobe
Hmm. Alsointeresting.
You're not the onlyone who likes to be interesting
Let's see... my turnto ask a question. What's your coffee order?
Medium Drip. *boring*
Still interesting
What's yours?
Grandenonfat mocha
Alsointeresting. You like chocolate.
Favourite type ofmusic?
Really, I likeeverything. I'm not lying.
Nice copout :P
Hey. Notfair. I think if I had to pick a favorite genre, it would be jazz. Like the singer stuff, not just the music. Like, Sinatra, and big bandstuff.
Oooh, cool
It's not boring
and I believe it'syour turn to ask a questions
Are you a student?
Not right now, atleast. I'm reapplying
Are you a student?
Yes and no. Mostly online stuff. I don't know if that counts.
It counts
How old are you?
We never did pick asafe word, did we?
Isn't there always asafe word for these sorts of games
I guess so, whatshould the safe word be?
Interesting choice.
So, you're not goingto tell me how old you are then?
You may ask anotherquestion, though
If you could beanywhere right now, where would it be?
Ahhh, the city of ...what is it? Love?
Love, yes. Andfashion
Ah hah. Yousome kind of designer?
Sorry, that doesn'tcount as my question, does it?
I've lost track
Uh, what are youstudying?
Music. Composition.
Minor (hopefully intheater)
Oh, cool
What's your greatestfear?
Well. Howabout... Favorite food?
Aside from anythingmusic related, what was your favourite subject in high school?
ProbablyHistory. Maybe French class. I can't tell if I just liked theteacher, or if I liked the class.
Listen, I just got acall, and I'm gonna attempt to head to my friend's house. Hopefully Idon't die on the way there.
Alright, my roommatewants to rant to me again, so you picked a good time. Good luck and staysafe
Thanks, Grasshopper.
You too.
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I'm loving this. Looking forward to an update. :)
Thank you very much :D
I really am enjoying this story and it is the first that I have read that is formatted by text messages. I like how they were able to get to know a little bit about each other without giving too much away. With the way you are writing I am able to get a good idea about their character and their sense of humor. I am off to read the next chapter.
We're glad you like it! We're hoping up upload the fifth installment shortly.
Cute chapter. Really sweet. Sounds like something Rachel would do to Kurt.
Haha, thanks. We get a kick out of the different relationships in this!