May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
May 21, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
So on that day, a nice Saturday, no one could find Kurt in the afternoon. The birthday breakfast of pancakes, turkey bacon, and fresh fruit was lovely due to Carole's homely cooking. Burt had given his son a beautiful Michael Kors watch as a gift from the entire family, as it was quite expensive. Around noon, Kurt had just gotten up and left with a simple, "I'm going out!" Burt cocked his head but complied without a word. Kurt's birthday, Kurt's time. Two hours later, and Kurt was still gone, but the doorbell rang. Burt groaned, standing up from his comfy spot on the couch watching the Buckeyes play.
"Oh hey, Blaine," Burt greeted cordially when he open the door to find Kurt's boyfriend. "Kurt's not here yet." Blaine looked confused.
"Where did he go? He didn't tell me anything," his triangle eyebrows drew together.
"Oh," Burt backtracked and scratched his bald head. "I just assumed he had gone to see you. I don't know where he is, but he's an adult now, so…" Burt trailed off with a wave of his hand, smiling anyway. Blaine returned the smile sweetly at that. Kurt's dad stepped aside.
"I'm sure he'll be here soon. Come on in," Burt invited. "In the meantime, Buckeyes?" he pointed toward the TV, remembering Kurt's boyfriend's love of the sport as well as the team.
"Yeah! Let's do it!" Blaine agreed excitedly.
A bit more than an hour later, Kurt clambered into the living room, walking a little oddly with a focused face on although it had gone unnoticed due to the otherwise-distracted males on the couch. Blaine and Burt had just jumped up to celebrate a touchdown, yelling all the while. Once calmed down, Kurt let his presence known.
"You both are crazy honestly," he commented lazily. Blaine swiveled his head, jumped up to Kurt, and grasped his hands. Unfortunately, Burt was watching their reunion so they could only engage in a chaste kiss. Blaine did cheat a little and touched Kurt's cheek in a loving gesture.
"Happy birthday, baby," he whispered gently. Kurt purposefully wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist, forcing Blaine's arms onto his shudders.
"Thank you," he whispered back before finally breaking them apart, yet still connected by hands. Burt just turned his back to watch TV again. He swallowed back the protectiveness. Plus, he knew they had already been intimate.
"I have your present in the car. I'll bring it in," Blaine fetched his keys out of his dark jeans.
"I'll be in my roooooom," Kurt sang as he gave a little wave. Blaine chuckled lightly and skipped out the front door.
"Okay, here we go," Blaine huffed as he carried a large white box into Kurt's neat bedroom.
"Ooooh, fun fun," Kurt clapped his hands and wiggled excitedly on his bed where he sat Indian-style with a steel rod spine. He winced from the movement, but it went unnoticed. Blaine gently laid the gift in front of him and sat on the bed himself. Kurt reached for it and lifted the lid.
"Oh!" he squeaked, dropping the lid back to cover the fabric treasure spread neatly. His hand had flown to his mouth, eyes widen. He looked at Blaine, speechless. Blaine simply smiled and made a gesture for Kurt to completely open the present.
"Blaine," Kurt breathed in awe. He took the lapels of the black cashmere Bottega Veneta cardigan. Magnificent. It must've cost a fortune.
"Blaine," he spoke again, receiving a comforting pat on his arm from said boy. Finally, Kurt snapped out of his reverie and started babbling.
"You spoil me so much. This is absolutely gorgeous! This can literally go with everything. And it's Bottega Veneta. Eeeep!" Maturity wasn't an option as Kurt gingerly stood up off the bed to see the piece fully.
"I thought you would fall in love with it. It's just so you," Blaine noted. Kurt just sputtered, blinking his eyes, but smiling. He nodded.
"So, so beautiful. Thank you," he leaned in to steal a kiss. Kurt walked to the floor length mirror across the room to hold it up. Blaine eyed him.
"Try it on for me," Blaine requested. Kurt slid his sweater off over his head very carefully. Blaine raised an eyebrow at how cautious Kurt was being with his body but passed it off as Kurt not wanting to mess up his perfectly coiffed hair. Finally, Kurt pulled it on, turning to Blaine. The cardigan perfectly hugged his arms and the shape of his graceful, yet masculine curves.
"It feels like I'm being cuddled by a baby marshmallow," he reported with an incredulous face. Blaine laughed heartily and got up to stand next to Kurt in front of the mirror. After a moment, he hummed.
"You look incredible in it just like I thought," Blaine ran his hands down Kurt's arms.
"You think?" Kurt twirled around to face Blaine, intertwining their hands. Blaine's eyes twinkled as he leaned in to capture Kurt's lips in a kiss. Kurt reacted by taking a deep breath in and gently cupping Blaine's face. Both boys' hands began to roam to each other's cheeks, hair, neck, back, arms. The passion began building. Kurt's bedroom was silent except for the needed gasps of air from the lovers.
"Mmm.. so.. beautiful," Blaine said between panting breaths.
"Happy birthday to me," Kurt replied, relishing in Blaine's swollen lips and rising and falling of his chest. They joined again in another round of heavy kissing, both moaning slightly. When Kurt took Blaine's bottom lip in his teeth to slightly nibble on it, Blaine's excitement almost burst. Both knew where this was going, especially when Blaine slid Kurt's new cardigan off and gently set it on the lounging chair next to them. The making out continued. Lips began trailing to suck on necks, hands in hair, as the need for oxygen increased. Blaine fingered the hem of Kurt's shirt, but, as he began pulling it off, Kurt's lips stilled and body tensed. Blaine backtracked.
"What's wrong?" he asked genuinely concerned. Kurt just shook his head.
"It's nothing," he leaned in to kiss Blaine again, but the other boy pulled away, ignoring the pout directed at him.
"On the contrary, my love," Blaine interjected. "You won't let me take your shirt off," he threw in a pout of his own. Kurt scoffed. To prove his point, Blane tugged Kurt's shirt up a bit. Kurt yelped and hiked his shirt down again but not before Blaine caught a glimpse of the saran wrap around Kurt's middle.
"Oh. My. God. Kurt," Blaine spoke slowly, dazed. Kurt visibly blushed, shying away a tad.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"I…Uh… Well… I," he sputtered. Blaine fingered the bottom of the shirt again, staring into Kurt's eyes with wide, curious ones of his own, silently asking permission. Kurt made no move to stop him so Blaine made a quick work of tugging it over and off. After a gasp and a moment for Blaine to get his head back on, he groaned, "Kurt." Dropping down to his knees, Blaine gripped Kurt's good side without the tattoo. Kurt looked down with a slightly embarrassed smile.
"A tattoo? Seriously?" Blaine's tone was nothing but awestruck. "May I…see it?"
"I suppose so," Kurt said cautiously. The guys at the salon had told him he needed to keep it on for at least an hour. It was pushing it, but whatever. Blaine began to unravel the saran wrap. Once off, Blaine gasped at the intricately designed font that spelled out the word 'Courage' along the boy's side.
"Oh my god, Kurt. It's beautiful," Blaine rubbed slight circles around the red skin. Kurt winced slightly once.
"Ooh, sorry," Blaine apologized.
"It's fine," Kurt waved off.
"So… when were you going to show me? And what does it mean?"
Kurt did a hiccup laugh. "I was going to wait until it healed a bit. I guess I was just excited with the idea of being eighteen, and I had seen a pretty ad in Vogue. I was inspired. And 'Courage'… well, do I have to answer that?"
"Nah. I get it." Beat.
"Man, Kurt. You surprise me every day," he sighed, shaking his head.
"I'm guessing you like it?" Kurt bit his lip.
"Like it?" Blaine repeated incredulously. He stood up to his feet. "You," Kiss. "Look," Kiss. "So fucking," Kiss. "Sexy," French kiss. With a gasp of air, both boys went in for a passionate, heated kiss. Open mouth. Close mouth. Tongues. Kisskisskiss. Blaine's hands ran down Kurt's bare chest, bringing them around to lightly scratch at his back the way up. Kurt in return wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. The shorter of the two pulled away to drop to his knees once again. This time to begin undoing Kurt's tight jeans.
"Wait," Kurt said. He bent over to pull Blaine's shirt off.
"Now you may proceed," he waved on, receiving a chuckle form the submissive one who had managed to get Kurt stripped down to his black briefs, an outline of an erection straining through. Blaine made quick work to make the fabric disappear. Soon, Kurt's leaking cock was in Blaine's mouth. The dark-haired boy was running his tongue up and down the length before pleasuring the pink top with circular motions. Kurt groaned loudly, thanking the gods that his basement bedroom was soundproof. The kneeling boy looked up to make eye contact before dropping his view to Kurt's new tattoo. Blaine hummed, sending vibrations through to Kurt's cock. The pleasure set Kurt off in a series of tremors but not close enough to tip over the edge. He did however tug Blaine's face off.
"I want to cum with you in me," Kurt managed to squeak. He stepped out of the clothes bunched at his feet to skip over to lock the door for good measure. He leapt back into the the open arms of Blaine who had moved onto the bed. The shirtless boys gently laid down, still attached mouth-to-mouth. Kurt inhaled and wound a hand through Blaine's hair, the other underneath him and winding to get to Blaine's zipper. The hand in the hair clenched and Blaine let out a small whimper also from the loss of lip contact.
"Pants off, dear," Kurt smirked. Blaine's mind was short circuiting so he numbly stripped all the way down. Blaine jumped back on the bed, but this time on top of Kurt like a feral animal. He bowed his head to nip at Kurt's neck who laid on the bed writhing in his aroused state. They continued kissing and groping each other. Kurt managed to get a hand around Blaine's erection, Blaine fingering Kurt. Once he had reached three fingers in and hooked to graze Kurt's prostate, Kurt moaned, "Okay, okay. Enough. Fuck me."
"Patience, my horny one," Blaine said as he reached into Kurt's white nightstand to retrieve the needed supplies. Kurt wiggled on the bed as Blaine took his time to put the condom on and lube himself.
"Happy birthday, Kurt," Blaine's rugged voice whispered into Kurt's ear. He positioned himself and waited until Kurt nodded his readiness. In a swift movement, Blaine pushed into Kurt, breaching his hole. Kurt's spine was sending shocks of pleasure to his brain. Both boys groaned in lust.
"God, you're so…ugh... tight," Blaine grunted out, snapping his hips into Kurt and back out again. Kurt just hummed, unable to make coherent sentences. He ran his fingers lightly over Blaine's hovering figure. The gentle gesture sent a shudder through Blaine's body. Kurt pulled his head down so to whisper in his ear.
"Harder," he breathed. Blaine immediately obeyed, thrusting his hips in and out more rapidly. The moans escalated. Blaine cupped Kurt's cheek, the boy leaned into his hand like a cat with a sexy purr.
"I love you. So much." The words sent Kurt's orgasm off, tipping over the edge, cum splashing onto his stomach, muscles involuntarily clenching around Blaine. He groaned out his ecstasy. Blaine followed almost immediately due to the feeling of Kurt's vice-like grip on his cock. He froze up, allowed Kurt to run his hands all over his sweaty body. Unwillingly, he popped out of Kurt and slipped the condom off, tying the end to trap his hot cum inside. Finally, he collapsed on top of the birthday boy, wary of the large ink, who happily wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. They laid there for a while, murmuring soft nothings into the sex-scented air. Suddenly, Kurt made a groan of dissatisfaction.
"Now I have to clean the tattoo!" he exclaimed.
"Can I help? Or watch?" Blaine giggled innocently.
"Whatever you want," Kurt retorted as he pulled the lazy singer off the bed and made their way to the bathroom. As Kurt took a washcloth to the irritated skin, Blaine sat on the counter. He was lightly singing the birthday song, to Kurt's amusement, but halted abruptly.
"Wait. Does your father know?" he questioned.
"I don't even want to think about what would happen if I even mentioned the word 'tattoo' to him," Kurt laughed. "I might just take this to my grave."
Asdfghjjllkfkll!!!!! For a first ever fic, this is one of the best I've ever read!! I love the tattoo so much!
do you even have to ask, can't wait for the warblers. i love them
This is so much fun! Thank you for this fic, this is a great idea! Yeah for the children, but also, I don't know, why not Nyada partners during rehersals, stage partners before a show, a doctor or a not too serious visit in ER, why not during a massage or a thing like that etc etc...