Feb. 29, 2012, 8:19 p.m.
Feb. 29, 2012, 8:19 p.m.
"No, please! There must be something I can do..."
"If you can get at least a B on all four classes, you're still in."
"How do I do that?" At this point he would do practically anything.
Coach Sylvester shrugged, "Porcelain, I don't care if you bribe some Asian kid to do all your homework or if you steal the answers, as long as you can score a B, it's the same to me."
Kurt nodded, he was decided, "I will."
And how he would do that? Kurt had no idea.
That night, Blaine invited his friends over his house. They were all scattered around his bedroom: Blaine was sitting in front of his desk, Nick on a chair next to him, Jeff lying down on the bed, Trent sitting next to Jeff and reading a magazine, Thad on the other side of Blaine and David just standing on a corner.
"So," Jeff was the first to talk after Blaine had shared the events of that day, "you found his phone and you don't know what to do with it, right?" Blaine nodded. "Why don't you just give it back?" Jeff shrugged.
"Yeah, that's what I thought but I'm not gonna see him until Monday, what am I gonna do until then?" Blaine looked around through his thick glasses, hoping one of his friends had an answer.
"How about," Nick was the next one to talk, "you call him."
"Great and how is he going to call him if he has his phone with him?" asked David as he made his way next to the window to press his back against it.
"Doesn't he have his house number there?" Nick asked to Blaine.
"I don't know, I haven't really checked anything." Blaine shrugged.
"So you've just played around with the thing all day?" Thad asked.
"No, of course not." Blaine said, almost looking offended, "It was ringing like crazy so I turned it off and I've had it in my pocket while I did my homework and all."
"Wait, so it's turned off right now?" Jeff said almost jumping out of the bed.
Blaine nodded, "Yeah but this isn't really helping me, what should I do with this?"
"Turn it on." Trent said without even looking away from his magazine, "You're gonna have to do it anyway if you want to return it before Monday." Blaine knew his friend was right but he still wasn't sure.
"What if there's something really private?"
"Of course there is!" said David, "It's a personal phone of course is full of private things, phone numbers, texts...You practically have this guy's entire social life in your hands."
"His name is Kurt."
"Whatever. The point is he's probably looking for this device right now, and if we don't hurry, he'll report it as stolen. So you gotta do something and fast."
It all came to that then, Blaine had to do the right thing and call someone close to Kurt so he could get his phone back.
"You know, you can stare at it all you want, you still have to turn it on." Blaine jumped when he heard Trent's voice.
"Right." Blaine pushed the button without a second thought, it seemed like forever while he was waiting for the home screen to appear. The first thing he noticed was the wallpaper, it was a picture of Kurt and some other cheerleaders; he stared at it for a couple of second, then sighed and asked to his friends, "Now what?"
Everyone went quiet for a while just looking at each other, then they all started talking at the same time, Blaine could only understand a few lines here and there:
"Look at the pictures!"
"Phone numbers first!"
"Notes! The notes!"
"..and if you accidentally look at any of his texts don't panic!"
"...you can find out about him that way..."
"...what if he's a psycho or something? That's something you wanna know..."
"...just pretend you didn't see anything..."
"...throw it outside the window!"
"STOP!" Blaine finally had it, everyone shut up immediately, "Thank you. Now, one by one tell me what I should do next."
All the boys stared at each other; Nick raised his hand as if asking permission to talk, Blaine motioned him to go ahead.
"Well, I think, that you should just go through his contacts, and search for someone who would help you get the phone back to Kurt."
"Except that, from what Blaine has told us," Thad was talking now, "Kurt is one of the most popular kids in school, he's ought to have billions of friends listed there, how are we gonna know which one is really close to him?"
Everyone considered this for a moment.
Trent rolled his eyes and sighed, "Oh for Heaven's sake," everyone looked at him, "I don't care what you do or how you do it, but if you don't do anything in the next ten seconds, by all these skinny twigs with fancy clothes on this magazine, I will do it myself!" All the guys just stared at Trent, no one really knew what to say, "And it will not be pretty!"
All eyes focused on Blaine then, waiting to see his next move.
That's when they heard a sound coming from the phone.
"What was that?" Thad asked.
"I don't know," answered Blaine, "it doesn't say anything so it's not a text or a call."
"It's an email." Now everyone looked at Jeff, "Dude, I recognize that sound when I hear it, he just got an email."
"Should I...?"
"Gimme that!" Trent snatched the device from Blaine's hands.
"What are you doing?"
"What you don't clearly have the balls to do!" Nobody argued with him, they were smart enough to stay off of Trent's bad side.
"Hang on...give me the phone Trent! ...please?" Jeff spoke and once the phone was handed to him, he started looking for something. "Got it!" he said after a while.
"What?" Blaine was anxious now.
Jeff showed him the phone, "That my friend, is Kurt's email address."
"Don't you get it? You can talk to him now!"
"That's actually pretty smart." David acknowledged.
"Thank you."
"Alright, but how...?"
"Well you got an email address don't you?"
"Of course I do..."
"So what's the problem then?"
"I-I...What would I say?"
"Hi, I'm Blaine, I found your phone?" Nick said.
"He doesn't even know who I am..."
"Well now he will!" Thad chimed in. Blaine still looked skeptical though.
"What's the problem? This is the perfect conversation starter, now you have a great excuse to start talking to him!" Jeff was baffled now.
"But what if he doesn't like me?"Blaine thought, he really was scared of that possibility.
He didn't say it aloud though, instead he asked, "So what, do I just say "hey you forgot your phone and I have it?" Just like that?"
"Do you have a better idea?" Trent asked Blaine.
"I got one." Jeff said. Then without further ado, he walked to Blaine's computer and logged on a website.
"What are you doing?" Someone asked, Jeff didn't realize who it was.
"We're gonna use Wes' account to talk to Kurt, he will never know who is it from, it's perfect!"
"But...what if Wes checks his email?" David inquired, "He does need it for school you know?"
"That's why we're using IM!" Jeff said as if it was so obvious. "Besides, he's busy with "college stuff", he's barely on lately."
"Are you sure about this?" Blaine wasn't so sure of Jeff's idea.
"Dude, he hasn't been on in months, trust me." And just like he that, he added Kurt's email. "
"He's not even online." Blaine said, but Jeff hadn't listened, he was already already typing.
"Hey there, guess who forgot his phone in class today and guess who has it now." Thad had read that message out loud.
"That doesn't sound like me." Blaine pointed out.
"Yeah, that's the point."
"That's your brilliant idea?" David couldn't believe it, "Blaine passing out as another person?"
"You know I think it might actually work." Blaine said, when David stared at him like he was crazy, Blaine returned him an "I know, I can't believe it either" look.
"I know right? Then you can setup a time and place, then Blaine sweeps in, returns the phone, then BAM he's a hero and Kurt loves him forever. It's okay, you can hold your applause."
"Looks like someone replied." Nick pointed a finger at the screen. Blaine just stared blankly at the screen, this was really happening.