Every Little Thing
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Every Little Thing: Congrats?

E - Words: 2,714 - Last Updated: Jul 18, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jun 08, 2015 - Updated: Jun 08, 2015
238 0 0 0 0

August 4th, 2020

As the song ended, there were a few claps from the kids that were still awake. The daycare teacher, Miss Paisley, smiled kindly at Blaine and Kurt, "That was fantastic, you two. Kurt? Have you signed Charlotte out?" Kurt shook his head and looked down at the dark-haired girl still leaning against his chest. Kurt was a little stuck. He looked at guitar man for help.


"Soph. Can you get off, uh, Kurt," the man smiled slightly at Kurt, his eyes sparkling. Kurt felt himself blush and look down to Charlotte who was sucking her thumb as she slept. Kurt grimaced a little at the habit. Hopefully this bad habit would not mess up her teeth like what happened to her fath- some people. Like it did to some people.


Sophia nodded against Kurts chest before standing up and hurrying off to a little girl that was playing with a Tonka Truck in the corner. Kurt nodded his thanks before standing up. He went to bend down to pick up his daughter but was surprised to see guitar man already standing up with her in his arms. The little girls head rested against his shoulder as he stood to full height.


"Thank you," Kurt said as he was handed the sleeping girl. "Blaine," the man said. Kurt raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" "My names Blaine. Blaine Anderson," Blaine said holding his right hand out so Kurt could shake it with the hand not holding Charlotte. Kurt shook his hand with a smile, "Im Kurt Hummel." Blaines eyes widened a little, remembering his conversation with his wife the day before.


"Oh. Wow. My wife is Natalia Anderson. She told me about you," Blaine said a little awkwardly. Kurt laughed. "Of course she is," He thought to himself. "Hopefully all good things," Kurt said aloud. Blaine smiled half-heartedly before looking over to Sophia guiltily. Kurt shook his head and chuckled. "Its fine," Kurt shrugged, "Its never good stuff when the new guy becomes your boss."


"My wife is a little quick to judge," Blaine rolled his eyes, "Shell come around though." Kurt smiled, "Im gonna go sign Charlotte out." Blaine gestured to the desk and nodded his head, "Right. Of course. Sorry." Kurt walked towards the sign out sheet, silently laughing at the mans dorkiness. It was hidden well, but he was definitely a huge, adorable dork.


Kurt quickly signed his name on the checkout sheet and turned back around to see the little girl smiling up at him. "Hi! Do you remember me? Im Sophia. You told me you use to have a husband yesterday. Is Charlotte okay?" Sophia asked with a concerned voice. "Hi, Sophia. And yes I do remember you. Charlotte just has a small fever, but shes okay." The answer seemed to suffice because the girl smiled brightly again.


"Will she be better tomorrow?" Sophia asked, jumping a little in excitement. Kurt shrugged, "Maybe. I have to see how she feels tomorrow." Sophia nodded. She bit her lip before talking quietly, "Mr. Hummel? Did your husband die?" Kurt felt himself stiffen up a little. He looked to Blaine, who had been talking to Miss Paisley, for help. He saw his look and excused himself to go see what trouble his daughter was making.


"Whats up?" Blaine asked cautiously. Looking from his daughters curious face to Kurts stiff frame and his face that was slightly turned away as if he was trying to run away from the conversation. "I was just asking Mr. Kurt if his husband died. Like what happened to Angies daddy," Sophia said matter-of-factly. Blaines eyes widened as he looked up at Kurt.


"Oh my- I am so sorry," Blaine said with his hand cupping over his mouth, "Sophia! You cant just-" Kurt shook his head, "Its okay. She didnt know." "Well, she should," Blaine said firmly before sinking down to his daughters height. "Sophia. Can you please say sorry to Mr. Hummel," Blaine asked quietly. Sophia cocked her head to the side, "Why?" "Well talk about that later but for now can you just say youre sorry," Blaine asked tiredly.


"Sorry, Mr. Hummel," Sophia said in a whisper. She looked down before she moved to hug Kurts legs. Kurt let himself smile softly at the girl. He also sunk down so he could hug the girl with the one arm that wasnt holding Charlotte. "Thank-you, Sophia." Sophia pulled away and turned back to her dad. "Little Bee? Can you please go get your stuff? We gotta get home so I can start dinner," Blaine said standing up. "Are we going to spend the night at Wess and Kellys again?" Sophia asked. Blaine closed his eyes and sighed as he shook his head.


"I dont think so, sweetie. Now go," Sophia saluted playfully then went to gather her stuff. Blaine looked back to Kurt apologetically. "I am so sorry. We were talking about it last night and I guess I didnt think she would ask." "Its fine. Its just not the easiest thing to talk about," Kurt said quietly. Blaine pressed his lips together before sighing. "How about I make it up to you. Beer Friday? I mean if you have someone to watch her," Blaine said nodding to Charlotte.


Kurt nodded, "Yeah, I know a few people who can take her for a couple hours Friday. Uh... you wont be able to text me where. My phone has been tragically ruined. So..." Kurt trailed off waiting for an answer. "Oh! Um, my friend owns a bar on 7th avenue. Its called Duvals Bar. Super uncreative but its pretty cool," Blaine shrugged. "Is seven good?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded, "Yeah thatd be great." Kurt smiled. Suddenly, Charlotte awoke and began to cry loudly in Kurts ear.


Kurt winced and bean to sway back in forth, trying to lull her back to sleep. "Shh...shh," Kurt said soothingly. It was at the moment that Blaine really noticed how tired Kurt looked. He had dark circles under his eyes and looked tense, as if had been standing up way too long. Blaine nodded at Charlotte, "Do you want me to try?" Kurt was already handing her to Blaine. Blaine took Charlotte and began to walk over to a wall filled with childrens drawings.


"Oh! Look, Charlotte. Heres a picture of a kitty cat. Meow. Can you say meow? Meow," Blaine mimicked a cat. Kurt covered his mouth to stifle a laugh as Blaine meowed the most authentic meow he had ever heard a human make. Sophia now stood next to Kurt with a small bag in her hand, openly giggling. "Meow," Blaine mewled again. Charlottes cries had quieted a little as she stared at Blaine.


"And thats a puppy. It goes ruff. Ruff! Ruff! Ruff," Blaine barked a little. Charlotte began giggling a little as Blaine distracted her. Kurt was covering his hands as he laughed at Blaine. "Oh look this is my favorite animal. Its a dolphin. Dolphins go -ow!" Charlotte grabbed a handful of Blaines gelled curls and tugged right as he opened his mouth to do the dolphin noise. Charlotte started to giggle loudly as she quickly did it again before Kurt grabbed her from Blaines arms and removing her hand from his hair.


"No. We dont pull hair, Charlotte," Kurt said firmly. Charlotte pouted. "Sorry," Kurt mumbled, embarrassed. Blaine laughed a little as he patted down his hair. "No big deal. Its a kid thing," Blaine grinned. He looked down at Sophia who was still giggling quietly. Blaine glared playfully, "Ready to go, little bee?" She nodded and grabbed her dads hand. Blaine looked up and smiled at Kurt, "Beer Friday at seven. Duvals bar. See you then." "See ya later. Drive safely." Blaine waved as Sophia and him walked out. Kurt grinned a little as he boosted Charlotte up higher on his hip.


Fuck. That guy would be the death of him.


  Natalia sat at Kurts desk, scrolling through all the articles he was sending to his boss. They were good. Really good. That sucked. Natalia couldnt find anything that she could fix or touch up a little. Everything was absolutely perfect and all one hundred percent Kurt. Natalia groaned quietly as she went through the last page. Well maybe she didnt need to fix anything. Maybe she could just add a few things. Just a couple articles that Kurt thought werent of any interest to anyone.


Natalia checked to make sure his door was still shut before she quietly opened the desk drawer. She grabbed out the top stack of papers and quickly scanned through them. Natalia though for a moment before grabbing the top sheet and quickly typing it into the computer. The article was actually quite fantastic. It was centered on some fashion trend and how it is actually boosting peoples self-esteem. Natalia couldnt believe Kurt hadnt chosen this article. It seemed like something he wouldve loved.


Natalia shrugged and hit send. It was done, and personally, Natalia thought it was even better with that article in it. Natalia sighed and stood to leave. As she stood, her belt on her dress knocked a stack of paper on the ground. "Shit!" Natalia whispered loudly. She bent down and quickly began to stack the papers back up when a piece of newspaper caught her eye. Natalia grabbed it and read the heading with a frown.


Local Fatal Car Accident

On April 25th, 2018, twenty-four year old, Aaron Hummel-Dean and three year old, Nate Hummel-Dean, were killed at five in the afternoon on their way out to pick up dinner. Father, Aaron Hummel-Dean struck a pole when he swerved around a little girl who ran out into the street. The child was announced dead on impact while Aaron was pronounced brain dead.


Natalia stopped reading and swallowed thickly. God, she wouldnt even how to keep going if she got a call that her husband and daughter were killed. She felt a tear run down her face that she quickly wiped away with the back of her hand. She breathed deeply before quickly shoving the torn piece of newspaper back in the stacks of paper. She wasnt the best mom and she knew that, but she loved Sophia. She loved Blaine. No one should lose their child or husband so young. No one.


Natalia was torn from her thoughts when the door opened and Kurt walked in, holding a sleeping little girl who Natalia had learned was Charlotte. "Oh, hey. I just realized that I left my house key here," Kurt quickly walked to his desk and slipped it in his pocket. "I really need to get this on my key chain so I dont lose it," Kurt said mostly to himself. "Did you send the articles?" Natalia thought of the extra article she had added. Nope. Not an ounce of guilt. She nodded and grabbed her purse from the ground.


"I gotta get home. My daughter has been begging me to join her for dinner. All Ive really wanted to do is sleep," Natalia said. Kurt paused for a moment, "So were leaving Yolanda here alone?" Both looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Im glad we share a mutual dislike for her," Natalia said with a laugh. Kurt shook his head, "Well walking in on my married boss receiving head from her three times can make you start to dislike a person pretty quickly. Ive only worked here for two days! Does he get no play at home?" Natalia laughed.


"Laugh like a song," Kurt thought almost bitterly. "I dont know and I dont want to know. All I know is that Yolanda is a bitch thats just trying to get ahead," Natalia said. Kurt nodded. "I met your husband today. And your daughter. Apparently Sophia and Charlotte attend the same daycare," Kurt said politely. Natalia remembered something about a new girl and nodded, "Yeah I think I heard about that. I predict play dates in the future."


Kurt sighed, "Sophia seems to be very fond of Charlotte so I dont think youre wrong. I should get going, though. I have a new phone to buy since someone discovered the wonders of throwing things into the toilet," Kurt said kissing Charlottes cheek. Charlotte squirmed away and at her cheek and began playing with the block in her hand. "Uh-oh," Natalia laughed, "Wait until she finds the flush handle. I lost a pair of diamond earrings." Kurt gasped. "Yeah. Well I will see you later then. Um, bye." They stood awkwardly before Kurt leaned forward and hugged her.


"Thank-you for sending the articles, Natalia. Drive safely," Kurt said before pulling away. Natalia smiled and nodded and walked out the door.


"Taint no big thing

To wait for the bell to ring

Taint no big thing

The toll of the bell

Aggravated - spare for days

I troll downtown the red light place

Jump up bubble up - whats in store

Love is the drug and I need to score

Showing out, showing out, hit and run

Boy meets girl where the beat goes on

Stitched up tight, cant shake free

Love is the drug, got a hook on me

Oh oh catch that buzz

Love is the drug Im thinking of

Oh oh cant you see

Love is the drug for me

Late that night I park my car

Stake my place in the singles bar

Face to face, toe to toe

Heart to heart as we hit the floor

Lumber up, limbo down

The locked embrace, the stumble round

I say go, she say yes

Dim the lights, you can guess the rest

Oh oh catch that buzz

Love is the drug Im thinking of

Oh oh cant you see

Love is the drug, got a hook in me

Oh oh catch that buzz

Love is the drug Im thinking of

Oh oh cant you see

Love is the drug for me"


Blaine was singing loudly as Sophia and him sat dinner on the table. A beautiful Thai dinner. She smiled a little at them. "Roxy Music? Really, babe?" Natalia laughed. Blaine turned around and smiled weakly. Sophia paused with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, watching her dad and moms interaction. It was the first time they had seen each other since yesterdays fight. Blaine had came back after she left for work to quickly get Sophia and himself ready. Jeff had understood why he was late and didnt bring it up again. Like Wes, he harbored a hatred towards her that came out at moments like that.


Natalia slipped off her heels and quickly went to sit at the table. She opened a container to find ginger pork. "This smells amazing. Ive been craving Thai for a couple weeks now like crazy," Natalia said as she put a few bites in her mouth. After about the fifth bite she paused. "Uh, Blaine," she said quietly. "Hmmm," Blaine looked up with a noodle falling out of his mouth. Sophia giggled a little bit as she took a sip from her apple juice.


Natalias widened a little and quickly flew down the hall to the downstairs bathroom. Blaine swallowed and rushed after, motioning for Sophia to stay. Blaine walked in to see Natalia kneeling in front of the toilet bowl retching madly. Blaine grimaced a little but went to the kitchen sink to grab a glass of water. He returned a moment later and handed her the water. She took a small sip and sighed.


"No Thai for me, hun," Natalia said. Blaine nodded his head, "Good idea. Do you want me to make you like soup or a sandwich or something?" Natalia shook her head and stood up, "No. If Im hungry Ill make something. I do have to pee, though." Blaine walked out, "Okay. Work tomorrow?" Natalia shrugged and shut the door. She counted to ten before breathing deeply and turning around to quickly open the medicine cabinet. She grabbed a little box of test sticks and stared at the toilet before walking over.


"Are you done?" Blaine asked Sophia gesturing to her empty plate. Sophia nodded and Blaine picked up the dish and sat it in the sink. Itd been twenty minutes since Natalia had went in the bathroom and Blaine was starting to worry. She had been getting sick a lot recently. After eating the Indian food the other night and then again tonight. Last week she had woken up around 7:00 in the morning to puke. She wasnt... she couldnt be...


"Blaine," Natalia wiped away a few tears as her voice broke. Blaine turned and stared at her, wide-eyed.


"Im pregnant."  







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