Can't Wait to See Our Child
Happy Birthday Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Aug. 6, 2012, 9:06 p.m.

Can't Wait to See Our Child: Happy Birthday

E - Words: 1,617 - Last Updated: Aug 06, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: May 17, 2012 - Updated: Aug 06, 2012
1,311 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Thank you for the feedback. I hope this satisfies you.

Kurt had gotten up from an afternoon nap to get a drink of water. Blaine was lounging on the couch as his husband waddled to the kitchen. Pulling out a cup from the cupboard and turning to the refrigerator without a second thought, Kurt was forced to freeze. As a watery liquid splashed to the ground, he gasped and dropped the cup, glass shattering everywhere. Two seconds, and Blaine appeared with a freaked out face. Kurt's eyes widened even more as his stomach gave a lurch and unbelievable pressure was felt. He moaned out softly, clutching his baby bump.

"Kurt," Blaine said slowly, "Are you okay?" Glass was everywhere around Kurt's feet, so Blaine gave a sigh of relief internally because Kurt had insisted on taking up the habit of wearing shoes around the house for the both of them when they first moved in.

"My water broke," Kurt replied without moving a muscle. Blaine about fainted. He thought the water was from the glass. A week early? Was that okay? He pulled his head out of his ass and went to Kurt.

"Okay, come here," he chided and led the shaky Kurt by hand to the living room. Kurt situated on the couch.

"Should we go to the hospital?" Blaine asked. Kurt nodded.

"This is it," Blaine whispered and kissed Kurt's forehead before getting the hospital bag and calling their very excited parents to alert them. In the car, Kurt's breathing became labored, and he tensed up.

"Owww," he whined throughout the contraction. Blaine wanted to hold Kurt and stroke his hair, but driving required some attention, especially when transporting your husband and child quickly. When it subsided, Blaine spoke up.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" For the first time in awhile, Kurt relaxed and breathed.

"Not too bad. It's just a lot of pressure," he sighed. Blaine held his hand.

"Well, you can cry and scream at me in the hospital," he smiled. Kurt laughed lightly as they drove to the hospital as the sun started to set.

After Kurt was settled in a room and hooked up to monitors, Carole and Burt came up to the room.

"Since it's around dinner time, I figured you guys hadn't eaten," she announced, carrying bags of food, as soon as she stepped into the room. Burt pat Kurt's shoulder gently before doing the same to Blaine.

"So! How are we doing?" he asked lightheartedly.

"Everything's pretty good. I'm three centimeters dilated."

"How are the contractions?" Carole sincerely asked, smoothing his hair.

"Painful and getting worse, but they're not debilitating," he reported.

"And Blaine?" Blaine perked up at Burt's acknowledgement. "How is it being on the other side?" Burt laughed, remembering Kurt's birth and how Elizabeth gripped his hand tightly. Blaine looked at Kurt in awe, who definitely reciprocated the same look.

"I'm not liking him being in pain, but I'm excited to see her!"

"Her? You found out?"

"No, Blaine just thinks so," Kurt chimed in. They all shared a laugh and settled in, eating the light dinner. Just as they finished up, a nurse came in and checked Kurt who had only eaten a bit, not joining in conversations.

"Well, you're seven centimeters now. Things may start progressing here shortly," she said sweetly and left the room.

"How are the contractions, baby?" Blaine asked, stroking his IV-clad hand.

"They hurt a lot," he said softly, innocently.

"You know you can cry or squeeze my hand when you want." Kurt nodded and relaxed for just a minute before Mother Nature took over.

"Ow ow ow owwww," he trailed off. Blaine stood right by his bedside and did his own breathing exercises.

"Don't forget to breathe, honey," Carole instructed, "It does no good to just ride it out."

"Hey, Blaine," said Burt once the contraction ended, "Want to feel something really cool?" Blaine dumbly nodded his head. Burt guided his hands on the baby bump. Kurt inhaled sharply.

"Is another coming?" Burt asked, offering his hand for him to squeeze which Kurt gladly took.

"Yes," he replied through gritted teeth. Suddenly, he yelped in pain and moaned loudly, but Blaine was mesmerized by Kurt's stomach. Even through the hospital gown, he could feel the skin tighten and slightly throb, like something was trying to get out. Someone, he smiled. Kurt relaxed as did the skin.

"Wow," was all Blaine could say.

"As you may have noticed," Carole started, "the contractions will come more quickly and unfortunately intensify." Both husbands knew that already but being in the middle of it all was quite different.

Not ten minutes later, Kurt was in incredible pain. He couldn't believe it would have gotten worse, but it did. Carole held a washcloth to his sweaty forehead. Burt paced the floor, and Blaine tried to placate the bedridden patient. All the while, Kurt lied on the bed whimpering and sometimes yelling. When Blaine thought he had had quit enough and was thinking about getting pain relievers for his husband, Kurt whined to him.

"I have to push," he said, clenching his jaw. All eyes trained on him.

"A-are you sure?" Blaine asked gently, trying to mask his fear. As another contraction hit, Kurt could only nod and breathe erratically. A nurse bustled in at Burt's command.

"Ten centimeters. Perfect," she announced. "Are you ready?" Kurt looked at her and just moaned. Blaine smiled at her weakly. The doctor came in and got everything set up while Kurt's family crowded around him to keep him from pushing.

"I have to push!" he cried out fervently. Tears blurred his vision.

"Not yet, honey,"

"You're okay, son."

"Alright!" the doctor cut in. "It's somebody's birthday!" Now Kurt smiled. Nurses adjusted his legs to be propped up. Burt and Carole held one each. Blaine stood to the side and crouched down to eye level with Kurt on the bed, one hand caressed the aching stomach.

"I love you so much, baby. You can do this," he encouraged, wiping Kurt's forehead with the washcloth.

"You can go ahead and push on the next contraction." Those words were bliss to Kurt's ears as he bore down immediately feeling the pressure.

"Good, Kurt!" the doctor praised. Ten seconds and Kurt could relax and breathe but another contraction was lined up, so he pushed again. Around him, his parents encouraged him. Carole gave him soothing words, Burt just kind of stood there, staring at the husbands' interactions.

"You're going to have to push harder," the doctor reported. Kurt shed some tears at the pain. He pushed again and again and again. Frustration built as did the pain, burying his head into Blaine's shoulder near him. Blackness slowly creeped into Kurt's vision. Nothing felt like it was moving, until the doctor spoke up.

"That's it! I can see the head!" Although Blaine was getting excited and bubbly, Kurt felt the ring of fire and lashed out at Blaine.

"You bastard. Quit jumping!" he screamed. Blaine looked extremely confused and turned to Burt who shook his head and laughed. This must be part of the whole process, Blaine thought.

"One more push." With a cry, Kurt pushed until he felt the baby's head come out. Meticulously, the doctor worked until the baby was brought out completely. Even vernix-covered, Blaine saw his beautiful child. He gasped and tears streamed down his face. Absentmindedly, he stroked Kurt's hair, never taking his eyes off of his newborn.

"Congratulations, boys. It's a girl," the doctor announced which prompted the husbands to cry hard. Even Burt shed a few tears. Blaine was allowed to cut the umbilical cord, severing the child off from Kurt's body forever. Nurse bustled around to gather the child in blankets and clear her airways. Kurt welcomed her into his arms and continued to cry, trying to catch his breath still.

"She's so, so beautiful," he murmured, lightly petting her scrunched up face. She began testing out her limbs beneath the loose blankets. When a piercing shriek erupted from the 15-inch baby girl, nurses whisked her away for a second to have tests upon tests completed. After the afterbirth passed and Kurt was allowed to put his legs down finally, their baby was brought back to them. Sitting up a bit, Kurt cradled the now quiet child in his arms.

"Happy birthday, Ada Elizabeth Anderson-Hummel," he cooed, wiping away a stray tear. Carefully, he transferred the bundle to Blaine who laughed with parental joy. She fit perfectly in his arms; it felt natural to hold her.

"She's so, so beautiful and tiny," he said. Burt clapped him on the back gently.

"Congratulations, you two," he said with a shaky voice. Elizabeth would have been so proud.

"Do you want to hold her?" Blaine asked. Burt agreed and had the child given to him. Tears streamed down his face. Ada was so small and reminded him of Kurt to a tee. Now his little baby was having babies of his own.

"Aw, Burt!" Carole cooed. Burt laughed, wiped the tears away, and shrugged.

"How are you feel-" Blaine started to ask Kurt but turned to see his husband asleep.

"He'll wake up later. It takes a lot to do what he just did," Carole said. Ada was given back to Blaine, and he settled into a chair near Kurt's bed.

"Ada Elizabeth, my precious little girl. I'm so glad to see you. You're so special to me and your daddy. I can't believe you're finally here after such a long time."

Ada Elizabeth Anderson-Hummel

March 23, 2020

15 inches, 5 lbs. 7 oz.

End Notes: Not over yet, stay with me!!!


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Awww, this was cuuuute! :) Please continue. Can't wait to read more !!!

LOVE! :)

yay! there's more to come! that makes me really happy :) but if there was no more, this was a great "ending".