Ticket To Ride
Chapter 4 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Ticket To Ride: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,499 - Last Updated: Sep 02, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Jul 10, 2012 - Updated: Sep 02, 2012
558 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Triggers: mentions of self-harm, language, mild violence, and rape reference.

Chapter 4:

Kurt groaned as he stirred into consciousness. He blinked his eyes open slowly only to finally notice the headache that was hammering its way into his skull. He groaned once again and sank back into what he presumed was his bed.

"You hit your head pretty hard."

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head in the direction of the voice and came face to face with a sheepish looking Blaine.

The curly haired delinquent extended a glass of water in one hand and an aspirin in the other.

"Here, this should help with your headache."

Kurt was about to reach for the glass, until he remembered why he was laying in bed with a massive headache in the first place. He shot out of the bed and backed away onto the wall, this time more aware of where he put his feet, and turned to look at Blaine with a wary expression.

Blaine was a little stunned by what just happened. He turned to look at Kurt and stood up. "Kurt, I'm not going to hurt you."

Kurt stared at him doubtfully.

Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his luscious curls. For once, he looked a little distraught and concerned.

"Look, Kurt. I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't think you would freak out like that."

Kurt said nothing and continued to study him.

Blaine took a tentative step forward.

"Don't come near me."

The curly haired boy's expression changed to one of irritation.

"You know what? Fine, I don't even want to come near you. Jeez, it's like you have a stick up your ass 24/7." Blaine snorted, "Scratch that, your body screams virgin."

And with that, the cockiness returned.

Kurt's head was pounding so hard that he barely registered what Blaine had said enough to feel hurt.

"And you seriously need to chill the fuck out. It's not like I was going to rape you." Blaine said carelessly as he turned his back to Kurt and walked to his bed, not noticing how Kurt curled around himself and sunk to the floor, whimpering gently as his eyes shone with unshed tears.

Without a second glance, Blaine grabbed his phone off the bed and left the room.

Kurt broke.

He didn't know whether he preferred having a roommate that would physically beat him, or someone like Blaine.

Whenever Kurt was near him, he'd feel his heart flutter. He couldn't help but miss the way Blaine's eyes shone with concern. Concern for Kurt.

Kurt's sobs subsided and he shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Don't be ridiculous. He wasn't concerned about you, he was probably concerned about getting blamed for your injury and what would happen to him.

But Kurt didn't know that right outside their dorm room, Blaine was sitting with his back to the door and his head in his hands. He couldn't get the pained look on Kurt's face before he pushed him away and fell out of his head. He flinched as he recalled the previous events.

Before Blaine could really register what was going on, Kurt was staggering backwards and falling into oblivion. Blaine panicked for a moment before picking Kurt's immobile body up and gently placing him on the bed. He ran into the bathroom to grab wet a towel before running back to Kurt's side and placing it on his forehead. He sat by his side and took Kurt's soft hand in his and gently started to stroke it with his thumb. Blaine sat there staring at Kurt. Staring at how his hand looked like it was made for his. He couldn't help but stare in wonder at how beautiful Kurt was. With his porcelain skin, soft looking chestnut hair, angelic voice, beautiful bone structure, and deadly gorgeous eyes that he could just drown in. Kurt's lips were slightly parted, and Blaine had the sudden urge to kiss him. He'd never seen anyone with beauty remotely close to Kurt's. It had taken all of his willpower for his jaw not to drop open when he first laid eyes on him. But most of all, he had been avoiding the fluttering in his chest whenever Kurt looked at him or even stood near him.

It doesn't mean anything. You're Blaine Anderson, resident badass. You're not allowed to have any feelings. You remember what happened last time you cared about someone, right?

Blaine released Kurt's hand bitterly at that last thought, immediately missing the warmth and softness of Kurt's hands.

As Kurt's hand dropped back onto the bed limply, the sleeve of his uniform lifted a little, and Blaine gasped quietly at what he saw.

Multiple red lines littered his wrists.

Blaine slowly pulled back the sleeve and felt his heart clench painfully in his chest. The red lines spread all the way to his elbows. He slowly and gently ran his fingers over them. Blaine suddenly felt angry at whoever or whatever was the cause of Kurt's obvious cutting.

I guess I'll have to ask him and find out.

He could hear Kurt's quiet sobs through the door, and his heart clenched. He felt like punching himself for causing the beautiful countertenor distress.

What's wrong with you, Blaine? You never cared about hurting anyone. Well, at least not since you know who.

He sighed and stood up and began making his way to his secret spot.

Kurt lay in his bed, curled into a ball, staring at nothing in particular. He heard Blaine walk in, but didn't move from his fetal position.

Blaine took in Kurt's state and mentally kicked himself. He looked so broken, so fragile, that Blaine just wanted to envelop him into a hug and protect him from the world.

Maybe it's time for you to stop being such a prick and apologize to him. The voice in his head scolded.

"Kurt?" He began.

Kurt's eyes flickered to him for a brief second before going back to staring at nothing.

Okay then.

He continued, "Look Kurt, I'm so sorry for what happened. I swear I never wanted to hurt or scare you. I just thought we'd have a little fun."

"Fun? Is everything a game to you? Did it not occur to you that maybe, just maybe, I didn't want to have fun?" Kurt snapped quietly, still not looking at Blaine.

He slowly began to sit up against the headboard, his head lowered as his hands idly played with tip of the comforter.

"I'm sorry. I really am, Kurt. I may seem like the bad guy, but I would never hurt you like that."

"Like that?"

"As in force you to have sex with me." Blaine blurted. As soon as the words were out in the air, he regretted opening his mouth.

Kurt visibly flinched. He pulled his legs up and curled in on himself, his eyes shining with tears.


Blaine gaped as the realization hit him. He took a step forward hesitantly, watching Kurt's reaction. When Kurt didn't flinch, he sunk onto the bed next to him and gently turned his face so he was staring Blaine in the eyes.

"Kurt… Did something like that happen to you?" At this point, tears were streaming down Kurt's face freely as he stared into the hazel eyes. He turned his face away from those eyes sharply, as if waiting for Blaine to move away from disgust.

Blaine's heart broke.

"Look at me, Kurt." He spoke gently.

Slowly, Kurt turned his face again and his breath hitched when he noticed how close their faces were.

Blaine's eyes flickered down to Kurt's lips, now slightly parted, and back up to Kurt's eyes.

He slowly leaned forward and stopped about an inch away from Kurt's face, searching his eyes for any sign that told him he didn't want this, but found none. He closed the gap and pressed his lips to Kurt's.

Holy fucking shit.

Oh. My. God.

It was like fireworks exploded and both of their hearts were hammering against their chests.

Well, this feeling is new.

Blaine lifted his hand and caressed Kurt's cheek, and Kurt sighed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck and pulling him closer.

I'm kissing Blaine. I'm kissing Blaine.

There was no urgency, no rush. Both of them were just relishing the taste and softness of each other's lips and the feeling of being wrapped around a body that they thought was literally made for them.

Kurt pulled away slowly after a few minutes, ducking his head shyly, hiding his blush. Blaine couldn't help but smile at how adorable and beautiful Kurt looked.

His stomach was literally doing back-flips.

Blaine hated to ruin the moment, but he just had to know what happened to Kurt. So he could personally kill whoever touched him.

The hazel eyed boy positioned himself against the headboard and pulled Kurt to his side, wrapping his arms protectively around his thin waist. Kurt burrowed his head in the crook of his neck and sighed contently.

None of them asking the obvious question of where they stood right now. Right now, they were happy resting in each other's arms.

Instead, Blaine approached the subject of the incident once again.

"Kurt, why are you here?" He asked gently.

Kurt stiffened and began to back away from Blaine, but was restrained by Blaine's hold.

He held Kurt closer and tighter. Kurt looked up at Blaine and the curly haired boy nodded, encouraging him to tell the story."It happened a few weeks ago," Kurt began, his voice small. "I was always taunted at school for being the only out gay kid there. I would constantly get slushied in the face, shoved into lockers, thrown into dumpsters, getting called cruel names, and no one ever noticed. Or if they did, they just didn't care. But there was this one Neanderthal that bullied me the most. One day, when I finally found the courage to stand up to him after one particularly hard shove against the locker, he... k-kissed me." Kurt's voice wavering at that last part.

Blaine's fists clenched tightly. He pulled Kurt even closer.

"Kurt, if you don't want to-"

"No, if I don't get everything out now, I won't be able to later." Kurt assured in a shaky voice.

He continued, fisting his hands on Blaine's shirt as he said the next part. "Then the next day, when no one was around, he pulled me into the janitor's closet and locked the door. Then he started…" He took a deep shaky breath, his eyes starting to shine with new tears. "H-He started to t-touch me. A-And he kept saying that I wanted it. But I was crying and trying to back away as much as possible. I didn't want it, Blaine. I swear I didn't. But it was futile. He was three times my size, so he easily shut me up by shoving a cloth into my mouth. Then he… Then he started to undress me, a-and he forced me on my knees."

It took all of Blaine's willpower not to bolt out the door and find this sick bastard and beat him to death.

Kurt continued quietly, making Blaine's ears strain to hear him properly, "He forced me to… you know. He would force me to do this everyday. Until one day, he decided to take it to the next level. I begged him and told him I wouldn't tell anyone of he just stopped, but he didn't listen. H-He r-raped me, Blaine." His voice broke at that last statement. His body was shaking violently, his fists tighter around Blaine's shirt.

Kurt's face turned to one of hatred. "I felt so disgusted after he finished, that I was vomiting and could barely move. So I skipped school for an entire week. Apparently, he thought I had told someone, that that's why I was missing school. He was furious when I saw him a week later. He pulled me by the hair into the janitor's closet and started ripping my clothes off. When he started doing that, I realized what was about to happen once again and I... I lost it. I looked around for something to hurt him with, and I saw a stick resting against the wall. I grabbed it while he was unzipping his pants and started hitting him. And I didn't stop." He said the last part with clenched teeth and fat tears spilling out of his eyes.

"I hit him until there was blood everywhere. I was so angry. I felt so violated. He took everything from me. My innocence, my happiness, my life. When my anger subsided, and I finally realized what I had done, it was too late. The janitor opened the closet just as I dropped the stick. I k-killed him, Blaine. I killed him."

Blaine was whispering comforting words into Kurt's ear as the boy convulsed with violent sobs. He tried to grasp everything Kurt had just told him.

He killed him.

The curly haired boy took a deep breath, slowly but firmly prying Kurt's shaking hands from his shirt and holding them tightly in his.

"He deserved it. Don't beat yourself up for this." Blaine said sincerely, looking directly into Kurt's eyes.

"B-But I'm a m-murderer." Kurt whispered harshly, fresh tears sliding down his face and soaking his collar.

"No, you're not. He raped you, Kurt. He hurt you. It was self-defense. You're not a murderer. If you were, you wouldn't be at a reform school, you'd be in jail." Blaine supplied firmly, releasing his hands and holding Kurt's face gently, thumbing away the tears.

Kurt stared into the eyes that were now a shining gold, threw all of his resolve out the window and surged forward, closing the gap between their lips. He kissed him urgently, fisting his hands in his shirt once again as if his life depended on it. It was messy and wet from the all the tears, but still passionate. Blaine kissed back just as urgently, holding Kurt tightly, as if protecting him from the past events.

Kurt knew he shouldn't feel so attached to Blaine already, but he just couldn't help it. It had barely been two days, most of which Blaine was being a cocky asshole, and yet he felt like he would rather be nowhere else than in Blaine's arms.

Blaine, on the other hand, was having an internal mind battle. One side was telling him to stop before he got too attached, and the other was telling him to go on, to save this broken boy. Unfortunately for him, the memory of his past relationship hit him like a freight train and he pulled away sharply. He got up abruptly, causing Kurt to stagger back.

"I-I can't do this. I'm sorry." And with that he bolted out the room and ran to his secret spot, the tears that he had been trying to suppress finally breaking free and streaming messily down his face. He knew he would hate himself for what he just did, that Kurt's expression after he got up would haunt him.

You're an asshole. He just spilled his heart out and you rejected him like that. You probably broke his heart.

Kurt stared after him, his arm extended, as if beckoning Blaine to come back.

Once again, he broke down, sobbing loudly this time, not caring about being heard by his neighbors.

Blaine arrived to his secret spot, thankful for the empty halls so no one would see him crying. That would definitely ruin the reputation he had carefully built, making the school both respect and fear him.

He collapsed onto the ground and broke, shaking with sobs.



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Karofsky so deserved that! Even though Kurt now has to live with guilt... I really liked the ending, to be honest ;) x

Thank youu ;)

Poor broken Kurt and blainers!! This story is amazing after every chapter I wait eagerly for the next, ATM this is my favourite story! Keep writing! <3

thankyouuu! :D