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Callbacks: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,027 - Last Updated: Dec 11, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Nov 30, 2012 - Updated: Dec 11, 2012
305 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Rachel tries to tell Kurt about this new kid that's apparently from Ohio too, but all Kurt feels is jealousy and a strong need to show him up.

“Alright Kurt, you’ve gotta stop hiding in the bathroom. Eventually you’re gonna have to actually face these people. You are a star. They are weaklings. You can do this!”

Kurt kept repeating these positive little mantras to himself over and over as he stared into the mirror. Normally, he really wouldn’t care what others thought of him. He’d learn to turn that off in high school, going for “fierce, confident, diva” instead. But there was something about meeting all these NYADA hopefuls that had his stomach tied up in knots. Maybe it was the fact that he was trying again, and some of these kids would just walk right in. Kurt didn’t quite understand why he always had to work twice as hard for half the credit.

“Oh, hey Kurt. Rachel said she thought you were in here. You got a showstopper planned for us?” Brody said, as he walked for an open stall.

“Hey Brody, yeah, I haven’t quite narrowed down my song selection yet. I mean, there’s just so many things I’m good at, you know?” Kurt shot back, trying to keep up the persona that he had it all together.

“Yeah man, seriously, I wish I could sing some of the songs you pull off. My song selection is pretty narrow.”

“Are we really having this conversation while you are taking a piss?”

“Well, now we’re not!” Brody said as he walked over to the mirrors to wash his hands. “But seriously, so I don’t forget it later, I wish you the best of luck tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Brody.”

“You better get out there soon, though. I think Rachel’s about to sing and she’ll be livid if you aren’t there cheering her on.”

“Duelly noted.” Kurt said, gave himself one final glance, and walked for the door.

Kurt had walked back in the room just as Rachel was taking the stage. She was introducing herself again. And now she was talking about Kurt’s ridiculous step-brother, aka, her “crazy ex in Ohio.” Finn had essentially dumped Rachel to join the army, and then had proceeded to shoot himself in the foot and not tell anyone about it. Needless to say, Rachel was pretty pissed about it, seeing as she was singing the corniest song on the planet.

Rachel was of course doing an amazing job, she always did. Kurt had been living slightly in her shadows for years now, but he still really respected her talent. No one was a driven as Rachel, not even him. For years, she had really driven him crazy, and they’d competed for solos forever, with Rachel seemingly getting all of them. But, in the end, he would always have her back and be her number one fan, no matter what. As the song came to a close, he let out a wild yell.


“Thanks everyone! Okay, who’s next?” Rachel said, passing off the mic to a girl Kurt didn’t recognize…must be one of the newbies.

“Taylor Swift? Really, Rachel?”

“Listen Kurt, I felt that this song accurately conveyed what I am currently feeling, and besides, your yell gave you away….you thought it was great.”

“I will never think that Taylor Swift is ‘great’, but you sounded amazing as usual.”

“I’ll take that compliment, and thank you.”

Rachel went back over to Brody and a few of what must be newbies. Kurt thought one of them must be the guy that is staying with Brody, seeing as he’s introducing him to Rachel. He thought, “Nice body, but doesn’t look like a dancer. Probably means he can sing like Frank Sinatra.” Just Kurt’s luck, another vocal major to compete with tomorrow. At least this kid was here, so he’d get to hear him sing before the auditions tomorrow. Kurt tried to listen in on their conversation, but it was just too loud to hear anything. Anyway, he knew Rachel would tell him everything about him tonight without him even having to ask. He made his way back to his favorite stool at the bar and got set to watch a few more people perform.

Rachel basically came barreling at him full speed, a wide smile across her face.

“Kurt, hey! You won’t believe it! The guy staying with Brody is from Ohio too! Who says great talent doesn’t come from Ohio? His name is Blaine, and…”

“That’s nice Rachel, but really, how many people from the Buckeye state do you think NYADA will really take? Here I was worried that I was competing against another strong singer, but now you’re telling me he’s from Ohio too? This night couldn’t get any worse.” Kurt thought maybe he shouldn’t have come out to Callbacks tonight after all.

Kurt basically paced across the back of the room, running through all the songs that he could possibly sing. He had to shut out all the competition tonight, he couldn’t wait until tomorrow. If this Blaine kid was half as talented as he was, he’d probably end up taking his place on the NYADA roll. That’s how life had always been for Kurt. There was always someone who just fit the mold a little bit better. Well, not tonight. Tonight Kurt was gonna make everyone listen. Tonight he was gonna be the star.

As he was pacing, a few girls had taken to the mic to sing “Single Ladies”. Kurt thought back to when he’d gotten his friends Tina and Brittany to make a music video with him. And how he’d joined the football team and taught them the dance too. All in a matter of one year, Kurt had managed to score the winning goal at a football game and lead a cheerleading squad to a national championship. Two years later, he was the reigning national glee club champion too. Kurt Hummel was amazing. He let out a little laugh to himself and thought, “If only the world would see it.”

After the room finished laughing and applauding the girls on stage, everyone went back to their little conversations. There was a little feedback on stage, but no one really paid it any attention. Happened all the time. Just then, he heard a new voice come over the mic.

“Hi, everyone, my name is Blaine Anderson, and I’d like to sing and play a song for you guys….”

End Notes: So yay! Kurt is finally getting to hear Blaine's voice! Wonder what his reaction will be? :)


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