Tasting Flight
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Jan. 24, 2013, 2:40 a.m.

Tasting Flight

Tasting Flight: Chapter 9

E - Words: 7,727 - Last Updated: Jan 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 24, 2013
2,911 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Additional warning for brief use of homophobic language.

Blaine’s routine has changed drastically since the time Kurt came into his life.

He still tends to Sebastian. He still bathes and dresses him, and takes care of his wants and needs when called upon. He still takes care of the harem, and occasionally, he even pleasures his master.

But now he has other things to occupy his time. Namely, Kurt, and their plan to run.

Sebastian summons Kurt pretty much every day, now--usually at night, though occasionally in the mornings and afternoons. He rarely gets time off, and while Blaine would invariably prefer to keep Kurt to himself, it serves their purposes. While Kurt is occupying Sebastian, Blaine has a remarkably easy time smiling and waving his way past the guards stationed around the house like nothing is out of the ordinary and getting into Sebastian’s office while Trent is out running errands or already in bed. From there, it’s a simple matter of taking as little time as possible to snag a document or a file or, on one lucky occasion, a slew of emails when Sebastian forgot to log out of his account. Everything is stored carefully on a thumb drive that, previously, Blaine had used to transfer movies from Sebastian’s computer to his own laptop, as Sebastian is the only one with unrestricted internet access and any computers on the network outside of his own are carefully monitored.

Sebastian doesn’t monitor his own computer at all. Blaine knows for a fact that he doesn’t want a record anywhere of his activities that can be traced if he decides to crash the system in the instance of an investigation or raid. So it’s a simple matter to make copies onto the thumb drive, hide them, and simply walk out again like he’d just been checking paperwork, a common task of his.

The opportunity to check what they have doesn’t come for several weeks, but when it does, Blaine is quick to seize it.

“I’ve gotten a laptop for Kurt,” Sebastian says one morning, tugging at a slim tie that Blaine has just slipped around his neck. “I’m having someone come in after lunch to set it up with the normal security, but you can give it to him now.” He smirks devilishly. “There’s already a few things...available for him. Make sure he takes a look, and I’ll have him join us in the dining room at dinner to see what he’s learned.”

Sebastian nods over to his table, where a slim, sleek piece of technological beauty sits, a thick, silky red ribbon tied around it. Blaine retrieves it and heads out, hurrying to the harem with his heart pounding excitedly.

Kurt is in his room, music playing loud, sketching something complex with his tongue poking out between his teeth in concentration. Even with the adrenaline of his frantic need to act pulsing in his veins, Blaine takes a moment to grin like the lovesick idiot he is at how adorable that is.

“Hey, you,” Blaine says after a minute, face stretched to almost the point of pain with how hard he’s smiling. Kurt looks up and immediately returns Blaine’s smile, nevertheless raising an eyebrow at how silly Blaine must look.

“What’s got you so happy?”

“A few things,” Blaine says, resisting the urge to saunter in and show Kurt just what makes him happy. There’s business, first. “If you can come to my room, there’s a few things I need to show you.”

He slips away, heading into his room. He places the laptop on the desk and retrieves the thumb drive from where he’s hidden it, pulling off the casing of an electrical socket and pulling it out from where it’s been carefully taped to the back of the wall, out of sight and almost out of reach. He replaces the casing haphazardly and looks up just as Kurt enters the room.

“What’s going on?” he asks.

“First of all,” Blaine says, shutting the door firmly behind Kurt before pulling him into his arms. “This.”

He kisses Kurt deeply, as he wanted to do only minutes before. Kurt kisses back eagerly, pressing himself tight against Blaine’s body, fingers digging into his shoulders. Blaine pulls back with a great effort of self-control.

“We can do more with that later,” he gasps. “We only have a little bit of time.”

“For what?”

Blaine turns and looks at the laptop on the desk. Kurt follows his gaze before he gasps.

“Is that...for me?”

“Yes,” Blaine says. “Sebastian got it for you, and it’s not on the network yet. There are no trackers on it.”

Kurt’s eyes widen and he looks back to Blaine.

“Does that mean--”

Blaine bounces on his feet and holds up the thumb drive, and Kurt grins, grabbing it out of his hand and rushing to the desk and pulling the ribbon off the laptop.

“Hmm,” Kurt says, holding the length of red up before dropping it aside with a smirk. “I might keep this.”

Blaine smiles suggestively, raking his eyes over Kurt where he’s bent over to open the laptop, and Kurt laughs.

“Later,” he says, booting up the computer. It loads fast, revealing a single file folder on the desktop, labeled, “Instruction.”

“What is that?” Kurt asks quietly, as though not aware he’s saying it out loud. Blaine leans down next to him, one elbow on the desk and the other arm winding around Kurt’s waist.

“Sebastian wants you to look in that and take tips for later,” Blaine says. “He wants you at dinner.”

“Are you going to be there?” Kurt asks with some surprise. Sebastian’s kept Kurt entirely to himself thus far, never summoning him with anyone else.

“Seems so,” Blaine says, and a little stab of worry shoots through his gut.

It’s one thing to know that Kurt will be pleasuring Sebastian, or even hear it. It’s going to be something else entirely to have to watch it.

“But let’s do this,” he continues, pushing it away for now. “Before we lose our chance.”

Kurt nods in agreement and sticks the thumb drive into a port, quickly loading up its contents and opening them.

They have a lot of files. Financial reports, statements and reports from farm runners and dealers, copies of receipts--so many receipts. Kurt immediately starts scrolling through them, his eyes glued to the screen, scanning for his own name.

“Oh my god.”

Blaine immediately frowns at the screen. There’s no mention of Kurt in the scan pulled up--under slave name is “Unknown at time of purchase” with a set of initials next to it, matching the handwriting of the dealer that brought Kurt in. But Kurt’s locked onto it, a look of deep betrayal and anger on his face, twisting it into something less beautiful than Blaine has ever seen.

He looks...terrifying, to be frank.

“That son of a bitch,” he spits, his eyes filling with tears, his teeth gritted as he stands up and balls his fists. “That sick, twisted little shit--”

Blaine immediately grabs one of Kurt’s hands, softly stroking at the whitened knuckles.

“Kurt, what is it--”

“Look at the name,” he seethes. “Look at who sold me!”

Blaine reads over the receipt till he reaches the area labeled, “Seller.”

David Karofsky. Next to his name, a box marked “Debtor” is checked.

“A debtor?” Blaine is confused--Kurt had been adamant that he and his father owed nothing.

“Debtor my ass,” Kurt snaps. “He went to my high school. That bastard threw me in more dumpsters, and locker checked me, and slushied me--he never left me alone. He was the worst of them. And he fucking sold me!”

“Okay, hold on,” Blaine says, leaning down to the computer again, taking over as Kurt paces the room, biting at a knuckle to keep himself calm.

He pulls up the dealer reports, and thankfully they’re documents and not photo scans, because he can word search. He quickly types in Karofsky’s name.

The page jumps to one of the last reports. Blaine begins to read aloud.

A Mr. David Karofsky was waiting outside the gates of the farm upon taking our leave. He insisted that he had someone we could easily obtain, and went on to describe the whereabouts of Kurt Hummel. Mr. Karofsky assured us Mr. Hummel was of good stock, and staying alone while his father was hospitalized. We checked on the information and found it to be accurate. Mr. Karofsky signed the paperwork, claiming Debtor status for the receipts, claiming Mr. Hummel owed him for ‘emotional trauma’--

“Emotional trauma?” Kurt burst out. “Oh, what, he was so traumatized by the presence of the local fag that he had to seek treatment? I infected him with my fairy dust, was that--”

“Kurt, calm down,” Blaine says, grabbing for Kurt’s shoulders and holding him steady. “We need to keep quiet and do this fast--we can talk about it later, okay?”

Kurt bites his lip and nods, rage still flowing off of him in waves. Blaine strokes his cheek and returns to the computer.

--for which he intended to seek treatment. Mr. Karofsky was paid the sum of fifteen thousand U.S. dollars ($15,000.00), determined from reports of average cost of health care for a trauma patient. It is a negligible sum when compared to the possible profit that could be made from the sale of Mr. Hummel, who, upon abduction from his empty home, was found to be of superior quality. Estimates of his sale are unknown, as open bids are known to be widely variable, but I would guess that Mr. Hummel could fetch a five or six figure price in a bidding war should he be presented as is.”

Blaine reads over the rest of the report in silence, certain that Kurt will not want to relive his capture and transportation, as it is described. But he does smile a little bit when he reads about how Kurt almost scratched someone’s eyes out when they grabbed him and tried to inspect him, and about how he verbally abused everyone soundly throughout the process.

Blaine is so in love with this strong, wonderful man.

He turns and pulls Kurt into his arms again, running his hands up and down Kurt’s back as Kurt buries his face in Blaine’s neck, shaking and breathing heavily.

“Calm down with me,” Blaine whispers. “Breathe with me. Feel how I move, and move with me, okay?”

Kurt nods, and Blaine starts breathing slowly, inhaling and exhaling loudly to cue Kurt to join him. He does, following when Blaine starts leading him in a little rocking dance, back and forth and in a slow circle, clinging tight and breathing in time. When Kurt matches him for several minutes, Blaine starts to sing softly.

You make me
Feel like I’m living a
Teenage dream
The way you turn me on
I can’t sleep
Let’s run away and don’t ever look back
Don’t ever look back

“Let’s keep looking,” Kurt says, pulling up and looking into Blaine’s eyes when his voice trails off. “And you can sing me the rest after.”

Blaine smiles and nods, kissing Kurt’s forehead gently before leading him back to the computer.

“Let’s take a look at the emails, okay?” Blaine suggests. “I think we’ve found all we can about your sale, and it’s definitely enough to get Sebastian investigated.”

Kurt just nods, so Blaine pulls up the copies he made of the emails and immediately types in Kurt’s name into a search.

It pulls up dozens of mentions.

“Oh my god,” Kurt gasps for the second time. “That’s--that’s my dad!”

He immediately nudges Blaine out of the way and clicks on the screen, reading furiously.

“He’s asking about me!” Kurt breathes, eyes still flying across the screen as he scrolls through the messages. “He says he sent messages to all the major slave dealers in the country, but he hasn’t stopped messaging Sebastian because he owns that farm. It’s not even five miles from our house, so it’s the most likely--”

He pauses, reading on.

“Sebastian keeps telling him he doesn’t have me and directing the emails to Trent, but they keep popping up.”

Kurt covers his mouth with one hand and reads on, and Blaine gives him a moment of privacy, instead watching his face as he cycles through happiness and sadness and anger like he can’t decide what to settle on.

“He’s alive,” he sobs finally. “He woke up, and he’s alive, and he’s looking for me.”

He looks up, and Blaine smiles at him.

“That’s amazing, Kurt,” he says. “And you’ll get to see him soon--I promise we’ll find a way.”

“Blaine, he could help us,” Kurt says, his voice strained, as though fighting the urge to yell. “Is there any way to get a message to him?”

Blaine’s face falls, and he shakes his head.

“I don’t think there is,” he says honestly. “Our computers are all tracked once they’re on the network, and it’s too risky to send it from Sebastian’s computer. It’s one thing to take ten seconds to copy some files. It’ll take time to type out the message and send it, and then delete it from the computer, I don’t know if I’ll get that time--”

“Please, Blaine,” Kurt begs. “Just message and say that you’re a fellow slave, and that I’ll be home soon, but he shouldn’t act any differently or say that he got a message. Just say we’ll come soon. I’ll make sure Sebastian is occupied--I’ll even see if I can get him to send you to his computer himself. He did that when you ordered my training supplies, didn’t he?”

Blaine sighs.

“Yes, he did,” he admits. “It’s so dangerous, though, Kurt, it could risk everything--”

“I’ll write you a message right now,” Kurt says. “Just save it on the thumb drive and when you go to send the message just copy it over and send it. It’ll give you more time.”

Kurt immediately sits down and starts typing away at the basic word processor, words flying across the screen. In just over a minute, he’s done.

“There,” Kurt says. “Will that work?”

Blaine looks down at the message.

Dad, it says. I’m okay. I was sold to Sebastian Smythe, and I’m in his house. I’m doing fine and I’m working with another slave to escape right now. We have evidence against Sebastian here, but we’ll need anything you can think of to prove my identity so we can prove I’m not legally a slave when the time comes. Just get it together and get ready--as soon as we can, we’ll be leaving, and we’ll need your help. Wait for me to contact you before you do anything, though--don’t send anything in to the police until we’re ready, or everything will be ruined. Just trust me, and when you get a message or a phone call from me, go to the place you caught me doing Single Ladies with Tina. We’ll meet you there. Otherwise, act completely normal. I love you. K.

“Where did he catch you doing Single Ladies?” Blaine can’t help but ask, his lips twitching into a smile at the thought of Kurt dancing like that.

“Our basement,” Kurt explains. “But I thought that if anyone did read this after we left they’d be waiting for my dad to leave, and wouldn’t watch the house as much when he goes to the shop and things like that. When we get there, we can hide in the woods near the house and wait till he’s gone and sneak in. He’ll be smart enough to realize we’ll need to get past anyone watching us--he’ll help make it happen.”

It sounds sketchy to Blaine, but he doesn’t question it--he can figure out something better when the time comes. There’s no other way to debate it now.

“Okay,” he says instead. “Put it on the drive, label it something I’ll remember. I’ll hide it later and then...we’ll figure out a way to get me into the office long enough to send it. But we still have to come up with a way to get out in the first place--here’s my idea.”

By the time dinner comes, they’ve had a productive day. Blaine had outlined his plan; on the day of their escape, he’d sneak into Sebastian’s office, break into a few of Sebastian’s locked desk drawers. He’d need a car key and a gun, both of which he knew the location of. He’d get Kurt and lead them to the back door that had a path to the garage--and he’d do his best to talk his way past them, telling them that Sebastian wanted to find Kurt waiting for him in a back seat and Blaine was setting it up. If it didn’t work, he’d threaten them with the gun and have Kurt tie them up in the garden along the path to the garage. Then they’d just walk in, find their car, and drive out with the codes they’d discovered among the files. Sebastian kept his gas tanks full, and if that wasn’t enough to get them to Ohio they’d have to improvise and steal some, but Blaine figured they could face that if it came.

Once they’d settled on that, they’d hid the thumb drive once more and opened the folder Sebastian had left for Kurt on his computer, Kurt declaring that it might well help him keep Sebastian from getting bored. The ups and downs of the day, ending in a firm plan for their escape, put new life into Kurt in that moment, and he’d attacked his little homework assignment with vigor.

Blaine had been unable to resist kissing the blush that flooded Kurt’s cheeks when several videos and pictures entirely devoted to porn were revealed. He’d also been unable to resist the urge to suck Kurt off while he watched the videos, hard despite his embarrassment at watching the increasingly kinky acts depicted.

Blaine keeps in mind that Kurt came spectacularly during a video that involved several men at once. It would be something to discuss and possibly discover later.

But now, they walk down the hall toward the dining hall to meet up with Sebastian for whatever game he’s planned during dinner. He’d made a point of making sure Kurt was okay after the big day they’d had, but Kurt had borne up beautifully, assuring Blaine with a kiss to the forehead that he was only more determined to do his job well. Blaine had taken him at his word and let him get what he would only loosely call dressed before leading him out; the red ribbon is tied in a pretty bow around Kurt’s throat, and he’s wearing nothing else but a very tiny pair of red briefs with black trim. He looks delicious, and Blaine wants nothing more than to peel the briefs from him and bury his face in whatever’s revealed, teasing Kurt to desperation with every trick he’s ever learned, despite how recently he’d done something awfully similar. He just can’t get enough of Kurt--even when he is about to watch Kurt in the act of belonging to someone else.

The thought isn’t yet enough to calm him, so he’s grateful for the chance to sit down and hide his erection when they reach their destination. It wouldn’t do for Sebastian to see him like that. But thankfully, Sebastian only has eyes for Kurt when he finally strolls in.

Blaine can’t blame him in the least. Kurt is perched on the arm of the couch, one long, white leg crossed over the other, revealing the taut expanse of his thigh. He’s leaning back languidly, one arm along the back, the fingers of his other hand dancing in little patterns on his collarbone. He smiles shyly when he sees Sebastian watching him, his eyes dropping demurely, twinkling with just a bit of mischief. He’s the very epitome of youth and temptation, and Blaine has a hard time looking away himself, especially when he realizes that Kurt is enjoying having this power over everyone.

He’s found a way to control the situation. Blaine sits in awe of him; his beautiful, strong boy, taking the reins when by all expectation he should be the one straining against the bit. No--he doesn’t do that, not like the rest. He’s guiding the thumb that holds him down to lift him up instead.

Blaine’s heart swells and strains against his chest. He feels far too small for the level of feeling Kurt incites in him.

“I see you got my gift,” Sebastian says, leaning over Kurt and lifting his chin to lay a kiss just above the ribbon. “Did you like it?”

“Yes, thank you, Master,” Kurt says quietly, smiling.

“And you watched the videos?”

“I did, Master.”

“Good,” Sebastian says. He signals to a slave, who immediately brings in his meal and lays it out. “I’m looking forward to seeing you put it to use.”

“Master, if I may?”

Sebastian nods, and Kurt slips off his seat and starts unraveling the ribbon from his throat, a faint smirk on his face the whole time. He lays it aside for a moment and starts undressing Sebastian, pulling off his jacket and button-up and playfully slipping the tie around his own neck, the sleek fabric brushing gently against his bare chest. Then, he slowly brings the ribbon to Sebastian’s face, cautiously looking to see if Sebastian has any protests. When he simply grins and allows Kurt to tie it around him, he moves with more confidence, wrapping it around Sebastian’s head and making sure his eyes are completely covered.

“No peeking,” he says, turning and grinning at Blaine.

Can I? he mouths, pointing at the food spread on the table. Blaine nods, and as Kurt picks up a plate of fruit and seats himself next to Sebastian, he finds he wishes he’d shaken his head.

Kurt proceeds to tease Sebastian with the food, running it around his lips before letting him bite into it, or making Sebastian take it from between his own lips. He even runs some of it over Sebastian’s chest, teasing his nipples with morsels that are alternatingly cool and warm before biting into the food himself. He switches through the different foods available--succulent fruits, savory vegetables, slices of cheese, juicy cuts of meat that have Sebastian licking and sucking Kurt’s fingers into his mouth to clean them off. Finally, when Sebastian asks for dessert, Kurt scoops up some honey from a plate of baklava and drizzles it over Sebastian’s chest, watching for a moment as the bright liquid oozes over the dips in Sebastian’s muscles, clenching sporadically at the unexpected trickle of warmth. He squirms a little, already piqued from Kurt’s earlier teasing, and Blaine can’t help but admire the way Kurt plays him. He’s never seen Sebastian sit back and let another run the show like this before--it’s incredible to watch.

And then Kurt leans down to lick the honey from Sebastian’s skin, hands gripping at bare hips to keep them steady, and Blaine has never felt so torn. In equal turns, he wants to run away, join, and tear Kurt away and lick the honey from his lips, showing Sebastian just who he really belongs to. His body reacts as he would expect--Kurt is sex personified, smearing Sebastian with confections before licking them up, his tongue curling over muscles and skin. Blaine watches him, both jealous and helplessly aroused at the sinuous twisting of Kurt’s body as he slinks further down, finally tugging Sebastian’s pants down and drawing a single line of honey up the underside of his cock before sitting back, admiring his handiwork while he licks the remainder from his fingers.

“You little minx--” Sebastian gasps, rocking his hips up to seek friction.

“Patience, Master,” Kurt teases, and watches for a moment more before he turns and looks at Blaine.

Blaine smiles at him, hoping he looks encouraging and approving rather than the mess of confusion he really is. He must fail on some level--Kurt mouths, I’m sorry, and blows a little kiss at him. Blaine shakes his head and huffs out a laugh at how silly he’s being. Kurt’s just doing his job.

It’s okay, he mouths back, smiling and nodding. I love you.

Love you, too, is the silent reply, before he turns and leans down, his mouth hovering inches above Sebastian’s cock.

Both his arousal and his desperate wish to be in Sebastian’s place increase exponentially as Kurt sinks down, his mouth sucking the honey from Sebastian’s straining cock, tongue dancing wicked steps along the sticky length. His lips quickly shine red as he bobs, and Blaine is torn between watching them stretch and tense and watching Kurt’s eyes, which flicker back to him periodically with a wicked gleam. Blaine hips long to thrust up into Kurt’s mouth, and he hopes Sebastian is done with them for the night after this so that he can experience it firsthand, replacing the taste of honey and another man with his own.

He can’t mark Kurt permanently, of course. But he can find little ways to stake his claim, even as he feels like a neanderthal for being so possessive. It’s not so much that Kurt is with another man at all--no, if Kurt really wanted it, he’d find a way to be okay with it. It’s that Kurt is not his before anyone else. Emotionally, yes, but physically--Blaine still has to relinquish that privilege. And through that, some atavistic need arises in him to keep, to own. He just can’t help it--knowing that Kurt will be only his soon enough is driving its way into his brain, and he can’t let go of the longing for that day.

Still. Kurt looks like he could give Blaine a lesson in sucking dick now, and Blaine’s own cock rises at the sight of it, his jaw dropped and his eyes locked onto the show.

Sebastian falls apart quickly, hands threading into Kurt’s hair, his head thrown back, the ribbon shining as the light hits it. He gasps for air with every move Kurt makes, a flush creeping down his chest, and it’s not long before his hands scrabble at the ribbon, ripping it from his eyes to watch as he comes into Kurt’s mouth, shoulders hunching and stomach seizing with the strength of his orgasm.

Blaine watches closely as Kurt takes it, swallowing easily. And then the claw of jealousy is back, along with a bit of regret, because he wasn’t the one to teach that to Kurt--he’d completely forgotten to mention swallowing, and he’d never sucked Blaine off and finished it--they’d always moved onto other things. He must have picked it up with Sebastian, and Blaine envies Sebastian for being the one to take that first, to teach him that when Blaine should’ve been the one to do it.

Soon. Soon they won’t have to deal with it.

Kurt glances up at Sebastian after licking him and making sure the honey and come are cleaned off. His cheeks and lips are bright red, his eyes glazed a little, his cock hard and testing the seams of his briefs, outlined beautifully by the clingy fabric.

As soon as he sees Sebastian’s face, however, he looks back at Blaine, his eyes full of fear.

Blaine looks up.

Sebastian is staring right at him, his gaze calculating as he analyzes Blaine’s face. Blaine keeps his eyes low, deferential, his expression neutral as he lets Sebastian look him over. His heart races, too loud in his ears as he waits, knowing that yet again Sebastian has caught him.

He feels the phantom of a whip stroking his back, a nightmare that could soon be a reality, and his skin breaks out into goosebumps, shivering over his body in waves of cold and terror.

“Did you like what you saw?”

Blaine pauses, flicking his eyes up through his lashes at Sebastian. His master is smirking, his eyes dark and blown with lust. He knows the look--he’s seen it often enough. And it’s exactly what he needs to save him and Kurt both.

“What pleases you, pleases me, Master,” he says softly. “I can see you enjoyed your slave.”

Sebastian looks between them slowly, his smirk growing as he contemplates them. Finally, he grabs Kurt by tie, pulling him in for a hard kiss before spinning him around in his arms. Kurt goes without resistance, relaxing between Sebastian’s legs and showing off, playing along with admirable calm as Sebastian begins to stroke over his chest with his fingertips.

“Do you find him attractive?”

Blaine looks Kurt over, following Sebastian’s clear invitation. Kurt stares at him hard, searching, and Blaine tries to ease out the tension in his body, erase the signs of fear from himself so that Kurt can be reassured. He makes no effort to hide the way his eyes rake over Kurt’s body, following the paths that Sebastian draws with his hands, before he looks up again.

“You have impeccable taste, Master,” Blaine admits. “Your slaves are of the highest quality. He is very beautiful.”

“Mmm, he is,” Sebastian agrees. “As are you. I wonder how you’d look together.”

Blaine feels like he’s resisting a spell that would turn him to stone. Sebastian’s gaze is the gaze of a basilisk, seeking to destroy him, smiling sly and serpentine as he waits for Blaine to look into his eyes and so forfeit his life. But Blaine remains frozen, eyes low, waiting.

“Both of you are to come to my rooms tonight,” Sebastian commands. “As soon as possible. Go and prep yourselves, both of you...just in case.”

He rises, ignoring his discarded shirt and hitching up the pants from his thighs, leaving them loose around his hips as he ambles out. Blaine and Kurt look to each other, eyes locking. Kurt’s are wide and scared.

“Come on,” Blaine says, standing up and holding out his hand for Kurt to take. “Let’s go get ready.”

Kurt takes his hand and stands up, removing Sebastian’s tie from around his neck and throwing it down disgustedly, as though sick of feeling something of Sebastian’s against his skin. He crosses his arms and rubs his upper arms with his hands, shivering a little.

“Let’s go,” he says, taking the lead and walking out quickly, tense and jerky in his movements. Blaine follows, jogging to keep up with Kurt’s long strides.

When they reach the harem, Kurt strides right into his room. Blaine hurries behind him, waving off the boys on the couch, who stare as they go by. He follows Kurt in and closes the door behind them, immediately pulling Kurt into his arms.

Kurt hides in Blaine. There’s no other word for it. He presses his face into Blaine’s neck, bows his torso into Blaine’s, his arms still trapped between them, holding himself as Blaine tries to hold him together. His legs tremble against Blaine’s, feet nudging together as they stand close enough to fuse--in appearance if not in reality as, in that moment, they would wish.

“It’s going to be okay,” Blaine says, rubbing Kurt’s back with his hands to warm the cool skin. “We can do this--we’ll be together, we’ll--”

“We’ll be sharing what we have with him,” Kurt snaps. “He’s...he’s intruding, he’s--”

“He can’t touch us,” Blaine insists. “That’s what you said. He can’t touch what we have. You’re right, he can’t. Not if we don’t let him.”

Kurt lifts his head and Blaine catches his breath at the full force of his eyes. There shouldn’t be eyes like that in the world--they’re too stunning, and Blaine feels like Kurt is peeling back who he is and leaving his mark over every layer. He’s lost, so lost in love with this incredible person in his arms.

“We can enjoy this,” Blaine continues. “Sebastian is just a body--we can enjoy how that feels. He isn’t going to come between us, not really.”

“I won’t be able to say that I love you,” Kurt says. “I won’t be able to show it.”

“No,” Blaine admits. “We’ll have to pretend. We’ll have to pretend we’ve never been together, and we’ll have to pretend we mean nothing to each other. And that’ll be tough, but we’ll survive it.” He looks earnestly into Kurt’s eyes and smiles, showing Kurt everything he feels. “We’ll come right back here afterward and we’ll say everything we wanted to say. Everything we couldn’t say. Okay?”

Kurt nods, wiping his eyes.

“Now,” Blaine says, smirking a little. “We have to get ready. And I for one am looking forward to getting my hands into those briefs you’re wearing.”

Kurt’s eyes narrow a little, his lips parting just as Blaine leans in to claim them, tongue sweeping along their seam before drawing back and leading Kurt to the bed.

They prep each other eagerly, kissing, rutting together with arms wrapped around each other, stretching and thrusting fingers into tight heat until it loosens. By the time they’re done, they’re both panting and desperate, clutching at each other and losing rhythm.

“I’m so close,” Kurt grits out, and Blaine kisses him, trying to pull back.

“Come on,” Blaine says, reaching down a hand to wrap around both of them, stroking fast. “Come for me.”

Kurt tenses up and obeys, coming over Blaine’s fist and cock, and Blaine follows, mouth open against Kurt’s own.

“We have to clean up and get going,” Blaine says when they’ve caught their breath. He rolls away with a last kiss. “Come on.”

Sebastian gets right down to business as soon as they join him--Kurt in his red briefs, Blaine donning a black pair. Sebastian wears nothing.

“I want you two on the bed,” he instructs, standing to the side and watching as they obey, both reclining on either side, facing in, as though expecting Sebastian to take a place between them. But Sebastian shakes his head and pulls a chair from his table, settling it near the foot of the bed, just to one side.

“I want to watch,” he says, settling himself in, stroking his half-hard cock and roving his eyes over them. Blaine smiles down at him and then over at Kurt, waiting, expectant.

“Kiss him,” Sebastian says, nodding to Kurt. Blaine nods in return, shifting in closer and pressing Kurt onto his back before leaning in tentatively, kissing him with as much uncertainty as he can muster.

Kurt sighs into the kiss, and it deepens gradually. Their hands begin to roam, and it’s almost like they’re really discovering how the other feels for the first time. Blaine skin feels ridiculously sensitive, tingling with anticipation of where Kurt will touch next, wanting his hands everywhere at once.

He takes a moment to peek back at Sebastian. He’s still leaning back in the chair, idly palming his erection, eyes hungry on them. Blaine grins when he catches Sebastian’s eye, playfully winking before he swings his left leg over Kurt’s hips, straddling him and rolling his hips, dragging the bulge in the front of his briefs along Kurt’s own, right in Sebastian’s eyeline.

Kurt groans, bucking up in a stuttering motion, seeking more friction.

“Undress each other.”

They follow orders, Kurt tugging down Blaine’s underwear first, quick and dirty. But Blaine knows what Sebastian likes, and he pulls back.

“Turn over,” he whispers to Kurt, moving to the side so Kurt has room to roll onto his belly. As soon as he settles, Blaine straddles his thighs, kissing at his shoulders and the back of his neck, nipping lightly and staring back at Sebastian as much as possible to maintain focus.

Sebastian seems pleased by his actions, the corners of his mouth turning up as Blaine slides lower, peeling back the briefs like he’d wanted to earlier, mouthing at the sweet, pale flesh of Kurt’s cheeks inch by inch.

He quirks an eyebrow at his master, running his thumbs along the swell of Kurt’s ass, right along the edges of his crack. Sebastian nods, granting his allowance.

Blaine turns in and puts his attention entirely on Kurt. He spreads Kurt wide, breath coming short at the sight. Kurt’s hole is a dark pink, still slick and tender from their earlier ministrations. It clenches sporadically as Kurt’s hips wriggle in anticipation, his whines drifting down to Blaine’s ears.

He dives in full-force, laving his tongue flat over the sweet pucker several times before licking at it directly, swirling the tip in a spiral that ends with a stiff prod inside, just slipping past the stretched muscle. Kurt pushes back, babbling above him, and he pulls back just enough to leave kisses everywhere but where Kurt wants, his thumbs stroking at the edges as his palms squeeze lightly at the rounds of Kurt’s ass.

“Please, please--”

“Tell him what you want,” Sebastian orders, sounding breathless.

“Fuck me,” Kurt begs. “I want to be fucked, please--”

Blaine continues his teasing, licking lightly and leaving little sucking kisses over his hole, never pressing too hard or giving in to Kurt’s writhing attempts to take what he wants.

He feels the bed dip behind him, and suddenly, Sebastian’s leaning over him, his cock brushing against Blaine’s thigh. His breath is hot and quick in Blaine’s ear, and he pauses to listen.

“Do you want to fuck him?”

Blaine ruts against the bed automatically, trying to ease the pulsing need in his groin. Sebastian laughs lightly.

“You can,” he continues, his hands joining Blaine’s on Kurt’s ass, spreading his cheeks wide. Kurt whines and his legs part further, his need obvious. Blaine licks his lips, chasing the taste of Kurt as he stares at him, open and vulnerable and waiting. “You can fuck that tight, sweet little hole--”

“Please, now,” Kurt says, his voice thready. He arches his back, presenting himself, and Blaine has to stop himself from rubbing off against the bed while he watches it. “Someone--just fuck me--”

“Go ahead,” Sebastian encourages, slapping Blaine’s ass sharply. He leans over to the bedside table and pulls out a condom and the bottle of lube, tossing the condom before Blaine. Blaine rears up and scrambles to open it, sheathing himself as quickly as he can while Sebastian shoves three lubed fingers into Kurt, drawing a high wail from him before he pulls right back out. He teases down along Kurt’s balls, smirking as he says, “Turn over.”

Kurt flips over, eyes still closed, panting and quivering against the mattress. He reaches down and palms himself, smearing precome over the swollen red tip and biting his lip at the feeling. He’s beautiful and wanton and Blaine wants so badly to just ravish him, but Sebastian slides behind him and presses up against his back.

“Fuck him up against the headboard,” Sebastian says, loud enough for Kurt to hear as well. Kurt immediately pushes himself up the bed, shoving aside the pillows as he goes, finally sitting straight up against the headboard, his head tilted back, his legs parting to the sides in clear invitation. Blaine’s mouth waters at the display, and he moans as Sebastian’s hand sneaks around and slicks him with lube as he whispers right into Blaine’s ear.

“Go on,” he urges. “He was born to take cock, so make it good.”

Blaine crawls up the bed, eyes locked with Kurt’s. Kurt moves for him and he lifts Kurt onto his lap, gripping around his thighs and keeping them wide as he positions himself, his own knees wide to hold them steady.

“Are you okay?” he whispers, pausing to position Kurt’s legs around his hips.

“Yes,” Kurt replies. “Please, just...keep going.”

Blaine nods and lines himself up before pushing in, ignoring Sebastian’s suggestion to watch Kurt swallowing up his cock in favor of watching the fluttering of his eyelashes, the tremble of his lips, as he stretches and bears down. When he’s halfway in, Blaine releases himself and grabs Kurt’s hips, tugging him slowly but firmly until he’s seated entirely, ass pressed hard against Blaine’s thighs.

“C’mon,” Kurt says, nails digging into Blaine’s shoulders. “Fuck me, come on.”

Blaine leans back on one arm for leverage and does as Kurt says, thrusting up into Kurt hard. Kurt jolts, grunting with the impact, a quick yes falling from his lips as Blaine pulls back and does it again--slowly, but with a force that almost lifts Kurt from the bed.

Sebastian reaches around Blaine and pushes Kurt back, settling his shoulders against the headboard. Kurt reaches up and grasps the top of it, his arms tensing above his head. His entire body is on perfect display, bouncing with Blaine’s quickening movements, long and tight and hot beneath Blaine’s hand stroking over his stomach and chest, teasing him. Kurt is the sexiest Blaine’s ever seen like this, spread and willing and open, back arching and chest flushed down to his hardened nipples. And then Sebastian lifts Kurt’s legs up, settling his thighs against Blaine’s chest, his calves resting over Blaine’s shoulders, and Blaine grips Kurt’s hips, leans forward, and finds his angle, pounding hard and letting Kurt’s growing cries fill his ears.

Suddenly, Sebastian’s moving, leaving his place behind Blaine to shift between them, standing up and straddling over Kurt, blocking Blaine’s view of Kurt folded up and taking his cock. It’s probably for the best--he can barely remember the details of the past several minutes, his mind only able to recall the perfect feeling of Kurt around him, his face and the sounds he makes and the feeling of his skin. He’d ignored Sebastian completely.

He decides to make up for it, and hopefully blot out his mistake. He hears Sebastian gasping, his back and legs tensing.

“Yeah, suck my cock,” he says, and then Kurt’s hands slide around, cupping Sebastian’s ass.

Blaine reaches up and lays his hands over Kurt’s, squeezing them in reassurance before he guides them to pull Sebastian’s cheeks apart. He leans in, and gives Sebastian the same treatment he gave Kurt before, licking him firmly, albeit with less enthusiasm.

Sebastian bores quickly, though. Before long, he stops thrusting between the two mouths on his body and moves away completely, grabbing the lube and kneeling behind Blaine again. There’s a quiet moment, and then Blaine feels Sebastian positioning him. He goes with it, leaning down into the cradle of Kurt’s legs, spreading his legs and pausing the rocking of his hips. There’s a blunt pressure, and then Sebastian breaches him, pushing in roughly, plastering himself against Blaine’s back, biting at his shoulder.

“Mine,” he rasps, pulling back and thrusting in again, sending Blaine fully into Kurt again. He and Kurt both gasp at the feeling, but Sebastian continues gritting out words into his ear. “Mine, you’re mine.”

There’s so much skin. It’s hot and sweaty and wonderful, two bodies struggling along his own, breath and moans and slapping skin filling the air with sound. Blaine fills and is filled, clutched at by two sets of hands, legs and arms wrapping around him and squeezing him. Sebastian periodically raises a hand and brings it down hard on his ass, and Kurt’s nails bite into his biceps. By all accounts, he should be overwhelmed by the sensations.

But he’s not. It’s only background noise. The only thing that feels real is the way Kurt looks at him, the way Kurt feel beneath his hands, the way Kurt clenches around him when he pulls back, the truly dirty sight of Kurt’s cock bouncing up against his own stomach in time with the snapping of Blaine’s hips. His own body feels distant, Sebastian’s even further away, and only where he touches Kurt does he feel like he’s truly here.

So he touches everything he can, finally reaching down with one hand and grabbing Kurt’s cock, circling it tightly and stroking hard. Kurt cries out and scrabbles at the sheets.

“Fuck, you’re gonna make me come,” he declares, laying back and letting it happen, and Blaine stares into his eyes as Kurt clenches around him, hot ropes of come shooting up his stomach, the sensation stirring the fire in Blaine himself, and it hits him how close he is.

“Me too,” he gasps, and Sebastian’s arms wind around him and pull him back, out of Kurt and up onto Sebastian’s lap, legs spread and back bowed as Sebastian slams up into him, biting onto his shoulder again hard. Kurt sits up and grabs Blaine’s cock at the base, pulling off the condom and flinging it aside before sinking down over him, sucking hard. Blaine shouts in surprise and comes hard, Kurt’s throat closing around him as he spills.

A few thrusts more, and Sebastian stills, hands pressing into Blaine with bruising strength, leaving a deep ache where his fingers clench around Blaine’s ribs. He comes without a sound, and before Blaine’s even aware of it, he’s out, leaving Blaine filled with his come.

“You’re both dismissed,” Sebastian says, patting Blaine’s sore rear sharply enough to sting, falling down onto the bed, shoving a pillow beneath his head. He waves them off, closing his eyes and smiling faintly. “I’ll have Kurt by himself in the morning.”

With a quick glance at each other, they rise, picking up their underwear and dressing before slipping away, closing the door behind them.

As soon as they return to the harem, with only a quick stop to inform a house slave that Sebastian’s room needs to be cleaned, they head to the bathhouse. They shower themselves off before slipping into the warm water, their hands joining beneath the water as they wait to see if anyone else will join them.

“Was that a little weird?” Kurt asks. His eyes rove over Blaine’s body, taking in the array of marks decorating his skin. He reaches out tentatively, brushing over them as lightly as he can, grimacing.

Blaine sighs and runs a hand through his curls, letting Kurt study him.

“It was,” he says. “I’m not sure what Sebastian was thinking at all, but...I’m guessing he got jealous at the end.”

He shifts, wincing as he feels Kurt check the abuse Sebastian left over his body--teeth marks on his shoulder, bruises on his ribs, red stinging handprints on his ass, and a deep ache from his cock.

“I think he was angry that I was fucking you.”

“He’s the one that ordered it!” Kurt protests, indignant.

Blaine shrugs.

“Doesn’t mean he didn’t get jealous when he saw you enjoying yourself so much,” Blaine replies. “We’ll just have to be careful not to seem too close for a while, I think. At least around him.”

Kurt sighs deeply.

“Okay,” he says. “Not like we’re around him together much anyway. We can still be together here.”

He presses into Blaine’s waiting arms, his eyes carefully keeping the door to the harem in sight as they relax together, holding each other close for just this moment.

“I want to go to bed,” Kurt says. “I want you to really hold me.”

“Okay,” Blaine agrees. “Let’s go, then.”

Jesse knocks as loudly as he can, half-convinced Sebastian will be asleep already. But he’s lucky--at the call to enter, Sebastian is obviously fully awake, lounging on his bed easily, clearly amidst the wreckage of a fuck.

“Do you have it?” he asks. Jesse nods, stepping forward and handing Sebastian two thumb drives.

“He was hiding his in the space behind his electrical socket,” Jesse says. “And I got the recordings off of the boy’s laptop. I think it has everything you’ll need.”

Sebastian looks at the drives and nods carefully.

“Good work,” he says. “I’ll discuss rewards for you and Hunter another day. You’ve done well. I’ll take it from here.”


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OOOHHHH NO. Why so easy for Jesse? I'm so bummed out.

aHHH the conflicting feels because the smut was so hot with Blaine watching Kurt give a blow job and the threesome even though Blaine had to face Sebastian's possessiveness. and I was SO PROUD of their plan to escape...and between Burt and Karofsky you had me on the edge of my seat. And then the ending completely slapped me in the face it was perfect. I'm terrified to see what will happen next!

...shit. Super hot though :) I wonder what Sebastian is going to do to kurt and Blaine :D

I just... I am ot een going to be able to leave a conherient comment right now... I don't. Gah. I'll be in my bunk.

I am just waiting for Burt and maybe even Puck to come storming in to rescue Kurt LOL

kjdsnhfbclksncl d WHAISGOINGON I can't handle good plot, stop it ahah


Omg I kinda thought Sebastian was gonna want them at the same time then I was kind of suspicious as to why Sebastian wanted them both at the same time and all that (and I have to say it was kinda hot) anyway, I had a feeling them asses had got to Sebastian and told them about Kurt and Blaine but I didn't want it to be true. Ugh they took all that information and Blaine doesn't even know yet :/ I'm kinda scared to keep reading and of what Sebastian is gonna do to them. Sebastian isn't favoring Kurt or mad/jealous that Blaine was fucking Kurt, I think Blaine is still Sebastian's favorite and he wants nobody touching Blaine still.