May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
"I bet Kurt's not ready yet," Blaine sighed. Finn laughed along.
"Nope. Actually, he's been having a break down in his room for an hour now. It's pretty funny," Finn admitted. Blaine cocked an eyebrow, curious as to what his boyfriend would be raving about. It wasn't like this particular party required many articles of clothing. Blaine made his way down to Kurt's basement bedroom but stopped at the closed door due to the frustrated noises coming from inside. Only mumbling was audible, but the tone was snappy and full of annoyance.
"Hey, baby?" Blaine knocked on the door timidly. Silence, then a shuffling in the room. Kurt flung the door open, a crazed look covering his delicate features.
"AAAAHHHHHH!" he simply screamed into Blaine's face. It was all Blaine could do to not laugh. Kurt would just freak out on him somehow, if not more so.
"Baby, can I help you with something?" he generously asked. Kurt had jumped onto his bed and covered his head with sheets.
"Mmh dedtuu!" he seemed to yell.
Kurt lifted his head and gripped his hair, an act that Blaine had come to learn as Kurt being at his wit's end.
"My tattoo! Everyone's going to see my tattoo! It's a swim party. Oh my god, why didn't I think of this beforehand?" he rambled nervously, now sitting up. Blaine joined him on the bed and laid a hand on his white v-neck clad back.
"Just don't swim?" he suggested.
"I'll actually melt," Kurt replied bluntly with a cross face. Blaine huffed, at a loss for what to do as well.
"Swim with a shirt on!" he finally said. Kurt hung his head in his hands.
"It'll have to do," he sighed after a second. Kurt stood up from the bed and made his way to his closet, first stopping to turn on some music from the iPod dock on his dresser and immediately agreeing with the song chosen on random.
"Fall to your knees and kiss the ring. The crowd's rejoicing. All of my dreams wake up to despise a world I once loved," Kurt began in his lower range. The deep vibrations shocked Blaine into watching as Kurt moved around sultrily, still getting ready.
"Why would you bring me in if you knew what you'd become? So curse everyone and everything, even the sun," he continued to sing. Blaine felt heat stirring throughout his body as Kurt went even lower into his range, basically growling. The usual countertenor focused in on Blaine, seeing as he now had an audience to entertain.
"Stall me, stall me, I'm all in. Stall me, call me up, or break me in. A dark room and the wallflower garden of the party. She's got four on the floor," here Kurt actually crawled onto the bed with his hands and knees. "She's waiting to kick-start me. So just stall me!" Kurt sang into Blaine's listening ear. He gave a gentle nip, which very simply began the ascension of… well, Blaine's dick.
"I had a rosy dream. You gave up on you, and I gave up on me. Well, love came along and said, 'Leave them be,'" Kurt trailed off. Blaine gave a moan as Kurt initiated an embrace, sitting on Blaine's hardening lap.
"We were wrecked on every rocky tasted. Light a cork, my pretty little angel," he crooned, slowly but surely using his hips to roll pressure onto Blaine's crotch. Said boy let out a whimper.
"I'm singing to empty bottles everywhere, everywhere." Kurt started to crawl down Blaine's body and tug at the pants just enough to allow access to the goal. Deftly, he removed the underwear as well and firmly wrapped a hand around Blaine's stiff member in one fluid motion.
"Stall me, stall me, I'm all in. Stall me, call me up, or break me in," he barely said, working his hand like magic.
"A dark room and the wallflower garden of the party. She's got four on the floor, She's waiting to kick-start me. So just stall me!" On the music break, Kurt bowed his head and tentatively licked the tip of Blaine's dick, creating lubrication with his spit.
"She counts on stars, astrology. My moods are mercurial. But I know Mercury. Don't hold your breath. Baptized in the river of you. Hold on death, the moon, The stars, a sliver of you." Kurt's vocal range was obscene and forced Blaine over the edge. Spilling onto Kurt's hand, he let out a cry of pleasure before relaxing and staring at a smiling Kurt.
"Stall me, stall me I'm all in. Stall me, call me up, or break me in. A dark room and the wallflower garden of the party," Kurt continued to sing, wiping their bodies off with a handy rag. "Stall me, stall me, I'm all in. Stall me, call me off, or break me in. A dark room and the wallflower garden of the party. She's got four on the floor. She's waiting to kick-start me. She said she's got more where that came from to spark me, so just stall me!"
The music ended. Blaine was satiated and Kurt smirked. After regaining his full state of mind and stomach being gently cleaned off by Kurt with a tissue, Blaine simply stated, "You just got me off while singing," like it was the most incredulous thing in the entire world. Kurt laughed and buried his head into Blaine's neck.
"Yeah, that was weird," he chuckled.
"Uh, nope. That was hot," was the retort. They lazily kissed for some time before Blaine reminded them of the time. The boys redressed and primped, singing along to Kurt's summer playlist.
Blaine pulled up to Thad's white mansion. About ten cars were already lining the street. Nick and Jeff had ridden together and were getting out of a Jeep Wrangler as Blaine parked next to them. Jeff skipped over excitedly and slapped the car hood like a drum.
"Whoooo!" he screamed before running to join Nick to walk into the giant house.
"This will be fun," Kurt laughed a bit nervously, a little too high-pitched, unbuckling his seat belt.
"Oh yeah," Blaine agreed as he hopped out of the car. "I definitely have missed them." The boys walked hand in hand to the door, simply opening it and entering. The inside of the house was magnificent, just as white as the exterior. Kurt appreciated the red and purple accents decorating the entrance hallway. Blaine, having been at Thad's house before, tugged Kurt along to the kitchen where majority of the Warblers stood around drinking form red Solo cups. As soon as they caught sight of the new party-goers, they yelled out and hoarded around them.
The announced chuckled and greeted their friends never letting go of each other's hand. Blaine received a hug from Wes while Trent embraced Kurt.
"Now the party can start, huh?" Trent asked as he hip-checked Kurt.
"Absolutely!" Blaine leaned in with a pat to Trent's shoulders. The Warblers began migrating outside to the giant marble-lined pool fully equipped with a diving board, hot tub, and volleyball net. Katy Perry was blasting on the stereo, and Blaine bounced around happily. Kurt laughed at his antics before releasing control over him. Blaine stripped quick of his shirt and shoes before spinning on one foot to run into the pool.
"Whoa, buddy!" Kurt exclaimed, stopping Blaine before he did a cannon ball.
"Sunscreen. Come on, baby! Skin cancer? That's a no. Back here. Right now," Kurt demanded like a mother. Some of the Warblers who had seen the shindig laughed, especially when Blaine pouted and stomped back to his boyfriend. Kurt got the sunscreen out of the bag containing their towels and such. He hummed along to the pop song playing, enjoying touching Blaine's warm skin all over. The sun hit his dark hair and gave it a tinge of red. Once finished, Kurt pressed a kiss to his neck and pat him on the butt.
"Go play."
"But I want you in, too!" Blaine whined like he was trying to finagle his parents into buying him a shiny toy.
"Get your energy out first. Trent and I will sit here for a bit then join you all later," Kurt said decidedly. Trent nodded his agreement, slipping his arm through Kurt's arm. Blaine laughed and joined some of the guys in the pool with a splash.
"So! I haven't seen my personal stylist in quite some time," Trent sighed with a smile as they sat down in separate lawn chairs.
"I know! It's been crazy with the school year ending, you know?" Kurt said.
"Oh, I definitely understand that," Trent replied nodding his head. "Have you enjoyed summer?" he asked politely. Kurt grinned and looked at Blaine in the pool rough-housing with Thad and David. Trent chuckled.
"Let me rephrase that. Have you enjoyed your boyfriend every single day?" he teased. Kurt blushed.
"Well, not every day. That would get tiring," he mumbled. Trent gasped.
"What exactly would get tiring?" he tried to admonish but couldn't help but smile.
"Oh! Uhmm… nothing?" Kurt tried to pass off, but Trent wasn't having any of it.
"You sassy seductor!" he cried out laughing. Kurt shoved him a little.
"Hey!" Trent chuckled.
"He's just a ball of energy," Kurt admitted. On cue, Blaine, dripping wet, appeared, ready to a attack.
"BLAINE ANDERSON WHAT ARE YOU-," he screeched but stopped when Blaine's strong arms enveloped him. With the blink of an eye, he was in the pool, drenched. Warblers around him laughed. His white shirt was soaked.
"I wanted you in the pool, so I went and got you," Blaine said innocently. Kurt just glared and thumped his messy hair.
"Crazy," Kurt muttered but nonetheless leaned into Blaine's cradle.
"CHICKEN FIGHT!" cried David out of nowhere. Kurt's eyes widened. Again, he was manhandled and forced to sit on Blaine's shoulders.
"How dare you," he retorted with slight joking. The fight commenced, and Kurt was victorious over Nick and Wes. Trent had joined in the pool and happened to notice the black through Kurt's now see-through white shirt. Only when Kurt toppled off of Blaine into the water did Trent swim up to him.
"What's that black on your side?" he asked with curiosity. Kurt sighed and wrapped his arms around his torso.
"A tattoo," Blaine chimed in rather loudly but incomparable to Trent's outcry.
"A TATTOO?" he yelled. A dozen Warblers turned to look at Kurt.
"Fuck," he said eloquently. Blaine smiled at him.
"I want to see!" some of the Warblers whined. Very slowly, Kurt pulled his shirt off and stood in the shallow end of the pool, so the tattoo was visible. Somehow he knew the tattoo couldn't stay hidden. Cat calls were heard.
"Kurt got a tattoo?"
"Why 'courage'?"
"That's hot!" Jeff shouted. Blaine shot a dangerous look.
"Mine," he growled.
"I have one, too," Wes admitted. All Warblers were shocked. To prove, Wes demonstrated his under arm bicep. A small bird with music notes decorated the skin. Kurt smiled.
"Awwwww, Wesley!" David cried. "You love us that much?"
"Sure do," Wes laughed a little. The pool party droned on until sunset. Most Warblers were sitting around the patio eating grilled hamburgers wrapped in towels. Just Blaine and Kurt stayed in the pool.
"I can't stop thinking about what I did to you earlier," Kurt muttered.
"Smother me in sunscreen?" Blaine grinned.
"I had reasons for that," Kurt retorted.
"Like what?"
"If you had gotten sunburnt, then I wouldn't be able to touch you!"
"Oh," sighed Blaine before gathering Kurt's nearly weightless body in his arms and kissing him.
"I meant back at my house," Kurt trailed off. They lazily floated in the water.
"I meant it when I said it was hot. Incredibly so," Blaine said, kissing Kurt's lips again. Only this time, Kurt responded by pulling at his shoulders and deepening the kiss. Hands wound in hair and hands roamed each other's bodies. Each boy let out a slight moan before Nick interrupted.
"Oi! Klaine make out at eight o'clock!" Again, all eyes were on the duo still kissing each other who really didn't care to break away.
"No semen in the pool," stated Thad. At that, the boyfriends pulled away and blushed profusely.
"Later," Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear, sending a nice shiver up his spine.
"No secrets either!" Thad added. Kurt smiled and waved like royalty before sinking underwater.
*waits patiently for child's reaction*