Sept. 19, 2011, 1:03 a.m.
Sept. 19, 2011, 1:03 a.m.
With all of this in mind, Kurt threw away the flowers, only keeping one to remind himself that it was actually happening and not part of his imagination. His phone rang every day and he would skim through them before deleting them. He never replied, but god wanted to. He was almost desperate with the idea of cumming under his instructions, but he stayed strong and didn’t let his mind wander long.
He was looking through his closet, carefully choosing each outfit for the week, making sure to look his best to help boost his confidence as sectionals came closer. He heard his phone ring from where he had placed it on one of his dressers and answered quickly, assuming it was Rachel, calling to discuss their upcomeing duet.
“Yes?” He dragged out the word, rolling his eyes and smiling. His and Rachel’s relationship had become much more affectionate since they started working on their music. He still found her annoying and she still thought of him a competition, but they were friends.
“K-kurt,” the voice came out broken and low and so very desperate. Kurt froze and felt the air disappear from his lungs.
“Who is this?”
The voice seemed to falter, his breath hitching as if he tried to stack his breaths too quickly, one falling on top if the other.
“You know exactly who this is.”
“Give me a name, or I’m hanging up the phone ri-“
“Don’t. Don’t say that to me.”
Kurt leaned back against his closet wall and slid down, curling up so his knees hit his chest. He heard himself whimper slightly as he practically felt the other boy shake.
“Do you not understand, Kurt? Do you truely not understand? I can’t sleep because I dream about you. The way you move, the way your pale skins flushes when I made you cum. Everything. It fills my entire mind. I can’t eat because my stomach stays in knots from wanting you so fucking badly. I can’t talk to people because it’s your name that comes out of me before I can even try to make a decent conversation. You can’t leave me, Kurt, because you’ve become everything. You can’t leave me.”
The last line came out panicked and pained. It rang in Kurt’s head, playing over and over. His head swam, the room spun on it’s axis and he felt a breathy sob excape his throat.
“Please,” he begged. “I need to know your name. Just something to call you in my mind.”
Blaine could feel his body shudder as he shook from the nerves of givving Kurt that much power. He closed his eyes and let the word come out before he could even think about all the resons he shouldn’t.
But when he heard it said back to him? He knew he made the right choice.
“Say it again.”
Kurt felt every part of his body tense and then relax onlt to tense again as he once again, shakily breathed his name.
He threw his head back and closed his eyes, holding onto the phone tighter.
“You have no idea what that does to me.”
Kurt swallowed heavily panting as soon as he could remind himself he needed air. He moaned the name out again to see his reaction. Kurt’s stomach tightened and everything began to feel tight. Blaine was worse off almost withering and his fingers turning white with the force of his hold on the phone.
“Kurt,” he whispered, his voice having a soft edge. Kurt could tell he was trying to hold back, so he wouldn’t scare him off. “Have you ever fingered yourself?”
Kurt flushed and shook his head quickly before realizing that Blaine couldn’t actually see him.
Blaine hesitated, suddenly feeling vulnerable and insecure. “Will you? I mean-would you want to? Try to, um.”
Kurt smiled seeing that he wasn’t the only one feeling a little nervous and and replied firmly.
Blaine panted hard, trying to replenish the air he seemed to have lost with that one word. Kurt waited calmly until he got his feeling under control.
“Take everything off and lie on the bed.”
Blaine heard the cloths hitting the floor and the frantic movements to get to the bed. He heard him settle himself into a comfortable position and sigh as he relaxed the muscles of his body.
Kurt hummed a reply, in his light voice. Blaine felt a surge of his nerves tingling shoot out across him.
“Spread your legs, baby.”
His legs responded before his brain and did as told. He felt the cool air rush around him and moaned for the pressure it created in his lower abs.
“Slide your hand down you body. Take your time.”
He let breathy moans escape him and he closed his eyes, his body arching into his hand. He let his hand cup around himself and squeeze before hearing Blaine’s voice once again.
“Put in one finger. Move it in a circle.”
Kurt whimpered at the sensation and his head fell back slightly, with his mouth dropping open. He could hear Blaine saying nonsensical words in through the phone, his voice putting him even more on edge.
“Put another finger in, baby.”
Kurt obeyed and gasped as he felt himself stretch to accommodate both fingers. He felt tight and wet and it was all so very new to him. He was so caught up that he almost missed it when Blaine said, “Bend your fingers to the left.”
Kurt awkwardly twisted his hand and bent his fingers, just like he had said. As soon as he did he moaned loudly and his whole body started to spaz. His eyes rolled back and white spots clouded his vision.
“That’s it, baby, just keep hitting that.”
He did, over and over again until he felt an explosion of pleasure erupt all throughout his boy and felt his cum cover his stomach.
“Blaine,” he gasped and bell back against the pillows. His breaths were heavy and uneven and he could hear them mixing with the other boys.
“Shhhh,” Blaine cooed. “Sleep now. I know you’re tired.”
Kurt's eyes shot open and he clung to the phone.
“No! I just-Blaine-“
He understood exactly what Kurt was trying to say. He breathed a sigh or releif and smiled broadly.
“I’ll be here when you wake up, Kurt. I won’t leave.”
Kurt nodded and his eyes drifted close.
“I’ll never leave you. I’ll never say goodbye.”