Just lucky to have you
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Just lucky to have you: Chapter 5

M - Words: 1,010 - Last Updated: Jul 22, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Mar 29, 2013 - Updated: Jul 22, 2013
222 0 0 0 0


"Sebastian.. Sebastian please. Please. Stop- i-I have to go, my dad will be wondering where I am.. Seb please, please stop.." Kurt whimpered, with the arm rest dug deep in his back.

"oh come on sexy, I need this." Sebastian hissed, pressing down harder and crashing their mouths together in a hungry kiss. Kurt felt suffocated, trying to breathe and push Sebastian off of him.

"No-no, Seb please, I really gotta go.. please, later I promise, I just, I have to get home.." Kurt pleaded.

"Fine. Get the fuck out of my car." Sebastian grunted. Pushing himself off of Kurt and climbing into the front seat.

"Sebastian, don't-don't be angry, im-im sorry. I just, you know how my dad gets i.." Kurt started

"I said, Get.The.Fuck.Out.Of.My.Car." Sebastian screamed through gritted teeth, eyes flaring. Kurt's breath hitched, he felt it coming, the all too familiar slap, but instead of that Sebastian just reached over and open the door, pushing Kurt into the dark street.

"Seb! Im sorry!" Kurt yelled, Sebastian only rolled his eyes, slammed the door and took off down the street, leaving Kurt alone and cold. He let out a deep breath and took out his phone, telling his dad he'd be home soon, just got held up at the library, and started to two mile walk in shame.

I need to stop doing this. I need to stop upsetting him. I need to stop freaking out when he tries to do stuff. He's never going to hit you again, he promised that, so why do I keep freaking out? That was one night... and-and Sebastian loves me. He was so sorry about that night, he cried, remember, he CRIED. He wouldn't have cried if he didn't feel bad about it... right? I need to just suck it up. Just fight it next time. He's my boyfriend, I need to satisfy him, otherwise, he'll leave me again. And you know how that was last time. No-no I can't let that happen, I can't lose him again, I won't lose him again. I just have to let myself be intimate with him again, like I used to, yeah, that's all. It'll be okay. It'll be fun..

He pulled out his house key, sliding it into the lock and pushing the door open. The familiar smell of lasagna hitting him instantly, crap. Its Friday.

"Dad?" Kurt yelled, shutting the door behind him.

"You're late." Burt yelled back. Kurt walked in the kitchen, his family already seated and eating, his heart dropped when he saw the hurt expression on his father's face.

"I know dad I'm sorry, I just-I got caught up at the library." Kurt said, looking at his feet. He hated lying to his dad, but he couldn't tell him he was with Sebastian, no, there's no way he could do that.

Carole, his stepmother, picked up on Kurt's tension, and started speaking, "Oh honey, it's no problem, just make yourself a plate, and join the table." She said with an eager smile.

Kurt sent her a look off gratitude and got a small plate of lasagna, joining his family. Fortunately after that, things seemed to go back to normal, Finn, his stepbrother, going on about some fight he was in with his girlfriend, Carole telling horror stories about some of the worst cases that came to the hospital that week, everyone making faces and laughing loudly. It was just like every other Friday night, and although Kurt did his father's eyes on him more than once; he did his best to ignore it. After everyone was done, and Finn had left, Burt turned to his wife,

"Hey Carole can you give me and Kurt a minute alone please." Kurt froze, oh no.

"Yeah sure honey, I have to call me sister anyways, I'll see you in alittle." She said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Kurt watched his father watch her leave, the smile never leaving his face. Kurt couldn't help but feel happy for his dad, he was so sad before Carole, and even if she'd never be his mother, Kurt couldn't have picked someone better for his dad if he had tried.

"So, Kurt. Do you want to tell me what's going on with you?" Kurt's heart started racing. He looked down at the table.

"umm.. I'm not sure what you mean." He said quietly.

"Kurt you haven't missed a family dinner since you were 12. I know something's off, you never go out with your friends anymore, you spend all of your time at the library, and I now that you cry at night, I hear you. So talk to me buddy. Are you getting bad again?" Burt questioned concern in his eyes. "Look buddy I know you don't think I can handle things after the heart attack, but I'm fine, I promise, I need you to know that I'm here for you, I need you to be able to talk to me. I love you Kurt, and it hurts me to see you so down. You're the best person I know Kurt, you deserve the world. You deserve happiness." Kurt could feel the tears in his eyes, but he fought them back as best as he could. Still looking at the table, he wanted to tell his dad about Sebastian, about everything but he couldn't. He knew his dad would make him break up with him, and he couldn't do that. No. He couldn't. So he sucked up his tears, lifted his face, and gave an award winning smile.

"I'm really fine dad, I promise, but I am a little tired, so I think I'm going to hit the hay okay? I love you!" Kurt said, getting up from the table and turning to leave.

Burt didn't seem to buy it, but didn't press the matter, he just sighed and said, "Okay bud, I love you too." Kurt climbed the stairs and didn't let his smile drop until he was in his room. He collapsed into his bed and slammed his face into his pillow which was instantly damp with his tears.

Sebastian is worth it. Sebastian is worth it. Sebastian is worth it..


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