Tasting Flight
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Jan. 24, 2013, 2:40 a.m.

Tasting Flight

Tasting Flight: Chapter 4

E - Words: 5,548 - Last Updated: Jan 24, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Dec 17, 2012 - Updated: Jan 24, 2013
2,963 0 4 1 0

Sebastian settles back in the bath, and gives himself hardly a minute before he looks up at Blaine.

“Did you find out what I asked?”

Blaine doesn’t have to ask what he means.

“Yes, Master,” he replies. It feels dirty, almost, like he’s betraying a secret, but he doesn’t have much of a choice. He’ll just have to be as tactful as possible. “I was able to convince the boy to touch himself while I was present. He informed me that he only touches himself rarely--he had some shame about the act.”


“I...guided him through the process, and he was able to enjoy it rather than seeing it as a nuisance.”

Sebastian looks pleased.

“And what did you say?”

Blaine notices that Sebastian is hardening, and knows what’s expected. And if he didn’t feel like he was tainting what he and Kurt had shared before, he certainly does now.

“I told him to touch his whole body, Master,” Blaine says, hoping he can keep it as brief as possible, but knowing he might not when Sebastian takes himself in hand and unashamedly strokes himself in front of Blaine. “He...enjoyed it, and when I felt he was ready I told him to touch himself intimately. He followed my orders...very, very well. He came not long after.”

No matter what happens, Blaine refuses to speak of their kiss. Not only would it get them both in unimaginable trouble, but Blaine wants to keep it, cherish it. It is his own perfect little thing.

“Tell me more,” Sebastian says, leaning his head back against the tub and speeding his movements, sending water splashing against the side. “Tell me what he’s like.”

Blaine thinks back, trying to come up with anything he can give Sebastian when he hadn’t even been watching.

“I think you’d enjoy the way he sounds,” Blaine blurts out. It’s all he’s got. “He’s...he’s vocal. Not with words, but--he makes these noises. He whimpers. And moans.”

Blaine loses himself for a moment in the memory, but he’s drawn sharply out of it when Sebastian himself moans.

“Keep going,” he says, panting as he works himself over. Blaine can tell he’s close.

“He cries out when he comes,” Blaine says, and that does it. Sebastian tightens up and comes over his hand and into the bathwater, and Blaine holds back a grimace. Sebastian doesn’t seem to care for the moment--he drifts, his head back, his eyes shut, his mouth open to catch his breath.

“I can’t wait to hear it myself,” Sebastian says, lifting his head again after he comes down. He rinses his hand off in the water and stands up, stepping out of the tub quickly and grinning at Blaine. “I’m going to rinse off and then I have something for you.”

Blaine waits patiently while Sebastian showers off briefly. He dries him and dresses him as usual, all the while waiting for Sebastian to bring it up again. He doesn’t until he’s all set to leave, turning to Blaine with a pleased look on his face.

“Your package arrived,” he says. “I got a text from Trent that it came in last night, just after dinner. We’ll have to use this company again if their service is that good. I looked everything over--good choices.”

“Thank you, Master.”

“The box is over here,” Sebastian says, waving Blaine over to his table with him. He sits and starts nibbling at the breakfast he’d ordered in for the morning. The box is sitting right on the table, sleek and black. Blaine runs his hand over the surface before picking it up. “Go train the boy. Now. I’ll take Nick at lunch, and then I’ll see you at dinner.”

Blaine bows his head and turns away at the dismissal.

When he gets back to the harem, he seeks out Nick and lets him know that Sebastian wants him at lunch.

“At lunch, or for lunch,” he deadpans, and Blaine offers him an understanding smile.

“Probably both,” he replies, and Nick shakes his head and goes back to reading, his head in Jeff’s lap as his boyfriend runs his fingers through his hair.

Blaine leaves them to it and heads to Kurt’s room, knocking to see if he’s still in there.

“He’s in the gym,” Jeff pipes up. “He said he wanted to do...something. Um. It was a girl’s name, I’m not sure exactly what. But he borrowed my iPod and went out about twenty minutes ago.”

“Uh, okay,” Blaine says uncertainly. “I’ll...go get him, then.”

He slips into his room and leaves the box on the bed, realizing it’s probably best to ease him into this, and heads toward the back door. He jogs through the yard that lies between the house and the gym/pool and heads in, keeping his eyes peeled.

He finds Kurt in their little dance studio. Nobody’s used it, really, not since Mike, who had been a beautiful dancer. In fact, he’d been bought by a dance company when he’d reached too high an age for Sebastian to keep, and Blaine knows for a fact that Sebastian made plenty of money off of him.

But that was a few years ago, now, and Mike--who had been a great friend of Blaine’s--is long gone.

Kurt, however, is very much here. He’s got some kind of bass-heavy, wordless jumble of sound coming from the dock. And he’s dancing.

It’s not exactly any kind of traditional dancing. It’s definitely a workout. He’s bouncing back and forth across the floor, his arms and legs moving in twisting patterns that never cease, occasionally throwing in a punch or a high kick. He’s sweating and breathing deeply but evenly, his tight t-shirt clinging, dark with sweat, to his back and chest in a way that makes it look surprisingly broad. His sweatpants form to his ass and thighs and Blaine watches, mesmerized, as the muscles shift and tense and push him around energetically.

“Oh!” Kurt falters, turning to Blaine. “I didn’t see you there.”

Blaine’s eyes rake up Kurt’s body before he can help it, following the lines just showing through the damp clothing, and the way it clings to Kurt is almost more erotic than seeing him naked has been. He sees men naked all the time--this tantalizing suggestion, this tease, and the fact that Kurt’s tight, lithe body is forbidden--


“Yes,” Blaine says, “sorry. What was that?”

Kurt quirks an eyebrow at him, the corner of his mouth just raising, as though he can’t help it.

“Tracy Anderson Method,” he says. He shrugs wryly. “I could do it in the privacy of my own bedroom, no unfortunate weight room banter required.”

“You’re a good dancer,” Blaine says. Kurt does this adorable little hand wave as he hides his face, and Blaine laughs. “I’m serious. You should teach me.”

Kurt gives him an affected sigh. “Well, I suppose I could show you sometime--”

Blaine puts a sincere hand on his chest and grins.

“Well, then, you have my thanks. Are you almost finished?”

“I’m done,” Kurt says. “I should head back and take a quick shower, just get the sweat off.”

“Sure,” Blaine says. “Come on.”

They walk out together, their silence starting out companionable, but quickly fading into something awkward. Blaine senses the tension rolling off of Kurt.

“I can hear you thinking,” he says. “Want to talk about it?”

“No,” Kurt squeaks. Blaine looks over at him and sees that he’s bright red. “I mean...I’m fine. Just...fine.”

“You’re thinking about what happened last night,” Blaine offers.

Kurt’s breath comes out in a gust.

“Yes,” he admits. “I mean, it was one thing to talk to you right after I...did that, in front of you, because it was late and dark and...you know, in the moment. And I was fine in there because I wasn’t expecting you, but now. I’m just--it’s--”

“Awkward?” Blaine suggests. Kurt grimaces.

“Sorry,” he says.

“Don’t be.” Blaine smiles at him. “I know this is weird for you. But honestly, it won’t last forever. Once I get you trained, the only time I’ll have cause to see you in that kind of moment will be if Sebastian wants me around when you’re with him. I’ll still have to prep you, but that’s as close as we’ll get, and you saw what it’s like with Hunter. It’s over and done with quickly, and if it makes you feel better we can pretend I don’t have to do it when it’s not happening.”

Kurt looks uncertain, but he says nothing as they head into the bathhouse. Here, Kurt pauses.

“You came to get me so you could start training me, didn’t you?”

Blaine’s smile feels strained on his own face.

“I did.”

Kurt nods, his movements a little jerky.

“Well, let me shower first,” he says. “And then...we’ll get to it.”

Blaine nods, intending to turn around and go wait for Kurt in his room, but he’s caught off guard when Kurt starts stripping right in front of him. Before Blaine’s ready for it, Kurt’s shirt is off, his milky chest revealed.

Blaine’s surprise must have shown on his face, because Kurt shrugs.

“I might as well get used to it, right?” he says. Blaine doesn’t like the defeat in his voice, but he says nothing as Kurt turns to the side and pushes down his sweatpants, revealing nothing beneath but skin.

In an even bolder move, Kurt looks down his own body as he balls up the sweaty clothing, bending one leg up onto the ball of his foot and tilting it in, looking down its length himself before peeking up at Blaine. It’s an implicit invitation to look, and Blaine takes it.

Kurt is...gorgeous. Blaine knows exactly why Sebastian turned down the opportunity to make potentially millions of dollars from the most powerful men in the world in order to keep Kurt for himself.  From his beautiful head down to his long feet, he’s striking--his shoulders broad, his stomach flat, his ass pert and tight, his legs going on for miles.

“This is why Sebastian bought me,” Kurt says, his voice drawing Blaine’s eyes up to his face. “Right?”

Blaine nods.

“Of course, Kurt. You’re...you’re beautiful.”

It feels like he crossed a line, but Kurt smiles softly.

“I always thought it was my clothes that made me look good,” he says. “Or the way I styled my hair. The accessories I wore. I was so careful to pick out things that were fashionable and flattering to me. But it turns out that when people value me the most is when I’m not wearing a stitch.”

“You’re more than your body, Kurt,” Blaine insists. “It’s just what you have to use for your job. Keep that in mind--this is work.”

Blaine steps forward and pulls a towel out of a cubby, shaking it out and wrapping it around Kurt’s waist, covering him. Kurt grabs it and holds it up, and his forwardness is abruptly gone. He  looks down, hunching in on himself. Blaine lifts his chin and offers him an encouraging smile.

“Can you please remember that when we’re doing this, and when you have to go to Sebastian?” Blaine asks. It’s the most important thing Kurt needs to know to survive this world, and he’s not entirely sure Kurt’s gotten it yet. Blaine needs him to understand. “What he does to you can’t change who you are unless you let it. And you shouldn’t, Kurt, because who you are is already perfect.”

Kurt’s eyes swim with tears, and Blaine holds their gaze.

“I won’t lie and say this will be easy,” he continues. “It won’t. But you can be tough, and keep Sebastian far from you even when he’s inside you. He can’t get inside you.” He taps Kurt’s chest in emphasis. “If anyone can, it’s because you allowed it and no one else.”

Blaine runs a hand down Kurt’s arm before bending down the grab the dirty clothes from where Kurt had dropped them.

“I’ll go put these where they belong,” he says. “You take your shower, and when you’re ready, I’ll be in my room. Just knock and we’ll go wherever makes you comfortable and we’ll begin.”

With a final smile, Blaine turns around and walks away, tossing the clothes in a hamper on his way out of the bathhouse and back into the harem.

Kurt takes a long time in the shower, and Blaine doesn’t blame him. This is a big deal, and Blaine doesn’t mind if Kurt needs some time to prepare.

It’s probably an hour later by the time he hears the knock on his door.

“Come in!”

Kurt peeks his head in first, only slipping all the way in when Blaine smiles at him. He’s extremely tense, his shoulders drawn up, his arms stiff by his sides. His eyes dart around the room uncertainly.

“So,” he says. “How do we do this?”

Blaine considers for a moment.

“Do you want to do it here, or in your own room?” he ends up asking, hoping to make Kurt as comfortable as possible first and foremost. He won’t be able to do a thing looking like all his joints are about to lock up. “Or anywhere, really. It’s your choice.”

“We can do it here,” Kurt says. “But can we just...shut the door?”

“Of course,” Blaine replies, stepping around Kurt to latch the door firmly. At the sound of it, Kurt seems to relax a little bit, his shoulders dropping away from his ears and settling into a more natural-looking posture.

“Where do you want me?” Kurt asks. Blaine’s eyebrows raise at Kurt’s abruptness, but maybe letting Kurt lead this will be best. If he wants to just get it over with, Blaine can go with that.

“Wherever you’re comfortable.” Blaine looks down and shrugs. “Want to just sit on the floor? We can spread things out and relax a little. This doesn’t have to be a formal thing, Kurt, we can talk about this like friends.”

Kurt bites his lip and looks at the floor, thinking. After a long moment, he shakes his head and sighs.

“The floor works for me,” he says, sinking down to sit cross-legged, his elbows on his knees, his hands folding in front of his mouth.

Blaine sinks down, too, grabbing the box from the bed and bringing it down. He sets it on the floor between them.

“So, shall I show you what we’ll be working with?”

Kurt nods quickly, and Blaine realizes it would be cruel to draw this out, so he immediately takes off the lid and reveals several toys nestled in a pile of velvet.

“Do you know what these are?” Blaine asks, gesturing to the collection in the box.

Kurt shrugs, looking at the items like they’re going to jump out and bite him.

“For the most part,” he says. “I mean...I’ve seen all of them before, but...”

“It’s fine,” Blaine says. “We’ll go over each of them and what we’ll need them for.”

He pulls out the dildo first. It’s smaller than most dildoes he’s come across--about five inches long, and an average thickness. It’s a simple flesh color, made of some high-end silicone blend that’s supposed to feel real. There’s a suction cup, beneath the stiff approximation of balls at the base.

“This is what you’ll mostly be using,” Blaine says, offering it to Kurt, who takes it gingerly and starts studying it. “You’ll learn all the basics on this. Handjob techniques, first. Then we’ll move onto blowjobs, including how to deep throat.”

Kurt makes a choking noise, and Blaine can’t help but chuckle.

“It’s not that bad,” he assures. “I know it sounds horrible, but really, if you do it right, it’s not bad at all, and I can teach you how to do it right.”

Kurt nods, his long fingers playing over the silicone, running up and down the fake veins on its surface. Blaine tries not to watch too closely. He has a feeling it’s going to be hard enough to stay professional for any of this, and getting aroused when Kurt’s just holding the thing is the worst way to start off.

“Once I’ve taught you enough, you can use it to keep practicing,” he continues. “Then we’ll use these.”

He points to three anal plugs lying side by side. They’re all small, the smallest only a few inches long and about as thin as a milkshake straw. The next is wider, about the same as two of Blaine’s fingers together, and the final is almost the width of the dildo. They all taper to greater or lesser degrees, with a flared base. Kurt picks them up.

“They’re...actually pretty,” he says disbelievingly, setting down the dildo to pick up the medium one and turn it around in his hands. And they are pretty--they’re velvety black, with just a bit of sheen. The bases are adorned with a glass jewels swirling in multicolored patterns.

“They are,” Blaine agrees. “When you feel ready, we’ll start using them, working up from this small one to the big one. Either you or I will finger you open enough to take whichever one you’re on, and then I want you to spend at least an hour a night with it in, so you can get used to it. Then, whenever you decide, we’ll start training you on the dildo. Positions, techniques. And I’ll do my best to teach you how to enjoy it, as well. Sebastian is the one in control, for the most part, but a good bed slave can get him to do what we like. It just takes a little flattery and the ability to position ourselves well.”

Kurt sets the plug down and looks back in the box.

“Okay,” he says. “So the rest of it.”

Blaine nods.

“Just general equipment,” he says. “I got you some lube, and it comes with a shooter if you’d like to use that. There’s a little enema kit, and you won’t generally need to use it, but you should know how, just in case. Sebastian doesn’t demand it, but if he has a party or a friend he wants to impress with one of us, it’s a good idea to use it. And then there’s condoms, which you keep on hand for use if you’re with anyone but Sebastian, usually at parties.”

Kurt keeps looking at all of it, his eyes running over everything. Blaine watches him carefully, hoping to garner something of what he’s thinking, but his expression is determinedly blank.

“And what’s that?”

Blaine feels his face color as he looks down to the item in question. Purchasing this had been an impulse, something for Kurt himself, and he hadn’t been entirely sure what either Sebastian or Kurt would think of it. Sebastian hadn’t mentioned it--thankfully--but now he had to face what Kurt thought of his own thought process in buying it.

“It’s a vibrator,” he says simply. “It can be a lot of fun to use...on yourself. During your own time.”

Kurt picks it up. It’s a dark, lush red, with a white base.

“So...am I going to be trained with this?”

Blaine shakes his head. He tries to come up with some kind of reasoning, some explanation that will give Kurt the impression that this will benefit him as a slave, but it’s not true--Blaine bought it so that Kurt could have it to himself.

“No, that’s just for you,” he says, deciding on honesty. “You should be able to enjoy yourself, and this will help.”

Kurt smiles.

“I never thought somebody buying me a sex toy would be sweet,” he says wryly, “but it is. Thank you.”

Blaine nods awkwardly. “You’re welcome.”

There’s a long pause, and the silence draws out. It’s seriously uncomfortable, and Blaine shifts where he sits, unsure of how to get to what they have to do next.

Kurt--blunt, fearless Kurt--saves them.

“Well, I suppose we should get started,” he says, placing the vibrator back in the box delicately and picking up the dildo instead. “So what do I do first?”

Ideally, Blaine wants Kurt to get used to touching a dick that is not his own by the end of the night, or at least get him somewhat comfortable. His initial thought is to hold it in his own lap, to give Kurt an idea of what it’ll be like to do it to somebody, but he knows he’ll react and then the dildo won’t be necessary at all.

He can’t cross that line.

“Let’s get this set up somewhere so you don’t have to hold it with your other hand,” Blaine says, standing up. “Come on, over here.”

He leads Kurt to the end of his bed. He’s got a trunk there, a sleek polished thing, and he thinks the suction cup could stick to it pretty well. He kneels next to it and gestures for Kurt to join him, reaching out for the dildo. Kurt hands it over and kneels next to him as Blaine sticks it on and tests it. It stays pretty well.

“Okay,” he says. He circles it with his own hand and gives it a few strokes, looking over at Kurt. “It’s going to be a lot like doing this to yourself, but the angle is different and you might need a different grip. Go ahead and try it, see how it feels.”

He pulls his own hand back and settles back to watch. Kurt reaches out tentatively and runs his fingers over the head and down the shaft, very lightly.

“That’s actually a good way to tease,” Blaine says. Kurt jumps a little, apparently startled, his head whipping around to stare at Blaine. “Sorry,” Blaine continues. “But what you were doing--it’s good, sometimes. It can get a guy really riled up to be touched that lightly, because all he’ll be able to think about is wanting more. Just don’t do it for too long, or he’ll get frustrated and that’s not good.”

Kurt nods, immediately circling his fingers around the base. He adjusts after a moment, finding a good grip, and starts stroking with smooth undulations of his wrist.

“Good,” Blaine says. He reaches out and places his hand over Kurt’s, gently guiding it along with his words. “Sebastian likes long strokes, with a hard grip. And when he gets close, twist around the head when you switch into the downstroke.”

Blaine releases Kurt’s hand and lets him do it himself, and he seems to have it down pretty quickly. Blaine gets an idea and stands.

“Keep doing that,” he says, rising, “but I’m going to grab the lube and let you know what it feels like when it’s slick--it’s a little different, and you can use a different technique--”


Blaine pauses, just about to walk over to where they’d left the box on the floor, and looks down at Kurt.

“Can...I can...”

Kurt takes a deep breath, a faint dusting of pink over his cheeks.

“Can I get it wet with my mouth?”

The question startles Blaine so much that he splutters loudly before he can stop himself.

“Uh, I--yes--I mean, uh...Kurt, that’s...um.”

“Is that an actual yes?” Kurt asks, and he has a smug smile all over his face, the little--

“You can,” Blaine says, coming back to his spot and kneeling again. “Saliva doesn’t work nearly as well as lube for a lot of things, but for a handjob it can do pretty well as long as you either hurry up or get ready to refresh it a lot. It dries fast.”

“Okay. So I can just--” He shuffles forward on his knees and rises up.

“Kurt, you don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for,” Blaine says, stopping him. “You don’t have to rush this.”

“Look, Blaine, I might as well just get it over with,” Kurt replies seriously. “The faster that I accept that this is my life now, the better. I know Sebastian’s not going to wait forever, so I might as well do this on my own terms. Now I’m going to...fellate this dildo.” Kurt’s cheeks flame brightly when he says it, and Blaine fights off a ridiculous urge to laugh. “So you might as well teach me how.”

And there’s really nothing Blaine can say against this unless he wants to basically encourage Kurt to feel bad for himself, so he lets it go.

“Okay,” he says, unsticking the dildo from the trunk and handing it to Kurt. “This will give you some control while you learn. Now. The most important thing you need to know is that you should never use your teeth. Keep them as out of the way as you can. Go ahead and take the dildo in your mouth, see how it feels.”

Kurt steels himself and leans forward, opening his mouth. He starts to push the dildo in, but it bumps his teeth.

“That didn’t work,” he says.

“Your mouth wasn’t open enough,” Blaine says. “I know it’ll feel weird, but open a little more. And you can put your tongue just over your bottom teeth, and keep your top lip down.”

Kurt follows his instructions, licking his lips for a moment before opening his mouth wide around the dildo as it slips in. He closes his lips and pushes it in a little farther, looking uncertain.

“That’s just right,” Blaine says encouragingly. “Now get some spit worked up, and you can move your tongue around it, kind of...cup it, I guess.”

Kurt nods, letting out a noise that’s probably supposed to communicate something. It’s simultaneously adorable and so, so sexy--Blaine knows that the vibrations would feel amazing around his cock--

A cock. Sebastian’s cock. Not his.

“Here, let’s stick it back on the trunk,” Blaine says. Kurt pulls it from his mouth, sticking his tongue out and working his jaw. “I know, it can be uncomfortable. Let’s get it set up and try again, and I’ll teach you how to control it a little better.”

A minute later, and Kurt is kneeling up, his mouth again around the head of the dildo, his tongue moving inside his mouth at Blaine’s instruction.

“Good, keep swirling,” he says. “And if you’re feeling up to it, flick it a little in the slit. It feels good, but only go for it if you’re ready to get a strong taste of precome.”

“I think I’m ready to go deeper.” Kurt keeps his hand on the base when he pulls off, his lips shiny and just starting to redden when he looks up at Blaine. “Was my mouth okay before?”

“It was great, Kurt,” Blaine says. “Go ahead and do it again, just like before.”

Kurt moves back over and sinks down on the dildo, taking about half of it in his mouth before pulling back up.

“Here.” Blaine slides closer to him and lifts his hands. “I’m going to move your jaw just a little bit, okay? Try to relax.”

He places his hands on Kurt’s jaw, which is, as he thought, tight. He softly massages it with his thumbs, pulling gently until it drops, and on the next movement down Blaine guides Kurt deeper.

“Now suck as you go up,” Blaine instructs, still lightly stroking Kurt’s jaw as he continues to bob. Kurt’s cheeks hollow as he pulls up, and Blaine nods approvingly. “You doing okay?”


Kurt looks over at Blaine, his mouth stretched around the dildo, and Blaine immediately focuses on the dildo rather than on Kurt himself. He’s too close to this, too readily affected, and the sight of Kurt readily sucking off a cock--even a fake one--for the first time is shooting unwelcome sparks down his spine.

“Okay,” he says, clearing his throat. “I’m not going to have you try deep-throating tonight, but I can teach you how to take it without gagging suddenly, at least.”

He puts a careful hand on the back of Kurt’s head and pushes gently until he sees Kurt’s throat moving. He pulls him back just a touch.

“Now, open your throat,” he says. “Like you’re yawning, or getting ready to sing in your chest voice.”

He gives Kurt a second, and then pushes down again, very gently. Kurt goes down a little further this time, but he still stops short and clearly gags.

“It’s okay.” Blaine releases Kurt’s head, and Kurt pulls off, gasping for air. “You did very well for your first time, and you can keep practicing on your own. We’ll come back to it and talk more about technique another time, okay?”

“Wait,” Kurt says, clearing his throat. He grips the dildo firmly in his hand and starts stroking, using his own saliva as a lubricant. “You’re right, it’s different.”

“Squeeze harder on the upstroke,” Blaine says. “Your hand will move a little faster but you’ll spare your arm a little. Still twist--that’s right. Good!”

Kurt swipes the back of his hand over his mouth and then wipes his hand on his pants, grimacing a little.

“Messy,” he says.

“Sex is messy,” Blaine agrees. “You’d be surprised.”

“Is that basically what it’s going to be like?”

“Pretty much,” Blaine says. “Except Sebastian’s going to be there, and he’ll be moving, and he likes to play with your hair when you’re doing that. He might push a little. We’ll get you comfortable enough to take it before you have to do it for real, don’t worry.”

“Is...does that feel...right?” Kurt asks. “I obviously know that silicone doesn’t really feel like skin, but does it make a big difference?”

“It can,” Blaine says. “You know from your hand that skin’s a lot smoother, a lot warmer. And the cock will be firmer, too, that silicone is a little too soft. But the idea’s the same, and it won’t make too much more of a difference. You’ll adjust to it quickly, anyway, I’m sure.”

He notices then that Kurt’s face is a little flushed. It wouldn’t mean anything usually--Kurt is fair, and this is an awkward situation--but he’s still breathing a little heavily.

“Have you ever...”

Blaine looks between Kurt and the dildo and wonders what he’s asking.

“Um...yeah, of course,” he answers, guessing the question. “Sebastian has us give them to him all the time--”

“No, I mean...have you ever gotten one?” Kurt asks. There’s a little bit of a gleam in his eyes, and Blaine’s pants tighten alarmingly when he realizes.

This whole thing didn’t only affect Blaine. Kurt is turned on.

“I have, a couple of times,” Blaine replies.

“From your boyfriend?”

“Jeremiah,” Blaine offers. “We weren’t together for very long, so I could probably count it all on my hands, but yeah. I’ve...received.”

“Does it...it feels good, obviously.”

“It feels very good,” Blaine says. “It’s...it’s a lot like you’d expect, I guess. It’s wet, and it’s...kind of soft. And warm. And it feels like...like you’re enveloped? The sensations don’t really stop, not like a handjob where you don’t get constant sensation because you’re not being touched everywhere. A blowjob feels...everywhere. If that makes any sense.”

“Well, not really,” Kurt replies, “because I have no idea what you’re talking about, experience-wise. But I guess I could imagine it.”

Unfortunately, talking about this with Kurt is doing nothing to help his swelling cock, and he’s half-afraid to stand up and end this because he’s sure he’ll be presenting Kurt with a face-full of inappropriate boner.

So he buys some time.

“I don’t know if I told you, but I got Sebastian to put in for your clothes and a subscription to Vogue.”

Kurt’s eyes light up.

“You did? Oh, I can’t wait, I’ve missed the past two issues--”

It only takes a few minutes of talking for Blaine’s body to calm down. He’s a little miffed about it needing to, to be honest--he’s twenty-four years old, but his attraction to Kurt is getting to him; he’s doing and thinking things he hasn’t since he was a teenager. Like masturbating to anything but a nebulous idea of pleasure, a faceless lover. No, now he jerks off thinking of his sixteen-year-old, sexually enslaved protege and gets unbearably turned on by his tentative attempts at a blowjob while sitting less than a foot away.

He just has no idea what to do with it. He’ll just have to...push through. Kurt is still new here, and Blaine isn’t yet used to his stunning beauty or his general presence. His strange fascination will fade.

It has to.

“Well, I have to get going,” Blaine says finally. “Sebastian will be having dinner soon. But I’ll see you after?”

Kurt nods, standing with Blaine and smiling.

“I’ll clean up in here,” Kurt says, his eyes following Blaine as he checks his outfit and his hair in the mirror. “You go ahead.”

“Thanks, Kurt,” Blaine says sincerely, squeezing Kurt’s shoulder on his way by. “I’ll be back in--”

“Blaine, can I tell you something?”

Blaine turns back. Kurt is standing in the middle of the room, his hands clasped low, wringing his fingers together. He looks entirely uncertain and nervous. Blaine smiles softly.

“You can tell me anything, Kurt,” he says honestly. “I’m not going to judge you.”

“It’s just that...” Kurt sighs, rolling his eyes at himself. “I wanted to thank you. For...being...you. For being so...kind. I know it’s pathetic, but you’re probably the best friend I’ve ever had.”

He looks so dejected. Blaine acts on a whim and steps forward, throwing his arms around Kurt’s shoulders and hugging him tight. It takes a minute, but Kurt hugs him back.

There are plenty of things he could say, but they all feel too close. Too...vulnerable. Blaine cares about Kurt, wants him to be happy and wants to help him, but he’s already getting in too deep. But it doesn’t stop him wanting to return the sentiment, to tell Kurt that he feels like they’ve known each other forever, that he’s wished all his life he could look for someone like Kurt. And he just happened, and it feels like more.

“I think there’s some cheesecake ice cream in the freezer,” he says instead. “We should pig out on it later and watch that new superhero movie Nick keeps going on about.”

“Why?” Kurt asks incredulously.

“Because I’m pretty sure someone’s gonna be in tights,” Blaine says, pulling back. Kurt bursts out laughing.

“Well, who am I to complain?” he says coyly, making Blaine laugh back.

“I’ll be back in a bit,” Blaine finishes.

He heads out, the feeling of Kurt in his arms haunting him all through dinner.


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This story is perfect. I love it so much. I wish it was a little more Sebklaine maybe but I'll take it ;)

:'( okay I,m totally crying cause Mike was Blaine's friend and now he,s gone and STAWP what are you doing to me it's just a little line and I'm so sad :( I,m having a flashback of poeple with fake dicks learning things.... OH! I think it was in like queer as folk LOL! omg that scene. anyway :yeha Aw Blaine you are in trouble :D


This story is seriously wonderful! Couldn't stop reading it, I kind of lost sleep ;) The characterization is beautiful, it's thrilling and ecxiting and heartbreaking, and just really really good! I kind of feel bad for Sebastian even though I shouldn't. But I'm so glad it ended the way it did!