You're Just A Name To Me
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You're Just A Name To Me: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,899 - Last Updated: Jan 15, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Dec 22, 2012 - Updated: Jan 15, 2013
727 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes:

Massive thanks to my best friend and beta Willa, who always reads over the chapters before I post them to make sure they're angsty enough for you guys. Speaking of her, she won't have a lot of Internet access from the 29th-31st, so I probably won't be updating until the new year because I want to run everything by her first. That being said, I will continue to write while she is away so that when I get to posting again, I'll have plenty for you to read :)

Now onto the story!

The next few weeks were filled with mixed emotions for Blaine. He loved getting to know Kurt and learning about his life, but at the same time, the fact that Kurt had a boyfriend was always in the back of Blaine’s mind. He wasn’t letting himself feel everything he wanted to for Kurt because he knew that Kurt couldn’t feel the same for him, at least not now.

“So,” Kurt said one day as they sat at their usual table at Morning Joy, “you know all about my love life – even the time I was in love with my stepbrother – but you haven’t told me anything about yours.” He leaned forward and rested his chin on his hand. “So spill.”

“Um…” Blaine ran a hand through his hair, thinking. He contemplated making up some ex-boyfriend to make himself seem less pathetic, but there was something in him that wouldn’t let him lie to Kurt. “Okay, I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh.” Kurt crossed his heart and flashed that dazzling smile that made Blaine’s heart melt. “When I was fifteen, there was this guy, Jeremiah. He was the junior manager at the GAP and I really liked him even though we’d only hung out twice. So I convinced the Warblers to help me serenade him and I kinda sang ‘When I Get You Alone’ to him in the middle of the GAP. I got him fired and he turned me down.” Kurt blinked a few times, then burst out laughing. Blaine’s jaw dropped, pretending to be offended, and he threw the last bit of his biscotti at Kurt. “You promised you wouldn’t laugh.”

“I’m. Sorry,” Kurt choked out between giggles. “But that’s the. Funniest thing. I’ve ever heard.”

“Glad to know you get enjoyment from my embarrassment,” Blaine said, faux-anger creeping into his voice.

Kurt choked back a laugh and took a sip of his coffee. Once he sobered himself, he said, “No, of course I don’t. I’m sorry. Continue.”

“Well, besides the sort-of date to the dance I told you about,” Blaine didn’t really like talking about the night he’d been beaten to an unrecognizable pulp, but the same part of his brain that wouldn’t let him lie to Kurt also prevented him from sparing any detail, “and this guy I went to high school with that used the cheesiest pick-up lines imaginable, there hasn’t been anybody.”

Kurt’s coffee paused halfway to his mouth and his eyes went wide as he studied Blaine’s face. “Shut up. You’re trying to tell me that you’ve never had a boyfriend?”

“Not even a date,” Blaine admitted with a sheepish smile. “I know I’m pathetic – feel free to tease.”

Kurt continued to stare at him, his brow furrowed like he was thinking hard about something. “I’ll tease you as soon as I stop being so shocked. I just mean – and don’t go getting a big head or anything – you’re… well, you’re really hot. I find it hard to believe that you’ve never been asked out.”

“Oh, they’ve asked,” Blaine corrected off-handedly. “I’ve just always said no.”

“Wow, you must have super high standards,” Kurt joked and then changed the subject to something his bitchy teacher had done, which was a safe, mundane topic – exactly what Blaine needed.

While Kurt talked (and, damn, could that man talk) Blaine got lost in his thoughts. He knew the things he felt for Kurt were less than platonic and he knew somewhere deep in his core that he was meant to spend the rest of his life with Kurt Hummel, but telling Kurt any of that was taboo. Kurt had a boyfriend and from the few mentions of him he’d made, Blaine could tell that he was very much in love with him. As much as he wanted to be with Kurt, there was a larger part of him that argued that Kurt’s happiness was all that mattered. And if that meant being with Jordan, then Blaine would have to accept that, no matter how much it killed him inside.

“Oh, I completely forgot!” Kurt exclaimed, interrupting his own story about applying for an internship at Vogue. “Jordan and I are going to the movies tonight and he asked me to invite you along. He said that I talked about you often enough that he might as well meet you.” Blaine’s heart gave a funny lurch at the thought of Kurt going home and telling his boyfriend all about him. “Unless you already have plans…” Kurt added uncertainly.

“Just listening to Abby complain about how the most recent love of her life dumped her.” Sometimes Blaine felt like Abby was on a path to self-destruction and all he could do was stand by and helplessly watch. But they needed each other because for the longest time, they’d only had each other. “Actually,” he said after a moment, “would you mind if she tagged along? It’ll be good for her to get out of the house.”

“I think it’s great how much you two care about each other. It reminds me a lot of me and Rachel, actually.” Blaine remembered Kurt telling him about his friend from Ohio whom he’d lived until he moved in with Jordan and how she was exceedingly annoying, but Kurt loved her anyway. Actually, Blaine remembered everything Kurt told him. “Yeah, of course she can come,” Kurt continued and once again, Blaine was snapped painfully back to reality. “Just let me tell Jordan.” While he stepped away to call Jordan, Blaine walked up to the counter, hopping over it with a practiced ease.

“Only employees are allowed behind the counter, Anderson,” Abby chastised, a grin creeping onto her face.

“Shut it, Pengrave,” Blaine retorted. “You need to close early.” Abby raised a questioning eyebrow, Blaine’s sign to continue. “Kurt invited me to a movie with him and Jordan and I need you to be my buffer.”

“Gonna punch Mr. Boyfriend in the face and whisk Kurt off into the sunset?”

“Ssh,” Blaine said, slapping a hand over her mouth. That was another quirk of Abby’s – she talked as if she couldn’t hear herself and ended up being very loud. “Inside voice, Abigail. And, no, I wouldn’t do that to Kurt. I just… need you to make sure I don’t say something stupid.”

“Yeah, I can do that as long as you don’t call me Abigail again.” Blaine grinned and kissed her on the cheek. Abby took off her apron and yelled at the customers to leave (Abby didn’t have what normal humans called “people skills”). “Now let’s do this.” The two hopped over the counter and joined Kurt by the door.

“You guys all set?” Kurt asked. “Jordan’s gonna meet us there. Was there anything out that you particularly wanted to see?” Blaine shook his head. Between school, auditions, and a few gigs here and there, Blaine was so busy that he didn’t even know what was playing.

“Well,” Abby drawled. “There is that new slasher film. I can’t remember the name of it, but I’ve heard it’s really good.” They all agreed that that was okay (Kurt assuring them that Jordan lived for gory movies) and started towards the theater.

It took about twenty minutes to walk, but they eventually made it. “Kurt, over here!” a deep voice called from the line. Kurt rushed towards the voice and Blaine looked just in time to see Kurt throwing his arms around a tall, muscular blonde and kiss him full on the mouth. He didn’t dare look at Abby because he knew she’s be able to see right through him to the burning fire of jealousy in his heart and he didn’t want to hear that sermon again.

“Uh… we should probably g-get over there,” he stammered as he tried to keep his voice steady.

“Okay,” Abby said in what Blaine referred to as her mom voice because it was the same tone his mom used whenever their conversation was going to be continued later. She squeezed his hand gently and they made their way over to Kurt and Jordan.

“There you two are!” Kurt said happily, his face lighting up. “I thought I lost you or something.” He turned to Jordan, who had his arm snaked around Kurt’s waist. “Babe, this is Abby Pengrave and Blaine Anderson. Guys, this is my boyfriend, Jordan Sweeney.”

Jordan held out the hand not resting on Kurt’s hip. “So this is the infamous Blaine,” he commented as Blaine took his hand and shook it. “Kurt just won’t shut up about you.” Blaine gave a tight-lipped smile because that was easier than either A) lying or B) telling Jordan that Kurt had only mentioned him a handful of times. “So it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“You, too,” Blaine said genuinely. As much as he’d been jealous at first, he could see how happy Kurt was and that was worth more than anything to him. “So Kurt tells me you’re studying to be a teacher. That’s cool – nice and practical, unlike me,” he laughed.

“Oh, yeah, you’re a musician, right? How’s that going?”

“Okay, I guess. I get a few gigs at night clubs and coffee houses, but right now I’m starting to work on my piece for my school’s winter showcase in December.” Out of nowhere, Kurt reached out and smacked Blaine in the arm. “Ow! What the fuck was that for?”

“You never told me that you had a showcase. I love hearing you sing.” The butterflies that had taken up a permanent residence in Blaine’s stomach started fluttering around.

“Well, I only found out the date today and had planned on inviting you when the tickets went on sale, but now I’m not so sure I want someone who abuses me there.” He peeled off his jacket to examine the damage and found a red mark in the shape of Kurt’s hand on his bicep.

“Yeah,” Jordan said, glancing at the mark. “He hits pretty hard. I feel for you, man.”

“What is this – Gang Up on Kurt Day?” Kurt pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Jordan assured him that they were only teasing him and after a few seconds of coaxing, Kurt accepted his kiss.

Watching them, Blaine realized he wanted that – wanted to feel loved and special and wanted. He wanted someone to look at him like he was their entire world and to know that they would do anything for him.

The only problem was that he wanted all of that with Kurt and he couldn’t have that.

“So,” Kurt said later that night as he and Jordan lay in bed. “What did you think of Blaine?” Jordan and Blaine both meant a lot to him and he just didn’t know what he would do if they didn’t like each other.

“I liked him a lot,” Jordan answered and Kurt internally relaxed, resting his head on Jordan’s bare chest, his left ear pressed against his heart. “He’s a lot like you, actually,” he added, massaging Kurt’s scalp. “What with the music and being from Ohio and all that.”

“Mhm,” Kurt hummed, eyelids drooping. “I feel kind of bad for him, though.”

“Why’s that?”

Kurt propped himself up so he was hovering over Jordan. “Because he’s never had a boyfriend. I doubt if he’s ever been kissed. I just… I mean, I’m happy and I want him to feel that way, too. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah, of course it does. Blaine means a lot to you – it’s only natural that you want to see him happy.” Kurt smiled and lay back down. “So what are you going to do?”

“What can I do? I mean, if he doesn’t want to date, I can’t force him to.” Kurt felt so helpless. He had this constant feeling of desperation and sadness in the pit of his stomach where he used to feel the emptiness. He knew that it was because Blaine was unhappy – ever since they’d met, Kurt felt like there was an unspoken bond between them that he knew he could never have with anyone else, not even his dad or Jordan.

“Maybe he just doesn’t go out enough to have met the right guy yet. What’s the harm in introducing him to a few guys?”

Kurt thought about it. It actually made a lot of sense and he knew just the guy to introduce Blaine to. “What would I do without you?” he asked softly, pressing his lips to Jordan’s throat.

“I’m sure you’d do just fine without me,” Jordan replied with a kiss to the top of Kurt’s head. They both knew that was a lie – that they needed each other – but Kurt was too tired to say anything. So he just settled on Jordan’s chest (his favorite pillow) and drifted to sleep as Jordan turned off the light.

The next day, Kurt sat in one of his school’s cafes waiting for his friend Kendall, the guy he wanted to introduce Blaine to. Kendall had gone through a nasty break up about five months before and he said he was ready to start dating again. And who better to introduce him to than sweet, loving, kind Blaine?

“Hey, Kurt,” Kendall said, pulling up the chair opposite Kurt. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Great. You?”

“Can’t complain,” Kendall said with a shrug. “So what did you need to talk to me about?”

“I think I found a guy for you.”

“You have my attention.”

Kurt laughed and said, “He’s actually my soul mate Blaine. We met a couple of weeks ago and he’s probably the sweetest person in the world. He’s a musician and totally hot,” he added in the hopes of getting Kendall excited about meeting him. As another incentive, Kurt pulled out his phone and showed Kendall a picture he’d taken of Blaine playing his guitar at Morning Joy. Kendall eyed it appreciatively and handed the phone back to Kurt.

“What’s the catch?”

“No catch. Blaine’s just… well, he’s never been in a relationship and he’s too kind-hearted to not be loved. I want – no, I need – him to be happy.”

Kendall looked back down at Kurt’s phone, which he had placed on the table, a small smile pulling the corners of his lips up. “Yeah, okay. When can I meet him?”

“Let me talk to him and get back to you.” Kurt didn’t want Blaine to freak out because he was overstepping some sort of boundary in front of Kendall. Which was why he was going straight from the café to Morning Joy to make sure Blaine was okay with this arrangement.

He just hoped everything would be okay.

At Morning Joy, Abby handed him his usual order without him saying anything. “Maybe that’s a sign I come here too much,” he laughed.

“I’m not complaining. You and Blaine are half of my business. So,” she continued, her tone changing into what Blaine had told him was her famous “gossip voice,” “Blaine said you had something to discuss with him. You should just tell me now since Blaine’s going to tell me later anyway and I am not a patient woman.” Kurt chuckled and told her his plan. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, sweetheart,” she said in a soft tone. “The last time I tried to set him up, he didn’t talk to me for a week.”

“Well, I have to at least try,” Kurt said as the bell above the door chimed and a few seconds later, Blaine appeared behind him. Kurt greeted him and as they walked to their table, he wondered what on earth was stopping Blaine from dating.

“So, Mr. Hummel, what was so important that you had to drag me away from my work?” Blaine asked in a light tone that gave away the fact that he wasn’t really mad at Kurt as they sat down.

“Okay, so I have this friend named Kendall. I was talking to him about you and he said that he’d be really interested in meeting you.” Okay, so that wasn’t technically true, but he had to phrase it in a way that didn’t let Blaine know Kurt was doing all of this intentionally. “Which is really huge for him because he went through a horrible, nasty break up that he’s still sort of getting over.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Blaine said, all joking gone from his voice. In fact, he sounded tense and closed off. “Are you trying to set me up on a date?”

“I just want you to be happy, Blaine,” Kurt was quick to explain, trying to extinguish the fire burning in Blaine’s eyes. “You deserve to be happy.”

“I am happy,” Blaine spat. “Just because you need a boyfriend to be happy doesn’t mean we all do. I just… no, you know what? I can’t do this right now.” He stood, leaving his untouched coffee on the table. “I’ll see you around, Kurt.”

When he was gone, Kurt looked over at Abby, who just shrugged. All of his energy drained, Kurt rested his head on the table. He thought life was supposed to get easier when you met your soul mate, but Kurt’s had just gotten a lot more complicated.

End Notes:

So hope you guys liked that one and hopefully it will be enough to hold you over for the next few days. Since I probably won't update before then, this is me wishing all of you a happy and healthy new year! Stay safe, make smart choices, and find someone to kiss at midnight!



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Now I know why I love Blaine so much...

no kurt and blaine are for each other no jordan bbboooooooooooo i still love the story though. make jordan cheat or something........or make blaine pissed at kurt for awhile and kurt realizes his true feelings.........ii have many ideas so just shouting out loud. oh put blaine in an accident and make kurt moan at his sorry got a little excited hope you can forgive know forget everything i your story and have a good new year as well xp

This was such an interesting twist to the soulmate!Klaine trend, that they aren't ready to be together when they finally realize their soulmates. Can't wait to see where this goes.

sadly no one to kiss on new years. but there was never anyone o kiss on new years, so, thats nor surprising. i really hope klaine gets together soon. i mean, jordan seems nice, but i dont understand how kurt is so nonchalant about the fact that they are soulmates, but he thinks blain'll just date someone else. i understand why he is dating jordan and it makes total sense, but i dont know how jordan is so cool wit blaine and kurt knowing that they are just confused....its am awesome story so far though. i just truly hope that kurt and blaine are together soon. i need them together to llive! lol i really hope thyat you update soon!!!! jackie