Nov. 25, 2012, 8:01 p.m.
Nov. 25, 2012, 8:01 p.m.
Kurt woke up to an empty bed. He glanced around and saw that the bathroom's door was closed. So Kurt carefully slid out of the bed and tip-toed into the bathroom and peeked behind the shower screen. Blaine was softly humming to himself. Kurt quickly stripped over his close and snuck into the shower. Blaine had his eyes closed as he washed his hair. Kurt slowly stepped forward and started to kiss Blaine down his chest, a small moan escaped Blaine's mouth.
"Morning," Blaine said as he pulled Kurt close.
"Morning," Kurt repeated as he kissed Blaine on his mouth.
"I was gonna wake you after I had a shower, but I should have woken you up so you could join me," Blaine said as he sucked on a spot on Kurt's neck.
"Yep, cause shared showers not only save the environment but can be so much fun!" Kurt said with a smirk. "Can you be quiet?" Kurt asked as he slowly sunk to his knees.
"Well depends what your...oh god," Blaine groaned the last part of his sentence out as Kurt took all of Kurt in his mouth. Kurt hummed around Blaine as he started to bob up and down on Blaine. Blaine grabbed the wall as he felt the pleasure ripple through him. Another moan escaped his lips as Kurt rolled his tongue around Blaine.
"God Kurt... your... tongue... is illegal!" Blaine moaned out as he felt himself come close to the edge. Kurt laughed at how quickly Blaine was falling apart and Kurt slipped his hand down to massage Blaine's entrance. Feeling this sent Blaine over the end coming in Kurt's mouth. Kurt tried to swallow all of it but a small bit dribbled down his chin. Blaine slumped up against the wall, as Kurt stood up, wiping the last bit of come off his face and sucking his finger. Blaine laughed as he tried to pull himself up, "Like I was trying to say What you do with your tongue should be illegal!" Blaine said as he pulled Kurt in for a kiss. Blaine could taste himself on Kurt's tongue and deepened the kiss. He was so turned on, that if he didn't just come, he would have been hard within seconds.
"It's natural talent!" Kurt said as he switched places with Blaine, so he was under the water. Blaine grabbed the soap and helped wash Kurt. Letting his hands run over every part of Kurt. Grabbing Kurt's member and slowly stroking him as his other hand rubbed the soap into Kurt's chest. Kurt bit his lip as he closed his eyes. Feeling Blaine step towards him and switch hands so he could wrap one around his back and squeeze his arse. "Don't hold back, Kurt" Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear.
Kurt moaned as he was coming closer to the edge, thrusting his hips into Blaine's hand. Suddenly there was a bang on the door.
"Please tell me you are not doing what I think you are doing!" Shane yelled through the door.
"Get lost, Shane!" Blaine yelled back
"Well we need the shower too, hence you need to get your arses out of there for us to have a shower,"
"Use your own!" Blaine yelled, while still stroking Kurt.
"I will be but I need the water so don't use it all!" Shane yelled as he banged on the door.
"Fine, Get lost and then we'll come out!" Blaine yelled as Kurt moaned, coming all over Blaine's hand.
They both heard steps away from the door. Kurt started laughing as he leaned on Blaine.
"It's our luck that we always get interrupted during this," Blaine said looking at Kurt.
"Yeah, so we will have to only have sex when no one is home!" Kurt mumbled as he cleaned Blaine's hand of his come and washed off the last of the soap.
"Then I will never get laid!" Blaine complained.
"Come on Blaine, we have to get to school," Kurt said as he opened the shower door and dragged Blaine out of the shower. Kurt grabbed a towel but was suddenly joined by Blaine. Who wrapped it around the both of them.
"Only one towel in here, you'll have to get one out of the closet," Blaine said with a smirk.
"And will I be naked when I do this?" Kurt asked turning around, so he could face Blaine. Both of their cocks were brushed up against each other. Blaine moaned, "I would love to see you do that," Blaine said as he pulled Kurt even closer.
"Oh no, we're gonna be late if we do that," Kurt said as he pulled the towel off Blaine and opened the bedroom door. He walked out and grabbed another towel. Shane looked down the hall to see Kurt in the hall way. "Finally!" Shane called as he walked into his bedroom.
"Blame your brother!" Kurt yelled back as he walked back into the bedroom and through the extra towel at Blaine.
"But I prefer to share one," Blaine said pulling a puppy dog face.
"No Mr. Anderson, Get ready for school, and I maybe might let you get some tonight," Kurt said as he lightly tapped Blaine's bare arse.
"Yes sir," Blaine said as he wrapped the towel around him and started to decide what he was going to wear to school. Blaine pulled on some boxer-briefs and looked at his closet. He didn't have much to wear as he had still need to do some washing. Suddenly hands appeared on his waist. I would wear those jeans you were yesterday and that black shirt and maybe a bowtie?" Kurt asked, Blaine could hear Kurt begging him to wear the bowtie. Blaine nodded as he grabbed the black shirt and went to move, and found that Kurt moved with him. "Are you comfortable there? I thought you were getting ready," Blaine said as he ran an hand over one of Kurt's.
"I am ready, but I just need to do my skin care and hair. But I got distracted by your arse in those Black Boxer-briefs," Kurt answered honestly.
"Well you said not until tonight, so come on." Blaine whipped around and kissed Kurt's forehead. Kurt walked into the bathroom to do his hair, while Blaine quickly got dressed, he walked over and into the bathroom to do his tie in the mirror next to Kurt. He reached over Kurt to grabbed his gel when Kurt slapped his hand away. "What?" Blaine said with a lost puppy look on his face.
"Let me do your hair," Kurt said as he grabbed a small amount of gel, ran his fingers through Blaine's hair. Blaine didn't know that someone running their finger through his hair could be such a turn on. He suddenly hated his tight jeans his was wearing. Kurt kissed his cheek and walked out of the bathroom laughing. Blaine followed Kurt and spun him around, "What?" he repeated.
"You have a little problem love," Kurt said as he leaned in and kissed Blaine on the mouth and gently palmed him through his jeans. "Turn on are we?" Kurt said with a smirk.
"You are so cruel, Mr Hummel!" Blaine said as he leaned into the touch.
"We're running late now," Kurt said as he pulled away and walked out of the bedroom. He pulled Blaine along with him. "Morning Shane, Reed," Kurt said as he grabbed his bag and turned to Blaine.
"Mornin'" Shane said with a laugh.
"Why aren't you guys gone yet?" Blaine asked.
"Shane, called in a favour and apparently we're sick at home or in our dorm room," Reed said as he took a sip of his coffee.
"We should do that too," Blaine whined.
"I know what you want to do Mr Anderson, and the answer is no, get going now!" Kurt said as he took a piece of toast off Shane's plate.
"Thanks for the shower interruption!" Kurt said as he walked out of the door, Blaine had already gone in front of him. "See you whenever!" Kurt called out as he closed the door to the apartment. Reed just laughed, as he watched Kurt go.
"I told you not to interrupt them!" Reed said as he placed one of his pieces of toast on Shane's plate. Shane just smiled as he took a bite.
"So Shane, What are we gonna do today?" Reed asked as he looked around the apartment.
"Well if you feel uncomfortable I can drop you back at Dalton. I don't mind," Shane said but the sadness reached his eyes, as he watched Reed for the answer to his question.
"Well no not yet, I was hoping to spend the day with you, and saying thank you for letting me stay here last night," Reed said with a small smile. "And also thank you for letting me sleep in your bed," Reed added. Shane mumbled something, "What Shane?" Reed asked with a laugh.
"Sorry, I said you're welcome, I mean the couch isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on and either is the floor," Shane said looking at Reed and then at his plate in front of him.
"Well you are a really nice friend," Reed said with a soft smile.
"Thanks," Shane muttered as he got up, and put his dish in the dishwasher.
When Blaine and Kurt got to school, it was like a switch was flipped and Blaine went from being this sweet guy to the bad boy, that everybody knew. Kurt watch as Blaine placed a protective arm around him, and gave death glares to anybody who stared at them to long. When they stopped at Kurt's look, Kurt turned to Blaine with a small smile, he tried to figure out a while to approach the subject so that Blaine wouldn't shut down on him.
"Hey Blaine," Kurt said to get Blaine's attention.
"yeah?" Blaine answered as he turned to Kurt.
"You know you can cut out the guard you put up," Kurt said as he stepped forward.
"Huh?" he said looking at Kurt
"You don't have to act like the bad boy anymore. I never truly believe you were a bad boy, and ii think the real you suits you better," Kurt said with a smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about Kurt," Blaine said with a confused look.
"The bad boy act, once we stepped through the door, you turn back to the bad boy Blaine. I want the sweet Blaine, that kissed me in the shower and I hugged last night before going to bed," Kurt said with a smile as he pulled himself closer to Blaine and kissed him on the lips gently.
"Okay I'll try and change," Blaine said with a half shrug.
"Thank you Blaine and I promise I will reward you tonight," Kurt said before grabbing his textbooks and walking down the hall to meet up with Mercedes, leaving Blaine standing by Kurt's locker. He was already counting down the hours until he and Kurt would hopefully be alone.
The school day dragged on until Lunch when Blaine got to sit next to Kurt and put an arm around him again. It was something about Kurt that just a touch would make his whole day seem brighter. Kurt leaned into the touch, as he picked at his salad, turning to look at Blaine's lunch. He really wanted those French fries but he need to stay healthy, Blaine picked up one and was about to put it in his mouth when he saw Kurt looking at him. Blaine smirked and instead of putting the fries in his mouth he turned and starting leaning in and put the fries to Kurt's mouth. Kurt opened his mouth and took the fries. Kurt ate the fries and looked at Blaine before saying, "Thank you," and then turned back to his salad. Blaine pushed the fries between Kurt's salad and Blaine's burger. Kurt looked between Blaine and then to the fries. "No thanks," Kurt said turning back to his salad.
Blaine leaned in and whispered to Kurt, "I won't tell if you don't," Kurt looked at Blaine again and a small laugh left his mouth and took another fries. "Good boy," Blaine added in Kurt's ear. Puck sat next to Blaine and lightly punched him in the arm. "Hey dude, after glee practise, Finn, Sam, Mike, me and a couple other guys are playing basketball you up for a game?" he asked.
"Um... yeah sure," Blaine said nodding. "I mean if that's alright with Kurt," Blaine said as he looked at Kurt.
"Oh you are so whipped dude," Finn said sitting down next to Rachel.
"Finn, he is just being nice," Rachel said with a smile as she turned to Finn, swapping his coke for a juice, while Finn was looking the other way.
"Thank you Rachel, and no I think it would be a great idea for you to play, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to join Glee club. I mean we know you can sing and plus it would mean more time with me," Kurt said smiling.
"Nah, I don't think I will but I'll join the basketball game," Blaine said fist bumping with Puck.
"Oh cool," Finn said with a small smile, as he turned to his drink. He didn't seem fazed as he picked up the juice and started drinking it.
When it came time for Glee, everybody was sitting down in their chairs when Mr Shue came in followed by Blaine. Kurt immediately turned to watch Blaine.
"So guess Blaine here has decided to audition to be in the glee club!" the whole class clapped, not as loudly as Kurt who was nearly jumping out of his seat.
"So Blaine when you're ready take it away!" Mr Shue said as he sat down on the first run of chairs.
Blaine walked over to Brad and leaned over saying something to him.
The piano started up and Blaine started to strum a guitar that he had picked up.
My baby's riding shotgun
Singin just a little off key
Her feet on the dashboard
Tapping out the back beat
The song on the radio's
Is talking about the love we make
I know just what she's thinking
And I can't wait
Kurt tapped along with the beat of the song, while Blaine walked around the room. He flirted with most of the girls, which didn't faze him as he knew that Blaine loved him.
Oh my sweet love
Keep singing me home
(Keep singing, love, keep singing)
Oh my sweet love
Keep singing me home
(Keep singing, love, keep singing)
Her tanline's showing
Out the waist of her cutoff jeans
Her damp hair blowing out the window
In the summer breeze
Got the sunshine
Shining through the windshield
Got a hand on her leg
The other on the wheel
Kurt laughed when Blaine went to flirt with Santana. Santana stood up and swayed her hips along with the song. But as the chorus approached, Blaine turned his attention to Kurt. Singing the last chorus to Kurt and Kurt only. A huge smile appeared on his face as he hummed along with the tune.
Oh my sweet love
Keep singing me home
(Keep singing, love, keep singing)
Oh my sweet love
Keep singing me home
(Keep singing, love, keep singing)
When Blaine finished everybody started clapping and whistling. Blaine took a bow and high-fived brad before looking to Mr Shue. "Welcome to Glee Club!" he said with a smile.
Blaine walked over to Kurt, just before he reached Kurt Santana grabbed his hand and pulled him close to whisper something, Blaine just smirk and said "Sorry honey you don't have the parts I'm in to," and walked over to Kurt. Pulling his chair closer to Kurt and kissing his cheek. Santana just huffed and sat back in her chair. Finn leaned back and said to Blaine, "You are so whipped!" before turning back to Rachel who was going on about a new song she wanted to try out. Glee ended just as quietly as it had started and Kurt and Blaine walked out hand in hand. As they head to the basketball court, Mercedes caught up too them and smile. "So you guys going to the game, cause us girls are gonna sit in the stand and are gonna gossip your welcome to join Kurt," Mercedes said with a smile.
"Of course I will be there, see you soon," Kurt said as Mercedes ran off.
When they got to the court, Blaine gave Kurt a quick kiss, and joined the boys on the court.
"Okay who doesn't mind stripping off for skins?" Puck asked
"How about Artie and myself are subs and the rest can split up in groups of three," Same said as he walked back over to the benches.
"I'm cool going shirtless," Mike said with smile.
"Add the Puckasauras to that list," Puck said as he took his shirt off, and walked back to the group.
"Me too," Blaine said as he walked back over to the group., following Puck. Puck handed his shirt to Quinn who was smiling. Blaine undid his tie and handed it too Kurt, and the pull his shirt over his head, also giving it to Kurt. Kurt folder his shirt and put it on the seat next to him. Puck and Blaine talked as they walked back over to the boys on the court.
"Wow, Blaine is fit," Quinn, said matter-of-factly. Kurt nodded, as his eyes followed Blaine on the court.
"Earth to Kurt," Mercedes said waving her hand in front of him.
"Sorry what?" Kurt snapped out of it.
"Haven't you seen your boyfriend naked?" Rachel asked
"Yes, but I didn't have enough time to see what he looks like I'm usually doing other stuff," Kurt said honestly.
"Really? Rachel asked.
"Yes Rachel. I was too busy to busy to look at him as I had his cock in my mouth," Kurt snapped as he watched Blaine.
Rachel gasped, and Quinn and Mercedes started to laugh. Sitting in front of them were Artie and Same who were too busy watching the game to notice what the girls and Kurt were talking about.
"How do you handle having it in your mouth?" Rachel asked, "I'm too frighten too," Rachel added.
"Well if I was too frighten of it, I would not be gay. But I didn't really think about it, it was more of a reward for him," Kurt said as he looked down at Rachel.
"For what?" Quinn asked this time.
"Well the first time he made sure I was the one to come, I didn't go down on him until our second time," Kurt said.
"Oh wow," Mercedes said. Kurt nodded.
Meanwhile on the court the skins were winning by 6 points and Blaine found out that Puck and himself made quite a team.
"Okay time-out," Finn called as he looked from Blaine too Puck. "You guys are making this harder!"
"We're not gonna hand it to you Finny-boy," Blaine said laughing.
"Oh now you're in for it!" Finn yelled throwing the ball at Blaine.
"Okay next one out of the two of use to score a goal, can use my apartment for a whole night while the other one covers for him," Blaine said holding out his hand.
"Whole night?" Finn asks,
"Yep but you can't use my bed, there's the spare bedroom." Finn nods and waits for everything to get in their positions.
As it turns out, Blaine was slightly better at Basketball than Finn, scoring a three-point basket within a minutes of their deal. Finn sighed he was really looking forward to sometime alone with Rachel. But a deal was a deal. Blaine shook Finn's hand. "If you ever want my apartment for you and Rachel, just ask." Blaine said with a smile.
Finn nodded, he was starting to like Blaine, and He believed what Kurt said.
Author's Note:
Hey Guys, Sorry I didn't upload this yesterday I was at Uni.
Also I have heard that some are you asked where chapter 12 and 13 disappeared. No they didn't guys they were entries 12 and 13 in my story. I had a couple of preview entries and I thought I would delete them.
Since I deleted them, some people can't review cause they already reviewed that entry. I'm sorry guys If you really want to tell me what you thought of the chapter. You might have to send me a PM. The reviews will be back to normal once we hit the 14th chapter
Just wanted to let you guys know the song i used in this chapter is called "Singing Me Home" By Lady Antebellum. Its a really beautiful song, so check it out :)
Also cause my little Rane(Reed and Shane) addiction, i wanted to know what happened when Reed woke up, in Shane's bed. So i'm writing a little drabble for that expect that to be up in maybe a couple of hours or at the latest tomorrow. I'll let you guys know : )
So sorry Guys.
Love you little readers
Mcberry xoxoxoxox