May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
"We are NOT getting a dog when we're older!"
"But it'll be like a mini-me!"
"Precisely. I can only handle one of you."
"Awww, Kurt," Blaine pouted with big eyes.
"We are getting a cat," the taller boy replied firmly. That received an aghast reaction from Blaine. He poised his hand above Kurt's torso.
"Don't you dare, Blaine." Blaine smirked. Burt also smirked, having moved outside to relax on the back porch.
"I don't want a cat."
"I do."
"Cat." With a growl, Blaine started tickling Kurt's stomach, wary of his kicking legs. Kurt laughed and gasped for air, rolling around on the grass like a madman. Which resulted in his white cotton v-neck riding up a tad. Burt squinted his eyes. What was that on his side? The black lines could be seen only a little bit, but enough to really make Burt curious. He cleared his throat to yell out to the boys.
"Hey, Kurt?" The boyfriends snapped their heads up, halting the play fight. They smiled at Kurt's dad and sat up on the grass holding hands.
"Yeah, Dad?"
"Mmmm… What exactly is that?" Burt asked, stepping a bit closer to the boys on the grass.
"What?" Kurt scrunched his eyes up in confusion. Burt made a gesture to his own side.
"That," he said directly. Kurt's eyes widened, smile fading. Blaine had the audacity to laugh at the situation.
"This," Kurt stated with a monotone voice, understanding now.
"Oooooooh," Blaine taunted, unable to keep the giggles from escaping. Kurt pushed him over forcefully, but that certainly didn't stop the boy.
"Uhmm.. Well… It's… Just… I…." Kurt stammered, obviously nervous.
"Yeah?" Burt questioned, suspicious of his son's behavior. Kurt shifted uncomfortably. Blaine was literally sitting back on his arms, enjoying the scene with a smug grin. Kurt hung his head, recognizing he couldn't get out of this.
"A tattoo," he said with a shaky voice. Burt lost his breath for a second.
"WHAT?" he bellowed incredulously. The air was quiet except for the dumb birds chirping. Burt felt his eye twitch. He was upset that Kurt had not trusted him with this information. It didn't matter to him whether or not Kurt got tattoos; that was his own choice. The disconcerting fact was that he had not told his own father. And that needed to be addressed. Deep breath in.
"Okay," Burt said with a clear-headed exhale. Kurt cocked his head with a fearful look in his eye.
"Okay? You're not mad?" he asks hopefully. Burt laughed almost evilly then stopped abruptly with a serious face.
"Oh, but I am," he said in a stiff fashion, fully aware of how much he was scaring the kid. Kurt tensed.
"You are grounded for the rest of summer. No phone, no car, no boyfriend, no parties, no extra shopping," he listed off the consequences on his hand.
The silence this time was hilarious to Burt. Both teenagers' eyes were blown up to an exaggerated proportion trying to understand what these rules entailed. Kurt's eyes held back tears, maybe even trying to come up with loopholes already. Blaine was probably trying to say something, with the way he kept opening and closing his mouth. It seemed like minutes had gone by until the tension became too thick for Burt to feel right. He laughed lightly.
"I'm only kidding, Kurt. Geez, lighten up," he grinned. Kurt's face was priceless. Struck between fear and suspicion and amazement. There was also some snark that Burt knew Kurt was keeping at bay.
"That was… really rude, Dad," he slowly accused. Blaine started laughing so hard, tears streaming down his face, lungs clenching for breath.
"Oh *gasp* my *gasp* GOD!" he erupted into another laughter fit. "Mr. Hummel, that was great," he said, wiping his eyes and holding his cramping stomach muscles. Burt entertained them by giving a small bow.
"No, Blaine, that was rude," Kurt said sternly, making his boyfriend shut up with a smack to the chest. Burt chuckled heartily.
"What was rude was you not telling me. I'm assuming you thought I was going to be mad or say no?" he asked. Kurt nodded, looking down.
"I'm only upset by that though," Burt maintained. Kurt snapped his head up.
"Wait, seriously?" he questioned.
"Yeah. Your body. Your decisions. You know the consequences that may occur," Burt said with a shrug, and Kurt nodded fervently. "Just don't get anything on your face, please," Burt finalized. Blaine hummed agreement.
"I wouldn't, dad," said Kurt with a smile.
"Now continue on playing like the four year olds you really are. Carole is making dinner in an hour."
"Thanks, Dad," Kurt laughed with relief. Mr. Hummel turned and went back inside, leaving the boys alone with the sky tinting pink above them. Silence ensued before Blaine spoke up.
"Well, that was good, right?" Kurt laughed and kissed his cheek.
"Yeah," Kurt laughed and kissed his cheek. "Gaga, do you know how scared I was? What if he had actually grounded me from seeing you?"
"Awww. What that the only thing you were scared of losing?" asked Blaine.
"Of course! I mean, I'm leaving for New York soon, and I just," Kurt broke of with a voice crack. Blaine gripped his hand tighter.
"I just don't want to be away from you if I don't have to. I know I'm just going to go crazy without seeing you for months." Now Kurt was softly crying. Blaine hugged him to his chest, emotional, too.
"Kurt, love, this is going to be the test. Probably our biggest challenge in our relationship. But, as much as we are afraid to be able to prove our love, I think you and I both know we are the only ones for each other."
"I promise that's true," Kurt whispered leaning his head on Blaine's chest. The shorter of the two sat contently holding his boyfriend, drawing hearts with his pointer finger onto Kurt's forearm.
"I want to marry you one day," he claimed into his ear. Kurt inhaled hardly and turned to look up at Blaine, eyes glistening again with tears. Suddenly, the two were connected in an intimate kiss. Hands roamed over each other with romantic touches, tongues dancing with passion. They finally broke away, panting slightly.
"That's going to be the one thing that gets me through the school year," Kurt smiled.
"Me too."
The boys sat watching the sunset in the grass, delighted with the fireflies. Blaine even broke out into the A*Teens song "Firefly."
"Oh, no! That song is way too old!" Kurt hid his face and laughed at his boyfriend's antics.
"You would not believe your eyes. If ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleeeeeep," Blaine sang instead. Kurt slapped a hand over his mouth. Blaine blinked up, silent again. Kurt eyed him warily, before releasing and granting freedom of his voice.
"Cause they'd fill the open air, and leave teardrops everywhere," he continued loudly. Kurt rolled this eyes and silenced Blane with a kiss on the lips. Blaine and kept trying to sing with Kurt's lips attached. Kurt had finally had enough and reached down between them to grab at Blaine's crotch. Immediately, Blaine yelped. The touch wasn't entirely gentle.
"Ow! Kurt! Do you ever want to have sex again?" Blaine hissed. Kurt had to laugh at that.
"Nah. I think I'm good," he blatantly lied. But his boyfriend knew his sarcasm by now and tackled him over into the grass for the thousandth time that evening, peppering Kurt with kisses all over his face. Kurt giggled playfully.
"Stop! Stop it! That tickles. Stooop!" he whined. Blaine relented but not before placing a kiss on the pale boy's cheek. The boys embraced calmly again, just breathing. The sun was really setting now, splashing the sky with a mix of deep pinks and orange. Blaine broke the silence.
"Hey, you know the Warblers are having a pool party? Do you want to go?"
"Sure, babe. When?" Kurt questioned.
"Next Thursday."
"Pick me up?"
"You got it."
Burt's reaction, well performance I should say, was genius! So perfect! And with Blaine being the most adorable boyfriend ever, enjoying his boyfriend's predicament was great.
OMG YES please include smut in the next chapter...Loved it, Keep it up:D
Smut is okay. Smut is totally okay.