Every Little Thing
Chief Editor Next Chapter Story
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Every Little Thing: Chief Editor

E - Words: 2,134 - Last Updated: Jul 18, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jun 08, 2015 - Updated: Jun 08, 2015
225 0 0 0 0

August 3rd, 2020

"For the love of- Sophia Christine! Pick up your Legos when youre done with them! Shit shit shit," Blaine muttered as he hobbled over to the dining room table. He propped his foot up on his knee and frowned at the red Lego that stuck to the bottom of his foot. He plucked off the Lego and sat it on the table with a sigh. Legos were a constant danger in the Anderson home. Blaine was positive that he could write a novel solely based on the amount of Legos he had stepped on in the last five years. "Hi, my name is Blaine Anderson and today I stepped on the 896th red Lego today. That makes a whopping total of 16,978 Legos in all just in the last five years."


Blaine turned around when he heard the unmistakable clicking of his wifes heels on the hardwood floor. She glared at the Legos and groaned loudly before calling out, "Sophia Christine! Pick up your damn Legos before I throw them away!" Natalia Anderson huffed her way into the kitchen as she spoke to Blaine.


"Its only 8:30 in the morning and Im already for this day to be over," Natalia complained from the kitchen. "Why?" Blaine asked as he pulled on a pair of shoes. Natalia walked back towards Blaine, holding a bright pink mug that read "Worlds Greatest Mom" on the side. Blaine scoffed mentally at the writing as he finished putting on his shoes.


"You remember that bitch, Yolanda, who started working in editing with me like four months ago. Well apparently shes been sleeping with Julies boss, Mr. Erickson. Julie recently let it slip that shes quitting her job as Chief Editor so now the position is up for grabs and guess who is going to get the job." Natalia angrily slammed the mug down on the kitchen table causing the black liquid to spill over a little.


Blaine frowned sadly at her. Natalias dream was to be chief editor at Vogue. It had been her dream since Blaine had met her at sixteen. Blaine felt for her. Everyone should get a shot at their dreams without having to lose it due to someone who was willing to sleep their way to the top.


"I would have loved to boss that slut around but now Im the one who is gonna have to endure her shrill voice telling me how to do a job I have been doing for six years." Natalia picked up her mug and stalked into the kitchen to dump the rest of the liquid in sink. "Im sorry, babe. Is there anything you can do?"


Natalia looked over at him with an icy glare, "If there was do you think wed be having this conversation. God. Youre an idiot." Blaine looked down at his lap before mumbling out a sorry. Natalia paused for a moment before sighing and walking over to Blaine and crouching down in front of him.


"Im sorry, hun. I didnt mean that. Im just really upset and I really wanted this job. I love you," Natalia kissed Blaines cheek before using her hands to frame his face and making him look up so she could fully kiss his lips. "Am I forgiven?" Natalia asked sweetly. Blaine smiled back a little before nodding a small nod and stood up.


"Im gonna go make sure Sophia is ready," Blaine said as Natalia rose and headed back to the kitchen. Blaine hurried up the stairs and knocked lightly on the door on the first right, "Soph? Come on. Mommy and I gotta get to work and you gotta get to daycare." The door flung open to reveal a little girl with wide, panicked eyes. "I dont know what to wear, Daddy!"


Sophia scurried back to her bed and sat on it looking expectantly at her father. Blaine sighed and entered the princess themed bedroom. He walked over to the closet and grimaced at the messy heap of clothing in front of it. "Sheesh, Soph. Can the clothing stay in the closet for once?" Blaine asked staring at the mound. Sophia let out an annoyed sigh, "Daddy! This is an mergency! I have no cloves!" Blaine giggled a little at her mistaken words.


"You have plenty of clothes. See? How about this?" Blaine asked holding up an orange dress with a black and white striped bottom. Sophia wrinkled her nose up and shook her head. Blaine dropped it back in the heap and pulled out another dress. "This? This is cute," Blaine said holding up an aqua colored dress.


He tried to ignore the fact that it looked brand new yet it had been bought at least a year ago. So Sophia was spoiled. She wasnt a brat she just had way too many clothes... and toys... and hats. Blaine blamed it on those damn eyes. He had always been told his puppy dog eyes could convince someone to rob a bank but he never believed them. It wasnt until Sophia was born that he finally believed them. He knew the moment he saw her eyes he was screwed.


Sophia bit her lip before getting up and pulled a coral colored dress with a large flower on it out of the pile. She grinned at Blaine who shook his head, "Of course. Why am I not surprised you chose that." Sophia just smiled and raised her arms. Blaine sighed and pulled the pajama top off as she shimmied out of her bottoms. Blaine quickly slipped her dress on and Sophia backed up to slowly twirl in a circle.


"Do I look pretty?" Sophia asked her dad. Blaine grinned sweetly at her, "Of course my darling. Now go get a bow for your hair. The little girl stopped twirling and ran to her vanity to grab a white flower. She paused for a moment before grabbing a red one too and rushing back to her daddy handing the white flower to him.


Blaine smiled as he snapped the white flower into her hair. He leaned forward and kissed the top of her head, "Now lets go. Weve got daycare to attend." When Blaine pulled away, Sophia held up the red flower to him. When a look of confusion passed over his face, Sophie quickly explained.


"I want you to put it your hair, Daddy. Like mine." Blaine laughed as he hurriedly placed the flower in his slightly gelled hair. "There. How does it look?" Blaine asked the small girl. She kissed his nose and smiled brightly, "Perfect." Sophia wiggled out of his arms and scampered out the door and down the stairs. "Dont run down the stairs!" Blaine called out as he followed after. As he reached the bottom of the stairs, he was surprised to see Natalia still there. Granted, she was by the door, but there nonetheless.


"Oh! Blaine! I almost forgot to tell you that you need to pick your daughter up from daycare today. Im gonna be working late so youre also going to need to pick up dinner. Get the Thai tonight, please. I think the Indian is what made me puke yesterday. Oh and it would be great if you could call management about the sink. I think its leaking. I think thats it. See ya later," And like that, Natalia Anderson was gone.


Blaine turned around to see Sophia sitting on the couch with shoes on her feet and tear-filled eyes. It had happened enough times that Blaine didnt even have to ask what was wrong. Blaine had talked to his wife countless times about leaving before saying goodbye to Sophia but getting through to Natalia was like talking to a brick wall. Blaine gathered Sophia into a tight hug and kissed her cheek, "Oh, honey. Mommy loves you so much. Shes just really busy with work right now," Always busy, "I love you, little bee. Now come on. Lets go to daycare."


Blaine pulled away to look at the little girls face who sniffled slightly. "I dont like Thai." Blaine smiled reassuringly, "I know, little bee. How about I make dinner tonight. Both of us." Sophias face lit up and all traces of sadness were erased. "Really? We can make dinner? Oh, but what will we make?" Blaine grabbed Sophias hand as they made their way to the door and Sophia came up with ideas.


"What about spaghetti? Or lasagna? Oh! Lets make homemade pizza! I like burritos. One time, this girl at daycare..."

"Uh-oh," Charlotte Hummel said as she stared at her daddys phone that had now found a home in the toilet. "Char? No!" Kurt leapt to the porcelain bowl and pulled out the sopping, drippy mess of a phone. He gaped at the phone and then looked at the blonde little girl. "Uh-oh," she said as she pointed at the object in Kurts hand. Kurt looked back at the ruined phone, "Yeah "Uh-oh." Kurt sighed and sat the phone on the counter top and sighed tiredly.


He did not have time for this. It was his first day at Vogue magazine. He had been searched and sought after to take a job there. He had worked his way up the ladder at Elle magazine until he had finally got a job as one of the top editors in London. While working at Elle magazine was amazing and living in London was incredible, it was always his dream to work at Vogue Magazine. His dream was about to come true and he was not letting his troublemaking two-year-old take it away. He picked up the squirming Charlotte and carried her into the living room, shutting the bathroom door behind him.


"Okay, squirt. Stay on this couch and dont. move. Daddy has to go get his shoes." Kurt quickly ran to his bedroom and grabbed his shoes and quickly made his way into the living room. Luckily, his daughter had been too entranced on a loose string on her shirt to move. Thank God.


Kurt breathed out a sigh of relief as he pick Charlotte up and made his way down out the door and to the elevator. Charlotte was singing her own version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that basically just said twinkle over and over again. Kurt apologized his way all through the lobby at the annoyed glances he got. He made his way to his car and snapped the loud girl in. Kurt sighed as he shut his door and started the car.


"Sweetie? Can you please be quiet for a moment? Daddy needs to figure out how to get to daycare," Kurt tried to reason. Reasoning with a child is a lost cause though, and Kurt was quickly reminded of that when Charlotte just began singing louder. Kurts shoulders sagged as he made his way down the street.


Driving through New York was one of the most aggravating things Kurt had ever had to do. Cars that pull out whenever, taxis always pulling off to the side, and if one more pedestrian walked in front of Kurt he wasnt stopping. "Jesus shithole!" Kurt yelled as he stopped quickly when a taxi flew past. Charlotte stopped singing to gasp loudly.


"Daddy! Dats a bad wood!" Kurt blushed in embarrassment. "Sorry, Char. That was a very bad word." They were quiet for a moment before Kurt finally spotted the daycare. "Yay. Daddy found the daycare, Char." Charlotte squealed as Kurt parked and got himself and Charlotte out of the car. "Okay, Charlotte, I need you to hold my hand, sweetie." Charlotte grabbed Kurts hand as the two made their way to the front. As the two got closer, Charlotte began to giggle and point at some man.


"Daddy. Look. Dat man has a fwower in his hair!" Kurt smiled kindly at the man who had looked up and waved as he helped his little girl with her backpack. Holy hell that man was hot. His hair was dark and had just the right amount of gel in his hair and, yes, a bright, red flower. He was wearing a red button up with a black vest over the top and black pants. Kurt felt a little weird ogling a probably straight, married mans ass but couldnt find it in him to care.


When the man caught Kurts line of vision and turned as red as the flower on his head he looked back to his daughter and grabbed her hand. Kurt looked away, face as red as the mans. "Yes, Charlotte. Its very pretty." When Kurt got inside and made sure Charlotte was going to be okay, he very quickly left, so the man wouldnt see his still brightened face. What Kurt didnt notice was how the flower headed man stared at Kurts back side as he had walked away.

"Okay everyone," Mr. Erickson looked around at the Vogue teams hopeful faces. "I would like to introduce the new editor in chief, Kurt Hummel."


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