July 20, 2013, 11:45 a.m.
July 20, 2013, 11:45 a.m.
“Hey, Blaine,” I greeted the visitor at my door. He kissed me on my pudgy cheek, ignoring my blotchy skin that gave off the fact that I had been crying.
“Good morning, Kurt! I brought coffee,” he offered generously. I accepted, grateful he had caught onto my habit of taking coffee black without questions. My reason? Black coffee is zero calories.
“Thank you, baby,” I said sincerely. Blaine smiled at the pet name and sat at my desk.
“What do you have going on today?” I asked.
“Just a physics test. I’ll study some during lunch,” he replied.
“I have a French test. I’ll join you,” I said nonchalantly. Blaine gave a look.
“You’re already bilingual, Kurt. You should go have lunch with the Warblers,” he suggested.
“I know, but Dalton tests seem to sneak things in that I actually have to study for,” I sighed.
Blaine’s POV
I knew something was going on with Kurt. His energy dwindled, and he turned into himself a bit. I understand it, maybe. Being at Dalton as a mid-year transfer was hard. Sure, we were dating, but I can’t claim to solve all of his problems. Maybe he needed his McKinley friends or maybe schoolwork was difficult? My plan was to give Kurt support and a shoulder to cry on, if need be. I won’t pry. He would talk to me when he was ready. Just like always, I knocked on Kurt’s dorm door and offered the usual coffee when he opened the door.
“Hey, Blaine,” he greeted with sad eyes. His soft brown hair was styled, but he was wearing his most baggy clothes. This morning was probably one of the harder days, I could tell.
“Good morning, Kurt! I brought coffee,” I smiled brightly, seeing Kurt smile back in the slightest.
“Thank you, baby,” he cooed. I smiled even wider and made myself comfortable in his room at his desk.
“What do you have going on today?” he asked taking a cautious sip from the black coffee, a new drink habit that honestly confused me. Straight coffee was rough to the stomach due to acidity. Plus, sugar is amazing.
“Just a physics test. I’ll study some during lunch,” I responded. The Warblers’ practice room allowed food in it, so I would take some food there and have privacy.
“I have a French test. I’ll join you,” Kurt suggested. His company would be enjoyable, but I’ve heard him rant beautifully in French before. Why study? When I questioned him on that, he simply replied with the obvious: Dalton foreign language tests went past grammar and vocabulary. His sigh of anxiety was adorable, and I couldn’t help but kiss his cheek like I did when he opened the door.
He stiffened. He fucking stiffened and leaned away. His anguish over whatever is going on hurts me. I’m not angry at Kurt; rather I’m sad for him. The struggles in his life were really taking a toll on him. He’s tired and losing weight noticeably…
No matter. I will do anything for his smile to reach his eyes again.
Please continue! I am liking it thus far.
continuing! :)
Please upload more! Pretty pretty please! I will love you forever! :D
klaine love is forever!
I like it, I say keep going! And although I actually prefer POV changes, I have one suggestion to make, don't repeat conversations when you do change POVs, it can get repetative and boring for the reader. Instead, I'll use this chapter as an example, have Kurt's POV until they finish talking about the tests. And then have Blaine's POV while they are walking to class. Provide a flaskback, memory, or just random thought to show Blaine knows something is wrong. That's just my opinion and suggestion, up to you though. I'll definitely track and continue reading. :) update soon!
thank you for your feedback and suggesting that. i prefer it this way, but it means a lot that you would reach out to tell me!