Nov. 25, 2012, 8:01 p.m.
Nov. 25, 2012, 8:01 p.m.
Blaine woke up feeling very relaxed and was ready to face the day, when the memories from the previous day. He buried his head into the pillow, when he felt feather light touches on his stomach. He looked down and saw Kurt smiling up at him, as he slowly made random patterns on Blaine's stomach.
"Morning Love," Kurt said as he pulled himself closer to Blaine.
"Morning, did last night actually happen?" Blaine asked
"Yes, I am sorry. We have to get up in an hour to get ready for school, so just relax and forget about it," Kurt said as he kissed Blaine's forehead and pulled the covers up over them both.
"So we have an hour to do wonderful things before we have to have a shower and do more wonderful things?" Blaine asked with his famous smirk.
"Maybe, I mean you did earn it and I did promise it," Kurt whispered as he pulled Blaine closer and kissed his neck.
"Hmmm... yes and you told me you don't back down on your promises," Blaine said as he ran a hand up Kurt's arm. Kurt laughed as Blaine hand travelled down Kurt's stomach and reached the top of his black satin PJ pants.
"Oh so your gonna hold that against me," Kurt said as he laughed again which turned into a moan as Blaine's hand travelled lower.
"Yes I will," Blaine said as shimmied out of his black boxer briefs and tossed them on the floor. Kurt followed suit and pulled his PJ pants down and neatly folded them and leaned over the bed and placed them on the floor. As he did this the covers on the bed followed his body, and flashed Blaine with his ass, Blaine leaned in and squeezed Kurt's left cheek and Kurt squeaked as he leaned back towards Blaine.
"Did you just manhandle me Anderson?" Kurt asked as he climbed on top of Blaine.
"Depends do you mind being manhandled?" Blaine asked with a smirk as he moved even more closer to Kurt.
"I'm not sure," Kurt said as he thought 'two can play this game'. Blaine kissed down Kurt's neck, as an arm curled around Kurt's waist. Kurt hummed as he felt Blaine bite softly on Kurt's neck. Kurt's hand travelled down Blaine's back and slowly moved lower as Blaine sucked on Kurt's neck. Kurt took the time to run his hand over Blaine's bare backside. Then he suddenly pinched Blaine, Blaine jumped in the air and looked at Kurt was a mocked expression of shock.
"Do you like being manhandled?" Kurt asked as he smiled innocently. Blaine just laughed and pulled the cover over them and kissed Kurt who now was laughing as he kissed Blaine.
It had been a month since the horrible dinner with the Anderson's. Blaine and Kurt had worked on strengthen their relationship. Kurt thought it was time that Blaine would officially meet Burt. It was a usual Wednesday evening, which Kurt found himself sitting at Blaine's kitchen table finishing off some French homework. Kurt was finishing of a sentence when lips appeared on the back of his neck.
"Hmmm…. Hello dear," Kurt said as his eyes closed.
"Are you finished?" Blaine asked as his lips brushed against Kurt's neck.
"Yes, but I need to ask you something very important!" Kurt said as he placed his pen down. Blaine moved around so he was sitting in front of Kurt.
"I'm all ears," Blaine smiled.
"Only cause your hoping to get lucky," Kurt said as he got up and sat on Blaine's lap.
"Okay, I'm all ears, even if I don't get laid," Blaine said with a laugh.
"I was wondering if you're not busy Friday night, I wanted to know if you will have dinner with me?" Kurt asked as his fingers played with the curls at the base of Blaine's neck.
"You don't have to mmmm…. You need to stop that if you want me to think straight," Blaine said as he had closed his eyes mid sentence.
"Why do you think I want you to think straight," Kurt said as he leaned in and whispered in Blaine's ear.
"I have no clue but I would love to have dinner with you," Blaine said as his hand travelled down to Kurt's rear end and started to massage it.
"Even if that dinner was with my Dad and the rest of my family?' Kurt asked as he felt Blaine's hand stop and stiffen.
"I would do anything if you asked me too," Blaine said still with his eyes closed.
"Good Boy," Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear, "But I want to know if you want too, not that I am making you," Kurt said as the hand on his ear end started to move again.
"Yes, of course, it can't get any worse right?" Blaine said as he eyes opened and focused on Kurt's face.
"Good then, you might get laid if you behave yourself on the night, Might even stay the night in my …bed," Kurt whispered the last part into Blaine's ear.
" And tonight?" Blaine asked hopeful
"I've got chem. And then Math's homework, and I know for a fact you have your English homework to finish," Kurt said as he went to stand up.
"Awww… but mini Blaine is lonely," Blaine answered pulling Kurt back onto his lap.
"Well than it's just you and your hand tonight," Kurt sung as he pushed off Blaine and sat back down in his original chair. Blaine just sulked as he stood up and walked into his bedroom to get his homework. The rest of the night was spent finishing up homework. Blaine finished first and decided he would cook dinner for Kurt and himself. But Kurt found it too distracting as Blaine moved around the kitchen, humming to a simple tune and swaying to the beat in his head.
Blaine had put on the apron that Kurt had left there after his birthday dinner. Humming to himself, he grabbed things he needed from the pantry and continued to dance around the kitchen, putting the oven on and pouring a coke, as he continued to cook. Blaine was in his own world, so he didn't know Kurt had long stopped doing homework and was now just plain old staring at Blaine, with a smirk on his face. His eyes moved across his boyfriend's body, Kurt placed a hand under his chin and just continued to stare at his boyfriend.
It wasn't until Blaine served the dinner that Kurt knew what he was eating.
"Home-made pizza?" Kurt asked a bit of shock in his voice.
"Yeah, it's healthy home-made pizza," Blaine said. He placed the pizza down on the table. "And no before you ask I'm not just saying it to make you eat it,"
"Okay, okay,I'll eat it,but only because you made just for me," Kurt said as he took a bite out of one of the slices. He chewed the pizza before swallowing it. Blaine watched Kurt waiting for his reaction to the pizza. "Oh my god, it's like heaven!" Kurt said excitedly.
"Why thank you dear!" Blaine said with a smug look on his face. "How do you think I survived all these years?" Blaine asked as he reached over and squeezed Kurt's hand.
"No idea, but your pizza is having sex with my taste buds," Kurt said with a laugh.
Blaine choked on his drink and coughed lightly as he tried to breathe again. "Why thank you, I'll remember that for next time,"
"Oh god, these taste too good to be healthy, are you sure they are?" Kurt asked with a small smirk
"Yes, they are healthier than the ones intake-away shops orsupermarkets." Blaine said with a laugh.
The next hour was spent with the boys cleaning up the kitchen, having a bubble fight from the dish washing liquid, and Kurt crawling into a ball on the kitchen floor, laughing too hard,from Blaine making a beard out of the bubbles. Blaine tried to kiss Kurt but he ran away. The dishes lay forgotten as Blaine chased Kurt around the apartment. When Kurt checked the clock on the wall, he saw that he really needed to head home. Blaine walked Kurt down to his car, thenleant Kurt up against it and kissed him. Kurt didn't want to head home, he wanted to go back up to the apartment and spend the night with Blaine. However, his Dad had asked to be home on school nights and he had always kept his promises with his Dad.
"Call me when you're at home," Blaine said, like always.
"Of course, I love you,"
"And I love you," Blaine answered as he kissed Kurt once more, before opening the car door for him. "Drive safe," Blaine said as he closed, the door behind Kurt. He rolled down his window and caressed Blaine's cheek.
"Don't I always," He said with a smile. Blaine leaned into the touched and then pulled back. He walked in front of the car and off to the door. Standing there and waving as Kurt drove off back to his house. Blaine waited there until he could not see Kurt's car anymore.
Once Kurt returned home, he pulled out his phone and dialed Blaine's number. "Hey, walking in the door right now, love you" Kurt said as he listened to Blaine's response. "Okay, see you tomorrow," Kurt said,hanging up the phone.
"Hey Kiddo, how's Blaine?" Burt asked, looking at Kurt who sat in the couch next to Burt.
"He's good, I actually wanted to talk to you about him," Kurt said as he turned to look at his father.
"What did he do?" Burt asked protectively.
"Nothing, I actually wanted to ask you, if it's okay, if Blaine comes over for Friday night dinner?" Kurt asked.
"Do I get to officially warn him?" Burt asked as he sat up in his chair.
"Yes, if you must," Kurt said as he rolled his eyes
"Well then he is more than welcome to come over," Burt answered.
"Okay but you have to be nice to him," Kurt said just before climbing up the stairs to his room. He picked up his phone and dialed Blaine's number.
"Did you … ah … miss me already?" Blaine said. Kurt noticed that he had his sex voice. Kurt suddenly felt his blood rush south.
"Kind of … Blaine what are you doing?" Kurt asked as he heard movement on the other end of the phone.
"Well do you want the truth or a lie?" Blaine asked before moaning quietly.
"Oh my god, you're…." Kurt was cut off by another moan from Blaine.
"Yeah," Blaine said with a small laugh, which turned into another moan.
"Oh god," Kurt said as he got off his bed and closed his bedroom door. Turning back to his bed and sitting down, listening to Blaine's breathing. His hand travelled down his chest to his crotch absentmindedly.
"So hard," Blaine mumbled more to himself than to Kurt.
"What are you thinking about?" Kurt asked. He had no idea where all the courage came from but something deep down inside wanted to know what he thought about when he was doing this.
"You, always you," Blaine said breathlessly.
"Oh god, Blaine! Do you always do this when I call you?" Kurt asked as he undid his jeans so he could palm himself.
"Sometimes," Blaine said as Kurt heard more movement from Blaine's end of the phone, and then a throaty moan.
"Wow… that's hot. Very hot, you have no idea how much that turns me on," Kurt said as he listened again to hear Blaine's reaction.
"So close, Kurt!" he said
"Well come for me, I want to hear you come on the phone," Kurt heard Blaine come with Kurt's name repeated until he couldn't hear it anymore. His own orgasm come moments after Blaine's picturing Blaine on his bed, masturbating. Kurt leaned over to his bedside table and grabs some tissues to clean himself offwhile waiting for Blaine to come down from his own high.
"Sorry baby, just needed that after all the teasing you did to me this afternoon," he said tiredly.
"No, that was very hot but it wasn't the reason I called," Kurt said with a laugh.
"Well what was your reason," Blaine asked now very curious as why Kurt would call.
"This Friday, you're invited to my family dinner," Kurt said as he quickly did up his jeans.
"Really? What did you threaten your Dad with?" Blaine asked
"I didn't threaten him, I just asked and he said yes. So are you coming?"
"Well honey, I'm not sure about you, but I just did. I'll come to your Family dinner night,"
"Well I will see you tomorrow at school," Kurt said with a laugh.
"Night love, love you,"
"Love you too," Kurt answered before hanging up. He placed his phone beside his bed; he took a deep breath in. Nothing could go wrong, well, he was hoping that but deep down inside he knew he and Blaine would make it through anything this world decided to throw at them.
The next fewdays seem to fly by for Kurt and Blaine. Who were at Blaine's apartment picking what he would wear that evening for the Dinner at Kurt's house. Kurt was happily watching Blaine try on clothes and take clothes off, which was secretly Kurt's favourite part. Blaine threw a shirt onto the floor as he walked back to his closet looking for another. Kurt lay on the bed, watching the muscles of Blaine's back move. Kurt sighed happily as Blaine looked at his shirts.
"Calm down love," Kurt said with a smile, as he got up and picked up the latest shirt off the floor.
"How am I supposed to calm down, I'm meeting your Dad officially, I want to make a better impression than last time," Blaine said as he turned to look at Kurt.
"He will love you, if you are yourself. The one that is deeply in love with me," Kurt said as he ran his hands up Blaine's arms. "I love you and if I say you don't need to worry about it, then don't worry about it," Kurt said with a smile as he kissed Blaine's cheek, before hanging up the shirt and taking another one out. "This one will look great on you," Kurt said as he turned back to the bed and started to grab things from Blaine's bathroom.
"So your Dad is fine with me staying the night?" Blaine asked
"Yes, I am sure he will be," Kurt said as he walked out of the bathroom with Blaine's toothbrush and a couple of other things.
"Sure he will be?" Blaine asked looking at Kurt.
"Well I haven't asked him yet but I will later," Kurt said as he packed the things into the bag.
"Kurt!" Blaine said as he did up the black button up shirt.
"What? Well I was gonna ask him when we got there, so don't stress out okay," Kurt said as he turned and kissed Blaine's cheek, and closed up the bag and handing it to Blaine. "Come on, we'll be late if we don't leave now," Kurt said as he grabbed Blaine's hand and dragged him out of the apartment.
"You know you will be the death of me, young grasshopper," Blaine said as he happily let himself be pulled by Kurt, with a small smirk on his face.
The drive over to Kurt's house was spent in silence as Kurt hummed gently to the tune of the radio, while Blaine watched Kurt. Something about this boy made all the nerves that were building up in his stomach just disappear as he hummed a simple tune. Kurt glanced at Blaine, "What? Is there something on my face?" Kurt asked as he glanced between the mirror and the road.
"No, you're just perfect," Blaine said as he grabbed one of Kurt's hand and started to rub his thumb over the back of Kurt's hand, simply smiling as Kurt continued to drive.
"Aww, I see you're a lot calmer now," Kurt said with a smile.
"Maybe, or I'm just putting on a brave face," Blaine said with a small laugh.
"Well, keep that brave face love," Kurt said as he killed the engine. "We're here," Kurt added. Blaine glanced out the window. He took a deep breath and opened the door. Kurt opened his door and locked the car. He walked around the car to take Blaine's hand. "Ready?" Kurt asked.
"No, but let's get this over with," Blaine said as he took a step forward. They walked up the path and Kurt opened the door. Kurt spotted his Dad sitting in front of the TV watching the latest football game. Finn was sitting next to him as he cheered on some team, and Kurt could see Carole in the kitchen busy making dinner. "Hi guys," Kurt said as he shut the door after Blaine.
"Hey Blaine," Finn said with a smile, then turned back to the TV.
Burt stood up, made his way over to Blaine and held out his hand, "Nice to officially meet you with all your clothes on," Burt said with a charming smile.
Blaine leaned back and said "Is this what it felt like meeting my brother?"
"Yes," Kurt said with a laugh, just as Blaine took Burt's hand and shook it firmly.
"Well come sit down with us, Carole asked if I would send Kurt in when he got here, something about the sauce," Burt said with a wave of his hand.
"Oh no," Kurt said as he run into the kitchen.
"Sit down, we're watching a local game," Burt said as he moved back to his chair. Blaine sat next to Finn on the couch, and started to watch the game. After a couple of minutes the game went to an ad break. Burt leaned over and stared at Blaine.
"Now, I'm sure you've heard this a lot, but if you break my sons heart, I will show you my friend bob. He's a lovely shotgun," Burt said with a small wicked smile.
"Dad!" Kurt yelled from the doorway that separated the Kitchen from the lounge room. "He's just joking, he wouldn't do that," Kurt said with his arms crossed his chest.
"Yeah, sure, sure" Burt nodded and sat back in his chair.
"Blaine, come here," Kurt said with a sweet smile. Blaine stood up and walked over to Kurt. Kurt pushed him into the Kitchen where Carole was running around trying to make things perfect.
"Carole, this is Blaine. Blaine this is my Step-Mum, Carole." Kurt said
Suddenly Carole stopped what she was doing and ran over to Blaine, pulling him into a big hug. "Oh it's so nice to but a face to the name. Kurt has told me so much about you," Carole said in her motherly voice. She pulled out of the hug and put her hands on Blaine's cheeks. "Yes Kurt you were right," she said before pulling away, and going back to her cooking.
"What were you right about?" Blaine looked slightly confused.
"It's hard to describe your eyes," Kurt said as he curled into Blaine's side, resting his head on Blaine's shoulder.
"So your brother is just like you?" Carole said with a smile. "I mean I've met Reed and he goes on and on about your brother but I haven't had the chance to meet him yet. I mean with all your drama a couple of months ago, and I missed it all for my sister's baby. But I will forgive her, now that I have finally met you," Carole said as she stirred some random things on the bench.
Kurt just laughed as he kept close to Blaine. Blaine wrapped an arm around Kurt as he watched Carole in the kitchen. "So Carole I wanted to ask you something, and maybe you can help me talk to Dad about it," Kurt said as he pulled Blaine towards the island in the middle of the room.
"Sure, sweetie," Carole said as she pulled out the plates for the dinner.
"I was wondering if Blaine could stay the night, but in my room not on the couch," Kurt said as he let go of Blaine, to set the table for Carole.
"I don't see why not, but I'll talk your Dad about it," Carole said as she handed Kurt the cutlery.
"Thanks Carole," Kurt said as he skipped around the table. Carole laughed as she watched Kurt.
"Here, these need to go in the centre of the table," Carole said to Blaine, as she pushed some plates full of food towards him. Blaine nodded and started to place the food on the table. "Okay boys, get in here while its hot," Carole yelled to Finn and Burt. As everybody took their seats, Carole slapped Finn's hand away from the food. "Guests first, Finn. God you would think you were raised in a barn," Carole said as she sat next to Burt.
"Well you would know Mum!" Finn answered back, which earned Finn a slap from both Kurt and Carole. "I hope you can handle being hit Blaine, cause that's his answer for everything,"
"Not everything," Blaine said under his breath, hoping no one heard him but then Kurt slapped his arm. Blaine laughed as he passed the corn to Kurt.
"Stop that," Kurt said as he took the corn.
"Why I thought it was funny," Blaine said with a smirk.
"Yeah, you and who's army love," Kurt snapped back with a sweet smile.
"Well…" Blaine starts but clears his throat. "What do you do for a living, Mrs. Hummel?" Blaine asked
"I'm a nurse at the Lima hospital," Carole said with a smile. Blaine nodded and Kurt laughed. "Yeah, I work in the children's ward," Carole added as an afterthought.
"That must be very rewarding?" Blaine asked.
"It can be at times but other times it can be very heart breaking," Carole said as she passed the salad to Burt who gave her a look.
"Dad, eat it!" Kurt said
"See what I have to put up with," Burt said pointing to Carole and Kurt. Blaine watchesthe exchange between the family. He felt a bit of jealous as he wished his own family could act like this; so happy and free, no cares in the world. But his family couldn't have a normal dinner without somebody yelling and a fight breaking out between two of them. Blaine placed a fake smile on his face to cover up what he was truly feeling. He was jealous of Kurt's family. Kurt leaned into Blaine and linked their fingers together under the table, gently running his thumb over the back of Blaine's hand. Blaine flashed Kurt a true smile before jumping back into the conversation.
"I know what you mean, I made home-made pizza the other night for Kurt, and he wouldn't eat it until I told him it was healthier than the ones at the stores," Blaine said with a small laugh just before taking a mouth full of food.
"Really you cook?" Finn asked with a surprised tone of voice.
"Yeah, I do. I had to look after my brother somehow. My Mum burn's water, if you let her in the kitchen. I had to learn how to make cupcakes for my brother's school once," Blaine said with a surprised laugh. "Of course our Nanny Rosie helped but she would always teach me new things," Blaine said with a smile.
"Aww well Kurt is a awesome cook," Finn said as he piled another lot of food into his mouth. "Best pancakes ever," Finn added with a mouthful of food.
"Finn!" Burt, Carole and Kurt said all at once. Finn looked sheepishly around the table before chewing his food and saying sorry in a quiet voice. Blaine laughed as the easy chatting continued throughout the dinner. Blaine helped Kurt and Carole clear the table and stack up the dishwasher before Kurt pulled Blaine up to his room.
"Door stays op…. What do you mean he's staying the night?" Burt yelled after the boys.
Kurt laughed as he shut the door. "So I guess Carole Is talking to Dad right now," Kurt said as he leaned up against the door. Blaine nodded as he looked around the room. Kurt watched Blaine as he sat on the bed, playing with the cover slowly.
"You know, we could put a movie on, or we could just get ready for bed?" Kurt asked with a smirk when he said the latter of the sentence.
"I like the bed part," Blaine said as he got up and pulled Kurt towards the bed. Throwing him gently onto it, as he straddled Kurt's legs. "You know we haven't been in here since the first time we made out," Blaine whispered against Kurt's throat.
"Well you'll have to help me remember that," Kurt said with a small laugh that turned into a soft moan.
"I can do that, but first I need to get rid of this shirt," Blaine said as he slowly tugged on the shirt.
"Whatever you say," Kurt mumbled as he pulled the shirt over his head. "And you need to get rid of yours," Kurt added. Blaine pulled his shirt of his head, throwing it randomly onto the floor somewhere; at the moment his mind was preoccupied with the thought of Kurt naked in his bed to care where his clothes ended up. He slowly undid Kurt's belt and pulled it free of the hoops and undoing the zipper very slowly.
"Seriously, you decide now to take your time," Kurt said with a half-annoyed tone.
"Well I could go even slower if you would like?" Blaine said with his famous smirk.
"Oh god, I'm in a relationship with a serious teaser!" Kurt said throwing his head back dramatically.
"Really?" Blaine asked as he stopped and looked at Kurt.
"Yes, now can we continue our lovely time together or are you just gonna sit there," Kurt asked in a serious tone.
"Well now you bring it up I wa…." Blaine started back, was cut off by Kurt kissing him hard. Blaine pulled back slowly smirking.
"You know you love me for my body," Blaine said as he kissed down Kurt's chest.
"Hmm… and other parts of you too," Kurt hummed as he dug his fingers through Blaine's hair.
"Oh really?" Blaine said as he kissed Kurt's length through his boxer briefs.
"Oh god… yes I love you all," Kurt said as his eyes closed loving the feeling of not knowing where Blaine was going to kiss next. Blaine moved from between Kurt's legs so he could pull Kurt's jeans off; kissing the skin as he slowly threw the jeans on the floor. Kurt's hands grabbed the sheets underneath him as he moaned quietly. Blaine then moved back up to pull Kurt's boxer briefs off as well; taking it much slower than the jeans, Kurt opened his eyes to stare down at Blaine who was smirking as he watched Kurt's face. Letting his lips graze over Kurt's legs. Kurt shut his eyes again as he felt Blaine's hands run back up his legs and ghost over his inner thighs and just briefly over his entrance before returning to gently run over Kurt's member. Kurt bit his lip to keep himself quiet. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Kurt! Burt wants to talk to you about something," Finn said threw the door. Kurt smacked his hand against the bed. Blaine just smirked as he watched Kurt get dressed and threw Kurt a little wave as he walked out if the room, and into Finn. "Sorry, thought I would wait, you know didn't want to walk in on you guys," Finn said as he walked down the stairs in front of Kurt.
"Yeah, it would be the same as if you had," Kurt said under his breath as he followed Finn down.
Burt was sitting on the Couch next to Carole. Carole was smiling at Burt and she whispered something too him.
"I got him," Finn said as he took a seat in Burt's chair.
"Thanks Finn, Look sweetie I talked to your Dad about what you asked earlier," Carole said before looking at Burt to continue.
"And I trust that you two will be responsible enough not to do anything that I would deem inappropriate in this house," Burt said looking at Kurt.
"So he is allowed to sleep in my bed if nothing inappropriate happens in my room?" Kurt asked
"Yes, and I will allow you to shut the door," Burt said as he glanced at Carole who nodded.
"Okay," Kurt said nodding, he went to turn.
"Um… honey, I wanted to ask you something," Carole asked as she stood and walked towards Kurt.
"Um… yeah?"
"What is Blaine's home life like? He seemed very quiet at dinner. Was it something we did?" Carole asked
"No, Blaine's father doesn't really accepted him yet, you know with him being gay, his brother is also gay but his Dad just found out recently, hence why he has his own apartment. That his brother sometimes shares with him," Kurt said nodding.
"I thought something along that line, okay honey. Go back to him," Carole said before giving Kurt a hug before he ran up the stairs to his room. He walked in and sat Blaine just lying there. Kurt shut the door and quietly picked up Blaine's shit throwing it at him.
"A no go," he simply said as he went to pick out a DVD.
"I've been cockblocked by your Dad?" Blaine said with a shake of his head.
"Yes but I think you can wait till tomorrow when we go back to your place," Kurt said as he crawled on top of the bed and up too Blaine. He curled up into Blaine's side like a cat before hitting play on the DVD player. Blaine just laughed and pulled Kurt closer, wrapping his arm around Kurt's body, and rested his chin on top of Kurt's head. Kurt drew random patterns on Blaine's stomach as they watched the DVD. Blaine and Kurt fell asleep in that position, in their clothes, which was something completely new to Kurt.
The sun found its way into the room, as Kurt pulled himself closer to Blaine who hummed in his sleep; blinking one eye open Kurt looked at the clock, it was flashing a bright red colour, like it was screamingKurt it's 7 o'clock you should be up by now! Kurt sat up quickly waking Blaine up.
"Where's the fire?" Blaine asked in his sleepy voice.
"We feel asleep in our clothes, " Kurt said stretching and went to get up but was pulled back into a cuddling position by Blaine.
"So, why are you waking me up this earlier on a weekend," Blaine said as he snuggled his nose into Kurt's shoulder.
"I don't sleep in my clothes, you should know this Mr. Anderson!" Kurt said as he tried to get out of Blaine's death grip.
"No stay! Sleep for another hour then we'll get up!" Blaine mumbled, Kurt knew he was about to fall asleep, within seconds Blaine was snoring quietly. Kurt gently ran his fingers over Blaine's cheek.
"I love you," Kurt whispered as he slowly wiggled out of Blaine's arm and walked to his bathroom to take a shower. He hummed quietly in the shower to make sure he didn't wake Blaine up. When he came out Blaine was lyingwide-awake, looking at the bathroom door, waiting for Kurt to come out. Kurt walked past the bed with his towel around his waist.
"Your up?" Kurt asked surprised.
"Well it's hard to sleep when your boyfriend isn't laying next to you to cuddle with you, but I would get your pillow some therapy if I was you," Blaine said with a smirk.
"Why?" Kurt asked as he spun around to look at Blaine.
"Well I told it some pretty dirty things, well in my deference I was telling you but you weren't there," He said as he stood up and walked over to Kurt.
"Really, how dirty?" Kurt asked with a smirk putting his hands on Blaine's hips.
"Well you would know if you were here," Blaine said as he kissed Kurt's cheek and went into the bathroom without another word. Kurt got dressed before heading downstairs to see his whole family at the breakfast table.
"Morning," Kurt said as he got a cup of coffee.
"Morning, sweetie, how did you sleep?" Carole asked.
"I slept fine but Blaine on the other hand isn't a morning person," Kurt said with a laugh as he sat down at the table.
"I don't want to know!" Burt said over his newspaper.
"Dad! No I just meant I tried to get up and he just wanted to cuddle and fall back asleep," Kurt said as he picked up one of the pieces of toast and slowly picked at it.
"Oh so like your father," Carole said with a laugh as she sat next to Kurt. "Come morning's it's like wresting a octopus to get out of bed," Carole adding laughing.
"Exactly but I just wait till he falls back to sleep and then I get out," Kurt said laughing with Carole.
"Morning?" Blaine said as he sat down next to Finn.
"Morning dear, would you like coffee or orange juice?" Carole asked.
"I'll just have OJ," Blaine said as he poured himself a drink. "Is he okay?" Blaine pointed to Finn, who was just staring at the wall.
"Yeah, not a morning person," Burt said as he passed the sport section to Blaine. "Just give him a couple of minutes and he'll be alive," Burt said, laughing to himself as he took a drink of coffee.
"Thanks," Blaine said quietly as he took the sports page and started to read it.
Kurt smiled as he stood up and plated up some food for him and Blaine before sitting back down and placing one in front of Blaine; who smiled before returning to the paper. Kurt and Blaine continued to sit there and enjoy their breakfast with the Hudmels. When it came time for Blaine and Kurt to head back to Blaine's apartment, Kurt asked if Blaine didn't mind that he could spend the rest of today with his family and that he and Kurt would met up later tonight at Blaine's apartment. Blaine agreed and Blaine left the Hudmel house around one in the afternoon.
Kurt sat next to his Dad in the lounge room as he flicked threw the television channels.
"Hey Dad, what would you say if I wanted to go talk to someone about their son?" Kurt asked as he turned to look at Burt.
"Depends, do the person know your gonna take to their parents?" Burt asked as he muted the TV.
"No, they don't know. I haven't talked to them about it, it's just something I think I need to do," Kurt said as he looked from Burt to the TV.
"Is it Blaine's parents?" Burt asked.
"More his father, I get the feeling he's calling the shots and I know Blaine probably doesn't want me to do it, but I want him to have our kind of relationship, Dad," Kurt said as he played with his hands.
"I think you should talk to Blaine about this, and I know you have his best in mind, but he should know before you do it," Burt said seriously. "You don't know if he would like you to do it or if he doesn't want you to, just talk about it with him. That way you won't end up in a huge argument,"
"Okay, but Dad, what would you do?" Kurt asked.
"I would go, but that's my opinion. If that was happening to Carole, I would go to try and sort it out," Burt said glancing to the kitchen where Carole was.
"So you would go against your own advice?" Kurt asked
"Yes, but I think Carole would understand where I was coming from, not that Blaine wouldn't. However, if Blaine's father kicked him out than they might be bad blood between then. Maybe he wants to protect you from it. We don't know, only he does,"
"Thanks Dad," Kurt said as he stood up.
"What are you gonna do?" Burt asked
"Not sure, but I'm gonna go out for a bit," Kurt said as he grabbed his car keys and walked out of the house. He had just lied to his Dad. He was going to go to Mr. Anderson's work to talk to him. Kurt knew Blaine's Dad would be at work. Blaine had always said he worked onSaturdays. He was gonna help Blaine out, he knew deep down that Blaine wanted the same relationship that he has with his Dad.
The drive was short to Paul Anderson's campaign office. Kurt walked into the office; he was taken aback by the amount of people running around the office. He slowly walked to the front desk. A smallish girl with brunette hair was sitting behind it.
"Hi?" he asked trying to get her attention.
"Oh I'm so sorry, good afternoon, I'm Casey. How can I help you?" she asked with a bright smile.
"I've come to see Mr. Anderson," Kurt said as with a small smile.
"And what is it you're here to see him about?" she asked
"His son," Kurt said with another smile. She nodded and dialed a number in the phone, before speaking very quietly to the person on the other end. "If you take a seat, it won't take that long," Casey said with a sweet tone. Kurt sat down and picked up one of the magazines in the stack next to the chair. He flipped threw not reading any of the articles. He started to try to plan the speech he was going to say to Blaine's father. As Kurt closed the second magazine that he had quickly flipped threw, a lady with Blonde hair, tied up in neat bun, and a very short skirt that would not be acceptable in any other office setting; walks out into the waiting area. As soon as her eyes land on Kurt, he can see the harshness in them. "Are you here to see, Mr. Anderson?" she asked with a even harsher tone.
Kurt stood up and nodded. "Well, follow me," she said as she turned and walked off as if she was walking on a catwalk. If she had not been so harsh, Kurt would have thought her a model but she did not have that angelic style that most model agency would look for. Kurt glances around the office as he followed her; he noticed every time they pass a doorway of a male office, the guy in there follows her with his eyes. Looks like every guy in this places wants into her pants … well really short skirtKurt thinks as he hurries to catch up with her. She leads him to an empty office and closes the door after him.
"So you're here to talk to Paul about one of his son?" She said as she turns to face him.
"Yes, may I ask where is he?" Kurt asks as politely has he can.
"In a meeting but I wanted to talk to you before he got here, which one of his ungrateful son are you talking about?" she asked in a even harsher tone.
"Blaine," Kurt said automatically. He cannot believe the nerve of this woman. Cool it Kurt, she probably is only going by what Mr. Anderson has told her.
"Oh that one," She said as she picked up some of the papers. "I shouldn't be surprised, what did he do this time? Let me guess his tried to turn you into a fag as well?" she said looking up at him.
"No. But for your information, I was already gay when I met Blaine," Kurt said in a bitchy tone.
"Oh… well Paul will be here soon," she said before walking out of the office to leave Kurt alone.
"Yes, Oh" Kurt said to himself as he looked around the office. There was not much personality in the place. It was very plain, never any photos at all, just very plain and boring, Kurt noted to himself. Kurt glanced at his watch, he had already been waiting for 20 minutes in the waiting room and now he waited another 20 minutes. He seriously hated this person.
Paul Anderson finally walked into his office nearly a full hour since Kurt arrived. As he walked in his head was buried in some paper, "Ah sorry I'm running a bit…" he stopped suddenly losing the cheerful tone when he spotted Kurt. "What do you want?" he asked much like the tone he had when Kurt spent dinner with him.
"I'm here to talk to you about Blaine," Kurt said with a strong tone. He really wasn't in the mood to play nice.
"And what is wrong with Blaine?" he asked
"Your relationship with him," Kurt said standing up to meet Paul Anderson's eyes. "He wants a close to normal relationship with his father and all you do is push him away. I'm sorry if this is coming off rude but as I saw your manner changed very quickly when your saw me, you don't care what I have to say but you need to hear this. Otherwise you will lose both your sons over something as stupid as this and before you say a relationship like this can't happen. I can tell you about my father's and mine relationship. He fully supports me and that's all Blaine is asking from you." Kurt said as he stopped to take a deep breath. Paul took this as that was all Kurt was gonna say.
"I don't care for you manner and how dare you come to my work place to talk about my personal problems!" Paul said looking at Kurt.
"Well it had to be done, you aren't going to listen to Blaine if he came to tell you this, and I'm sure Shane has tried to talk to you about this but you just shake them off like you don't even care about them," Kurt said as he took a step towards the desk. "I'm doing this for Blaine not for you. I think Blaine derives the best in life and you're not giving that to him. I would think someone kind and gentle would have raised Blaine because no one so mean and cruel could raise such a kind and loving person. However, I have been wrong before. I just came to ask you to reconsider you approach to sons about who they love." Kurt nodded before walking towards the door and opened it. He stormed out of the office very happy with what he said. He walked past the very cruel women, she stood there looking at him, and he then turned to her.
"Really you are very uncreative when it comes to names to call gay people I mean, I have heard worse from High school students! And by the way, that skirt is very inappropriate for a work place like this," Kurt then turned and continued his storm out, when he reached his car and took a deep breath before pulling out his phone and dialing Blaine's number.
"Hello my lovely boyfriend had enough of your family want to come join my crazy house?" Blaine said with a very cheerful tone.
"Hi, yes please give me some of your craziness!" Kurt said with a small laugh.
"What's wrong baby?" Blaine asked as his voice changed to a worried tone.
"Let me tell you when I get there but just know that I need a huge hug from you," Kurt said as he switched his phone to Bluetooth so he could talk to Blaine as he drove.
"Of course I will give you my bear hug anytime you want it, so something bad happened." Blaine asked
"Not bad, well, maybe bad, cause I didn't run it through with you, but just pissed me off," Kurt said with a small laugh.
"Okay baby, you have to tell me now, I can't wait, I'm very worried at the moment.
"Don't be love," Kurt said with a smile growing on his face. "I'm out front now so come down," Kurt said as he hung up and got out of his car. Within a couple of minutes there was Blaine running out the door, grabbing Kurt around the waist, and pulling him into a huge hug. Kurt buried his in Blaine's shoulder.
"I love you, I love you, I love you," Blaine kept repeating.
"You might not when I tell you where I've been," Kurt whispered.
"What if I promise I won't be mad if you tell me," Blaine said with a soft smile.
"Okay," Kurt said looking at Blaine.
"I pinky promise I will not be mad at you," Blaine said as he held out his pinky waiting for Kurt's reaction.
"I pinky promise," Kurt said with a laugh.
"Okay tell me what you did," Blaine said as he pulled Kurt close.
"I went to see you Dad and I ended up yelling at him," Kurt said barely in a whisper.
"You did?" Blaine said looking at Kurt. Kurt just nodded. Blaine grabbed Kurt's face and kissed him hard he didn't care where they were he needed to kiss this man in front of him. Kurt pulled back when the need for air became too great.
"You're not mad?" Kurt asked surprised.
"I knew there was a reason I loved you so much," Blaine said with a smirk as he pulled Kurt in for another kiss. Kurt laughed as Blaine kissed down his neck.
"Uh Blaine we should probably go inside, you know before you start giving your neighbors a show," Kurt said as Blaine kissed down Kurt's neck.
"Damn the neighbors!" Blaine said as he pulled Kurt towards the door to the block of apartments.
"Yes mean neigh….ohs…" Kurt said as he felt Blaine's hand grope Kurt's ass.
"Mmmmm…. God I love you, sexy and takes on my father… you are the perfect boyfriend," Blaine mumbled against Kurt's neck.
"I'll believe you when you're not trying to get laid," Kurt said as he pulled Blaine by his collar of his shirt up the stairs. Pushing him against the door, kissing him on the lips again. Suddenly the door was opened and Kurt and Blaine were flung onto the floor of the apartment.
"Sorry, I heard a bang; I thought I would see what made the noise," Shane said with a small smirk. "But I see it's just you guys,"
"Gee thanks, little brother," Blaine said from underneath Kurt.
Kurt tried to get up, but Blaine kept down there with his hands around his waist. "Now if you don't mind getting lost dear brother, Kurt and I were in the middle of a very important conservation," Blaine said as he kept his eyes on Kurt.
"Yeah shoving your tongue down his throat is a very interesting conservation," Shane said shaking his head as he walked to his room, slamming the door shut.
"I think we should shut the door," Kurt said. Blaine rolled onto of Kurt and slammed the door, while Kurt laughed at his action.
"Okay now that is showing off," Kurt said as he kissed Blaine on the lips. Once again there were interrupted when a knock came from the door. Blaine growled and got up swinging the door open.
"Do you…." He stopped mid sentence, "Mom? What are you doing here?" Blaine asked as he stepped back. Kurt quickly got to his feet and straightens out his t-shirt.
Mrs. Anderson stepped into the apartment with a small smile on her face. "Do I need to know why you were on the floor?" She asked with a small smirk that reminded Kurt of Blaine's famous matching one.
"Um… just … well…" Kurt said trying to think of something to say.
"Let's just say it was brotherly love gone bad," Blaine said with a smile as he motioned to his Mum to come further into the apartment.
"Yes, you and your brother sure know how to make brotherly love go bad," She said with laugh.
"Well I should get Shane," Kurt said as he turned and hurried off to Shane's room.
"So I see our dinner didn't break you guys up?" Mrs. Anderson said playing with her hands.
"No, we're actually stronger than before," Blaine said as he turned to looked where Kurt ran off too, "Please sit," He said as he took a seat in one of the arm chairs.
"I expected this place to be a mess," She said honestly.
"Kurt kind of likes it super clean, so Shane and I make sure it is," Blaine said nodding. After a couple of minutes, Shane and Kurt walked out. Shane sat next to his Mum, as Kurt sat on the arm of Blaine's chair.
"Hi Mum," Shane said quietly.
"Oh Shane," She said just before hugging him tightly. "I am so sorry for how your father and I behaved. I'm so disappointed in myself. I told myself if you came out I would do things very differently than when Blaine came out," She said as she continued to hug Shane; slowly rocking him back and forth. She glanced over to Blaine was a comforting smile.
"I wanted to come over here and apologize for my behavior, please forgive me," She said. Shane pulled back nodding as tears fell from his eyes. "Oh thank you Shane," she whispered as she kissed his cheek. "Blaine?" She turned to look at him. Kurt put his arm around Blaine, waiting for his response.
"Are you asking me to forgive you for last dinner or for everything?" Blaine asked, he was taking deep breaths, letting the soothing motion of Kurt's hand rubbing circles in his back to keep him calm.
"Both Blaine, I want you to know I'm here to support you, I want to make up for everything that happened between us. I want us to have a normal mother-son relationship," She said trying to keep from crying.
"I can't do it straight away," Blaine said as he glanced down at his hands.
"How about you come over for dinner, I know the apartment is yours but why not come for dinner." Kurt said speaking up. Kurt looked Blaine in the eyes, with a smile. "We can get to know each other, start the healing…It's up to you Blaine," Kurt added.
Blaine looked up from Kurt to his Mum and brother. Could he do this? Could he start to heal like Kurt said? Blaine nodded. Yeah he could do this, he would do this for Kurt, to heal and be better just for you.
"Yes, it would be great to have dinner with you, Mum. It would be a great chance for you to get to know Kurt better," Blaine said as he took Kurt's other hand, "Plus you could meet Reed, if Shane wants to bring him," Shane nodded at the mention of Reed.
"Okay, did you want me to bring along something?" She asked with a bright smile on her face.
"No, just bring yourself, we'll have everything covered," Kurt said as he squeezed Blaine's hand. Mrs. Anderson stood up and walked to the door, she hugged Shane goodbye and turned to Blaine, who smiled and leant forward her hug her.
Shane walked his Mum down to the car, as Kurt shut the door. He grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him towards the bedroom before shutting the door.
"Do you need to talk?" Kurt asked as he walked towards Blaine, who had taken a seat on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah, to tell you I love you so much, and I don't know how I lived without you..." Blaine said as he pulled Kurt towards him by his hips.
"I love you too, and I think the exact same thing about you too," Kurt said as he leant down to press his lips against Blaine's. "I love you, and no matter what happens I will always love you," Blaine smiled as he pulled Kurt so he was sitting on his lap. Kurt gently wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck.
"I love you too," Blaine said as he kissed Kurt and deepened it all in one motion. Slowly they both pulled back, Kurt's eyes fluttered open and he gently caressed Blaine's cheek.
"Let me call my Dad, see if I can stay tonight," Kurt said as he stood up and walked into the lounge room. Blaine stretched out on the bed looking at the ceiling.
"How did I get this lucky," he mumbled to himself as he waited for Kurt to come back, with his answer.
Author's Note:
Okay Guys, so sorry this is really late. I had it written about a month ago. But I heard from a couple of people that I really needed a Beta. So I found a lovely reader who wanted to do it. But I haven't heard from her in a while. So I tried to find another one. I had trouble but the amazing Portia said she would do it. She was amazing and did it for me.
So I have a list of things I would like to say.
1. Thank you so much for the readers
2. Welcome new readers, and hope you enjoy the story.
3. Please forgive me for being so late with this chapter, I promise I will update more quickly now.
4. This is the longer chapter I have ever written. Its about 9,000 words long.
6. Btw if you want information or have questions about Oh Bad Boy, My Bad Boy than check out my tumblr. McBerrysworld[dot]tumblr[dot]com
Excuse me while I and my mum have a New Year NCIS marathon.
Be safe and Review
Love you my little readers!
McBerry xoxoxox