Aug. 6, 2012, 9:06 p.m.
Aug. 6, 2012, 9:06 p.m.
Kurt had gotten off of work early. His boss, the Senior Fashion Editor of Lucky Magazine, had generously given him a day off to spend the day with his husband for their third anniversary. All day, he bustled around and prepared for Blaine's homecoming from the music studio, where he worked as a tech. Around 6 o'clock, Blaine arrived home. Kurt waited in the kitchen to surprise him.
"Hey, baby," Blaine's voice came from the back door. "You will never guess what happened on my way," he stopped, awestruck. "Home."
"Happy anniversary," Kurt chuckled, finishing lighting the last candle on the dinner table.
"Happy anniversary," Blaine repeated, hugging his husband and kissing his lips. "This looks incredible. What is it?"
"Lamb with my secret potato recipe and broccoli stir-fry," he reported, waving for Blaine to sit. In the candlelight, they shared a romantic dinner with conversations and memories of their wedding.
"But my favorite part was the honeymoon," Blaine sighed, hazel eyes blazing into Kurt's blues. Both chuckled lightly.
"I don't think we could ever have as much sex as we did in Hawaii," Kurt commented, stroking Blaine's arm.
"Is that a challenge, Mr-oomph!" Blaine questioned but was cut off by Kurt's lips. The apple crisp dessert was forgotten as the husbands smoothly left the kitchen for their bedroom.
"I love you," Kurt whimpered on the bed, stripping his clothes and watching Blaine undo his.
"I love you, too, Kurt," he whispered and held himself on top of Kurt. Together they moved, grinding skin on skin, moaning with pleasure.
"Too c-close," Blaine whined.
"Me too. Fuck me now," Kurt responded. Blaine was quick and deft to get the lube and condom from the bedside drawer and open Kurt up with one finger at a time. The man receiving groaned in ecstasy at every one, getting louder and louder. At three scrunched-up fingers, Kurt yelled.
"OH MY G-Blaine, right there. Please. Fuck me NOW," he growled. Blaine lifted the condom package to tear it with his mouth, but Kurt's hands gripped tightly onto his.
"No condom. Want to feel you," Kurt stopped him lovingly. Only a few times in their relationship had they gone condom-less. They were so lost in their arousals. With gentle force, Blaine breached Kurt's hole and gave a huge sigh.
"God, Blaine," Kurt breathed. They were paralyzed for a short time, getting used to it. Kurt began wiggling again, and Blaine pumped in and out. Thrusting, thrusting, thrusting. Both orgasms creeped up soon.
"Baby, you feel so good. I'm really close," Blaine grunted.
"Me too!" Kurt cried out underneath him. "Baby, I'm gonna cum!" he shouted. At the clenching of his muscles around him, Blaine reached his climax as well, pushing up into Kurt. They gripped onto each other and rode it out, while Blaine's seed shot into Kurt.
"You are amazing and perfect and I never want to be without you," Blaine confessed breathily, caressing his lover's face.
"I love you," Kurt whispered.
They slept happily and peacefully that night of their third anniversary.
Four weeks later was a different story.
"Blaaaine," Kurt cried weakly from their bathroom one afternoon. Blaine ran from the kitchen to find Kurt wrapping his arms around himself and saw vomit in the toilet bowl yet again. The unwelcome sight was now familiar. He sat down next to him, flushing the toilet.
"You've been ill for too long now," he murmured to the sick man and stroked his hair. "Please, let's go to the doctor," he begged. Kurt sighed but gave in to his husband's plea. He was getting annoyed with the constant vomiting every day. Blaine had to gather him in his arms to be put on the bed. Throwing up rid him of his energy. He lied on the bed while Blaine called the doctor's office and paced the floor.
"Okay, we have an appointment with Dr. Jones tomorrow at 4 pm," he reported when he hung up the phone. Looking in the bed, he noticed Kurt had heavy eyes.
"Don't fall asleep yet!" he warned before grabbing mouthwash. "I know you won't like to wake up to vomit-breath," he thoughtfully said. Kurt gave tired smile but cleaned his mouth and spit into the offered disposable cup. Soon he was fast asleep.
"My poor baby," Blaine frowned.
The next day was rainy. All Kurt wanted to do was stay home and drink coffee while snuggling next to Blaine by the fireplace. He liked the rain in New York.
"No, baby. We want to get you better!" Blaine was saying. Kurt had thrown up a total of four times before the appointment.
"Hello, Hummel-Andersons!" the grey-haired Dr. Jones announced himself. This doctor had been the primary caretaker of the couple when they first moved to New York for college. He saw Blaine and Kurt holding each in the patient room. Kurt looked significantly under the weather, he noted. "How are you feeling today?"
"Well, Kurt here has been throwing up many times every day for a week or so," Blaine said for his husband. Kurt had told him hat he didn't trust his stomach enough to talk that much. As the nurse had called them in, he made a beeline for the toilet for the fifth time that day. He was sitting in a chair now, head in one hand, on top of his stomach with the other.
"That's not good!" Dr. Jones exclaimed with sympathy. "Any other symptoms?"
"He's tired a lot, lost weight, is dizzy, and has complained of cramping and headaches," Blaine finished. He grabbed onto Kurt's hand that was holding his head up. Promptly, his husband leaned on his shoulder, but Blaine gently hoisted Kurt on the examining table.
"Well, that sounds really under the weather. Do you mind if I do a physical exam to check for some things?" At Kurt's permission, he poked and prodded the pale boy, finding nothing. When he palpitated his stomach, Kurt turned green and looked around frantically for a trash can. One was shoved under his face just as soon as stomach contents spilled out of his mouth. Blaine cooed at him, while Dr. Jones observed why it had happened. The gross trash can was set out in the hallway for a nurse to come and clean.
"I'm going to order another test," he reported quickly. Kurt again allowed it with a wave of his delicate hand. Blaine just stroked his hair. Not an hour later, Dr. Jones came in with another male doctor. They wheeled in a machine.
"Okay, so we think we may know what this is, but we would like to check one more thing," Dr. Jones said, clapping his hands together. "This is the ultrasound technician, Dr. Shaw." Blaine shook hands with him, and Kurt gave a weak wave.
He was told to lie back and pull his shirt up a bit. He was so tired and dizzy and simply out of it that he didn't register the cold gel and prodding wand rubbing it around.
"An ultrasound?" Blaine recognized.
"Ultrasounds can detect a lot of things, not just a baby," he educated them. Blaine nodded and looked to see Kurt fast asleep. He chuckled at his husband.
"Well, although your husband is asleep, would you like me to give you the diagnosis?" Dr. Shaw asked lightly.
"Yeah, I'll let him know later, I guess," Blaine answered.
"Congratulations is in order for you two," Dr. Shaw smiled.
"Kurt is pregnant!" Dr. Jones announced. Blaine, although flabbergasted and completely confused, gave a smile and stared at the screen. Now that he thought about it, that blob in Kurt's stomach cavity looked like a curled human.
"The due date is March 15."
"T-that's amazing, but I'm just so confused as to how this works. I didn't know this could happen," Blaine sighed. After cleaning Kurt's belly of the gel, Dr. Shaw excused himself with a promise of sonogram pictures at the front desk and left the room. Blaine subconsciously pet Kurt's hair as Dr. Jones began talking.
"It's been found that, during sexual activity, when a male's semen hits a certain spot in the receiver's anus, an egg is released. The semen fertilizes the egg like in heterosexual pregnancies. This is very rare because, first of all, there aren't very many gay couples, and, secondly, the spot in which the egg is released is not very easily reached. However, the medical community has done enough thorough research on it to be fully confident in delivering babies from a carrying male," he finished. Blaine blinked.
"So, umm, how does it come out?" he dumbly asked. The doctor chuckled.
"Common question. That's fine," he waived. "A birth canal will be forming naturally throughout the pregnancy. Unfortunately, this gives men more cramping and nausea due to an alien object growing inside of them." Blaine's eyes widened, but then his whole body visibly deflated.
"He threw up six times today. He's going to be sick a lot?" he asked pathetically.
"Thank the gods for technology, huh?" Jones laughed again. "I will prescribe good anti-nausea medicine for him. Bless his heart," he shook his head.
"Okay, well thank you," Blaine said gratefully.
"I'll give you some pamphlets that give you the basic idea of what Kurt should expect, eat, and do to prepare for the baby. We'll schedule your next ultrasounds at the front desk. I'll get a wheelchair so you can transport this sleepyhead," he said, pointing to Kurt. Blaine smiled and thanked the doctor with a handshake. Driving home with pamphlets, sonograms, and a husband with child was strenuous; he lost himself in thoughts. They would have to move, first of all. He wondered how it would due explained to their family and friends. How would he explain it to Kurt?
The Anderson-Hummels made it back home in silence obviously, until a very confused Kurt woke up in his dark bedroom. Blaine wasn't anywhere. Groggily, he got up from the bed, pleased to not have thrown up right then, and found Blaine on the phone in the kitchen. Their apartment only really had the kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. They had no reason to expand, Kurt thought.
"I have no clue when we should," Blaine was saying, rubbing the back of his neck, "but thank you for your help, Wes." After goodbyes, Blaine turned to find Kurt standing in the entrance of the kitchen looking like a sleepy kitten.
"Hi, baby," he greeted.
"Hey, umm, did we go to the doctor's today?" Kurt asked.
"You don't remember?" asked a confused Blaine.
"I really can't," he pouted.
"Well," Blaine started, holding Kurt's hand, "we did go to the doctor's, and they gave you a diagnosis," he said apprehensively.
"And that is…" Kurt prompted. Blaine put a hand over his stomach with a look of awe in his eyes.
"You're pregnant."
"You're fucking kidding me," Kurt said with no emotion, no action to remove the warm hand on his abdomen.
"I'm not. I have the sonogram picture," Blaine offered.
"Very funny. Only girls can get pregnant," he deadpanned.
"Stay here," Blaine asked and left the kitchen but came back with pamphlets in his hands. Gently, he gave it all to Kurt. There was silence in the apartment save for the bustling traffic outside. Then Kurt's breathing elevated. It almost seemed like he was having a panic attack. Tears filled his eyes.
"Baby?" Blaine tentatively beckoned.
"I'm p-pregnant? I can be?" he cried in hysterics now. Blaine pulled out the sonogram wordlessly.
"That's ours?" Kurt asked again with a shaky hand pointing at the black and white blob. Blaine just nodded and kissed the side of his forehead. Kurt collapsed onto the floor, full out crying. Blaine was with him in a nanosecond, sonogram forgotten.
"Kurt. Kurt. Are you upset?"
"I don't know!" he cried in frustration.
"Do you not want it?" Blaine whispered with emotion.
"I do!" Kurt yelled fervently. "I didn't think guys could carry children though," he pouted.
"Why are you crying then?" his curly-haired husband smiled.
"I guess I'm extra hormonal now," Kurt laughed through his tears. Blaine gathered him up in a hug, both of them still sitting on the kitchen floor.
"Come, love," he said, leading Kurt into the bedroom with a smile. Together they sat on the bed.
"I love you and the baby growing inside of you. This is a huge change in our lives, but I couldn't think of anything better than starting a family now," Blaine murmured, caressing Kurt's flat stomach.
"I'm pregnant," he stated happily. Blaine laughed.
"Yes. Due March 15. Dr. Jones explained everything that's in the pamphlets I gave you," he started. "And you get some good drugs to keep you from throwing up all the time." Kurt's smile grew wider, reaching to his eyes. He pushed Blaine down on the bed, straddling him.
"I love you," he said, kissing Blaine over and over again.
"I love you, too."
"How are we going to tell people?" Kurt wondered aloud.
"No clue."
This is really cute, I really like this! Maybe you should just keep going with their life together and then wrtie Ada could get a little brother or sister?? (: If you want to! This is adorable! :D