Beauty and the Geek
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Story
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Beauty and the Geek: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,731 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Created: Jun 01, 2012 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
453 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: And update number three :)I would like to go on the record as saying in the world of fanfiction I ship Kurtbastian because they're both so strong with such strong personalities (NOT saying that Blaine's weak - don't go putting words in my mouth, people lol) that you kind of can't help but wonder what their relationship would be like... like what kind of dynamic they would have.There I said it

Kurt lay on Sebastian's bed later that night, actually trying to read the book they were working on in English (Brave New World). It was an interesting book and Kurt liked to think about the idea of a world completely dominated by machines. The only problem was the analyzing – he just didn't see the point of it. Why couldn't they just read the book without dissecting every sentence? Nevertheless, Kurt was going to try his hardest to figure it out on his own because maybe Ms. Carr would take notice and decide he didn't need to be tutored by Blaine Anderson. It was a long shot, but he had to give it a chance.

Sebastian lay down next to him and started running his hands through Kurt's hair, the only person in the world allowed to do that. "I'm bored," he whined, pressing his face into Kurt's neck.

"Well, find some way to amuse yourself then," Kurt supplied simply, turning the page in his book. He felt Sebastian's lips start kissing his neck and Kurt squirmed away, knowing he was never going to get any work done with his boyfriend sucking his neck. "Not like that," he reprimanded.

His boyfriend suddenly sat up, causing Kurt to close his book, marking his spot with his finger. He looked expectantly at Sebastian, waiting for him to talk. "Why are you reading, anyway?" he asked finally. "You never do homework."

"Yeah, well, I have this new teacher who's saying that if I don't start doing my work, she'll fail me and then I'll be off the Cheerios."

Sebastian lay now next to him again. "Aww… poor baby," he cooed, his fingers threading through Kurt's hair again. "Do you want me to help you?"

As much as he'd rather work with Sebastian than Blaine Anderson, Kurt shook his head. "My teacher set me up with a mandatory tutor." He didn't bother keeping the disdain out of his voice because Sebastian would've picked up on it, anyway.

"You don't sound all that happy."

Kurt rolled onto his side so he and Sebastian were facing each other. "He's, like, a total loser, Seb. Seriously, you know all those cliché high school movies with the nerdy boy with glasses and sweater vests?" Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, that's him." Sebastian made a sympathetic face and opened his arms, letting Kurt worm his way into the embrace.

"Well, at least we have our anniversary on Saturday. I promise I'll make you forget all about this tutor kid," he said in a playfully sexy voice.

When his words registered with Kurt, he groaned – he'd just earned himself the title of World's Worst Boyfriend. "Oh, God," he said, burying his face in Sebastian's neck.

"Actually, my name's Sebastian, but you can call me God if you want." He laughed and Kurt groaned again. "Hey, look at me." Kurt did. "What's wrong?"

"I completely forgot about our anniversary."

"That's okay," Sebastian soothed. "You don't have to get me anything."

"It's not that," Kurt said. "It's just that I told my tutor that I'd meet him at noon on Saturday."

"Aw, that's okay, baby. Just go study hard and text me when you're done so we can go out." He put a hand on Kurt's face and stroked his cheek gently with his thumb. "See? No harm done."

Kurt moved closer to Sebastian, pressing their bodies together. "I love you," he said softly, resting his forehead against Sebastian's. These were the moments he loved the most, when it was just the two of them. The moments when they weren't the head Cheerio and the captain of the Warblers, with no responsibilities or pressures.

When they could just be Kurt and Sebastian, two teenage boys in love.

"I love you, too," Sebastian replied quietly. "And don't stress about Saturday. We're gonna have plenty of anniversaries to celebrate, so missing a few hours of one isn't really that big a deal." Kurt sighed happily – Sebastian always knew what to say to make him feel better.

And when Sebastian leaned in to kiss him, all thoughts of Blaine Anderson and Ms. Carr and failing flew out the window. All that mattered was the feeling of the lips of the boy he loved moving against his own.

Well, it was 12:01 and Blaine hadn't shown up yet, which meant that Kurt was free to leave. Just as he was pulling his phone out of his pocket to text Sebastian to come get him, Blaine stopped in front of his table. "Sorry I'm late," he said. Kurt didn't reply, so Blaine just sat down and took his copy of Brave New World out of his bag. "Ready to get started?"

Kurt's phone vibrated on the table and he held up a finger, telling Blaine to wait. It was only fair, really, since Blaine had made him wait.

Miss you already – Sebastian

You just saw me lol – Kurt

So? I'm always missing you – Sebastian

Aww… baby, you're so cheesy – Kurt

Don't pretend you don't love it, Hummel – Sebastian

You don't know me haha – Kurt

Oh, please. Nobody knows you like I do – Sebastian

That's true :) – Kurt

"Uh… Kurt?" Blaine said hesitantly. "I think we should get started. We have a quiz on Tuesday."

Well, shit. Kurt hated it when people he hated were right. Sighing, he typed out another message to Sebastian.

Gotta go. Being yelled at – Kurt

Ok. Have fun and study hard ;) – Sebastian

Shut up – Kurt

Love you – Sebastian

Love you too – Kurt

Kurt closed the conversation and looked at the picture of Sebastian on his screen before setting the phone aside and glaring at Blaine. "Okay, let's just get this over with. I have places to be."

"Um… okay." Blaine flipped to the page they needed and started going over things he thought were going to be on the quiz. By the end of the session, Kurt was surprised to find that he was actually starting to understand.

"How do you know all this?" he blurted as they were starting to pack up. "I mean, like, all this literature stuff – symbolism and crap. It's just a bunch of gibberish to me."

"I guess I just like to read," Blaine said with a shrug.

"Why?" Kurt asked incredulously, shooting off a text to Sebastian to come pick him up.

"I guess… like, reading can take you to a whole new world, you know?" Kurt looked at him blankly – with his busy schedule, the last thing he had time to do was read for pleasure, if he'd even wanted to, that is. Blaine laughed lightly at his expression and Kurt had to admit that it was a nice sound. "I'll take that as a no." By this time, they were standing outside the Lima Bean, both waiting for rides. "But it's like… if I'm ever down or whatever, I'll just read a book and… wow, that sounds really lame now that I say it out loud. I'll shut up now." He laughed again – this one a nervous sound – and glanced at Kurt.

"No, it's okay. That's like me with Broadway musicals – I can't seem to shut up about them. Drives my boyfriend insane." He laughed before he realized what he was doing.

Was he actually enjoying spending time with Blaine Anderson – the nerd of all nerds? That definitely was not going to do. Kurt has spent so much time getting to the top and this kid was not going to ruin that for him. So what if he maybe liked talking to this kid? He liked being accepted and liked at school more.

Kurt shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts and make sense of what was going on. He didn't have to think long because just then, Sebastian's car pulled into the lot and Kurt sighed a breath of relief. His boyfriend just had this magic power that made him forget everything, including his own name sometimes.

Sebastian stepped out of the car and walked over to them, pulling Kurt in for a deep kiss. When they'd first started dating, Kurt had been hesitant to kiss in public because Ohio wasn't exactly known for embracing the gay, but then Sebastian had said, "Hey, I have the most gorgeous boyfriend in the whole world. Why wouldn't I want to show him off? And if people don't like that, I say fuck 'em… Well, not literally, but…"

After that, Kurt hadn't had any qualms about PDA.

Just as Kurt was starting to get seriously light-headed from lack of oxygen to his brain, Sebastian pulled back, keeping a tight grasp on Kurt's waist, and turned to Blaine. "Hey, man, thanks for tutoring Kurt. I mean, I offered to do it, but I don't think we'd get much tutoring done, you know?" Kurt didn't miss the suggestive tone and apparently neither did Blaine, if the sudden bright red blush creeping onto his tan skin was any indication.

"Uh… y-yeah," Blaine stammered. He looked over Sebastian's shoulder. "There's my mom. I guess I'll see you in English, Kurt?" He made it sound like a question, as if he were unsure of whether or not he'd actually see Kurt.

"Yeah. See you then." And then Blaine was gone, rushing into his mom's beat up station wagon. When he was out of earshot, Sebastian started laughing. "What's so funny?"

"You were so right, babe. That kid is wound so tight I'm surprised he doesn't burst. Seriously, I doubt he's ever even been kissed." He started laughing so hard that he was actually shaking.

"Hey." Sebastian didn't seem to hear him. "Hey, Seb. Knock it off."

Sebastian stopped laughing and looked at him. "What's your problem, Kurtie? You don't… like this kid, do you?"

"Of course not," Kurt said off-handedly. "It's just that… I know what it's like to be bullied."

"So? That's never stopped you before."

Kurt stopped and thought about it. How could he explain to Sebastian that Blaine sort of reminded him of himself before he'd joined the Cheerios without sounding completely crazy? Deciding that there was no way Sebastian would ever understand, Kurt did what he did best – he lied. "Yeah, you're right." He chuckled. "All this studying must be going to my head. Remind me not to do it again."

"Got it. Now, come on. I've got a surprise waiting for you at my house." He kissed Kurt sweetly. "Oh, and happy anniversary." Kurt smiled and followed Sebastian to his car, not understanding why he couldn't get Blaine and his obsession with books out of his head.

Fuck. He was screwed, wasn't he?

End Notes: And now you have to wait.....Review!


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Oh dammit, was starting to get really good! How often will you be updating this seemingly WONDERFUL fic of yours?

I'm not sure when I'll be able to update.... I'm working on chapter 4, but I'm currently very busy with life, so... yeah.But glad you like it :)

This story is amazing! I love Kurtbastian and Klaine! Contuine! :)

Thanks so much :)Not sure when I'll update, but glad you liked it