Feb. 29, 2012, 8:19 p.m.
Feb. 29, 2012, 8:19 p.m.
First day of school, full of new scared faces, familiar faces, change of looks, and the usual chitchat all around. Across the parking lot, on different spaces, we see two different cars whose owners aren't aware of each other.
Blaine is sitting on the passenger seat, looking at the entrance full of students on his new school. "I'll come pick you up at three, okay?" Blaine turned to the woman who had just spoken.
"Yeah," he nodded lightly.
The woman gave him a warm smile, "I know you're scared sweetheart," she cupped one of his cheeks on her hand, "but it'll be alright, you'll do fine. I'm sure you will."
Blaine smiled, that did comfort him a little, "Thanks mom. See you at three." He jumped out of the car with his backpack slinging over one arm, squinting his eyes a bit due to the sunlight streaking over his eyes, it wouldn't be such a hard hit hadn't he be using glasses, unfortunately his sight didn't allow that. He pushed the thick frames back in place using his index finger. He turned around to wave goodbye to his mother, she waved back and Blaine didn't have other option but to walk towards the front doors. He was focusing on not standing out so much he didn't even look at the other students around him, more specifically, a boy getting out of a Navigator.
Kurt parked in the free space, he had intended to arrive early so it wouldn't be so hard to find a free space, however he couldn't just rush his thorough morning skin care routine, then his hair needed as much treatment and finally, his clothes couldn't just be worn with just any other garment. Alas, he had to take his time in order to get ready for school. Plus, it was the first day; probably the only day when you feel so much excitement around, which it wears off by the second day.
He saw his friend Mercedes heading to the front doors, "Mercedes!" He shouted from the driver's seat and waved to get her attention. She smiled and deviated to where Kurt was. He jumped out of the car with a huge smile on his face; he had barely seen her over the summer and missed her so much. The two divas hugged tightly, unaware of the nerdy kid that had passed just next to them.
They linked their arms together as they walked towards the school entrance, exchanging the typical small talk you have with a friend after spending a summer apart. They found their lockers, right next to each other.
"So, are you trying out for the Cheerios this year?" Mercedes asked.
"I hadn't thought about it," Kurt was slightly confused, "why? Are you?"
"Maybe," Mercedes shrugged, "I heard coach Sylvester is looking for singers this year. We should give it a try!"
"You're insane...besides how do you even know that? It's the first day!" Kurt said as he took the supplies he'd be using for his first class.
"Social networks, Kurt! People talk, rumors are spread..." Mercedes closed her locker.
"Okay, even if it is true that she's looking for singers, what are we going to do on the Cheerios? We can't do stunts." Kurt slammed his locker shut.
"Please, you learn fast, you're light and I'm sure you're strong enough to lift one of the crazy thin girls."
"What about you?"
"Can't do much stunts when I'm rocking the house with my voice." They both laughed.
"You are one of a kind, Mercedes." He smiled at her. She smiled back, before they could say anything else, the bell rang.
"See you at lunch?" Mercedes asked.
"Sure." They waved goodbye and each headed to their first class. For Kurt that class was AP English, he found the designated classroom and opened the door with a sigh, not knowing what was expecting him on the other side.
It's a good start. I like the plot a lot, and you should continue! :D