Forget the World
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Forget the World: Chapter 8

M - Words: 1,572 - Last Updated: Feb 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jan 18, 2012 - Updated: Feb 20, 2012
328 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: This kind of becomes a songfic at the end of the chapter. Sorry if that's not your thing, but it's the scene that inspired the entire fic so I had to include it. Enjoy!
Kurt had quickly moved from shock to anger in the time it took them to cross the parking lot. He yanked the driver’s side door open and hurled his book bag in the backseat. Before he could climb into his seat, however, there was a hand tugging gently at his elbow.

Kurt turned to see Blaine, face solemn as he began to speak, “Kurt, I don’t think you should be driving. You’re obviously upset and I don’t think it would be safe for either of us if you were operating a motor vehicle in this state.” Kurt’s breathing began to calm as tears stung his eyes.

“It’s just so unfair, that they would treat me, or either of us, like that just because of our sexuality. Why does it even matter to them? And just because we hang out doesn’t automatically mean we’re dating, and why would any of that even deserve a slushy facial? I just hate this school sometimes.” Kurt said. He heard Blaine gasp as he looked up to meet his eyes.

Blaine’s face could’ve been described as comical in another circumstance. His jaw had gone slack and his eyes were wide, a faint blush beginning to color his cheeks, as Kurt realized what he had just said. Blaine was too dumbstruck to speak.

Kurt began to backtrack. “I’m not saying you are gay, just that they’ve obviously decided that you are, and that stupid paper came out because of stupid Jacob Ben Israel and now everyone thinks we’re dating, which is apparently not good for either of us.” Blaine looked as though he had no idea what Kurt was talking about, and ok, he could be kind of oblivious sometimes, but how in the world had he not heard about Jacob’s latest headline.

When Blaine finally found his voice it was to say, “Kurt, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but if we’re going to have this conversation I think we should leave this parking lot before someone comes looking for us.” Kurt nodded and handed Blaine his keys before moving to the passenger side door, his face growing steadily redder.

As they pulled out of the parking lot, Blaine wondered if Kurt knew. If Kurt knew he was gay and that he’d been hiding it from him. He had tried and fwere ailed to tell Kurt on numerous occasions. It had just never felt like the right time, and Blaine knew that when he told Kurt he was gay he would also confess his feelings for him, which he couldn’t do unless he was certain Kurt felt the same way. He couldn’t risk the friendship that they were finally getting back over unrequited love.

He also found himself wondering what Kurt had meant about Jacob Ben Israel. Blaine knew that Jacob was the gossip monger of the school, but he generally tried to stay away from that stuff. He didn’t give much credit to the things that Jacob said and he didn’t believe in hurting people through the spread of false rumors.

“Blaine, where are we going?” Kurt said, interrupting Blaine’s reverie. Really, Blaine wasn’t sure where he was taking them, he just knew that he wanted to go somewhere private to have this conversation with Kurt.

“I’m not actually sure, I was just trying to get away from the school…” Blaine said, stumbling a bit as he tried to decide where they should go.

“Take a left at the next corner.” Kurt said. They were well on their way out of Lima now and Blaine, who hadn’t spent much time outside of the town, wasn’t sure where Kurt was leading them, he just knew he was willing to follow.

Blaine took the left and continued for a quarter of a mile down a back road. He looked out of the window at the trees and sparse driveways as he drove.

They continued down the road, and when it had been a few miles since the last driveway, Kurt told Blaine to stop. He pulled off the road and stopped the car in front of an open field; he turned to Kurt and looked at him curiously.

Kurt was messing with his Ipod in the passenger seat, clearly intent on finding something. Finally, Kurt looked at Blaine, a small smile on his face as he found his ipod adaptor; he connected it to his speakers and got out of the car. He left his door open, and Blaine followed him around the car to the trunk. He watched as Kurt pulled out a blanket and laid it on the ground close enough to the car to hear the speakers.

“Lay down.” Kurt said as he stood up and made his way back to the car. Blaine couldn’t bring himself to argue as he lay down on the blanket, leaving Kurt enough space beside him. Suddenly the air filled with the beginnings of a familiar song.

Kurt was back and laying next to him when the lyrics began. “Close your eyes,” he whispered, so Blaine did.

~We’ll do it all, everything, on our own
And we don’t need anything, or anyone~

The music swirled around in Blaine’s mind. He’d always liked the song, but listening to it in this capacity gave it a new meaning for him.

~If I lay here, If I just lay here
Will you lie with me and just forget the world~

Blaine was so thankful for Kurt in that moment. Being here, with no one around to hurt them, where they could just be themselves, was what Blaine had needed.

~I don’t quite know how to say how I feel~

And Blaine smiled to himself, the lyrics ringing truer than he was sure Kurt had intended. Kurt, however, was blushing as the song continued.

~Those three words are said too much
They’re not enough~

The words hit Kurt like a freight train. All of the things he had been feeling for Blaine became clear; the way he could make him blush with a simple gaze, or the way his stomach flipped when Blaine would look at him like he was the only person in the world. The fact that Kurt knew he could be happy if it were just him and Blaine, even against the jocks of McKinley. All of it added up, and it was something Kurt had been denying to himself for too long. He was in love with Blaine; head over heels, heart in your throat, butterflies in your stomach love. All that mattered at that moment was Blaine lying there next to him and the song blaring out of the speakers.

Kurt smiled as he sang along to the next line, capturing Blaine’s hand in his.

~If I lay here, if I just lay
Would you lie with me and just forget the world~

Blaine felt Kurt’s hand in his own. He assumed it was all just a friendly gesture of support. Kurt’s way of saying I’m here for you. He couldn’t help but intertwine their fingers and smile as Kurt continued to sing along.

~Forget what we’re told before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life~

~Let’s waste time chasing cars around our heads~

Blaine knew in that moment that if he didn’t share his feelings with Kurt now there would never be another perfect chance. Blaine mouthed the next words along with the song, his thumb rubbing patterns into Kurt’s hand.

~I need your grace to remind me to find my own~

~If I lay here, if I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world~

~Forget what we’re told before we get too old
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life~

As the next line began Kurt opened his eyes, knowing that now was his chance and he’d be damned if he’d let Blaine get away this time. He knew now that the way he had felt for him that summer was so much more than the crush he had convinced himself it was.

His feelings for Blaine ran so much deeper. He had loved him since that first day, when his dark curls had fallen over his hazel eyes and a large grin had painted his face. Six year old Kurt had never seen such a beautiful person. It had been true then, but nothing held a candle to sixteen year old Blaine. Kurt extricated his hand from Blaine’s and sat up on his elbows, watching as Blaine listened to the song. Blaine’s curls were gelled back now, his plump lips mouthing the lyrics, and his longs lashes fanned out over his broad cheeks.

~All that I am, all that I ever was
Is here in your perfect eyes, they’re all I can see~

Kurt leaned down, pressing his mouth close to Blaine’s ear as he whispered the next line of the song.

~I don’t know where, confused about how as well
Just know that these things will never change for us at all~

Blaine shivered at Kurt’s words in his ear, surprised by the intimacy, but welcoming it all the same. He was even more surprised when he felt a warm breath on his lips and a body hovering over him. He opened his eyes just as Kurt closed the distance between them and met Blaine’s lips with his.

Blaine was so surprised, in fact, that he didn’t react. He just lay there, eyes wide open as Kurt kissed him and the end of the song played.

~If I lay here, If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world~

End Notes: Sorry for the cliffhanger! I should have the next chapter up by Monday, but reviews might inspire me to write faster. Thanks lovelies!


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*my version of chasing cars* If you're writing fast, if you just write fast would you update right before monday, cauz I wan't to see Kurt's reaction to non responsive Blaine ...and I really appreciate how you've structed this fic, especially when cheerio /nerd is a trend these days...hard to find interesting developments in that aera

I'm so glad you like it! Thank you so much, I'm a huge fan of cheerio/nerd/anderberry myself, so once inspiration hit I had to write it down, hopefully it's a fresh POV. I hope you enjoy the next chapter!