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Nov. 17, 2012, 1:50 a.m.


Within: Chapter 30

E - Words: 1,439 - Last Updated: Nov 17, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 32/32 - Created: Jun 13, 2012 - Updated: Nov 17, 2012
1,252 0 3 0 0

Kurt awoke to a man he’d never seen before sitting at his bedside.

“Oh, hello,” the man said, looking up at him through round spectacles perched on his nose. He was sitting in a wicker chair, but he didn’t rise to check on Kurt, simply reaching over to turn his head this way and that, looking into his eyes. After a moment, he grabbed Kurt’s wrist. Kurt tugged it away.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“Artie,” the man replied, nodding at him. “Pleased to meet you. I’m a doctor from Westerville--Prince Blaine requested my immediate presence at the castle five days ago and I’ve been tending you and the others injured in the battle ever since.”

Kurt fought to sit up, but Artie laid a firm hand on his chest, leaning further forward in his chair.

“Just relax,” he said soothingly. “You can get up in a few minutes, once I check you over and call someone in to help you up. Maybe it would help distract you if I filled you in on what I know while I examine you?”

Kurt laid back and looked around briefly. He was in his official chambers, and it made his stomach swoop just a little bit to realize that this was the first time he’d actually slept here. He took a deep breath and turned back to Artie.

“What happened?”

Artie stayed in his chair and pulled back Kurt’s covers, ignoring Kurt’s embarrassed squirming and staying professional, checking the bandages on Kurt’s various wounds as he talked.

“All told, thirteen servants, workers, and castle guards were killed. More from both regiments, though you’ll have to forgive me for not knowing the exact number. Plenty more injured, including you and Prince Blaine. You were both found out by the back gardens, and you were each put in your chambers and bound up by the soldiers. Blaine was doing fine with it--they stopped the bleeding, at least, and he was resting. But you were pretty much dead by the time a runner reached me and a carriage rushed me back.”

“Why a carriage?” Kurt interrupted. “Why not just a horse?”

Artie eyed him for a moment and then looked down at himself with a half-smile.

“I don’t have legs,” he said good-naturedly. “Can’t put this chair on a single horse, you know?”

Kurt just nodded, a little embarrassed, but Artie just kept talking.

“Anyway, I tended you to the best of my ability, and I have to say you were lucky that someone at least stitched up your leg--you have those wounds on your side, but your leg was the worst of it, and you lost a lot of blood before someone did something about it. But you pulled through, and we’ve just been waiting for you to wake up. Everyone’s been taking turns sitting by your side.”

“How is Blaine?” he asked, tossing away the caution of formality in favor of finding out now. “Is he healing well?”

“Well, he’s starting to walk again,” Artie said mildly. “He couldn’t move his legs very well for a few days, and I was worried he’d lose the feeling in them, but they’re getting better and he can stand for short periods now. It’ll take him a while to recover, and he'll have problems with them all his life, but at least he’s alive and still fit to rule. He’ll even be able to open court the day after tomorrow as planned, though he’s had to have Lord Nicholas house some of the Lords until at least tomorrow. Not everything is ready, considering the delays, but it should be soon.”

Kurt nodded.

“And...Mike, and Santana?”

“Mike is recovering,” Artie said. At Kurt’s worried look, he laughed. “Santana was found locked in a bedroom screaming curses through the door. She had a bump on her head, but she was fine.”

“So I’ve been asleep for five days?”

“Yes,” Artie corroborated. “Your family is here, by the way. They’ve been the ones watching you, for the most part, aside from a few of the servants. Prince Blaine tried a few times, but thankfully we’ve been able to convince him to only visit once a day despite his obvious desire for more.”

Kurt peered at him carefully, keeping his face blank, but Artie just raised an eyebrow.

“I am not stupid,” he said evenly, and Kurt blushed.

“Am I allowed out of bed now?” he asked, instead of voicing any reply to that. Artie shrugged and turned his head around.


The door opened and Sam peeked his head in, grinning when he saw Kurt awake.


“Kurt wants to get out of bed,” Artie said, and Kurt stared at him--there’d been more than simple instruction in his voice, something...suggestive.

“Oh--oh!” Sam stammered, his eyes widening. He nodded fervently and grinned. “Okay, I’ll just--”

“--send someone in,” Artie said, and yes, there was definitely something going on. Sam nodded and shut the door.


“You should get dressed!” Artie said, clapping his hands together and nodding at Kurt. “I’ll just--uhm--”

He fell silent, awkwardly grimacing and tilting his head as though considering what to say next. Kurt glared at him, hoping he’d wither and admit something, but to no avail.

The door opened again, and Sam came back in, carrying a light shirt and breeches. Artie’s chair apparently had wheels, because Sam moved him out of the way easily and helped Kurt sit up and put on his clothes, grinning the whole time.

“Okay...I think we should go walk to the roses, what do you think?”

Sam seemed awfully eager. Kurt stared at him questioningly.

“I’d prefer it if we went to see Blaine,” he said firmly. Sam opened his mouth, but nothing came out but an uncertain creak. Kurt narrowed his eyes. “Sam.”

“Just...let’s walk, okay?” he said. He pulled Kurt up and helped him a few steps. His leg hurt like crazy, but Sam picked up a wooden crutch from a nearby table and handed it to him, and he found he could hobble pretty well, all things considered.

They took it slow, out of necessity. Kurt was determined to make it out to the roses, but not only was he weak, people kept stopping him to clap him on the back or cheer. He received a few hugs as well, from Mercedes, Brittany, and Tina. He assured everyone he was healing, and continued on, finally reaching the back door of the castle and limping out.

As he walked down the path, he saw Blaine standing before the roses, his back to Kurt. Puck was standing nearby casually, obviously there to help Blaine if he should need by the bored air about him and the way he was playing with a cane that was clearly not his own. But as soon as he looked up and saw Kurt, he grinned and said something to Blaine.

Blaine turned around, his face split into a happy smile, and their eyes met and refused to let go. Kurt smiled back and hurried forward as best he could.

“You’re awake,” Blaine said. “Just in time, too.”

Kurt laughed out of sheer delight.

“Well, you know I can’t resist a good entrance,” he joked, and Blaine laughed, hanging his head, shoulders shaking with his mirth. He peeked back up through his lashes, still smiling, and Kurt’s breath stole away.

How could anyone think that scars made this man anything but beautiful?

“Good thing, too,” he said. “Now that you’re here, I have something to give you. And I’ve been waiting five days to give it to you, so please forgive me for not picking a more opportune moment.”

And then Kurt looked down at what he was holding in his hands, presenting them to Kurt.

Two roses, their stems wound together, the blooms pressed together.

Two roses declare the intent to marry.

“Kurt, you’ve given me so much,” Blaine said softly. “These are a poor gift in return. But with them I want to give you myself, and a promise in the eyes of the gods to always be yours. Would you accept this gift, Kurt?”

He looked up, and Kurt could barely breathe.

“What about...the kingdom, what about the Lords and the people and--”

“We’ll deal with it as it comes,” Blaine said, stepping closer. “We might not be able to advertise it at first but...you are my soulmate, Kurt. There is no lifetime in which I would not want to be with you. And I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you now, in every way I can.”

He reached a hand up to cup Kurt’s cheek, brushing the skin there gently, just over the scratch that was already healing.

“Marry me.”

Kurt took the roses from Blaine’s hand and brought them up to his face, smelling their heady scent, wanting to remember this moment whenever he caught it for the rest of his life. He leaned in a kissed Blaine softly.


End Notes: Thank you to holly-hime for yet another beta!Only the epilogue left :)


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Perfect is all I can say... Jest perfect !

Aww, it's a little baby chapter :)

*sob* this is so beautiful! I loved Blaine's proposal, it's so sweet *u* So sad the story's almost over <3