Tasting Flight
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Jan. 24, 2013, 2:40 a.m.

Tasting Flight

Tasting Flight: Chapter 8

E - Words: 4,919 - Last Updated: Jan 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 24, 2013
2,940 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes: Please keep the warning list in mind.This chapter also contains mentions of past romantic Blaine/Jeremiah.

Blaine falls back on the pillows, panting for breath, sweat cooling over his body. Kurt holds himself up for another moment before he releases Blaine’s legs and lets them settle to the side. He leans down into Blaine’s arms and kisses him sloppily before rolling to the side, tangling their legs together.

“So that’s why Sebastian kept you,” Kurt says dryly, drawing his fingers idly through the come Blaine had spilled onto his own stomach halfway through being thoroughly fucked by an enthusiastic, curious Kurt. All it had taken was the shy proposal that Kurt learn what it’s like from the top to better his technique, and Blaine had crumbled.

Blaine had woken and hastily pieced together a resolve to end things where they had begun, scared of the consequences, but it had lasted all of ten seconds, especially when Kurt had approached him so hesitantly, as though afraid that Blaine hadn’t already imagined Kurt filling him up a hundred times. And then, in the privacy of Blaine’s room, Kurt had kissed him, and Blaine couldn’t turn back.

It was one thing to think that in the heat of the moment, the night before, but he is still feeling it the next day, with a little distance and time and worry between himself and the intensity of being so intimate with Kurt. His heart still swells, his face still breaks into a grin in response to Kurt’s own, and he still aches to hold Kurt every day for the rest of his life.

Frankly, he’s in love. It’s terrifying, and difficult to come to terms with, but Kurt’s bravery in telling him his own feelings last night had tipped the scales. Blaine knows his own heart, no matter how hard he tries to deny it, no matter what he’d thought he could hold back. Kurt is absolutely everything he wants. Their time together is limited to the whims of a capricious master, both in the short term and the long term. Even if they could have all the time in the world together here, there’s no telling when one of them will be sold. But Blaine wants this, wants it so badly it hurts. His heart decided without his consent--after consummating the feelings, after letting himself open up, it’s impossible to deny. He dove headlong into this torrent, and now all he can do is try to stay afloat.

It’s how he ended up in bed with Kurt for the second night in a row, and hopefully only the second of many. The other boys had long since gone to bed, and it had been simple enough to sneak into Kurt’s room, even with the slick emptiness left after he’d stretched himself out to pass the time. He’d let Kurt throw him down and fuck him hard, his hips quickly picking up the patterns that Blaine liked best.

And now Blaine lies in his afterglow, allowing Kurt to play with the come on his stomach until he grimaces, pulling out his own wipes and cleaning them off half-heartedly, all the while cherishing the deep, sweet ache that sings through his body, tuned to the way that Kurt had folded him up and pushed him into the mattress with every rocking thrust of his truly stunning cock.

“Are you implying that my ass is my only merit?” Blaine asks, smirking over at Kurt and delighting in the fact that Kurt is someone who could actually discuss that merit if he wanted.

“Well...not your only merit.”

Blaine chuckles and kisses Kurt’s neck, nibbling playfully on one of the tendons when Kurt throws his head back.

“Ow, hey,” Kurt protests, smacking Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine laughs again, kissing the spot in apology before moving to Kurt’s mouth, sliding his tongue along Kurt’s soft, soft lips.

“Do you have to go?” Kurt asks after a moment, his hands still wandering over Blaine’s body like he’s getting all he can while he can.

“Not yet,” Blaine says, turning on his side and holding Kurt close, rubbing their noses together. “We have to talk first.”

“Okay,” Kurt says, worry filling his tone. “What about?”

Blaine takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, ashamed of what he has to say, and upset at having to end their idyllic moment.

“I don’t think I can hold Sebastian back for much longer,” he admits. “He’ll want you soon, and...I’m doing my best to stall him, but I need to be honest. It won’t last forever, and I--”


“No, I...I need you to hear me,” Blaine says. “You...you’re special, Kurt. You’re different than the others. Sebastian was very clear that I wasn’t to touch you, and...I know what that means.”

“What does it mean?” Kurt asks quietly, brushing at the curls sticking to Blaine’s forehead with the tips of his fingers.

“For the most part, slaves are free to do what we want--you know Nick and Jeff are together. Sebastian knows it too, and he doesn’t care. Hell, he even has them together sometimes. But once in awhile, he has a favorite. And he’s...possessive. He doesn’t like when the favorite is touched, and the consequences are severe. I’m...I’m certain that you’re going to be a favorite.”

Kurt leans up onto his elbow and looks down at Blaine suspiciously, a sweaty strand of hair falling into his face. Blaine reaches up and brushes it back.

“How do you know what the consequences are?”

Kurt’s far too smart for his own good, Blaine decides. He sighs deeply.

Kurt deserves to know. He should understand what they’re risking.

“I was Sebastian’s favorite,” Blaine says. “I was his favorite for a long time. And...I was his favorite when I was with Jeremiah.”

Kurt’s eyes go wide, but he remains quiet, staring down at Blaine as he continues, hands clutching at Kurt and sliding over his fine-grained skin to keep himself calm, to keep himself here.

“We were careless. We didn’t know what Sebastian would do. And we were caught. One day, Sebastian had me sitting with him at dinner, and he brought Jeremiah in.”

“So pretty,” Sebastian murmured, and Blaine waited, peering up at Sebastian curiously. Sebastian just looked down at him, stroking his face and neck and hair, twirling the curls in his fingers.

“Who would know that beneath that pretty face is a traitor.”

It took Blaine a minute to fully understand what Sebastian had said, because his voice had been as fond and mild as ever, a soft smile still on his face.


There was the sound of struggle. Blaine whipped his head around to see, and watched for only a moment as three guards dragged Jeremiah in, fighting their grasp. He immediately turned back to Sebastian and looked up at him through his lashes, doing his best to look appealing and innocent. Sebastian just continued to smile down at him placidly.

“He...Sebastian, he asked me if I loved him, and if he was the only one I loved.”

“And...” Kurt prompts, when Blaine trails off.

Blaine turns his head away in shame.

“I said yes.”

“Do you love me, Blaine?”

Blaine could hear Jeremiah’s labored breathing. And he could almost catch him out of the corner of his eye, if he strained. But he didn’t want to try--he had to do his best to please Sebastian and get them out of this with their lives, if not the skin on their backs.

“Yes, Master.”

Sebastian waited a moment, drawing out the tension. Then he asked,

“Do you love anyone else?”

It might hurt, but there was no other way--they were caught. He took a deep breath.

“No, Master.”

With Kurt out of sight and his gaze on the blank stretch of Kurt’s desk beside the bed, Blaine feels like he has nothing to focus on.

“Then he made me blow him while Jeremiah was whipped.”

“He’s bad for you, Blaine,” Sebastian continued. “And he’ll be whipped and sold for his transgressions. For touching you, and for leading you on to believe that he loved you.”

Blaine began to tremble. He knew his punishment was coming.

“In the meantime, I want you to show me that you are mine,” Sebastian said, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his cock, already fully erect. “Give me that sweet little mouth, beautiful. Show me you love me.”

Blaine did his best to smile up at Sebastian as he leant forward and opened his mouth, taking Sebastian’s cock in and sucking enthusiastically.

“Good boy,” Sebastian breathed. There was a movement above Blaine’s head, and then he heard a faint whistle followed by a scream.

“Oh, Blaine--”

“It didn’t end there,” Blaine says, his eyes clouding as he falls into the memories that he spends most of his time trying to deny.

Every cry ripped through him, flying to the guilt roiling in his gut unerringly. It was his fault Sebastian was doing this, he’d been the one to approach Jeremiah, he’d been the one to assure that Sebastian wouldn’t take things this far, he’d been the one that couldn’t keep his mouth shut during a fucking blow job...

Sebastian only seemed to get enjoyment from the spectacle, though. Every time the whip fell, he sighed in satisfaction, petting Blaine’s head encouragingly and thrusting up eagerly until finally, ten lashes later, he came, spurting into Blaine’s throat as he held Blaine’s head all the way down, grinding up through his release.

Blaine swallowed, panting when Sebastian pulled back.

“Good boy,” he said. Blaine looked up at him, catching him waving away the guards and Jeremiah behind him. “Now. We’re going to go to my rooms. And you’re going to stay there with me until we can get that boy out of your memory, all right?”

Blaine nodded. There was nothing else he could do.

“Sebastian took me to his room. And I didn’t leave for three days.”

“What happened? What did he do to you?” Kurt’s voice is barely a breath on his cheek.

“He...used me. Claimed me. Three days of...pretty much what you saw the other day. Bite marks and bruises. He had to bring in a doctor to see me afterward--and paid him off to keep quiet, too, I’m sure. I couldn’t move. He’d kept me handcuffed, so my shoulders were strained, and I had some deep bruising that needed attention. And...I was pretty torn up. One mercy was that he couldn’t touch me for weeks after while I healed. But I stayed in my bed, and I had nothing to do in there but think of what he’d done, and everything he’d said to me.”

“This boy is a bad influence,” Sebastian whispered, tendrils of doubt winding slick and sibilant into Blaine’s heart. “He breaks my rules and he toys with you. He doesn’t love you, Blaine. He knows he wasn’t supposed to touch you, and he did anyway. He liked the thrill. You know he’s been caught with others before you.”

“What did he say?”

“You’re mine, Blaine.” Sebastian’s words were accompanied by a symphony--the high strains of a bed frame creaking, the percussion of the headboard rhythmically pounding the wall, his own cries of pain and Sebastian’s intermittent grunts adding arpeggios and staccato harmonies to the swell of sliding skin. It’s a composition that Blaine never wants to hear again. “Mine alone. You can’t have anyone but me.”

“Just that I was his. That no one else would ever touch me...because he was the only love I’d ever have.”

There is wetness on his cheeks, and the sensation brings him back to himself. He’s crying, and Kurt is wiping away the tears from his cheeks, disregarding his own.

“It’s not true,” Kurt says, kissing his cheeks and the corners of his eyes, hands cupping his jaw so carefully. “It’s not true, Blaine. I love you. You’ll always have my love, and he can’t take that away--”

“He can, Kurt,” Blaine interrupts, his voice high and panicked. “That’s exactly what I’m trying to tell you. He can take it all away in a flash. If he finds out about us, I’m afraid he’ll do to you what he did to me, and I can’t...I can’t let him hurt you like that.”

“You’re the one who told me that I get to choose who I let in,” Kurt insists, holding Blaine’s face firm and forcing him to look into his eyes. “You said he couldn’t touch me if I didn’t let him. Well, I won’t. He can’t touch us. Or what we have.”

Blaine shivers and leans his forehead up against Kurt’s, pulling Kurt closer.

“What did I do to deserve you?” Blaine asks. “I wasn’t even looking for you.”

“I must have been looking for you,” Kurt says simply. “If you’re in, I’m in. I want this. I don’t care about Sebastian. We can keep quiet, we can be together. It’s worth it to me.”

“You know what could happen--”

“Is it worth it to you?”

“Not your pain,” Blaine says. “I would rather give you up than let you be hurt--”

“That’s my decision.” Kurt looks down at him seriously. “I’m willing to risk it. I won’t ask you to risk yourself, though.”

There’s no way this can end well, Blaine thinks. As long as they’re with Sebastian--


“Kurt,” Blaine says, freezing as his head fills with thoughts that had, until now, been hidden, half-formed in the back of his mind. “I think...there might be a way.”

Kurt blinks down at him, scoffing impatiently when Blaine doesn’t elaborate.

“Are you going to tell me--”

“From what you said, there’s no way your father or someone with legal power over you could have sold you. Am I right?”

“Yes,” Kurt says. “Dad was in the hospital, he couldn’t have sold me--”

“And he wasn’t in debt to anyone? No other family members were around?”

“No,” Kurt says. “Blaine, what’s this about--”

“Kurt, I’ve been with Sebastian a long time,” Blaine explains. “I’ve seen him do things that a lot of people would be very interested to know about. Like kidnapping slaves who had no legal right to be sold.”

Kurt stares.

“If I’m right, you are legally not a slave.”

“This whole time?” Kurt asks, his voice deadly quiet. “I’ve...I’ve been here illegally this whole time?”

“There was nothing we could do about it before,” Blaine says. “But if...if you can keep Sebastian happy and distracted...I might be able to sneak into his office and get his files. I might be able to get him shut down.”

“Why haven’t you done it before?” Kurt asks.

“Kurt, I’m a slave,” Blaine says. “I don’t have any legal rights. I was born a slave, and I’ll die a slave--you know that’s how the farms work. Up til now, Sebastian’s been my only option. But you--you do have rights. And if I’m right, they’ve been violated. You could be the proof needed to take Sebastian down.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kurt asks, Blaine’s heart breaking at the sadness in his eyes.

“I didn’t want to get your hopes up over nothing,” Blaine replies. “It was hard enough on you to adjust, if you were holding out hope for something that might never happen...it would just hurt you more if the moment never came. Please...forgive me; I only did it to protect you.”

Kurt considers for a moment, studying Blaine’s face, and nods. Blaine whispers a quick thank you and kisses Kurt softly before pulling back, looking up at Kurt seriously.

“If we can do it,” Blaine says, “will you run with me? If Sebastian’s arrested, I’ll just get sold again. If...if I want to be free, if I’m to stay with you...I can’t just stick around. If I ran, would you come with me?”

Kurt’s lip trembles and he nods before throwing himself down into Blaine’s arms, clinging tight and burying his face in Blaine’s chest. Blaine surrounds him, holding him tight and kissing his hair.

“Of course I will,” he whispers. “I’ll do whatever you need.”

They lie in silence, holding each other close for long minutes before Kurt looks up, breathing Blaine in.

“We’ll need time, yes?”

Blaine smiles sadly.


Kurt nods.

“Okay,” he says evenly. “Then we should start as soon as we can. I’m ready to go to Sebastian, and I want you to tell him that tomorrow.”

“Are you sure--”

“I’m not going to let him hurt you anymore, Blaine,” Kurt cuts in. “And if Sebastian’s busy with me, he’ll leave you free to do what you need to do. It’s okay. I’m ready.”

Blaine cranes his neck down to kiss Kurt, his chest tightening with the need to tell Kurt how he feels. But he just smiles when he pulls back.

“Then I think we should get in as much practice as possible in the meantime,” he suggests teasingly, hands drifting low down Kurt’s back. Kurt rises up over Blaine and grabs his hips, guiding Blaine’s legs around his waist before suddenly flipping them, landing on his back with Blaine straddling him.

“I think you need practice,” Kurt counters, reaching to the side for the lube, the fingers of the other hand tracing the swollen, still-damp skin around Blaine’s rim. “I think you’re losing your touch, old man.”

Blaine laughs and takes the lube from Kurt’s hand.

“Let’s see who wears out first, then.”

Jesse hits the stop button on his voice recorder, smiling faintly down at the little digital display that shows the length of the last recording--it’s quite long.

Sebastian’s going to be very glad he got such a high quality device. Up til now, it’s only been used to record Jesse’s singing, but thankfully it’s been strong enough to pick up most of the muffled conversation happening on the other side of his wall. It’s not perfect--it’s hard to tell the difference between the voices, and it’s a thick wall, but it doesn’t really matter. He caught the words, and plenty of compromising noises. It’ll have to be enough.

“And what are you going to do with that?”

Jesse jumps and spins around. Hunter is leaning in his doorway, arms crossed and eyebrow cocked.

“I’ll have to sandpaper my hinges,” Jesse says wryly.

“Fat chance,” Hunter replies. “You’d never get away with sneaking out to visit your little whores in the kitchens. On that note, I was under the impression that you were straight.”

“Straight is relative,” Jesse says with a brief shrug. “I’ve spent the last five years of my life taking it up the ass; it’s nice to be on the other end of it sometimes. Besides, one of them is a woman. What are you doing in my room?”

“You and I have similar goals.” Hunter shuts the door behind himself and ambles over to Jesse’s desk, seating himself in the chair there like he owns it. “I’m guessing it’s the new kid you’re interested in ousting?”

“That’s right,” Jesse says. “But Blaine can go, too, for all I care.”

“Good,” Hunter shoots back. “Because that’s what I want.”

Jesse raises an eyebrow.

“You want to take his place.”

“It’s the best gig there is,” Hunter agrees. “My time’s up here, and I refuse to be sold to a middle class pervert or sent to a farm to fuck some half-rate bitch for the rest of my life. And I’m guessing you know that if those two are removed, your chances of staying past your time is improved as well.”

“Of course. So what do you want, then?”

“I want in,” Hunter says. “We’ll both bring this to Sebastian, and we’ll both reap the rewards.”

“And why should I help you?” Jesse asks. “I could take Blaine’s job myself.”

“You don’t want Blaine’s job,” Hunter says. “You want to be sold to Cassie July. She’s the only one who can get a slave on Broadway. She did it with her little man candy before he knocked up that kitchen slave. She’s looking for his replacement. You want the spot.”

“You know how to eavesdrop,” Jesse says.

“No, I know how to make people talk. I don’t have to stoop to listening at doors, or behind walls.”

“Sugar,” Jesse guesses. “At the banquet. You were with her the whole night. She blabbed?”

“She funds Cassie’s enterprises. And she’s a big fan of mine.”

Jesse glares, above a pleasant half-smile.

“Just using my talents to please,” Hunter continues. “I bet if we please Sebastian by making sure he knows of this, he’ll do us both a favor. But what you’ve got there won’t do it.”

“I have them on tape--”

“You have two muffled voices and a bunch of jumbled crap. All Blaine has to do is suggest that you’re trying to take his spot by paying off Nick and Jeff to impersonate them and everyone is out of his way. You know Sebastian eats up everything he shits out.”

“Okay then,” Jesse admits begrudgingly, “it’s not enough. What do you suggest?”

“I suggest we bring Sebastian in on it,” Hunter says. “Tell him we want to get more evidence. He’s paranoid enough to accept that, and he’ll be intrigued by the suggestion. We get him to hold off on confronting Blaine long enough to get more, and we’re golden.”

“Fine,” Jesse says. “We’ll do it your way. We’ll wait until one of us is summoned for the night, and the other can sneak out and be on hand while Blaine is busy with his precious little twink. Agreed?”


The next morning, Blaine straightens Sebastian’s clothing and gathers his courage.

“I have good news for you, Master,” he says, plastering a smile on his face.

Sebastian turns and looks at him questioningly.

“Kurt is prepared to serve you,” he says. “I’ve completed the training, and I believe he is ready.”

Sebastian grins and pulls Blaine in, kissing him fiercely, his hands roaming over Blaine’s body hungrily.

“Good work, beautiful,” he says, squeezing Blaine’s ass in his hands. “You’re such a good boy. I’ll have to think of a proper reward for you.”

Blaine feels sick at the idea of getting something for preparing Kurt for this. It feels like he’s selling Kurt somehow, and he feels dirty.

“Serving you is reward enough, Master,” he says, bowing his head.

Sebastian doesn’t look like he believes Blaine, but he lets it slide, kissing Blaine again through a cheshire grin.

“Don’t send anyone to me at lunch,” Sebastian says. “I think I’ll save all of it for tonight.”

And that’s it. Sebastian turns and walks out, leaving Blaine behind.

Blaine walks back from Sebastian’s dinner as slowly as possible, Sebastian’s words ringing in his head.

“Bring him to me as soon as he’s ready,” he’d said. “I don’t want to wait any longer.”

Kurt’s in the common room when he finally reaches the harem, laughing and joking on the couch with Jeff.

He looks perfect. Happy, carefree, beautiful. Will Sebastian change him? Will he be different?
Blaine watches him for several long moments, cherishing this last moment before Sebastian finally sinks his claws into Kurt. It might be the last time Kurt is...this. Innocent, sweet Kurt. His virginity wasn’t what was important all along--it’s this.

Blaine hopes Sebastian can’t take it away.

“Let’s get some dinner,” he says, when Kurt looks up and grins at him.

They do. They eat slowly, sides pressed together as they stand at the counter, nibbling on food neither of them want--it’s a bid for time, and for strength. That’s it. At least, that’s it for Blaine. Kurt follows his lead until the food is gone.

“Don’t stall anymore, Blaine,” he says, when they walk back to the harem together, hands brushing between them. “Please...I want to get it over with.”

Blaine nods, smiling at Kurt as encouragingly as possible as his heart sinks.

“Let’s go to my room,” he suggests, and Kurt nods, following him in.

He preps Kurt slowly, gently, intimately. He lays beside him on the bed, kissing his face and neck and shoulders as he opens him with sedulous care, whispering endearments and assurances into his skin until he’s got four fingers sliding in and out easily.

“I’m good,” Kurt says, kissing Blaine lovingly as he pulls Blaine’s wrist away from himself. He pulls on some briefs and takes Blaine’s hand, leading him out. “Let’s go.”

Blaine steps ahead and pulls Kurt along, giving the appearance of support and guidance so that he can hold onto his hand a little longer. He passes by Nick and Jeff on their way out, ignoring their sympathetic smiles and what they mean.

“Sebastian’s bigger than I am,” Blaine whispers as they walk down the hall. “But you should be able to take it fine. Just do whatever he wants and it’ll be easy enough--”

“Will you wait for me?” Kurt asks, and as they stop in front of Sebastian’s door his bravado falls away, revealing a scared sixteen year old again. Blaine cups Kurt’s face in his hands and strokes his cheeks.

“I’ll be out here the whole time,” Blaine promises. He looks around quickly, ensuring that they are alone, and kisses Kurt hard, throwing caution to the wind to give this to Kurt. “I won’t leave you.”

Kurt nods and embraces Blaine, holding him tight as a vice for a long moment before pulling back and giving Blaine a final peck.

“I love you,” Kurt whispers, leaning his forehead against Blaine’s for a moment before turning away, letting himself into Sebastian’s room without a backward glance.

Blaine sits down beside the door, and waits.

It’s a long time after the first greeting between Sebastian and Kurt before Blaine hears anything.

His imagination swims with what could be happening--he hopes Sebastian is being kind to Kurt, letting him enjoy it, taking it easy. He hopes Sebastian kisses him and strokes him and builds him up, so that it’s as close to what he had with Blaine as possible, and not so scary.

Then a moan pierces the silence.

It’s low, and long, and it belongs to Sebastian. Blaine shuts his eyes and clenches them tight. It’s not long before his ears pick up sounds from Kurt, as well--little cries and gasps, higher than the grunts falling from Sebastian. Blaine sends a thank you to whatever higher power might exist--Kurt isn’t crying, or screaming, or begging.

It still hurts, a little jealous pain, when Kurt wails, followed shortly by a hoarse shout from Sebastian, and then silence. Blaine waits, and waits, expecting the door to open and Kurt to come out.

He doesn’t. He doesn’t hear footsteps, or the creaking of a hinge. Instead, he hears everything start all over, whispers and groans growing until they become cries, shattering the emptiness of the hall.

The third time it happens, Blaine hears the bed hitting the wall, and he’s not sure if it’s his imagination filling in the blanks, but he thinks he can hear Sebastian’s hips slapping against Kurt’s skin. He thinks he can hear the slide of their bodies together, the slick noise that Sebastian’s cock is making as it slides in and out of Kurt again and again and again--

Kurt screams this time. It takes a very long time to get there, filled with whimpers and pleas from Kurt for more, and harder, and Blaine’s heart curls up in his chest, mimicking the way he hugs his legs to his chest and buries his eyes against his knees, hiding the tears that fall as he wishes that it were him, making Kurt feel that way. He knows very well that it’s okay for Kurt to take pleasure in what he’s forced to do, and Blaine could never hold it against him. He’s glad that Kurt isn’t hurt--that’s what this has all been about.

But he wants more than anything to live a life where he and Kurt belong to each other and each other alone.

Finally, the sounds in the room fall completely silent, and stay that way for several long minutes. And then he hears what he’s been waiting for.

The door opens.

He springs to his feet, pushing away the dizziness at standing too quickly as he rushes over and shuts the door behind Kurt before checking him over, his hands finding Kurt’s upper arms, soothing and light.


Kurt looks exhausted. He’s hugging himself and his knees are trembling, his eyes drooping. Blaine notices the shine of come on his stomach, and little bruises along his hips, but he appears uninjured, and he even smiles weakly at Blaine.

“I’m okay,” Kurt says. His voice is thin and ragged, and Blaine tries not to remember the final cry of pleasure that still rings in his ears. “It’s okay, Blaine.”

He takes a step and stumbles a little, his whole body trembling. Blaine immediately pulls Kurt’s arm around his neck and bends, picking Kurt up with his arms around his knees and shoulders.

Kurt doesn’t protest as Blaine carries him back. Kurt is heavy, but he bears up under the weight, trying not to break down when Kurt buries his face in Blaine’s neck, nuzzling there and mumbling sleepily.

“Love you.”

Blaine brings him into his room--the bed is bigger, and softer, and he wants to hold Kurt all night, the consequences be damned. He lays Kurt down and cleans him off carefully, stripping him down and wiping away all evidence that he can that Kurt was with someone else tonight before slipping into bed with him, holding him close beneath the covers.

“Are you mad at me?” Kurt whispers, settling into Blaine’s arms.

“God, no, Kurt,” Blaine says immediately, kissing Kurt’s temple. “I’m not mad at you, of course not.”

“I enjoyed it--”

“That’s okay,” Blaine insists. “I told you, we all do. It makes things so much easier. It’s okay to enjoy sex, no matter who it’s with.”

“It wasn’t you.”

That stings.

“No,” Blaine says. “It wasn’t.”

“I wish I didn’t have to,” Kurt murmurs. “I wish...I belonged to you. Only you.”

“Soon,” Blaine vows. “We’ll find a way to escape. We’ll belong to each other.”

“Yes,” Kurt agrees. “Soon.”

Blaine squeezes Kurt tight. One day, they’ll be together for real. Until that moment, he’ll take everything Kurt will give him--and he’ll give everything of himself in return.

He leans down and kisses Kurt, grateful that he’s still whole, and still warm, and still perfect.

“I love you,” he says, finally letting the emotions he’d been holding back flow through him. He shakes, and his eyes tear, but he smiles, kissing Kurt again. “I love you, I love you so much.”

Kurt just beams at him, like it’s the simplest thing in the world.

“I love you, too.”


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I told myself that I wasn't going to read this until I got back from work this evening... ha ha. I have no self restraint. Another great chapter. Kurt and Blaine are so sweettogether and Jesse and Hunter are dispicable!

The anxiety of Jesse and Hunter is kiling me.

Kurt and Sebastian ... Hot :)

asdlkjfaldsk jads;Fluff! Twisted Sebastian and Blangst! Freedom maybe? Happiness maybe? Evil plotting! More angst! Thats fine I don't need my heart whatever. Fluff! Who gave you the right? This is brilliant. Love it!!!


Aww I hate that Kurt or Blaine or any of them enjoy it with Sebastian. I am so glad Blaine said he loves Kurt too. I hate Jesse and Hunter and new those assholes were gonna oull some shit like this. I am glad Kurt said he would run with Blaine and I hope it happens soon.